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CAst -05 NAMES Pranil Nandankar ROLL NO § 21MBAMRTDES 'SUBTELTS Toor's™ Moneett na Ronny sf _Kotch” Tnvodvetions / nave ' The: ave cease 15 albpot speciality and Anioreiation oF Rvan’ of . Kutch & Rann Yteav Tt ts an. annua ty org anised Asta which oFters Jan. various activites? dor vistors” - Ke keeDN as awesome Feshvat [ot oth , Gujarat; Twaia.. Question b Answees + What was Kotcn wefore yoo? Was it ‘on Aovrism ap of; “India? Considering mM. sneer whore! do” yo0 Rmd Wotch now On, TALC? Ans => Relore oo0r, Kutene'wos a desert with wtle habitat spot False less developed population . The main busintss of Ahtse. are depends on the salt | aviditakle in ‘Weary aortas.) The lands was no wire KADWOM’ aS ‘Apvrist dts¥nation. After weakening decomeniy, ier is | develop by TAL. i Ans => Rann Utsav festival was stort@ tn’ s00e, by noravle chick Minister of Gujrat, Mr Navendta Modt. The festival motte aoas to develop bvjarat and tourism dtstination along wh snare le anniversary , Now fe Was betome a Festival shina meri landscape. Anat gives Ahe Enhancing experi enont- Ha | oe ave paleeiy) GAS Ih ‘toyetsm. ‘Ans> [Rom vtsav Retraction — The Start Wills of Kutch Te advanterovs & Spot activ’ Nondscape view at mgnt WAC festivals araaifional attivities. Accomodation —+ Tents Aveal homestays Aatesieidy — Well Aransport acividies Aevnities — Netessarg airs & AONESs oF AMM Nites G4 [TDorisen Prodvet development fns=>{l\) Primary input ort ane process Forder *aroogn Manvfactori ng of Avvrism products sven as purchase, accomodation , restravnts , shopping areas. by lmmedrate imopvts are services associated with 4pprisea indvstey . A)MrodvcA eeation prdess is iM wetweN various aerivities gives expeNee as HiMal ovtput Ms 4ns> Tut parkage ran ge From AK AD LOK atgending ‘ovt al’ of Ahem lave aktordabole considering Ane Facies Anat provide along with ster activities Tht availatole paueagcin ate Ronvy Utsav tour jpacko. at Ans > [mere ave various booking platform available as Rann Utsav ooking welsre also vid fujarat tourism. Local agunts & rove jpytrarors help Xo evoke ypor ovr ye ans > Wt Seadase. wintstry oF Tourism controls all state 4pvriem promotion ey using ai qeal “tmannels lie Medio pied est iy

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