Khilafat Movement

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Khilafat Movement

a.Institution of Khilafat
1.Khilafat is the name of a Muslim Institution handed over to the followers and
friends(Sahaba-i-Karam) of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) and the Rulers or the
Administrators of the Islamic State who are known as Khalifas(Caliphs)

2.The title given to the Khalifa was known as Khalifa-tul-Rasool Allah

i.e.Vicegerent of the Prophet of Allah,which the pious Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakar
Siddique assumed for himself

3.When Hazrat Omar ascended the Khilafat,he assumed the title Khalifat
Khalifat-tul-Rasool Allah which meant Vicegerent to the Vicegerent of Rasool

4.When a foreigner entered the Masjid-i-Nabvi and enquired,Where is the Amir-

ul-Mominin(Head of the Muslims)

5.Hazrat Omar greatly admired the title and assumed it for himself.

6.The title Amir-ul-Momenin remained in use till 1924 when Kamal Ataturk
abolished the institution of Khilafat.

b.Movement for the Protection of the Institution of Khilafat

1.When the First World War broke out in 1914,the circumstances compelled the
Ottoman Empire to fight against the Allies.

2.Turkey,the seat of Khilafat,therefore fought by the side of Germany.

3.The Indian Muslims naturally attached their sympathies with their Turkish

4.The Government adopted a stern policy to keep the Muslims of India under
control and did not allow them to raise any voice in support of Khalifa,the
Sultan of Turkey.
5.The First World War ended in 1918 with the Allies e

f.Khilafat Delegation
1. The Khilafat Committee met on 23rd November 1919 and decided to send a
delegation under the leadership of Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar to England
to apprise the Government about the sentiments of the people.

2.The delegation included Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar,Syed Sulaiman

Nadvi,Dr Syed Hussain and Malik Hasan Hayat,who was to act as Secretary of
the delegation.

3.The delegation left Bombay for England in March 1920.

4.The delegation reminded that the Muslims wanted justice with the Turks in
the light of fourteen points of U.S.President Wilson and Mr.Lloyd George’s
Speech in the House of Commons on January 6,1918.

4.Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar met the Prime Minister Lloyd George who
was known for his anti-Muslim sentiments.

5.Maulana Muhammad Ali reminded Lloyd George of the promises the British
Government had made with the Indian Muslims about the Caliphate and the
sacred places in Turkey.

6.The Prime Minister refused to accept any argument and instead expressed
that Turkey should not be excused.

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