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The scaffold of the Rule Of Law

To understand the scaffold of rule of law, identifying state actors and semi-state actors. Is the scaffold
hiding the legal violence?
Jurisprudence formally condemns torture but ends up accommodating excess violence.

Custodial Torture in –
- Petty thefts
- Terrorism
- Kashmir
- Human rights activists and dissenters
Making detention their punishment, before trials.
Cause maybe the absence of specific laws on torture, state intentionality
Ascendence of Truth Machines – narcoanalysis, lie detectors etc during 1990’s since there was a
claim that these will replace the physical methods of torture.
State Forensic Architecture – ‘Police Reform’, legal immunirty, courts reaffirm
Even when questioned, only issues of consent and admissibility.
Role of Semi State Actors – narco analysts and psychologists
Narco analysis ‘pharmocological torture’ negating right to silence

Role of Magistrates and Doctors in legal torture

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