Batanes General Hospital (Final Edit)

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Batanes General Hospital (BGH), the premier and lone health institution in

the northernmost part of the Philippine Archipelago which traces its roots
from two health institutions created by specific laws of the Republic of the
Philippines. Like old Ivatan houses, the Batanes General Hospital has
withstood the tests of the scorching heat of the sun and the extreme whips of
gales and typhoons. It has also been mesmerizing both young and old who
wish to savor the gift of quality health care services.

Despite the complex challenges brought about by the pandemic, continuous

upgrades made in the facilities have greatly contributed to the uplifting of the
health services of the institution. Considering the province’s geopolitical and
geographical location, the accessibility and cost of transportation, extreme
weather condition, traveling to and back from the mainland to receive medical
management is an echt challenge. That is why BGH is accoutering towards
the realization of its vision of becoming a Level 2 Accredited Hospital to be
able to provide more special care and treatment to the community.

Our progress and accomplishments over the past couple of years have also
been buoyed by public philanthropy. Since 2012, BGH has been a recipient of
various assistance from the Health Facilities Enhancement Program (HFEP) of
the Department of Health. This is impervious that even those isolated islands
can be benefited from the different supports and initiatives of the National
Government such as upgrading of electrical systems, construction of new
buildings, the establishment of oxygen generating plant, provision of access
facilities, and improvement of spaces to address the needs of our
stakeholders are made possible through the concerted efforts and
collaboration of the government and the non-government organization.

The outstanding features of Batanes as a cultural landscape are its

hedgerows and sustainable farming systems, sustainable fishing practices,
cooperative traditions, communal ownership of precious resources such as
pasture and cogonal lands, traditional settlements of vernacular houses, and
priceless archaeological sites.

Together, these features depict a native people at their native best in

mastering a harsh environment and fashioning out a dignified, sustainable
existence even in isolation. Thus, BGH prepares itself to be a hospital tourism
hub as evidence by the increasing influx of tourists visiting the Paradise of the
North- Batanes.

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