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MGW3130 Organisational Change and Development

Importance of Proper Technology integration

in today’s business today
Information Technology in Today’s World
The commercial world’s biggest challenge in today’s world is to be able to integrate their
business with the rapid changing technology. The rise of information technology (IT) through
simple mediums such as the smart phone, reliable internet connections has pushed businesses
in every industry towards a transition. Rapid growth of business focused and collaborating with
technology has show great promise in better business practices and furthermore has opened up
numerous business opportunity and possible reasons for economic and employment growth
(Nikoloski). Information Technology (IT) has grown-up and changed across the last five
decades; the ability to even plan project or business without any use of technology has as almost
become impossible. Technology means not only smart phones and individual computers but
also up-to-date machines in automotive, aviation and even domestic applique manufacturing;
this goes on to show that technology has become day to day integration of the humans (Berisha-
Shaqiri). Management information system (MIS) in businesses use automated and backing
business task and decision making. It is used to automate simple, routine task such as work
processing advanced processes such as production, schedule and even logistics. Information
technology enables business to operate efficiently and while making a respectable amount of
profit. Since companies are pushing hard to gain competitive advantage, technology has also
enforced commercial enterprise to remain addable and flexible, familiarizing their operation
to innovative and improved technology (Nikoloski).

The importance of Management Information System (MIS) factors down to the capability and
the ability to make decisions, this is since it provides the management and other workers of the
business with the informed data concerning the organization’s routine such as inventory, sales
and projections of company’s progress. With the use of MIS, a company can share data over a
computer network, giving the company the ability to have better communication across
different departments of the organizations. This helps the company have evolution of data and
information, which is directly helps the company analyze the performance of each department
as well as gives the company a clear direction to the way the company must grow (Tomanna).

MGW3130 Organisational Change and Development

The Need of Information System in Business

One of the most competitive industries in the world that truly dependent on innovation and
technology is the banking sector, as the performances often effect the economy. A research
over ten years concluded that, baking sector are a great domain for large amounts of data and
BI application can potentially benefit business, increase the visibility of companies (Moro).

Along sides with Banks, with the use of ICT, MIS and the general internet; businesses can
reach to more possible clienteles, introduce new goods and services in the market faster and
work in partnership with other businesses and suppliers across the world. Change from
industrial society to information society and industrial economy to information economy.
Academics from the University of Edinburg concluded after over a hundred interviews with
CEOs of multinational firms that business is likely to thrive once they are strategically flexible
and furthermore encourages business model innovations with reliance on technology. The
positive effects are pointed to be having creative culture and having less reliance on partners.
Furthermore, structural change is disaggregated into labors that either emphasis managerial
care on fundamental actions or reconfigure remaining events. CEOs observe that structural
flexibility involves operational simplification whereas retentive control of non-core functions
(Adam J. Bock). Evaluating the performance of banks, another study engaging with
Operational Research and Artificial Intelligence, with the use of multicriterial decision aid and
massive amount of data in bank fiasco studies and assessment of bank creditworthiness and
underframe help the bank evaluate applications for different loans (Duygen).

Challenges with Technology

Often businesses fail to discuss the difficulties faced when integrating Information Technology
in the business system, this often has seen business face a “IT Divide” termed to emphasize the
gap in communication created within the firm. All parties involved in this limitation, necessary
requirement and felt gap can explain and justify their reason for not being able to be compatible
but often not able to accept possible fit. Managers, executives and technologist are all often
seen frustrated for the business failing to align their process and strategy with the information
systems in the business. Information Technology success comes with acceptance of the
technology and common understanding. The rewards of the integration may not please the
employees or even the customer using the service, and this leads to the company remapping
the structure and position of technology in their business. The business is required to remap the
information system structure keeping the environment as the pivotal factor as environment of

MGW3130 Organisational Change and Development

the industry does not let the company be as flexible as it would like to be (Nikoloski).
Managerial inertia will not be overcome by just swelling up the appeal of the anticipated state
or bidding to coerce workforces to abandon conventional practices. Administrative
transformation can be persuaded by vigorously handling the change procedure, as by scuffling
fragments of the staff and proposing alteration agents from amongst the staffs. Furthermore,
the alteration procedure can be intended to make an organization more willing to change.
Whether the alteration procedure is executed incrementally or drastically hinge on how the
director trades off the price of introducing spraining transformation against the cost of having
the organization partly skewed with strategic needs (Nanda).

Managers often blame “non-rational” behavior on others when there is a scheduled program of
the company comes to a standstill. The root cause of such deadlocks is due to the way the
company are executing transformation. Assistants are reinvigorated to transform by driving a
wedge between their welfare in the present state and their welfare in the anticipated state.
Nonetheless administrators may merely be unrehearsed to acquire the cost of pouring this
wedge. Administrative inertia is best addressed by such corresponding tactics as classifying
“winners,” scuffling part of the staff, proposing transformation mediators from among the
workforces, opening with a “kick-off” event, and making the procedure a dynamically
disequilibrating singularity for the organization. If a slow pace is less upsetting for the
organization, transformation must be applied incrementally, but if tactical change is so radical
as to reduce the cost of organizational misalignment tremendously high, the executive should
agree to take the inevitability of presenting spraining change and implement organizational
change radically (Nanda).

Resistance to Change
Management often resist change in the organization due to the newness of the idea across the
organization, unplanned outages of service, inaccessibility of facilities typically happened
during occupational hours, effecting workers and clienteles of the corporation, therefore
distressing the reliability of the information technology sector. Furthermore, struggle in
outlining variations in the atmosphere for troubleshooting. As the deviations are made without
any regulator as a result difficult to point out what factor had disturbed the service and, even a
little time ago, making analysis hard to solve hitches, every so often ensuing in bigger
downtime. (Andrade). Daunting barriers hinder administration’s attempts to alter the way the
company strategic choices are made, and routine procedures shown (Ahmed). Studies indicate

MGW3130 Organisational Change and Development

that firms often are hindered in their attempts due to either industrial barriers; which reflects
the distinct and exclusive features of the commercial activity in which the business participates;
and administrative barriers that are not exclusive to environmental problems, but which distress
a firm’s capacity to pact with any form of transformation. Furthermore, internally the business
may face worker attitudes, meagre communications, past practice and inadequate top
management leadership causing confront each management present a mixture of general and
exclusive obstacles

Difficult of the Change Management Process implementation

Lack of Interactive Leadership and Communication
Companies often are seen not being able to communicate with their employees, as a result the
employees do feel disconnected to the mission of the company. This is due to the company
failing to mobilize the management and attain measurable rafter to enhance their teams by
simply Mobilization of management for attaining measurable targets for enhancement through
vision and breaking the group into smaller organization programs with a core team to make
sure the transition to adoption of technology has gone smoothly.

Strength of culture & Structure

The culture of the organization may play a greater role in failing to adopt to new technology or
any sort of change in the organization that may not even involve technology. Some businesses
operate in a laid back, casual culture that highlight the growth of individual expression and
others are more disciplined by the number work course. When change is introduced it may
disrupt the cultural equilibrium, producing a long-ten unwanted consequence for many
employees. Cultural is a unifying dynamic within organizations. With hundreds of different
structures of organizations, regardless of the structure over the course of time it is seen that
business become very tunnel visions since the structure over time become very rigid, making
it difficult for departments to work with one another with comfort, making it difficult to
transform the company employees often refuse to be taken out of that comfort zone.

Entrenched interests
Major sources of resistance maybe either interest group of staff or just a few key employees.
Frequently, they fail to understand the damaging consequences of supporting the status quo, or
they’re unresponsive to them. Often the negative consequences are ignored by the staff for the
immediate benefits. Such dominating sort of employees often factor to easily ending up with a

MGW3130 Organisational Change and Development

blind spot to contribute to organizational inertia. Some companies do manage to survive in the
trade due to specializing to a dedicated area of service with a solid client base but that isn’t
enough to survive in the long run for most organization.

Curriculum Integration
A crucial element of any technology combination and integration is to plan integrate
technology into the prospectus. Employees are often unaware of the use and the guideline to
the use of technology and without any integrating technology into the current workplace and
this results to a dominant cause for the ability to integrate technology in the workforce. With
the major barrier of lack of access and knowledge removed the company need to make sure
that there is adequate support for the company to support the staff that are not resistant to this
chance. Meaning there is a requirement for employee training with the technology that is being
use and furthermore have an IT trainer for the company to easily fit into the system of the
company. With time to time feedback from employees regarding the system in use and constant
hunger to improve the technology will give the company some edge and control over the
resistance to change.

Managerial implications
Industry experts and MIS operatives propose that the framework assists to abridge the way
resistance is regarded for IT investments. All technology ventures come across tests and
barriers during the pre-implementation, during implementation, and post-implementation.
Often owner’s attempts to integrate may fail as the management and employees or even at
times the owners does not have enough knowledge regarding the technology and the
investments required as a result they may be contented with the contemporary system, which
causes them to be unwilling to learn about and invest in the latest available technologies.
Consequently, it is suggested that IT and management of the top administration and key
personnel from the vendors if possible, should link with the senior management to validate
there as owns that the technology is important and necessary for the success s of their business.
Official and unofficial meetings can be organized to designate the welfares and the value of
the technology for the business determined from various reports. moreover, the meeting of
owners should be amplified by actively linking them in the preparation procedure by asking
for their propositions (Bilgihan, A., Okumus, F., Nusair, K., & Cobanoglu).

MGW3130 Organisational Change and Development

Throughout the application procedure it is expected that the company will have difficulties due
to the sector’s culture and employees, being, a architype alteration because there was
confrontation and resistance by from some people, particularly for rationalizing that with this
process, increase bureaucracy and this way, probable difficulties in the information technology
sector, where more and more is expected quick answers to problems and incidents could take
even longer to resolve. Organizational ethos, beliefs, traditions, morals, written and unwritten
rules can boost, speed, weaken, delay, facilitate, commit, hinder or prevent changes and
performance of organizations. It is hard to break the paradigm, changing behavior and attitude
by suggesting something new while the employees are attached to the previous pattern of
working. instigating doubt and being pretentious mentally, triggering fear and subsequently
creating resistance. The core task of the placement and use of transformation control process
is to deliver an administrative atmosphere auspicious to innovation that enhances company and
to the information technology sector. In them will be technologically advancement and
instigated projects and activities that engender changes and give results (Andreas)

Before the company rolls out the full-scale implementation of the system into the business and
seen failure or heavy resistance it is important for the company to test everything forehand and
be able to identify the loops in the system. Furthermore, recognize suitable tactic to implement
the transformation through out the association. Irrespective of resistance from the staffs it is
vital to make a work environment where the staffs can implement and develop IT project. One
way to achieve this is by accepting design method throughout the application procedure.

MGW3130 Organisational Change and Development


Ahmed, Z. U., Julian, C. C., & Jumaat Mahajar, A. (2008). Export barriers and firm
internationalisation from an emerging market perspective. Journal of Asia Business Studies,
3(1), 33-41.

Andrade, P. R. M., Albuquerque, A. B., Teófilo, W. D., & Silva, F. A. (2016). Change
management: implementation and benefits of the change control in the information technology
environment. International Journal of Advanced Information Technology (IJAIT) Vol, 6.

Bilgihan, A., Okumus, F., Nusair, K., & Cobanoglu, C. (2011). Barriers to Information
Technology Change Project in Hotels.

Bock, A. J., Opsahl, T., George, G., & Gann, D. M. (2012). The effects of culture and structure
on strategic flexibility during business model innovation. Journal of Management Studies,
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Berisha-Shaqiri, A. (2015). Impact of information technology and internet in businesses.

Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences, 1(1), 73-79.

Duygun-Fethi, M., & Jackson, G. (2009). Assessing bank performance with operational
research and artificial intelligence techniques: a survey.

Moro, S., Cortez, P., & Rita, P. (2015). Business intelligence in banking: A literature analysis
from 2002 to 2013 using text mining and latent Dirichlet allocation. Expert Systems with
Applications, 42(3), 1314-1324.

Nanda, A. (1996). Implementing organizational change. Division of Research, Harvard

Business School.

Nikoloski, K. (2014). The role of information technology in the business sector. International
Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3(12).

Tomanna, T., Gerbi, D. Y., Hossin, M. A., & Zhang, S. (2018). Impact of Information System
on Transformation of Human Resource Performance: An Exploratory Study in Oromia Radio
and Television Organization. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 6(01),

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