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Welcome students and families to our SIUC campus!

We are here helping you move in. We love you the students! We are
grateful your families make sacrifices to help you become a Saluki.

As a show of good faith, we have been

working without a labor contract for more than 400 days.

We are acutely aware of financial problems in our state and nation and our proposals at the bargaining table have recognized that some circumstances require changes and sacrifices on our part.

We care deeply about the quality of

your education. We are invested in the future of SIUC.

Most of the employees you will meet

are represented by unions of the Illinois Education Association, whose primary mission is to make our good public schools even better for all students.

We only ask for fair labor contracts

to provide SIUC with stability and to improve the quality and reputation of the university for years to come.

We are 3,400 union employees represented by the Illinois Education Association-NEA bargaining for a fair labor contract.

SIUC Faculty Association (FA)

The Faculty Association is committed to attracting and retaining the best faculty to protect quality education at SIUC. Our faculty contribute to the diversity and enrichment of the academic experience of students inside and outside the classroom. The FA seeks a negotiated agreement that: Maintains the integrity of the tenure system and gives faculty the security to build their careers free from indiscriminate layoffs. Preserves the role of faculty in ensuring the quality of academic programs, whether they are delivered on campus, off campus or through electronic media. Provides equitable and competitive salaries for faculty guaranteed by collectively bargained contract language.

Non-tenure Track Faculty Association (NTT FA)

As the mission of the modern university has expanded, so has the benefit of the use of non-tenure track faculty. NTT FA enable expanded course offerings and provide students with the benefit of our focus on teaching, supported by our professional experience, specialized training and advanced degrees. The NTT FA seeks: Job security earned through performance evaluation and years of service. To have a voice in decisions affecting student instruction. Appointment and lay-off procedures appropriate for professional educators.

Graduate Assistants United (GAU)

Graduate assistants help increase SIUCs research prestige and serve as instructors and mentors for undergraduate students. A fair contract will ensure that top-notch graduate students will continue to apply for assistantships at SIUC. Everyone benefits from a campus community with content graduate assistants. The GAU seeks: Adequate health care that follows guidelines set out under the Patient Affordable Health Care Act and removes the year wait for coverage of preexisting conditions (which the university admits would only cost $10 per student). Relief from soaring fees that reduce the purchasing power of our salary stipends so deeply that we cannot afford to pay rent when we arrive because the first two months are returned to the university as required fees.

Association of Civil Service Employees (ACsE)

Did you know there are ACsE employees all across campus willing to make sure your education is a positive experience? From the minute you sign up for classes, inquire about Registered Student Organizations, visit the Bursar, Financial Aid or Admissions & Records, ACsE employees will assist you. ACsE, a union that supports students, seeks: A multi-year plan that converts extra help positions into ACsE positions so the ACsE bargaining unit's right to collective bargaining will be assured. Protection from arbitrary layoffs and rewards for longevity. A multi-year plan with improved benefits that attract and retain exceptional employees.

In order to continue this high degree of professionalism for our students

CONTACT Rita Cheng
SIUC Chancellor 618-453-2341


Please contact the administration and Board of Trustees and urge them to bargain fairly
For more information visit:
Paid for by the four IEA Locals listed above.

CONTACT Glenn Poshard

SIU President 618-536-3331

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