Idiomatcs Expressions

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long face: a wooried, troubled or sad expression -

have something on one´s mind: to be worried or preoccupied with something
crack a book : to open a book in order to study
in ages: for a very long time
get on with: to start working on or to continue working at
beyond : too difficult for understand
have a gift for: to have special ability or aptitude for
no way: definitely not, very strong say no
get by : to be able to do sometnhing but only enough, only reasonably
it´s all Greek to me : It´S impossible to undersant -

ex: Why the long face?

ex: Do you have something in your mind?
ex: Dou you need crack a book or I have never seem you cracked a book to study
ex: She hasn´t study English in ages
ex: I have much work to do, so, I need to getting on with
ex: I can´t undersant maths. It´S beyond me
ex: I have a gift for English
ex: The meal was terribel. There´s no way I´m going to return here
ex: Ok, I know some English and I´m going to live abroad, so I get by in London
ex: Algebra it´s all Greek me

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