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I understood how much value morning holds in our life. I am also a night owl but now after
reading this I am planning to work on this habit of sleeping late. My mother and my
grandmother always yell at me because of this habit. Now I know the reason behind my
wrong decisions during my college times, now I know why my friends consider me of
stubborn nature which of course I am not according to many friends whom I don’t get in
touch at night. And it took only one night and four hours of sleep only since last 2 days to
destroy my friendship with my friend. I understood how much lack of sleep caused me. I
found this book very easy to understand and very relatable to our lives. We should always
wake up on time in order to get good performance in college or whatever it is. I have always
lost something precious in my life because of sleeplessness, now I can join the dots. We
should always choose at least one love motive as said in the book, and it doesn’t matter
whether its our parents or someone outside of our family. I do have my love motive but I
ignore them, now I realized how I can relate my love to my hard work. I always listened from
others that love is only distraction and it comes between our hard work. Those people who
thinks love as a weak point might know the energy, we get from that. This book explains
about getting early in the morning and doing our favourite things first to freshen up and take
decisions because our mind will at coolest mood, so the decision will automatically be wise.
And also taught to never do anything other than sleeping in the bed as after doing other
things, bed will distract us from sleep. First chapter is fully based on experience which will
keep away from the pain of losing.

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