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Farm Inputs

What are farm Inputs?

These are the different
resources that are used in
crop production.
Farm supplies
-these are the essential materials
needed in crop production. The
number or amount needed is
very important to minimize
unnecessary expenses.
Seeds - a mature ovule
consisting of an
embryonic plant together
with a stored food, all
surrounded by a
protective coat. It is used
to propagate plants easily.
Fertilizers – a
substance that
supplies nutrients to
the soil that are
essential for the
growth of a plant.
Pesticides – a
substance used to kill
Labor Inputs
-These are the energy needed so
that the production grows. Labor
inputs also use tools and
equipment to make the labor easy
and to secure the production
1) labor requirement for land
preparation such as:

* Mechanical plowing or plowing

using a Carabao
Mechanical harrowing or harrowing
using a Carabao
2) Inputs in labor requirement
in planting such as:

Broadcasting the seeds

Transplanting the seedling
3.)Inputs in labor requirement
for plant care such as

Applying fertilizers Pest Control

Weeding Irrigating the farm
Harvesting Threshing
Drying Storing the
harvested crops

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