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Thank Course outine se hi lec 2 comesiy ogee un Lace Comey omegee Dan pte wa:segn Prete Seen een Week 3 : Assignment 3 choose the comect option based onthe following two satunents onthe HART Physical cd Layer. ‘Statement I: Tes derived foa the EEE 802.18. protacel. ‘Statement III opersted ony ia the 24 GHe ISM band Statemeat Tive and Statement False ‘Statemeat Fels and Stemi True ‘Both Statements Land It are False ‘Bh Statements Land are True pore we hich ofthe following characteristic of HART Data Link Layer helps o increase cd selablty and secu? Channel Hopping aod Channel Blacklising CChaanel Crsching snd Jonna Seatering Alloftiese pepe 9 Stake Tre or Fae spa ‘Stateneut: Chantel blacklisting ia HART denies channels consistently affected by totertrence and removes then fom = a Te b Fake on atthe MAC tyer— tone ‘Statement: Wireless HART wilizes Tine Divison Multiple Access (TDMA), ‘Statement TE: ZigBee applies Caer Sese Malle Access with Collision Detection (CSMA‘CD), 1. Statement True and Statement False 1 Staemeutl Falke and Sttencotll Tre Both Statement and I ae False 4 Both Statements Tan I ae Tre NPC works onthe principal of aod Prevare ‘Mognetie Inston Bott (@) and (0) None of these on © Bloetooth eehnologys tase on Adios technology als known a 1. AdsioePicoets 1, Adbhoe Microaets &. Adhoe Nanoaets 4. None ofthese e 7 class 2 Bluetooth adios have a rage of about? Im lm-Sm idm & None of ese Which ofthe fllowing is NOT phase in Blutooth connection establishment? Inquiry Booking Posing ‘Cometion wave can support saumbe of nodes ina netwouk? ae a3 bs 49) Topologies alloeed in SA 100.114 are? Ring Only 1. Mesh and Hb Mesh and Ring 4. Mesh and Stn Tree ee © An example of Opesating System (08) that a sensor aode can have is? a MicrouOS '. Tia30s «= Both (a) nd (&) None of these ich of te fllowing is NOT a consiaia on sesor nodes? ‘Mas consame extremely Io power Be oonaitonomovs Be adaptive to environment Nowe ofthese pane pan pane an an pane 29) Nodes in WSNs tha xii etures of ied nodes but they ca also sed fle rooting ‘messages which areata! ote ati of the nework te called? ‘Noma Nodes Badly Failed Nodes Filed Nodes ‘Selfish Nodes 4 Which ofthe following are the two popular schemes to reestablish the connestivity ‘eee dumb nodes with others? ‘CoARD and CORD ‘CORAD aud CoARD (CORD and CoRAD ‘None ofthese 9) Full form of WBAN: ‘Wireless Body Ares Network Wirelesied Body Area Nenoek ‘Wireless Bodily Area Netwook [None ofthese = spe an pan

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