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Course: Educational Statistics (8614)

Semester: Autumn, 2022

Reg No; 21BLI00089
Level; Bed (2.5years)
Semester; Autumn 2022
Course Code; 8614


Q.1 Why is Statistics important for a teacher or researcher? (20)

The first reason is to be able to effectively conduct research. Without the use of statistics
it would be very difficult to make decisions based on the data collected from a research
project. For example, in the study cited in Chapter One, is the difference in recorded
absenteeism between psychiatric and obstetrics nurses large enough to conclude that there is
meaningful difference in absenteeism between the two units? There are two possibilities:
The first possibility is that the difference between the two groups is a result of chance
factors. In reality, the two jobs have approximately the same amount of absenteeism. The
second possibility is that there is a real difference between the two units with the
psychiatric unit being more nurses missing work. Without statistics we have no way of
making an educated decision between the two possibilities. Statistics, however, provides us
with a tool to make an educated decision. We will be able to decide which of the two
possibilities is more likely to be true. We will base this decision on our knowledge of
probability and inferential statistics. A second point about research should be made. It is
extremely important for a researcher to know what statistics they want to use before they
collect their data. Otherwise data might be collected that is uninterpretable. Unfortunately,
when this happens it results in a loss of data, time, and money. Now many a student may
by saying to themselves: “But I never plan on doing any research.” While you may never
plan to be involved in research, it may find its way into your life. Certainly, it you
decide to continue your education and work on a masters or doctoral degree, involvement
in research will result from that decision. Secondly, more and more work places are

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022
conducting internal research or are becoming part of broader research studies. Thus, you
may find yourself assigned to one of these studies. Finally, many classes on the
undergraduate level may require you to conduct research (for example, a research methods
or experimental psychology course). In each of these instances, a knowledge of
measurements and statistics will be invaluable.
The second reason to study statistics is to be able to read journals. Most technical journals
you will read contain some form of statistics. Usually, you will find them in something
called the results section. Without an understanding of statistics, the information contained
in this section will be meaningless. An understanding of basic statistics will provide you
with the fundamental skills necessary to read and evaluate most results sections. The
ability to extract meaning from journal articles and the ability to critically evaluate research
from a statistical perspective are fundamental skills that will enhance your knowledge and
understanding in related coursework.
The third reason is to further develop critical and analytic thinking skills. Most students
completing high school and introductory undergraduate coursework have at their disposal a
variety of critical thinking and analytic skills. The study of statistics will serve to enhance
and further develop these skills. To do well in statistics one must develop and use formal
logical thinking abilities that are both high level and creative.
The fourth reason to study statistics is to be an informed consumer. Like any other tool,
statistics can be used or misused. Yes, it is true that some individuals do actively lie and
mislead with statistics. More often, however, well meaning individuals unintentionally
report erroneous statistical conclusions. If you know some of the basic statistical concepts,
you will be in a better position to evaluate the information you have been given.
The fifth reason to have a working knowledge of statistics is to know when you need to hire
a statistician. Most of us know enough about our cars to know when to take it into the
shop. Usually, we don’t attempt the repair ourselves because we don’t want to cause any
irreparable damage. Also, we try to know enough to be able to carry on an intelligible
conversation with the mechanic (or we take someone with us who can) to insure that we
don’t get a whole new engine (big bucks) when all we need is a new fuel filter (a few
bucks). We should be the same way about hiring a statistician. Conducting research is time

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022
consuming and expensive. If you are in over your statistical head, it does not make sense
to risk an entire project by attempting to compute the data analyses yourself. It is very
east to compute incomplete or inappropriate statistical analysis of one’s data. As with the
mechanic discussed above, it is also important to have enough statistical savvy to be able to
discuss your project and the data analyses you want computed with the statistician you
hire. In other words, you want to be able to make sure that your statistician is on the right

Q.2 Discuss different types of data. Also elaborate differences between primary and
secondary data. (20)

Types of Data
In research, different methods are used to collect data, all of which fall into two
categories, i.e. primary data and secondary data. It is a common classification based
upon who collected the data.
1 Primary data :
As the name suggests, is one which is collected for the first time by the researcher
himself. Primary data is originated by the researcher for the first time for addressing
his research problem. It is also known as first hand raw data. The data can be collected
using various methods like survey, observations, physical testing, mailed questionnaire,
questionnaire filled and sent by enumerators, personal interviews, telephonic interviews,
focus groups discussion, case studies, etc.
2 Secondary data :
Point towards the second hand information already collected and recorded by any other
person with a purpose not relating to current research problem. It is readily available
form of data and saves time and cast of the researcher. But as the data is gathered for
the purpose other than the problem under investigation, so the usefulness of the data
may be limited in a number of ways like relevance and accuracy. Also, the objectives
and methods adopted to collect data may not be suitable to the current situation.
Therefore, the researcher should be careful when using secondary data. Examples of

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022
secondary data are censuses data, publications, internal records of the organizations,
reports, books, journal articles, websites etc.
Differences Between primary And Secondary Data :
Some key differences between primary and secondary data are given in the following
Ø Primary data refers to the data originated by the researcher for the first time.
Secondary data is already existing data, collected by other researchers, agencies,
and organizations.
Ø Primary data is real-time data whereas secondary data is one which relates to the
Ø Primary data is collected to address the problem in hand while the purpose
behind collection of secondary data is different from the problem in hand.
Ø Collection of primary data is a laborious process. On the other hand collection of
secondary data is easy and rapid.
Ø Sources of primary data are survey, observations, physical testing, mailed
questionnaire, questionnaire filled and sent by enumerators, personal interviews,
telephonic interviews, focus groups discussion, case studies, etc. On the other hand
sources of secondary are censuses data, publications, internal records of the
organizations, reports, books, journal articles, websites etc.
Ø Collection of primary data requires a large amount of resources like time, cost,
and human resources. On the other hand collection of secondary data is expensive
and easily available.
Ø Primary data is specific to the researcher’s needs. He can control the quality of
research. On the other hand, secondary data is neither specific to researcher needs
nor has he control over the quality of data.
Ø Primary data is available in the raw form while secondary data has undergone
some statistical procedures and is refined from primary data.
Ø Data collected from primary sources are more reliable and accurate than the
secondary sources.

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022

Q.3 Explain ‘pictogram’ as a technique to explore/explain data.(20)

Pictograms: A pictogram is a graphical symbol that conveys its meaning through its
pictorial resemblance to a physical object. A pictogram may include a symbol plus
graphic elements such as border, back pattern, or color that is intended to covey specific
information s. we can also say that a pictogram is a kind of graph that uses pictures
instead of bars to represent data under analysis. A pictogram is also called “pictograph”,
or simply “picto”.
A pictogram or pictograph represents the frequency of data as pictures of symbols.
Each picture or symbols may represent one or more units of data.
Pictograms form a part of our daily lives. They are used in transport, medication,
education, computers etc. they indicate, in iconic form, places, directions, actions or
constraints on actions in either the real world (a road, a town, etc) or in virtual world
(computer, internet etc.).
To successfully convey the meaning, a pictogram:
Ø Should be self-explanatory.
Ø Should be recognizable by all people.
Ø Must represent a general concept.
Ø Should be clear concise and interesting.
Ø Should be identifiable as a set, through uniform treatment of scale, style and
Ø Should be highly visible, easy to reproduce in any scale and in positive or
negative form.
Ø Should not be dependent upon a border and should work equally well in positive
or negative form.

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022
Ø Should avoid stylistic fads or a commercial appearance and should imply to wide
audience that has a sophisticated, creative culture.
Ø Should be attractive when used with their design, elements and typestyles.
Advantages and Drawbacks of Pictograms :
Following are the advantages of pictograms:
Ø Pictograms can make warnings more eye-catching.
Ø They can serve as an “instant reminder” of a hazard or an established message.
Ø They may improve warning comprehension for those with visual or literacy
Ø They have the potential to be interpreted more accurately and more quickly than
Q.4 Pie Chart is a common way to depict data. Discuss its usage and drawbacks.

Pie Chart

A pie chart displays data in an easy pie-slice format with varying sizes. The size of a slice
tells how much data exists in one element. The bigger the slice, the more of that
particular data was gathered and vice versa. Pie charts are mainly used to show
comparison among various segments of data. When items are presented on a pie chart,
it is easy to see which item has maximum frequency and which is not or which item is
the most popular and which is not. The main purpose of using a pie chart is to show
partwhole relationship. These charts are used for displaying data that are classified into
nominal or ordinal categories.

How to Read a Pie Chart?

It is easy to read and interpret a pie-chart. Usually, a pie-chart has several bits of data,
and each is pictured on a pie-chart as a pie slice. Some data have larger slices than
others. So it is easy to decide which data have maximum frequency and which have
When to Use the Pie Chart?

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022
There are some simple criteria that can be used to determine whether a pie chart is
right choice or not for a given data.
Ø Do the parts make up a meaningful whole?
Pie charts should be used only if parts or slices can define the entire set of data
in a way that makes a meaningful sense to the viewer.
Ø Are the parts mutually exclusive?
If there is overlap between the parts, it is better to use any other chart.
Ø Do you want to compare the parts to each other or the parts to the whole?
If the main purpose is to show part-whole relationship then pie chart is useful but
if the main purpose is to show part-part relationship then pie chart is useless and
wise to use another chart.
Ø How many parts do you have?
If there are more than five to seven parts it advisable to use a different chart.
Pie charts with lots of slices of varying size are hard to read.

Draw Backs of Pie-Charts

There are two features that help us read the values on a pie chart: the angle a
slice covers (compared to the entire circle) and the area of slice (compared to the
entire circle). Generally, we are not very good at measuring angles. We only
recognize angles of 90o and 180o with high degree of precision. Other angles are
rather impossible to perceive with a high degree of precision. Look upon following
two pie-graphs. In the first, which quarter is larger and which is smaller? And
what information can we get from the second graph?

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022
Q.5 What do you understand by ‘measure of dispersion’? Also briefly discuss some
common measures of dispersion. (20)

Measures of Dispersion :
Measures of central tendency focus on what is an average or in the middle of the
distribution of scores. Often the information provided by these measures does not give
us clear picture of the data and we need something more. It means that knowing the
mean, median, and mode of a distribution does allow us to differentiate between two or
more than two distributions; and we need additional information about the distribution.
This additional information is provided by a series of measures which are commonly known
as measures of dispersion.
There is dispersion when there is dissimilarity among the data values. The greater the
dissimilarity, the greater the degree of dispersion will be.
Measures of dispersion are needed for four basic purposes.
i) To determine the reliability of an average.
ii) To serve as a basis for the control of the variability.
iii) To compare two or more series with regard to their variability.
Iv) To facilitate the use if other statistical measures.
Measure of dispersion enables us to compare two or more series with regards to their
variability. It is also looked as a means of determining uniformity or consistency. A
high degree would mean little consistency or uniformity whereas low degree of variation
would mean greater uniformity or consistency among the data set. Commonly used
measures of dispersion are range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, variance, and
standard deviation.
The range is the simplest measure of spread and is the difference between the highest and
lowest scores in a data set. In other words we can say that range is the distance
between largest score and the smallest score in the distribution. We can calculate range as:
Range = Highest value of the data – Lowest value of the data

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022
For example, if lowest and highest marks scored in a test are 22 and 95 respectively, then
Range = 95 – 22 = 73
The range is the easiest measure of dispersion, and is useful when you wish to
evaluate whole of a dataset. But it is not considered a good measure of dispersion as it
does not utilize the other information related to the spread. The outliers, either extreme
low or extreme high value, can considerably affect the range.
The values that divide the given set of data into four equal parts is called quartiles,
and is denoted by Q1, Q2, and Q3. Q1 is called the lower quartile and Q3 is called
the upper quartile. 25% of scores are less than Q1and 75% scores are less than Q3. Q2 is
the median. The formulas for the quartiles are:

Quartile Deviation (QD) :

Quartile deviation or semi inter-quartile range is one half the differences between first
and the third quartile, i.e.

Calculating quartile deviation from ungrouped date:

In order to calculate quartile deviation from ungrouped data, following steps are used.
i) Arrange the test scores from highest to lowest
ii) Assign serial number to each score. The first serial number is assigned to the lowest

Mean Deviation or Average Deviation :

Course: Educational Statistics (8614)
Semester: Autumn, 2022
The mean or the average deviation is defined as the arithmetic mean of the deviations
of the scores from the mean or the median. The deviations are taken as positive.
Mathematically For ungrouped data

Standard Deviation :
Standard deviation is the most commonly used and the most important measure of
variation. It determines whether the scores are generally near or far from the mean, i.e.
are the scores clustered together or scattered. In simple words, standard deviation tells
how tightly all the scores are clustered around the mean in a data set. When the scores
are close to the mean, standard deviation is small. And large standard deviation tells
that the scores are spread apart. Standard deviation is simply square root of variance, i.e.



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