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Personal Information

Surname (s) / First name(s) I Made Agus Pebra Arianta

Position applied for Crew Cleaner
Address (es) Br. Dinas Angkah Tegeh, Ds. Angkah
Selemadeg Barat, Tabanan
Home Phone(s) +6285 739 219 760
Mobile +6285 739 219 760
Email Address
Nationality Indonesian
Date of birth 10-02-2002
Gender Male
Height / Weight 170 cm / 80 kg
Marital Status Single Number of Children: 0 children’s

Work experience
Dates August 05 ,2021 until December 31th, 2022
Occupation or position held Housekeeping
Name and address In Da Lodge
of employee
- Prepare the room, aminitis and linen on the troly
- Prepare chemical and equipment, blanket

Dates December 2020 until June 2021

Occupation or position held OJT as Housekeeping
Name and address Bali Exlusive Residence
- Prepare the room, aminitis and linen on the troly
- Prepare chemical and equipment, blanket

2020 - 2021 Oriana International School

2017 – 2020 Senior High School

SMK Negeri 3 Tabanan

2014 – 2017 Junior High School

SMP Negeri 2 Selemadeg Barat

2008 – 2014 Elementary School

SD Negeri 1 Lumbung
Mother tongue(s) Indonesian

Other language(s) English

Personal Documents Information

Passport No / Valid E0439632 / 23-08-2027
C1D Visa No / Valid -
Seaman No / Valid -
Panama No / Valid -
BST Valid -
Crisis Valid -
Crowd Valid -
SCRB Valid -
Yellow Fever -

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