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Roamnee o nove\ Wenn Create wrting 1s a writing @ Pshort Fiction ay Ahad fakes an imaginative or © 2 ihe gapinc OUISIBE - ke - box aperoach a fo a onenG o Rumor wating 40 1S SUBJECT Matter © Personal essays wm contrast 40 Aechniqal or academic Writing , cre - adive writing focuses on @lemenrs - Such as, Chara- Ctets, plot , merrages. ard 50 On . How +0 differ from pas Loe Se ows AOA Fro a SpEsTFIE pom OF view OWS Marratie Sreucture AD engage the readers eytension iS used oy A Theme 40 orgamae awe garrative 07 \Herary devices are Used Freely wd How 40 write al 4. Porting the Story a. planning AWE Wore 4. writing ¢he dialogue 4. Creating, belieyeable characters Fe + Rinding a plore \wirducing the Story 4} editing ypuc wore Copelting » punctuation ) (os Eremenrs = YS 4. Characters 2. Sexting, 2. Ror 4. theme ©. conelict WY alo Short Stary 6 7\ w Achort story WS a Wteracy work twhich has a simple Narrative plot that contains sequence of events The diff - erence between Short stones ard other Creative Writings are the word Count avd the harrative Cope the average Should cun anywhere from $000 unt) 10-000 Words QeFreition Writing Tips 4 WOVE TO READ' | 2. were a diary 3. Broaden your Horizon A. Read Booes 5. Jus write | +) & children '¢ book 16 a written booe, ator produced Abe information or entertainment for children and Young adults. include © WENN the Enowledge © Sriqulating memories © Amperving Concentration © Enhancing \maginaton aN non-Kicrton , Wikerary + and actisrtc Genre £ © expanding language & ® Find your best ideas > pevelop Ane main characters Y Noid the use of adult character Vv 16 a Ricture hoor or a navel 4 You decide VY Resting to get some tdea¢ v Reread and revisions 4 ; et oy Skok +e HOY QuIcrly ey We reRerHidn oy BMA the story quicely oy COOK the tite e° Ie e 24 @ ao coer a) ge me wore) 4. Rose Poetry A. Brainstroming \deas Cust of famous by James tate) 2. write toa prompt 2. Nacrative poetry 4. Ger Incpired | Cawe Wiad by Homer) 4. choose a geod memory o & 3. comnet Choose a +heme Coonner xn by Shakespeare ) 4. ERIC Roetry Cthe odyssey toy Homer) use \ierary devices + C metaphor , simile chymes , Personigi cation . EFC 3 A poetry iS A Sporen or & Mitten tery work refers +0 tHE emotional Expressions from AME author. The author of the poerty WS called 4 poet. the - Read a (O* OF RoEMs — write About your own ufe = experiences Awe World - Play U Safe ~ try 4d be trendy - Forget your audiences RP Peer usually adds rhymes +0 mare % More beautiful aherefore. ale usually Ww Awe Foon OF Wie and stan ras A auarity of beautiful And wt eNHY OF emotion fegucled af NU I 38 Me a ( Characrencaics of poems © DeFMirion. Nw come WH awide Array OF subgenres \ \aterpretation o¢ \ige 2. emertaloment oF escape 3 REE OF change IW Language & Xhought A. BRESION oF ake Spirit of WS age 5. creator of Wige- Style and orbiter of taste ia iS a warragve work Abt ENE A HOry aout cpesigic human experiences over 4 Considerabie length ntke poetry, WANE ME Story using PrDse rather +h- an verse ; untike shore stores; Te 4ellS a lengthy na- Tronwe caxher than & bref selection today , yovers © (we Sxory, © Rumorous Ory 0 Awmier ( Suspense b mystery © Science Ficxton © AC. 2. Brainstorming 3. outtine ! How +0 write Nail down the story Idea Cchoose the most exciting ideas ) @ ~ what is +he genre > How many characters? - main chameter's desire 7 Care notes on the Fey PO- ints, make a mindmap) 4. write, C Start writing and edt 4 agpin and again ) S+ motWation C ypu need 4 reason 40 write, op Ht Come Fresh air) 6. Editing (awe dragt ged? 40 be xed ) } wee 40 market CVdeMtify whe Your book forges Marker is) UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG KARTU UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER GANJIL 2021/2022 NOMOR UJIAN : 392650488947 FAKULTAS / PRODI : SASTRA / SASTRA INGGRIS SL NAMA MAHASISWA: NUR HAYATI SEPTIYANA. iM 181010600150 SHIFT REGULER B No | Hari/Tanggal | Waktu | Ruang | Kelas Mata Kuliah Parat 1 [Senin, 3Jan 2022 |18.20- 20.00 O1_1617 | 07SIGMo01 |PRAGMATIS. 2. |Senin, 3 Jan 2022 |20.00- 21.40) OL_1617 | 07SIGMOO1 |LITERARY APPRECIATION 2 | INTRODUCTION To 3 [Selasa, 4 Jan 2022 |18.20- 20.00] OL_1617 |07SIGMO01 Peveon NGUISTICS 4 |Selasa, 4 Jan 2022 |20.00- 21.40) OL_1617 | 07SIGMOO1 [CREATIVE WRITING 4 5. |Rabu, 5 Jan 2022 |28.20- 20.00) OL_1617 | 07SIGMo02 SOCIOLINGUISTICS IINDONESIAN-ENGLISH 6 Rabu, 5 jan 2022 |20.00- 21.40 O1_1617 | 07SIGMO01 FRANSL ATION 6 7 |kamis, 6 Jan 2022 |18.20- 20.00 O1_1617 | 075IGMO01 {GRAPHIC LITERATURE 8. |kemis, 6 Jan 2022 |20.00- 21.40] O1_1617 | 07SIGMo01 |LITERARY & FILM STUDIES 8 Peraturan dan Tata Tertib Peserta Ujian Peserta ujian harus berpakaian rapi, sopan dan memakai jaket Almamater Peserta ulian sudah berada di ruangan sepuluh menit sebelum ujian dimulai Peserta ujian yang terlambat diperkenankan mengikuti ujian setelah mendapat ijin, tanpa perpanjangan waktu Peserta ujian hanya diperkenankan membawa alat-alat yang ditentukan oleh panitia ujian Peserta ujian dilarang membantu teman, mencontoh dari teman dan tindakan-tindakan lainnya yang mengganggu pesert: 2 ujian lain Peserta ujian yang melanggar tata tertib ujian dikenakan sanksi akademik ‘Tangerang Selatan, 4 Januari 2022 Ketua Panitia Ujian UBAID AL FARUQ, 5.P% NIDN. 0418028702 M. Pd

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