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Choose the sentence with the same meaning as the sentence in bold.

1. Norman is 1.70 metres tall. Sam is 1.72 metres tall.

a. Norman is shorter than Sam.
b. Norman is as tall as Sam.
c. Norman is taller than Sam.

2. Mark and John play basketball better than the other students.
a. They are the worst players in the class.
b. They are not as good as the other students.
c. They are the best players in the class.

3. These trainers are size 41 and I wear size 40.

a. These trainers are too small for me.
b. These trainers are not big enough for me.
c. These trainers are too big for me.

4. The red shoes are prettier than the pink ones.

a. The red shoes are uglier than the pink ones.
b. The pink shoes aren't as pretty as the red ones.
c. The pink shoes are the prettiest.

5. Mark is the tallest boy in our class.

a. Everyone in the class is taller than Mark.
b. Everyone in the class is shorter than Mark.
c. Everyone in the class is as tall as Mark.

6. This bag is too small for a laptop.

a. The bag is big enough for a laptop.
b. The bag is too big for a laptop.
c. The bag isn't big enough for a laptop.

7. Gina's Café has always got a lot of customers. The Metro Café is always empty.
a. Gina's Café is the most popular café in town.
b. The Metro Café is as popular as Gina's.
c. Gina's Cafe is more popular than the Metro.

8. I think that apples are the most delicious fruit.

a. Apples are more delicious than bananas.
b. Apples aren't as delicious as bananas.
c. Bananas are as delicious as apples.
Choose the sentence that hasn’t got the same meaning as the sentence in bold.
1. Jack's room is messy. Matt likes neat rooms.
a. Jack's room is too neat for Matt.
b. Jack's room is too messy for Matt.
c. Jack's room isn't neat enough for Matt.

2. Laura is 1.10 metres tall. You must be 1.20 metres tall to go on the ride.
a. Laura is too short to go on the ride.
b. Laura is tall enough to go on the ride.
c. Laura is not tall enough to go on the ride.

3. This shirt costs 50 euros. I've only got 30 euros.

a. This shirt is too expensive for me.
b. This shirt isn't cheap enough for me.
c. This shirt isn't expensive enough for me.

4. Mark wears size 40 trainers and these are size 42.

a. These trainers are too big for Mark.
b. These trainers are small enough for Mark.
c. These trainers are not small enough for Mark.

5. Some people are talking loudly in the cinema. I can't hear the film!
a. It's quiet enough in the cinema.
b. It's too noisy in the cinema.
c. It isn't quiet enough in the cinema.

Think and write.

1. Three comparative sentences with the words crazy, comfortable, and bad.
2. Three superlative sentences with the words interesting, spicy, and better.
3. Three comparative of equality sentences with the words famous, high, and hot.
4. Three sentences with too + adjective with the words lazy, expensive, and big.
5. Three sentences with adjective + enough with the words sweet, old, and wide.

1. Alex non é tan limpo e ordenado coma Beth.
2. Jane é máis eficiente ca Kim.
3. Este libro non é dabondo interesante para ler.
4. Tom é o neno máis curioso da nosa clase.
5. Este exame é demasiado difícil.
6. Meu irmán Jack é ordenado, a miña habitación está demasiado desordenada.
7. A película foi máis predicible que o libro.
8. Ti es a persoa máis valente que coñezo.
9. A historia non foi o suficiente aterradora.
10. Alice é tan encantadora coma Eva.

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