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Text AutoFit
1. If we type more text than fit in the text box, the text automatically shrinks to fit.
2. In manually placed text boxes text box itself gets larger to accommodate the text.

To Avoid AutoFit
a. We may resize text box by using mouse
b. Select Text Box Right-Click Format Shape Size & Properties Do not Autofit

c. File Options Proofing AutoCorrect AutoFormat as you Type AutoFit Title/ Body Text to
Insert New Slide
Insert New Slide Select Required Pattern

Importing slide number 28 from pptexamples after slide number 30 of

Wireless and Mobile Communications

Importing from other presentation

To add all of the slides, right click any slide, and then select Insert All Slides.

Insert Slides from Outline

Slide Master

On the slide master add any text, apply any formatting, change bullet characters, insert graphic/ picture.

Copy the Slide Master from the First Presentation

1. Open both presentations: the one we want to copy a slide master from, and the one we want to
paste the slide master into.
2. In the presentation that has the slide master we want to copy, on the View tab, select Slide Master.
3. In the slide thumbnail pane, right-click the slide master, and then select Copy.

Paste the Slide Master into the New Presentation

1. On the View tab, select Switch Windows, and then select the presentation that we want to paste the
slide master to.
2. On the View tab, select Slide Master.
3. In the thumbnail pane, right-click the slide master, and then do one of the following;
a. To take on the theme colors, fonts, and effects of the destination presentation that we are
pasting to, click Use Destination Theme Use destination formatting.
b. To maintain the theme colors, fonts, and effects of the presentation that we are copying from,
click Keep Source Formatting Keep source formatting.
4. When we are finished, select Close Master View.
Handout Master
Use the Handout Master tab to edit the appearance of presentation handouts, including the layout,
headers and footers, and background. Changes made to the handout master appear on all pages of the
printed handout.

Change the Layout: In the Page Setup group, we can specify the number and layout of slides to print on
each page, change the orientation of handouts, and set the slide size. We can use settings on all three
menus—Handout Orientation, Slide Size, and Slides Per Page—to customize our layout exactly how we
want it.

View Master Views Handout Master

Use Home menu Use Insert menu to add
to format text graphic or other object

Drag a text placeholder to move

it, and use the text box sizing
handles to change its size

Notes Master
Each slide in our PowerPoint deck can have some notes associated with it -- and these are placed in the
Notes pane area. Look of printed Notes pages can be modified within the Notes Master. Any changes
we make within the Notes Master view affects the look within Notes Page view, and the layout of
printed Notes pages. Do note though that these changes do not affect the appearance of the Notes pane
in Normal view.

Notes Master provides several placeholders that can be modified as follows:

1. The Slide itself
2. The Notes area -- these are the same notes that we can see in the Notes pane within Normal view --
however, we can change the font size and type here.
3. Header placeholder
4. Date placeholder
5. Footer placeholder
6. Number placeholder
7. Notes Page Background -- This is not a placeholder! We can apply a picture background or change
the colors as per our company branding.

View Master Views Notes Master

We can do the following tasks within the Notes Master:

1. Select any placeholder and delete it by pressing Delete key on our keyboard.
2. Reposition placeholders by dragging them to a new position.
3. Resize the placeholders.
4. Format placeholder by using the tools on the Ribbon or menus.
5. Add pictures, SmartArt, clip art, or any other kind of slide objects that we want to display in the
Notes view, or when Notes are printed. Do note that these slide objects (anything we insert other
than the placeholders that were already available in the Notes Master) will not be editable for
individual slides. Make sure that any individual objects we add are sent behind all the placeholders --
to do so, select the object we inserted, then right-click and choose the Send to Back | Send to Back
option in the resultant contextual menu.

Make the changes as required, and choose any of these options to get back to Normal view:
1. Access the Notes Master tab on the Ribbon, and click the Close Master View button.
2. Access the View tab of the Ribbon, and click the Normal button.
3. We can also click the Normal button located on the Status Bar.

Shape Fill/ Shape Outline has an option of Eyedropper

1. Double-click the shape or other thing we want to match colors for. (Even we can select multiples.
Press Ctrl and then click the shapes.) Then click any of the color options, such as Shape Fill.
2. Using the eyedropper, click the color we want to match and apply to the selected shape or object.
3. As we move our pointer around the different colors, a live preview of the color appears. Hover or
pause on a color to see its RGB (Red Green Blue) color coordinates. Click on the color we want. For a
more accurate way of getting the exact color we want when many colors are clustered together,
select the color by pressing Enter or Space bar instead.
4. To cancel the eyedropper without picking a color, press Esc.
TIP: We can also match colors anywhere on our screen. After clicking Eyedropper, click and hold the
mouse button as we drag our mouse to the color we want to match. The eyedropper goes away when we
move outside PowerPoint, but the color will still preview and be matched.

Action (Links)
Assign an action linked with an object to occur when clicking mouse or when clicking mouse over the
object. The linked object may be pictures, or text in a SmartArt graphic. The action may be:

Go to the next slide, the previous slide, the first slide, the last slide, the most recent slide viewed, a
specific slide number, a different Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation, or a Web page.
 Run a program
 Run a macro
 Play an audio clip
 Move to specific slide
It will take into effect during Slide Show View.

Run Object will only be enabled if there is/are any macro(s) in the presentation
Object Action will be enabled if there is/ are any OLE Object(s) in the presentation
For SmartArt graphics, you can only assign an action to the text within the shapes, but not to the
individual shapes in a SmartArt graphic.
At the bottom of shapes we will find Action Buttons,
Action Buttons provide great visual cues to the action it
launches, but we can also assign actions to other objects,
such as clip art, pictures, general shapes, or to the text in
a SmartArt graphic.

Borrow a Theme from another PowerPoint Presentation

Locate and select a PowerPoint presentation with a theme to be applied for the presentation.

Quickly Copy a Design Theme from one Presentation to Another

1. Open two presentations (source and target) then arrange them to view both at a time.
2. Select the source slide and then click on the thumbnail of the slide we want to copy the theme from.
Once selected, click the Format Painter icon.
3. Click on the destination slide and then click the thumbnail of the slide we want to receive the
4. We may need to click twice: Once to select the target slide and a second time to apply the format to
the thumbnail.
5. This technique works best if we use it on a new presentation, since all new pages will be based on
the new theme. But we can apply the format to all slides of an existing presentation if needed. Just
double-click the Format Painter button before selecting the destination slide and then click on each
of the slide thumbnails individually to apply the theme.
Sections in PowerPoint
Sections in PowerPoint let us divide a presentation into two or more groups of slides. Sections are
designed to be used with large presentations that contain a large number of slides that can easily be
grouped into logical groupings.

To create a new section in our presentation, just select the first slide that we want in the new section,
switch to the Home tab, click the Section button (found in the Slides group), and then choose Add
Section. The new section appears in the Slide thumbnail area with the name Untitled Section.

After we’ve created one or more sections in our presentation, we can do several interesting things with
the sections:

 We can select all the slides in a section by clicking the section header in the Slide Thumbnail pane.
 We can collapse or expand the sections in the Slide Thumbnail pane by clicking the arrow at the left
of the section header.
 We can rename a section by right-clicking the section header and choosing Rename Section.
 We can move all the slides in a section by dragging the section header to a new location in the Slide
Thumbnail pane.
 We can delete the slides in a section, as well as the section itself, by clicking the section header to
select the section and then pressing the Delete key.
 We can remove a section without deleting its slides by right-clicking the section header and
choosing Remove Section.
 During a slide show, we can go to the first slide in any section by clicking the Menu icon in the
bottom-left corner of the slide, then choosing Go To Section and selecting the section we want to go
During Slide Show View

During Slide Show View

Compare Different Versions of a Presentation

After a person has made changes to our presentation, we can compare our original with the one that
has been changed. Just open original presentation and go to Review and click on Compare.

Wireless and Mobile Communications is the original presentation
Wireless and Mobile Communications - Modified is the changed version

Accept Change; Accept All Changes to this
Slide; Accept All Changes to the Presentation

Reject will be activated after acceptance of any kind, Reject has about same options as Accept

Animation Effect to Text or Objects

We can apply animation effects (motion) to text, pictures, shapes, SmartArt graphics, and more, so they
play in our slide show. Build a slide presentation that animates bullet points or even production credits.

Some entrance and exit effects (such as Flip, Drop, and Whip) and some emphasis effects (such as Brush
Color and Wave) are available only for objects that contain text. If we want to apply an animation effect
that isn't available for this reason, try adding a space inside object.
It’s Show Time

To start Slide Show

from current slide

Present Online option will be dealt in later, see Present Presentation Online.

Present Presentation Online

The Office Presentation Service (free public service) allows others to follow along in their web browser
using free Microsoft account.

Slide having video and audio links have been removed before putting the presentation online

To send online presentation to readers, choose one of the following:

 Copy Link – and paste it somewhere others can access it
 Send in email – Presentation may not be sent directly from PowerPoint but we have to open an
email program, create email, and then attach the presentation.

Press Esc to get rid of Slide Show Viewing showing entire presentation.
Set Up Slide Show
Prepare a presentation to be played without any presenter. Most controls may be made unavailable to
the reader so the reader cannot make changes himself/ herself. Self-running presentations restart after
they are finished and when they have been idle on a manually advanced slide for longer than five

In case of Browsed by Kiosk (Full Screen), remember to also set slide timing options, or use navigation
hyperlinks that users can click to go forward or back in the presentation. Otherwise, self-running
presentation will not advance beyond the first slide.

Rehearsal before Real Show

The Slide Timing feature is ideal for creating a self-running presentation, see Set Up Slide Show [Browsed
by Kiosk (Full Screen)].
The Recording Toolbar

The Recording Toolbar

Next (advance to next slide)

Pause (to temporary stop then restart recording)

Slide Time

Repeat (to restart recording the time for the current slide)

Total time for Presentation

Toolbar Options

Save your presentation as a video
When you want to give a copy of your presentation to colleagues or customers, you can save it as a
video that can be burned to a CD or DVD or published to a video sharing site like YouTube for easy
sharing and distribution.

Save your presentation as a video

1. Create your presentation.

2. (Optional) Record and add narration and timings to a slide show and Turn your mouse into a laser
3. Save the presentation.
4. Click File > Export > Create a Video.
5. Under Create a Video, click Computer & HD Displays, and then do one of the following:
o To create a video with very high quality, yet a large file size, click Computer & HD Displays.
o To create a video with a moderate file size and medium quality, click Internet & DVD.
o To create a video with the smallest file size, yet low quality, click Portable Devices.

TIP: You'll want to test these out to see which option meets your needs.
6. If you didn't record timed narration and pointer movements, click Don't Use Recorded Timings and
Narrations, and then, do one of the following:
o If you did not record and time voice narration and laser pointer movements, click Don't Use Recorded
Timings and Narration.

TIP: The default time spent on each slide is set to 5 seconds. To change that, to the right of Seconds to
spend on each slide, click the up arrow to increase, or the down arrow to decrease the seconds.

o If you recorded and timed narration and pointer movements, click Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.
7. Click Create Video.
8. In the File name box, enter a file name for the video, and then browse to locate the file.
9. In the Save As type box, choose a supported video file format, and then click Save.


o You can track the progress of the video creation by looking at the status bar at the bottom of your screen.
The video creation process can take up to several hours depending on the length of the video and the
complexity of the presentation.
o For longer videos, you can set it up so that they create overnight. That way, they’ll be ready for you the
following morning.
10. To play your newly-created video, go to the designated folder location, and then double-click the file.

Guidelines for saving your presentation as a video

When creating the presentation that you will save as a video, consider the following:

 You can record and time voice narration and include laser pointer movements in your video.
 You can control the size of the multimedia file and the quality of your video.
 You can include animations and transitions in your movie.
 Viewers do not need to have PowerPoint installed on their computers to watch it.
 If your presentation contains an embedded video, the video will play correctly without your needing to
control it.
 Depending on the content of your presentation, creating a video may take some time. Lengthy
presentations and presentations with animations, transitions, and media content will likely take longer to
create. Fortunately, you can continue to use PowerPoint while the video is being created

What parts of a presentation are not included in a video?

The following items will not be included in a video that you create using PowerPoint:

 Media inserted in previous versions of PowerPoint. To include these, you can convert or upgrade the
media object.

TIP:  For example, if you inserted the media using PowerPoint 2007, it will be linked and it will play in the
presentation.  However, when you export the file as a video, the linked media will be dropped.  You can
convert the file to the new file format (click the File tab, and under Info, click Convert) - or you can right
click the media object, and then click to upgrade, it will embed the file and export it correctly.

 QuickTime media (unless you have a 3rd-party QuickTime code ffdShow, installed) and you must optimize
for compatibility
 Macros
 OLE/ActiveX controls

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