JA 2bach Conditionals Without If

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1.      UNLESS ( a no ser que... ;  a menos que... ): 

We can use unless to mean “if...not”:                            Unless I hurry, I´ll miss the

train. ( If I don’t hurry...)

We often use unless in threats ( amenazas ):                      Unless you stop making

that noise, I´ll scream!

And in warnings ( advertencias ):                                              You´ll be

late unless you go now.

2.       AS LONG AS ; PROVIDED/PROVIDING (THAT) (siempre que... ;

mientras/con tal de que... ; a condición de que...)

We use these expressions to mean “if  but only if”:      You can borrow my

camera as long as you´re careful with it.

               I´ll go to the
party provided that  you go too.

3.      AND ; OR (ELSE)  ( y ; o ; bien...; si no...)


We sometimes use and  to join                                      Stay in bed for a few

days and you´ll be fine.

two ideas instead of using an if- clause:                                            ( If you stay in

bed for a few days, you´ll be fine )

We  use or (else) to mean “if not” or“otherwise”:                     Don´t try to lift that

box or (else) you´ll hurt yourself.

       ( If you try to lift

that box, you´ll hurt
yourself )

4.      SHOULD  ( si... )

We can use should  instead of if                                                If we have enough

time, we´ll visit Robert.

when we are less sure about a posssibility:                                      (Perhaps we

will have enough time)

                                                                                        Should we have enough time,

we´ll visit Robert.

                                                                                                           (I am less sure

that we will have enough time)

5.      SUPPOSED/SUPPOSING ( si...,  en el caso de que...)

We can also use supposed  or supposing                                  Supposed/
Supposing you won the lottery, what would you do?

instead of if, especially in unreal conditions:

A)    Rephrase the sentences using UNLESS

Example:  If we don´t leave now, we´ll miss the start of the film.

                                  Unless we leave now, we´ll miss the start of the film.

1.       If you don´t wear your coat, you´ll be cold.

2.       We´ll play tennis tomorrow if it doesn´t rain.

3.       He won´t receive the letter tomorrow if you don´t post it  before 1 o´clock today.

4.       If I don´t get a pay rise at work, I´ll start looking for another job.

5.       I won´t lend you the car if you don´t promise to drive carefully.

6.       Your cough won´t get better if you don´t stop smoking.

B)    Choose the correct word or expression

1.       Unless/Provided you tell the truth, everything will be all right.


2.       In Britain you can marry at the age of sixteen unless/providing  you have your

3.       He won´t forgive you unless/as long as you say you are sorry.

4.       Unless/Providing you lend me the money, I won´t be able to go on holiday.

5.       I´ll buy the car unless/as long as it´s not too expensive.

C)    Read the sentence. Make a new sentence with the same meaning using the
word(s) in brackets.

Example:  If you don´t hurry up, you´ll be late. ( or )

                       Hurry up or you´ll be late.

1.       If you don´t stop making that noise, I´ll hit you.  ( or )

2.       If you take this umbrella, you won´t get wet. ( and )

3.       If you don´t drive more carefully, you´ll have an accident. ( or else )

4.       If you help me, I´ll help you.  (and )


D)    Complete the sentences using should /I/he/she and the following verbs:

miss      change    be      need     fail

1.       I think I´ll arrive at the meeting on time, but.......................late, please start
without me.

2.       I think I´ve got enough money, but...........................any more, I´ll borrow some.

3.       I´m sure he´ll pass the exam, but............................, he can always take it again.

4.       I don´t think I´ll go to the party, but.............................my mind I´ll let you know.

5.       She expects to catch the last bus, but...........................it, she´ll take a taxi.

E)     Join each idea in A with the most suitable idea from B.  Make sentences

Supposed/ Supposing.

            A                                                                  B

     1. I moved to Scotland,                                would you have taken it?

    2.  someone finds my wallet,                         what would the prize have been?

    3.  they had stayed at our house,                   do you think they will take it to the

    4. they had offered you the job,                     would you come and visit me?

    5. you had won the competition                     where would they have slept?

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