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The Weavability TM measurement system

State-of-the-art technology Intelligent tools

Ring rail motion

can cause periodic
B-force defects
A testing cycle is in the High testing speeds mean
Automatic change of up to region of 120 milliseconds; the greater breaking forces. Using in- Using spectrograms for tensile
24 bobbins makes the USTER® norm prescribes 20 seconds per telligent tools, USTER® TENSOJET 4 strength and elongation, defects
TENSOJET 4 almost operator- test – so it’s a long way from the values are converted into traditio- caused by machine parts are more
independent. actual process load. nal breaking forces. easily detected. Still unique today!

High-performance strength testing –
the best way to predict WeavabilityTM

Haven’t you tried for years to find ways of emphasizing their

further processability advantages when marketing your yarns? Do
you worry about the uncertainty of your yarn purchaser suddenly
experiencing production setbacks during further processing? Then
the USTER® TENSOJET 4 will certainly interest you.

The USTER® TENSOJET 4 is a unique control system that provides

information on yarn behavior in further processing. WeavabilityTM
is predictable for the very first time – and its qualities can of course
be measured not only using traditional methods but also interna-
tionally recognized standards.

Quality is only visible

when analyzed in detail

Thanks to the immense testing capacity of 24 km of yarn per run-

ning hour, tedious periodic and almost periodic breaking-elonga-
tion failure can be detected for the first time. These faults are cost-
ly in further processing, which is why USTER® TENSOJET 4 goes
a step further and offers a display of such periodic faults in a spec-
trogram – a great help in detecting the cause of errors and pre-
venting them. And the enormous test capacity of 30,000 picks per
hour means that faults that seldom occur in yarn or isolated weak
places can be detected and measures taken to ensure they do not
happen again. So you improve your position in yarn trading and
increase your profit margins many times over.
Fast. Unique. Practice-orientated.
Speed –
indispensable for your business success

As in the spinning mill, the production speeds in the weaving mill

99’996 breaks are in the specified
Frequency distribution strength and elongation area have increased many times over. This means higher peak loads
of Breaking-Force on the weft and warp yarns being processed and becomes a
Mean value critical factor when an increased number of thread breakages
of test serie drastically lowers production efficiency. It is absolutely essential
Isolated weak-places nowadays to make a large number of random tests within a short
Frequency distribution time using realistic loads – this is the only way to detect rare and
of Breaking-Elongation
isolated weak places. The causes are extremely thin places, thick
places with little twist, but also yarn soiling through vegetable mat-
ter, fly and foreign fibers. These occurrences must be recognized
in order to gather information on existing spinning errors and to
In the USTER® TENSOJET 4 scatter plot, colors indicate the course of the test: be able to assess the WeavabilityTM and the expected number of
from the beginning (blue) through to the end of the measuring period (red).
thread breakages.

Turn this high-performance tensile strength test to your advantage

– and to that of your customers

load distribu- tensile strength

tion during the distribution of
weaving the weft yarn
Isolated weak places –
frequency distribution

not to be defined through statistics

Measurement evaluation series’ of 100,000 picks have shown that

the real weak places – defined using USTER® TENSOJET 4 – lie on
a deeper breaking and elongation level than has ever been
assumed in the past. In short, the dangerous weak places just can-
not be detected using traditional testing or conventional statistical
methods! Your customers start complaining when rare weak pla-
weaving load/tensile strength (cN)
ces occur at the load peaks on the further processing machines.
The marking shows the critical area where isolated yarn weak places occur A massive decrease in production efficiency and considerable
at the maximum loads of the weaving process and lead to breakdowns. economic losses are just waiting to happen!
Economic efficiency and load peaks International USTER® STATISTICS

20 50%

Each weaving process has
Nowadays, one production its own characteristics – USTER® The best correlations to traditio-
breakdown more or less can tip TENSOJET 4 provides information nal elongation testing methods Standards recognized the world
the scales on whether production on the isolated and dangerous guarantee international accept- over facilitate yarn trading and
is profitable or a lossmaker. weak places. ance. optimize added value.

Make the unforeseen visible.

Costly production setbacks –
spare yourself the hassle

Further processing behavior can only be reliably predicted via a cor-

rect classification of measurable yarn characteristics such as tensile
strength and information on the isolated weak places plus actual
thread loads in the weaving process. Together with the demands
made on the yarn quality for the final product, specific yarn require-
ment profiles are issued which represent the weaver’s demands.
Weaving production with countless downtimes lowers economic
efficiency, the weaving quality and the profit margins – also for the
yarn producer who has to reckon with some expensive complaints.

WeavabilityTM –
a step closer to reality

The graph shows that the weft yarn (left) broke 15 times on the
weaving machine with a weak place level of 35.5 cN with
100,000 insertions. So in this case already a 10% lower level of
genuine isolated weak places means a 60% higher rate of brea-
kage of the weft yarn. The production setbacks resulting from this
can turn a positive operating result into a negative one – or you
can optimize your purchasing strategy by using a USTER®
TENSOJET 4 and save on additional costs!

Utilize the WeavabilityTM of the USTER® TENSOJET 4 – measured

across 100,000 picks – and make a targeted forecast regarding
the further processing behavior of the purchased yarns to be
expected on the weaving machine.
Acceptancy through information Outliers Customer-specific

Final check in the Only a sufficiently

spinning mill and controlled large number of random tests
A successful business contract is yarn purchasing – with USTER® conveys the feeling of fair yarn
reflected in the satisfaction of both TENSOJET 4 you are on Single, isolated weak places spoil trading and efficient further pro-
parties. the safe side. further processing efficiency. cessing.

The Weavability TM measurement system.

Physical strength alone
will not solve your problem

What is needed is appropriate loading for further processing.

Staple fiber yarns usually have forces of less than 50N. The
strength of the USTER® TENSOJET 4 lies therefore in its excellent
in-depth tests where even the isolated, rare weak places in the
yarn are detected with loads appropriate for further processing.
Previous testing methods with low test depth have been unable for
a long time now to keep pace with this advance in technology.

Percentile values –
establishing the weak place level

The percentile values indicate the level of the weakest parts of a

Weaving yarn. If there are isolated weak places, they reveal themselves as
machine outliers below the scatter plot. The percentile value indicates the
exact level of these weak places.

In a modern spinning mill, the interaction between the fiber ma-

terial, the spinning process and the yarn count plays an overri-
ding, central role. Even the smallest fluctuations in the fiber mate-
rial or in the spinning process lead to an increase in the number
of isolated weak places which can often be traced back to the
spinning limit of the cotton fibers used. Such faults can only be de-
tected today with physical tensile tests with a maximum test scope.
If these faults only become visible in further processing – as was
the case with yarn 1 (12.5 stops) then considerable financial los-
ses are to be expected. In this case, a USTER® TENSOJET 4 would
Yarn 1
have been amortized within a very short time.
12,5 stops
The standard from fiber to fabric.
USTER® is the world’s leading
supplier of total quality solu-
tions from fiber to fabric.
USTER® standards and precise
measurement provide unpar-
alleled advantages for produ-
cing best quality at minimum
cost. Uster, Switzerland Shanghai, China

Knoxville, USA
Think quality, think USTER® – Charlotte, USA
and move beyond quality Coimbatore, India Bangkok, Thailand


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