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Codes for Madrasa Schedule

1) Name and address of Madrasa

2) Name of the Head of Madrasa
3) 01- Boys, 02- Girls, 03- Co Ed
4) 01- Primary, 02- Upper Primary, 03- High School, 04- Intermediate
5) Year of Establishment
6) Year of recognition
7) 01- Yes, 02- No
8) 01- Only male teachers in Madrasa
02- Both male and Female teachers in Madrasa
9) 01- If enrolment has increased over the years

02- If enrolment has decreased over the years

03-If enrolment has remained the same

10) 01- If attendance is more than 75% of the class strength

02-If attendance is less then 75% of the class strength
11) 01- If Salary grant, Poshan Anudan and M.D.M are received
02- If only salary grant is received
12) 01- If condition is good
02- If condition is not good
13) If less than or equal to 1:45
If more than 1: 45
14) 01- Yes, 02- No
15) 01- Yes, 02- No
16) If chairs / tables or benches are available
If chairs or benches are not available and durries are used
17) 01- Satisfactory, 02- Unsatisfactory
18) 01- Yes, 02- No
19) 01- Yes, 02- No
20) 01- Yes, 02- No
21) 01- Yes, 02- No
22) 01- Yes, 02- No
23) 01- Yes, 02- No
24) 01- Water Supply, 02- Hand Pump, 03- Well
25) 01- Adequate, 02- Purified, 03- Unpurified
26) 01- Yes, 02- No
27) 01- Yes, 02- No
28) 01- Yes, 02- No
29) 01- Yes, 02- No
30) 01- Yes, 02- No
31) 01- Yes, 02- No
32) 01- Yes, 02- No
33) 01- Yes, 02- No
34) 01- Yes, 02- No
35) 01- Yes, 02- No
36) 01- Local , 02- Outside
37) 01- Yes, 02- No
38) 01- Yes, 02- No
39) 01- Yes, 02- No
40) 01- It is quite helpful for students’ needs and also enrolment has
increased because of this.
02- It is not much helpful for the students and no effect on enrolment
because of this.

41) 01- Through the govt. aid , the condition of Madrasa and students
got improved as the scholarship provided financial support to the
students and also enrolment has increased because of this.
02- Only salary of teachers was received and no other grant was
received. Yet the scholarship money attracted the students and
enrolment has increased.
03- Government aid has not provided any significant change in
improving Madrasa education.
42) 01- It is very good and because of the financial aid by the govt. the
standard of Madrasa has been improved and students’ progress and
interest in studies has increased
02- Financial Aid to the students is so meager that it has not caused
any change in students interest in studies and their enrolment because
of it.
43) 01- yes, 02- No
44) 01- NIOS
02- Colleges
03- Universities
45) % age of students who have joined NIOS during the last five years
46) % age of students who have joined Colleges during the last five years
47) % age of students who have joined Universities during the last five

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