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By: Sunday Akhaigba 30/09/2021

Distraction is the process of diverting the attention of an individual or a group from a desired area of
focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information.
It may not be possible to completely eliminate distractions, but experts say they can be drastically
minimized and recognized when they occur.
Some accident-causing injuries can be to some type of distractions. When people are distracted, they
are not paying attention and fail to see hazards which can lead to injuries.
One major cause of distraction is the need to get job done quickly. When employees become fixated
on completing a job on time, the focus less on safety and it has been observed that if safety aspect of a
task is ignored and focus is on finishing the task on time, then when an injury or accident occurs, time
is lost to provide correct solution to the problem.
Other Workplace related distractions include:
i. Distraction of Complacency: This is the mindset or idea that one will say he understand how
to do a task, and so he can do it more easily than before and somehow miss those
additional risks and will fail to identify some of the additional hazards just because he is so
complacent, so overconfident in his or her ability to do the task. By this action when a new
hazard emerges during a task, employees may become distracted, and this can lead to
ii. Mental Distractions: This includes a bad drive to work, financial challenges, lack of
motivation to employees for years or family challenges. All are examples as employee may
deal with everyday which can lead them to hazards if not properly managed.
iii. Inattention: Inattention may be the result from workplace arguments, confusing
instructions, concern about working hours, wages, bills, etc. Inattention worsens with
fatigue and boredom. Keep your mind on your work. The prime interest in solving hazards
created by inattention lies in methods of difference; warnings, alarms, fail-safe switch
circuits, guards, etc
iv. Ignoring safety procedures: Purposely failing to observe safety procedures can endanger
you and your co-workers. Being hasty in starting a task or not thinking through the process
can put you in harm’s way.
Overcoming Distractions
- Managers and supervisors should not only push their subordinates to hurry up and finish a task
but should also be concerned about their safety.
- They must interact with their employees and be able to recognize differences and changes in
behavior due to the workflow and workload stress and make alterations.
- Breaks and Wellness: Breaks from work may increase productivity while lowering the risk of
injuries due to distraction. Such breaks may include micro-breaks during which employees’
steps away from their workstation to refresh, like going for a short walk.
- Employees watching each other’s back also minimizes if not eradicate distraction. It makes the
affected employees to refocus or adjust.
Remember: Concentrate on the work at hand, and keep your mind on your work. Utilize these
safety guidelines to help eliminate distractions on the job.
“An open mind leaves a chance for someone to drop a worthwhile thought in it” Anonymous

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