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“Shor Nan 4044101102 OMV Petrom & Refining Standard PETROM. Deserirtion Personal Protective Equipment ‘This OMV Petrom Refining Standard was adopted for OMY Petrom Refineries based on OMV Refining ‘Standard 4044101102 by issuing and releasing of Local Amendment ‘Sunjet Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ‘Objective ‘This standard determines the minimum requkemens fr personal protective equlpment ned by al employee to ne workplaces in OMY Pevom Rating & Perosnomiea. ‘tine managers and sat ‘Scope of ‘The scope of effectiveness is lind to Reiring business segment within OMV Petom Efietveness: Refineries, new ERRHSEL lon Govan «HOTA uae PRAHSEL onc [OTE PRPHSEL Luminta Meguleany 20 9/ Davy Resporsibies rine ——=PRAHSEL ton Glscan content PACPHSE-L Lumina Maguleant “Approved regarding i usara Approved ruerdnd | PRLREP-ESPM Fela De Yerils regartnt ny PAHSSE-BPRM —Datona Sorescu Dumitescy +01 ¢o0/) ‘Shure dont on agers Pt Parson Prose Eaont Page Vaasa oe OTE ets Werior| 101102 4, Introduction ‘OMY Refhing & Petrochemicals Is commited to endowing employees wth specie and appropriate protecive equipment. Prtscive equoment Icuaeg personal potecive equipment (PPE) are Provides, used and mnsined Ina santary and relableconditan. PPE must be Used even f the an be eiminted or sufloenily reduces by prtecive devices or ogarizaional measures, methods processes. PPE i considers to be the lowest fom of sk condo, usable only for rotacton agaist {he eek remaining aftr implementation of oher, eg tetnica or organizational measures. ‘Sta having ophiaimoleical problems Is to be tested wih extreme care by providng an cephthalmologisl consult and purchasing sufable protective glasses. For hese persone, protective ‘laos maybe optical or ordinary, wom over the gasses ‘Cthing of fe brigade as wel as specie equipment, are not define inthis Refining Standard Regulatory Content Table of Contents 24 General Requirement 22 Minimum PPE Standards. 22.4 Protactve Clothing 222. Safety Shoes: 223. Hare Hat (Helmet 224 Safety Glasses (protecive goggles/spectalest 225. Protective Gloves. 228 Hoang Protection 227 SpecialPPE 23 Responsibilities. 24 General Requirement PPE most comply withthe las in force, under fotlowing conons: + sppropit othe sks involved, without conducting itsel to an neoased ik + wih respect for existing work codon; + taking ito account ecgonomicrequements end employee's heath sets + comecy tr all necessary acustments, PPE must be compatible and keep their effectiveness in relation tothe sk when presence of mule "ks requessinlaneous wearing of severa PPE PPE usage conditions, partculy wearing period, depends onthe risk degree, Faquoncy of exposure tothe nak charatertice ofthe werpiace ofeach employee and PPE perfomance. Theoretical, PPE. {e dosignsied for wearing by one person I ckcurstancs require wearing of PPE by sovral persons, appropiate measures must be taken to ‘eure tat no problems of heath x hygene for aferert users occur PE i provided tree by OMY for OMV ampoyeas (PPE owner), ensuring ts good functioning and "stefctry hylenc condition by means of maitonance, pa and replacement when neodod Poti A044 A04163 ON BBE. @ Vase _ A Version| 101402 Parse rae ERT 22 ‘The designated safety export at sit informs tne employee about leks against which PPE i intended {ar proves rang and orgenze praca! apgcalons for PPE weerg, fnecsesay PE must bo used only for dedicated purposes and according to manufacture’ insbucton, excepting specie and exceptonalcrcumstanees nseuctane must be easjo-understan, ‘OMY employees working in ofcas and veto must have @ minum standard PPE provided beore ‘entering areas where wearing of PPE Is equed [Contactors must have ther own PPE according to OMY requirements. It thle duty to Inform ‘homselves In time. about OM roquiements. OMV must inform the conracor about these ‘requirements nthe same Sime wih signing te concoct ‘Anyone aving at work place without a ful set of requires PPE wil nt be allowed 10 work. OMY ‘employees not wearing requited PPE wil bo aubjt to iecpinayeancon. Kis the retpanesaly of {he tne management to enforce tis requrerent I an Indlvel respenseity t comply with is requirement Minimum PPE Standards [AIPPE must be chosen according tothe risk asserement ofthe workplace PPE roguremani or he sngo areas a refney sites have to be defined (eg. n PPE Matrix) bated on ‘he PPE Matrix given in this Sandar. The requremerts have tobe documonied and communicated 0 (he wore Foc non-permanent workbces, required equipment has o be epacfled inthe work perm. Procurement of PPE In OM Refining & Petrochemicals afer the vallé dat of hs Reig Standard shall folow he order specication ghven in Subdocument 1 and the manufacturing ad test deszipion {ven In Subdocument 2. Devlatone fem ts speciation must Not lad to areducton of potacion level. Any deviation has to be approved by HSEQ manager based on aris assessment Replacement Ot exisng PPE, which is notin ine wih subsocumont 1, shouldbe done succes, PRefSid 48 vi01402 EN_PPE.doc 308 Werson | 01402 ~ ORR Baa RETR E PaTDTRale ae rarowed eee sye8 om uo Buuren =) “Kovepuet = ududbeeng>eord UoEIng Jo} REM EL, ‘ned 120m ot of Suypioage paen eq ek sey queuxdibe ennoaosd euosied ‘e818 e8819 UM 14 10 pJO0 0 OF Ut oa w geo 8 ends 2.2.1. Protective Clothing 0 according fo ENSSHENT149-SENS4S overall fp trousers wth jacket out of her ilammable an ansatlc msterl, 9. NOMEX eng armed no old up stoves or trousers is permitted to be provided inthe righ size o avoid geting stuck and to ensure feedom a movement werking with Nap trousers without th jackets only alowed ifa working shirt wih ong arms of Sopcepiate matte g, NOMEX, 1s woe. The laboratory personnel cous tematvely wear @ tong ered laboratry-coa of eg, NOMEX I rei any neces to wear thes over he working clothes (e.g fr protcing again! ran {oles must be ensure tha hs dthes do nt confine he protective eect Fer OMV employer, non fame relat materia not alowed to be worn over Ue NOMEX othes, Oni ‘repton a warnmg vet witou colar ana wihout slesves Corrector employees have to wear {tlast ono layer of Maro eisai ate ace. ENE. ‘The underwear should be made of natura fbr 2.9. caton) ore, to ensue the protective oct ofthe working ches 2.22 Safety Shoas: @ ankle deep safety bots wih to cap. sed hoo, sole bern resistant, anal, ald resistant and at eas 60 mines waterproof according EN 345 $2 Inaboratories ow safety shoes wih closed heal and oe cap acid estan, antistatic, sole i resistant and ant stppery can be usod instead os cnt @ hard hat according EN 397 and made of duropas hermoplasc hemes are not allowed) Standard helmet calor for OMV employees is blue. Red elas are recommended to be used by {ad voeatena) re fghter, Contractor employees other than re gage are nat alowed to use red hoimets 2.2.4 Safety Glasses (protective goggles/spectacles) Safety gasses have tobe worn in the prosicton areas andthe abeatres, the workshops whe ‘working or supers in jabs wit moctancal, opel heme ance thom hazards. Safety goggle (goggle ae totaly closed for inherent eye protection wih an elastic band) hve be wom f the isk assessment fr working place makes fmandaiory. empyecs wearing gasses stall won dont protect asses or og wth lenses with ‘pteal corection te normal optel glasses alone are nat suse for prtecton. Personal raiacive EnapmecT | fe Waa E ‘anghis reseed ‘ON Paver Rating & Peecherisals 225 226 227 Protective Gloves @ “+ While woking wih danger fining the hands (mechanica work, working with chemicals, ‘eral or elocreal mpact) appropiate gloves aocorang erick assessment ofthe workplace Hearing Protection @ “+ tnmared areas inthe unts and while noisy woking, hearing protocton I mandatory. Noemi according to focal logit has tobe taken Ino account Special PPE ‘Cetin acties ana work places wil have hazards that requ spocaized PPE, Specie PPE mus! be ‘Setned in tha worn port wonciace safety ascesuments oF Using nausty coaes 0 pracice. Activitios 1+ eraye radioactive isotopes ‘+ Fusion welding or cating ‘+ Machining icucing bending machines and presses + Handing chemical 1 Wrking with miro organims 1 Working with od umes, ust, tants + Confined space entry ‘Water, a, sand pressurzed + Working at eighis + Working over water + Steam cleaning + Sandblasting 4+ Working with tasers + Working wih explosives ‘Working places: + Laboratories + Medical trectment ereas + Kichens— foo preparaien storage + Workshops PRefSid 404d 104402 EN PPE doc ‘RAT Potom Rotning & Porochemiaas ~alghis reserved 2.3 Responsibilities Solely Exper HSEQ Manager + Elaborate specications for procurement of PPE ‘+ Adie anda ine manager and staf members about PPE Line manager + Determine PPE needs of sta members and ensire tat appronate PPE i provided to staff member + Safoguard wearing of PPE by staff mene. + lnform the employee about the sks aginst which PPE protcts 1+ Provide employee PPE training Al employees + Wear requied PPE curing the anit. + Uses PE only forthe purpate which was granted ands concerned about resending the quay ol prtecton + Presents PPE tothe periodic chackng and request anew one when the PPE looses is protective ualy ‘+ Mustknow the characteristics and proper use of PPE + Request tthe line manager he endowment wih optical protecive passes, i necessary, 3, Terms and Abbreviations: orm Definition Definition Personal Proteaive Equipment Heats Safty Environment Quality Keywords (Search Criteria, Search Terms) SEQ, personal protective equioment, PPE, occupations safely, protective clothing, safety shoes, hae, Safely patees, pretctve gloves, hearing protection Local Amendments, Sub-Documents & References (A01] Local Amendment MRS {10021 Local Amendment MRS {L403} Loca! Amendments Pevom Retnees Peta 4044 v101102 EN PPE doe (Paso Praaave Exconart Paee | aaa OTE ‘OHI Patio Rating & Favocherials allrighis esoved Sub-Documents {SUO'] Order specication (Su02] Manufacturing References 2 tert cescrption [Remo] European Orecive 69/29 EEC (Frame Drecve on safety ana neat a wrk) [Refo2]_ European Drecve BSIBSGIEEC (Personal protective equement) [Refs] OHSAS 18001 6. Obsolete Regulations Nene 2008 cap.4.3.1:446 7. Amendments from Previous Versions. Version Fema [ame Date Tne Fist iesue ‘ RauptHering | TOTOZ RefSid 4844 104102 EN PPE doe Vers 108102 ‘OR Patron Rething & Porochomicals~ argh reserved

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