Grade 10 Third Quarter Pre-Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Victorino Mapa High School
S.Y. 2022-2023

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Which type of writing has differing points of view?
a. descriptive writing c. argumentative writing b. narrative writing d. informative writing
2. . What is a debate topic?
a. an issue people feel strongly in favor of or opposed to
b. an issue that everybody has the same opinion of
c. an issue that no one cares about
d. an issue that cannot be debated
3. . Which term means you like something strongly?
a. opposed to b. against c. in favor of d. unsure of
4. When you copy information exactly from a source, you must ____.
a. plagiarize
b. use quotation marks to show it is not your own work
c. pretend it is your own work
d. not use every word
5. What do you call a piece of information which can be proven?
a. an anecdote b. a fact c. an example d. a statistic
6. What term refers to a style of writing that provides factual information?
a. Informative b. Narrative c. Unreasonable d. Opinion
7. What is the part of the critique where the name of the author is stated as well as the
brief description and the general indication of overall significance of a work?
a. conclusion b. introduction c. context d. body
8. In what part of the critique you could find figures of speech and literary devices used
and their purpose in the story?
a. conclusion b. introduction c. context d. body
9. What is the part of the critique where literal description and interpretation of the major
elements or portions of the work are indicated?
a. conclusion b. introduction c. context d. body
10. What is the part of the critique where critical assessment of the value, worth, meaning,
or significance of the work, both positive and negative are stated?
a. conclusion b. introduction c. context d. body

Direction: Write a check ( √ ) mark if the given statement is a critique and a cross (X) mark, if it is not.
_____ 11. The Big Wave by Pearl S. Buck is a short novel about two young boys who live in Japan.
When the big wave comes and takes Jiya's family, Jiya is raised by Kino's parents, but he must make a
life decision when people begin rebuilding the fishing village on the deserted beach.
_____ 12. The Big Wave is a story for children. It is about a tsunami that devastates a village and
changes forever the life of two boys. Although the story is one of tragedy and loss, of a horrific natural
disaster, it is told in a gentle, direct manner. Written in a simple style, the novella's overarching theme is
overcoming tragedy in life.
_____ 13. He tells Kino's father, "If ever the big wave comes back, I shall be ready. I
face it. I am not afraid."
_____ 14. Jiya only shook his head. “The sea is our enemy,” he repeated. “We all know it.”
_____ 15. In doing this, Jiya will be prepared if the big wave returns, and he is not afraid. Kino and his
parents return to their farm, leaving Jiya and Setsu at their new home to start their new life.


Directions: Choose the best answer from the word bank that suits the given description. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Possessive Reflexive Intensive Personal

Relative Indefinite Antecedent

_____ 16. Some examples of this type of pronouns are: I, you, she, he, it, we, they, us, and them.
_____ 17. A noun or pronoun which another noun or pronoun refers to.
_____ 18. This type of pronoun connects the dependent and independent clauses.
_____ 19. It is a pronoun that does not specifically identify who or what it is referring to.
_____ 20. A pronoun that expresses possession, ownership, origin, and relationship.


Directions: Identify the type of literary approach for each of the example paragraphs below. Write A, if
the literary approach used is FORMALIST, write B if it is MORALIST, and write C if it is MARXIST.

1. The Tortoise and the Hare is a children's story and we can get moral lessons from it. And the
lesson for this story is "Slow and steady wins the race." Though it's a children's story, it still
imparts lessons and that's what moral criticism criticizes, it looks for the lesson in the literary
2. Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is a horrifying example of what happens when society can only
distinguish two classes, specifically the downtrodden working class and the wealthy leader
class. This is made clear through the characterization of the higher class, as well as the lower
class, and the effects on social change due to the class differences.
3. Mary had a Little Lamb is a metaphor for Christianity. The Lamb represents the “Lamb of God”
[Jesus], and Mary represents the “Mother of God” [Virgin Mary]. The Lamb’s fleece is “white as
snow” representing the purity of the soul of Jesus. “Everywhere that Mary went” is a metaphor
for the presence of Jesus in the life of those who follow Christianity.
4. In Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” the protagonist, Louise Mallard, is a complex and
multi-dimensional character whose reactions to her husband's supposed death serve as a lens
through which the reader can view the oppressive nature of marriage. Her initial response to the
news of her husband's death is one of profound grief, but this quickly gives way to a sense of
liberation and newfound freedom as she realizes the implications of her newfound
5. "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein is a classic children's book that utilizes a moralist literary
approach to convey a profound lesson about the importance of generosity and selflessness.
Through the relationship between the tree and the boy, the book explores the themes of giving
and taking, and the consequences of each. The tree's unwavering generosity serves as a stark
contrast to the boy's growing selfishness, ultimately highlighting the importance of living a life
that is centered on helping others.

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