個人成長 第一二堂 手抄筆記中英對照

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Hong Sir Regular Plan B

分析方法 Analysis﹕
(1) 個人方面﹕自我概念(自我接納/鏡像效應/自我了解)﹐自尊感(安全感/獨特感
份認同 Personally: self-concept (self-acceptance / mirror effect /
self-understanding), self-esteem (security / selfhood / affiliation / competence
/ mission), personal skills, emotional management, resilience, individual rights,
(2) 人際方面﹕人際溝通﹐同儕效應(從眾效應)﹐潮流效應﹐人際關係網絡化
Interpersonally: interpersonal communication, peer effect, bandwagon effect,
online interpersonal relationship
(3) 社會方面﹕角色期望(期望落差)﹐性別定性﹐物質主義(炫耀性消費/感性消費)﹐
消費主義﹐道德標準(價值觀念)﹐大眾傳媒 Socially: role expectancy
(expectation gap), gender qualitation, materialism (conspicuous consumption /
emotional consumption), consumerism, moral standards (values and
perceptions), the mass media
(4) 家庭方面﹕管教方式(專制型﹐冷漠型﹐權威型)﹐家庭和諧﹐社會經濟地位﹐
家庭教育(人際技巧/道德教育/理財觀念) Family: parenting style
(authoritarian, strict, authoritative), family harmony, socio-economic status,
family education (interpersonal skills / moral education / financial management
(5) 學校方面﹕教育制度(填鴨式教育/昇學標準)﹐學業表現﹐全人發展(領袖能力
/社區參與/批判思維)﹐媒體素養(廣告誤導/分析能力) Schools: education
system (spoon-feeding education / admission standards), academic
performance, all-round development (leadership / community participation /
critical thinking), media literacy (misleading advertising / analytical ability)

推論過程﹕(社會經濟地位低->金錢糾紛->家庭暴力) Deduction: (low

socio-economic status  monetary disputes  domestic violence)
(1) 補習文化﹕公開考試壓力大->希望改善成績->進入心儀大學。消費主義﹕商
品廣告/借貸廣告->滿足慾望/朋輩認同 The culture of attending tutorial
schools: high pressure due to public exams  want to improve academic results
 get into the preferred university. Consumerism: Advertising of products /

loans  satisfy desires / peer recognition
(2) 社會經濟地位低->無力支付生活費用外的開支->金錢糾紛->語言及肢體衝突
->家庭暴力 Low socio-economic status  cannot afford the expenditure beside
living expenses  monetary disputes  arguments and physical conflicts 
domestic violence

題目﹕“社交網絡對青少年成長是利大於弊。”你是否同意這觀點﹖(8 分)
Question: “Social networks bring more good than harm to young people’s
development.” Do you agree with this statement? (8 marks)
(1) 利處﹕促進朋輩溝通﹐改善人際關係﹔擴大社交範圍/人際網絡﹔通過鏡像
促進全人發展 Pros: promote peer communication, improve interpersonal
relationships; expand social circles / interpersonal network; mirror effect -
improve self-concept; media literacy - improve individual analytical ability;
access to diversified information and promote all-round development

(2) 弊端﹕削弱真實生活中的溝通能力﹔網絡人際關係不穩固﹐持續性低﹔威脅
收錯誤資訊﹔沉迷社交網絡﹐損全人發展 Cons: weaken the communication
skills in real life; unstable online interpersonal relationships, low persistence;
threat young people’s safety (persona safety / money / crimes); young people
do not have the ability to distinguish the authenticity of the information,
receive misinformation; become addicted to social networks, undermine
all-round development

Hong Sir Regular Plan B

價值觀 Values
Personal aspects: materialism / consumerism, utilitarianism, money first /
mammonism, hedonism, optimism, caring spirit, integrity, individual autonomy,
diversity, law-abiding
Familial aspects: familial values, collectivism and individualism, filial piety / trust
義﹐人道主義 Social aspects: rule of law / human rights / liberty / Probity,
egalitarianism (gender equality, racial equality), nationalism, humanitarianism
Business aspects: profit-maximization, social responsibility, emphasis on efficiency
/ innovation

題目﹕“社交網絡對青少年成長是利大於弊。”你是否同意這觀點﹖(8 分)
Question: “Social networks bring more good than harm to young people’s
development.” Do you agree with this statement? (8 marks)
(3) 利處﹕促進朋輩溝通﹐改善人際關係﹔擴大社交範圍/人際網絡﹔通過鏡像
促進全人發展 Pros: promote peer communication, improve interpersonal
relationships; expand social circles / interpersonal network; mirror effect -
improve self-concept; media literacy - improve individual analytical ability;
access to diversified information and promote all-round development

(4) 弊端﹕削弱真實生活中的溝通能力﹔網絡人際關係不穩固﹐持續性低﹔威脅
收錯誤資訊﹔沉迷社交網絡﹐損全人發展 Cons: weaken the communication
skills in real life; unstable online interpersonal relationships, low persistence;
threat young people’s safety (persona safety / money / crimes); young people
do not have the ability to distinguish the authenticity of the information,
receive misinformation; become addicted to social networks, undermine
all-round development

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