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Lesson 5


1 - Write the times in words.

1 6.55 six fifty-five

2 7.30 __________
3 7.10 __________
4 6.45 __________
5 6.40 __________
6 7.15 __________

2- Match the times 1–6 with the same times a)–f).

1 6.55 a) quarter past seven
2 7.30 b) five to seven
3 7.10 c) quarter to seven
4 6.45 d) ten past seven
5 6.40 e) half past seven
6 7.15 f) twenty to seven

1- Listen and answer the questions. Listening 1 

1 Which tour do the tourists want?

2 Do they book the tour?
3 What's the problem?

2- Put the questions about the bus tour in the correct order. 
1 it/does/what / time / start?
2 leave / where / from? / does /it
3 when/the tour / finish? / does
4 much/cost? /it / how / does
5 take / do / credit cards? / you

Listen and answer the questions in the previous exercise  Listening 2

Read and listen to part of the conversation again. Underline three expressions the woman uses when
she doesn't understand. Listening 3

A: Hello. We're back.

€: Helto again! So, do you want the Golden Gate boat tour?

A: Er. Could you speak more slowly, please?

€: Of course. Would you like the Golden Gate boat tour?

A: Yes. Tomorrow.

€: Would you like the morning or afternoon tour?

A: Tomorrow morning. What time does it start?

€: At ten o clock exactly.

A: Excuse me, ten o clock ...?

€: Yes, at ten.

A: And where does it leave from?

€: From Pier 43. Or the minibus to the boat leaves from the front gate at nine forty-five.

A: Sorry, could you repeat that?

€: The minibus to the boat leaves from the front gate.

Asking for information

Match the questions and answers. 

1 Can we take photographs?

2 How much time does the tour take?
3 Where does the boat leave from?
4 How much does it cost?
5 What can we see?
6 What time does the tour begin?

a) We start at 8.30.
b) It’s one hour thirty minutes.
c) Yes, you can take pictures.
d) It’s $20 a person.
e) From the harbour.
f) There are lots of sea animals.

You are a tourist in Rio and need to ask for information:

Excuse me… Can you give some information about the….

What time does ….

Complete the table with the prepositions in at on

_____night _____8.30 _____the morning _____the weekend
_____Tuesday _____the evening _____Monday _____the afternoon

Now Complete:

To talk about days of the week we use the preposition _____

To talk about parts of the day (except night) we use the preposition _____
To talk about specific time we use the preposition _____

Complete the sentences with in , at or on .

1 What time does the tour start __________the weekend?

2 Is there another tour _______________ 9.30?
3 How much does the tour ________________Tuesday cost?
4 It finishes _____________5.30 the evening.
5 Pat starts her tour guide job _____________Saturday night and finishes ______the morning
WEAK FORMS:  Listening 4

Read the Pronunciation tip. Listen to the questions and answers.

Stressed syllables have strong sounds but many unstressed syllables have weak sounds, often /ə/ .


Listen and write four requests. Listening 5


Look at the weak pronunciation of could you. Then listen again and say the requests with the speakers.
Pay attention to the weak form and the polite intonation.

Write questions to complete the conversation. Use the words in brackets.

A: Hello, could you tell us about your Island tour?

B: Sure. What do you want to know?
A: Well, 1 what time does it start ? (time / start)
B: Well, the tour begins at eight in the morning.  Don’t be late – we don’t wait.
A: OK. Is it an all-day tour?
B: No, no it isn’t.
A: 2                                                    ? (time / take)
B: It takes all morning.
A: 3                                                           ? (where / go)
B: We go around the islands over there.
A: That’s a long way. 4                             ? (what / can / see)
B: There are lots of things to see. There are dolphins and sometimes whales.
A: 5                                                ? (how / cost)
B: It costs $20. So that’s $40 for two people.
A: Our hotel is over there. 6                                  ? (where / leave from)
B: You’re not far away. The tour leaves from the harbour.
A: And do we need special clothes?
B: It’s cold on the boat – bring a warm coat.
A: OK, let’s go. 7                                        ? (take / credit cards)
B: Yes, we do.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank you. See you tomorrow morning. And don’t forget – don’t be late! 

Make present simple questions

1) (you / like eating cake)?

2) (Where/ be/ your father’s girlfriend now)?
3) (why/ they / hate studying so hard)?
4) (you / drink tea every morning or just coffee)?
5) (you /be/ late to the class)?
6) (What time /Tim / get up at the weekend)?
7) (Who/ eat / pizza)?
8) (She / work in an office)?
9)  (I / work as a teacher)?
10) (I / be at the right place)?
11) (you / smoke heavily)?
12) (where / she / live in London)?
13) (we/ be sure/ we have a test today)?

Can you keep a Conversation? 

What are some activities you like to do?

What are some good habits that you have?
What are some things you do every day?
Do you have any bad habits?
What is something you should do every day but don’t?
What is something you eat almost every day?
What do you do at your job?
What is your morning routine? How about your evening routine?
Is there anything you do only once a year?
What is something you do about once every month?
What is the strangest fact you know?
What do you do in your free time?


Watch the video. Who has a similar routine to yours?

Read the text about the presenter, Finn. Then watch the video from 00:10–0:25 and complete the text.
Hi, I 1’m Finn. I 2_____________ for the BBC 3_____________ London as a producer. I
4_____________ work at nine thirty and usually 5_____________ around six. What 6_____________
you do?

Glossary: BBC producer = makes TV and radio programmes

Look at the two people opposite and read the things they say. Then watch the video and write A or B
next to each sentence.

1 I teach science at a secondary school.

2 I’m a student.
3 I catch my bus at about twenty past seven.
4 I catch the tube home. Then I make some food.
5 And I like getting home and relaxing in the evenings.
6 I love what I’m doing. I love my course.
7 I don’t like the rush in the mornings.
8 Getting up at half past six.

What do they do? Watch the video from 0:25–0:45 and get their professions

What do/don’t they like about their daily routine? Look at the people below and complete their
answers. Watch the video from 2:01–3:14

1 His daily routine is always _____________.

2 Sometimes people are quite _____________.

1 He likes his _____________ now.

2 He _____________ his daily routine.
1 He _____________ the people he works with.
2 He _____________ very happy with his job.

THE WAY WE SPEAK: The people in the pictures say clock times in different ways. Watch the video
0:47–2:00 again and complete the times.


Write your answers to Finn’s questions.

1 What do you do?

2 What’s your daily routine?

3 What do you like about your daily routine?

4 What don’t you like about your daily routine?

You’re going to watch a soundless video.

First, take notes of the activities you’ll see in the video.

Second, be ready to narrate this person’s daily routine.

You’re going to study English in London next summer and live with a British student. His name is
John. Write an email to John to say who you are.

Remember to connect your ideas using and, but and or .

Plan your writing

• Think about the information you want to put in your
email: details about your interests, routine….
• Remember to use an informal greeting and close .

Writing plan
• Informal greeting
• Main paragraph: Write about yourself – your interests,
things you like and don’t like, routine.
• Informal close

Underline the correct alternatives.

1 I get up/on early.

2 I don’t have/do a big breakfast.
3 I usually go to/leave home at about eight because my office is quite far away.
4 I start/have work at nine.
5 I have bed/lunch at work, usually just a sandwich at my desk.
6 I usually finish/get work at about six in the evening.
7 I get up/get home about seven.
8 I have/leave dinner with my family.
9 I have/go to bed at about eleven.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 She (have) breakfast every morning.
2 I usually (finish) work quite late.
3 What time you (have) dinner?
4 He (not/start) work early. He usually starts at about 11a.m.
5 At the weekend we (get up) late. 6 I (not/have) breakfast, just a cup of coffee.

Big Happy Families

Look at the photo of the Bonell family. Can you find:
* the parents?
* the number of children?
* a son and a daughter?
* a brother and a sister?
* a husband and a wife?

Circle the family' words above. Do you know any other family words?

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1) How many bedrooms are there in the house?

2) How many bed are the in the house?

3) Do all of them live in the house? Justify it.

4) What’s Jeni opinion on having a big family?

5) How much per week do they spend on food shopping?

6) What’s your opinion about Jeni’s family?

3 A Look at t he article gain and complete the sentences.
1 They sixteen children.
2 The house seven bedrooms.
3I time for myself.

Attention: There is no difference in meaning between Have and Have got. The first form is commonly
used in Am English and the later in Br English.

Listen and underline the alternative you hear. Listening 6

1 Kate 's/has got five sisters.

2 | 've/have got a sister and two brothers.

3 They 've/haven't got a car.

4 He 's/hasn't got a big family.

SENTENCE STRESS Listen again and underline the stressed words. Listen and repeat. Listening 6

Complete the text. Use the correct form of have got or be.

I1 a brother and a sister. My sister, Lisa, 2 thirty-five, my brother, Paul, 3 thirty and I 4
twenty- seven. My sister 5 married to Andreas and they 6 a daughter, Eva. Eva7 (not) any brothers
or sisters. My brother 8 (not) married,
but he9 a girlfriend. I 10 married to Marek. We 11 two sons, Vlad and Henryk. They 12 three and one.

Complete the questions.

1 you any brothers or sisters?
2 How many brothers you ?
3 your brother any children?
4 How many children he ?

B) Create your own family tree.

Ask and answer questions.

A: How many brothers and sisters have you got?
B: I've got two brothers and one sister.
A: What are their names?
B: Joel, Santiago and Cecilia.
A: And how old is Joe!?
B: He's twenty-five.
A: And has he got a job?
B: Yes, he works in a big hotel. He's the manager.

What do you call your parents and grandparents?

Adverbs of frequency and modifiers

Adverbs of frequency give information about the frequency of an event.

The main adverbs of frequency are: always, never, often, rarely, sometimes and usually.
When we use adverbs of frequency, we start with the subject followed by to be or to have, and
the adverb.
We can also start with the subject followed by the adverb and a verb.
For example:
— “I’m always at school in the morning.” = The action is expressed by the verb to be (always after it).
— “I always go to school in the mornings.” = The action is expressed by the verb to go (always before

Sentence Position
INITIAL: Usually, my family eats dinner together.   Emphasis position
MID:       My family usually eats dinner together.   Standard word order
FINAL:   My family eats dinner together usually.  (mostly longer expressions) 

Use the adverb and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

1. Our teacher, Mrs Jones, (never / be) late for lessons.

2. I (often / clean) my bedroom at the weekend.

3. My brother (hardly ever / help) me with my homework.

4. I (sometimes / be) bored in the maths lessons.

5. We (rarely / watch) football on TV.

6. You and Tony (never / play) computer games with me.

7. You (usually / be) at the sports centre on Sunday.

8. The school bus (always / arrive) at half past eight.

Read the text and correct the incorrect sentences.

The new assistant in the store is very nice. She is always kind and happy. She’s very intelligent and
talks to you in English or Spanish or other languages. She always knows where things are in the store
and she always takes you to what you want. You often see people waiting to talk to her and she’s never
tired of helping. She usually goes round the store with people helping them to find things but
sometimes she stops working. That’s when she needs electricity – the new assistant is a robot and you
can see her in shops in America today.

1 The new store assistant is hardly ever happy. always

2 She always knows where things are.
3 She never takes you to what you want.
4 She sometimes goes round the store with people.
5 She often stops working.

Put an adverb of frequency in the correct place in the underlined sentences.

1 I always see Simon on the bus to work. We get the same bus every day.
2 Susan doesn’t like films at all. She goes to the cinema.
3 Our family eats meat two times a week. We don’t eat meat.
4 Sarah meets John for lunch three times a week. They have lunch together.
5 I remember things – just birthdays and holidays. My memory is really bad.

What are intensifiers?

Words which are used to add force to the meaning of verbs, adjectives or other adverbs are called

Examples of intensifiers
These are examples of intensifiers:

 I strongly disagree.
 It's extremely hot in Africa.
 You play soccer very well.
 Do you really mean it.
 It's fairly interesting.
 It's quite calm here.
 He's pretty intelligent.
 These students are rather noisy.
 I so wanted to buy the dress.
 She writes poems too often.
 It's absolutely amazing.
 I am a little angry with her.

Put the sentences in order of strength of modifier.

1 = weak, 5 = strong.

I’m quite worried about Salif.

I’m really very worried about Salif.
I’m really quite worried about Salif.
I’m not very worried about Salif.
I’m very worried about Salif.

Put not very , quite, very or really in the correct place in the sentences.
1 A: Look at Salif over there, I’m worried about him.
Look at Salif over there, I’m really/quite/very worried
about him.
B: Why?

2 A: He never smiles these days – he’s sad.

3 B: I’m not friendly with him but he does look sad.

4 A: You know, something isn’t right. Usually he’s

talkative and funny.

B: Have you got any idea what it is?

5 A: His mum is well.

In six sentences the underlined word is wrong. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1 My mother and father are my children.

2 My brother’s daughter is my nephew.
3 My uncle’s sister is my mother.
4 My grandfather’s son is my father.
5 My son and daughter are my parents.
6 My daughter’s mother is my wife.
7 My father’s mother is my grandfather.
8 My aunt’s husband is my uncle.
9 My son’s brother is my daughter.
10 My nephew’s brother is my niece.
11 My uncle’s child is my cousin.

apostrophes ’s

We use apostrophes before s ( ‘s ) in these situations:

• We use it as the contraction of is

She is a teacher = She’s a teacher
It is cold today = It’s cold today

• We use it as the contraction of has before got

Daniel has got a new phone = Daniel’s got a new phone
Rita has got brown eyes = Rita’s got brown eyes.

• We use it to show possession

This football belongs to Jack = This is Jack’s football
Does that car belong to Sarah? = Is that Sarah’s car?
BUT, it’s always = it is. We use its for possession.
It’s Monday today. The dog has a bird on its nose.

Decide if the sentences have contractions of a) is , b) has , or c) possession.

1 The station’s in the centre of the town.

2 She’s got a big house.
3 This is Martin’s car.
4 He’s from Italy.
5 Tom’s got blue eyes.
6 It’s important to study another language.
7 Jane’s got two sisters.
8 I want to learn about Italy and its culture.

Discuss. Who do you usually spend more time with, your friends or your family? What do you usually
do together?
I live with my family, so I spend more time with them.
We watch TV and eat together every day.

Read the quiz and choose the best answer for you, A, B or C.
Did you get mostly As, Bs or Cs? What do you think this says about you?

Read the three interpretations of the results (1–3) and match them to the headings (A–C). Do you
agree with the interpretation of your results?

C Mostly Cs
1 You are a quiet person. You like your own company. You are independent and you usually do things
on your own. But remember, we all need friends and family sometimes!

A Mostly As
2 You are a real family person! You love to spend time with your family. They are the most
important people in your life. But remember, it’s good to spend some time with your friends, too.

B Mostly Bs
3 You share everything with your best friend. That’s great, but don’t forget that there are other people
in the world, too!

SOUNDS and SPELLING: /æ/ /ʌ/ Listening 7

/ɑː/ Look at some different spellings of the sounds. Then listen and repeat the sounds and words.
Look at the conversations and complete the words.

Conversation 1
A: This is my m __ther’s sister, my __nt Emily.
B: Nice to meet you. Are you from __gentina?
C: Yes, I__ m. And you?

Conversation 2
A: For l__ nch I h__ ve a s__ ndwich.
B: And what do you eat in the _ fternoon?
A: N__ thing.

Listen to the conversations and find three examples of each sound. Listening 8

LINKING Read the interview.

What’s his job?

Q: Have you got any brothers and sisters?
A: I’ve got a brother but I haven’t got any
Q: Your brother’s an actor, yes?
A: That’s right. He’s in Egypt now.
Q: And you?
A: We’ve got a concert in Berlin on Saturday.
Then in Madrid on Monday.
Q: Ah, your big European tour.
A: That’s right.

Read the Pronunciation tip. Then mark fourteen links between the words in the interview above.

In English when one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word starts with a vowel sound ,
we join them together, e.g.

Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the questions and answers in the interview. Listening 9
Now, talk a little bit about your whole family. Do not forget to mention their names, age, professions
and where they live.

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