Assignment 2013

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Adama polytechnic college satellite program

Building Construction Technology

Section I,1st year 2nd semister
Under graduate BSC DEGREE
English Assignment

Name: Desalegn Gashaw

ID No: TTSR 537/12
Instruction I: Answers the following question based on the
information in the passage.
1. Asia, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean.
2. Internal bleeding and malfunction of the bladder, liver and intestine
3. Community involvement through health education ,active participation by the involved
and the systematic application of locally grow and processed endod should become
routine and activities by individual ,families and villages when developed become a truly
self-help form of health control.
4. The pesticide is produced from locally concurring plant. The availability and low cost in
foreign currency of the plant extract.
5. Eggs from mature parasite are continually ex-created by infected person or animals. If
they reach water, they hatch into an intermediate from which seek out a snail host. In the
snail after further transformations, the parasite begin to release numerous ‘cercariae’ the
form which affect the man. These cercariae can penetrate skin, so any contact with
infected water is enough to transmit the disease.
Instruction II: match the following words with their meaning or
1. I 8. D
2. M 9. C
3. N 10. G
4. A 11. E
5. J 12. H
6. B 13. K
7. F 14. L
Instruction III: Guess the meanings of the following words as they
are used in the reading passage.
1. Well-being -a state of health or general health
2. Self-awareness –knowledge understanding of your own character
3. Peer pressure -Pressure from friends of your own age
4. self-efficacy -your confidence in your ability to achieve something
5. Self-esteem - how you feel about your self; a feeling of your own character & ability
6. Framed -to express smth in a particular way; to create & develop sth such as a plan
7. Innumerable- too many to be counted; very many
8. Core -The most important part of something, the hard central part of fruit.
9. Kinship -relation or connection by blood, the fact of being related in family
10. Pursue -to follow, to do something or to achieve something
Instruction IV: Change the following sentences into passive voice
1. The window was broken with a stone by him.
2. He is being watched in the market.
3. The mountain was being climbed.
4. A cup of tea had been carried to a kitchen by the maid.
5. Has a snake been seen by you?
6. The magazine has been read by the boys.
7. Why is your time wasted?
8. He will be brought a present by us.
9. Aster was promised a prize by her father.
10. The new student was told where to sit.
11. The train was stopped and the passengers were looted between the two stations.
12. A humble person is not always admired.
13. This peak has never been climbed.
14. Each one of us was given a pen.
15. Christ was made to carry his cross.
16. It is time for tea to be taken.
17. Success must be worked for.
18. Your case has been looked into.
19. A dog was run over by the car.
20. Have you been told about your result?
21. Where was the purse found?
22. The army passed by the town
23. Grass grows over the field
Instruction V: Choose the Correct answer
1. B
2. D
3. C
4 A
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. B

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