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X Y (X-Xmean) (Y-Ymean) (X-Xmean)(Y-Ymean) (X-Xmean)2 (Y-Ymean)2

1,57 3,05 -3,01 -4,10 12,34 9,05 16,84

2,23 3,93 -2,35 -3,22 7,57 5,51 10,39
2,17 4,68 -2,41 -2,47 5,96 5,80 6,12
4,53 6,57 -0,05 -0,58 0,03 0,00 0,34
7,25 8,27 2,67 1,12 2,98 7,14 1,25
9,25 12,01 4,67 4,86 22,69 21,83 23,58
5 10,27 0,42 3,12 1,32 0,18 9,71
4,62 8,45 0,04 1,30 0,06 0,00 1,68
Mean = 4,5775 7,15375
Total = 52,94 49,51 69,91

∑ ( X− Xmean)(Y −Ymean ) 52,94

a. r= = = 0,8998
√∑ ( X− Xmean )2 x ∑ ( Y −Ymean )2 √ 49,51 x 69,91
There are positive, linear, and strong correlation between Inflation rate and 30-
Year treasury yield
b. H0 : ρ=0 (the correlation in the population is zero)
H1 : ρ ≠0 ( the correlation in the population is different from zero)
Two tailed 5% , df = n-k-1 = 8 – 1-1 = 6
t-table (2,5%, df = 6) = 2,45
r √n−2 0 , 9 √8−1
t-hitung = 2 = = 5,463
√ 1−r √ 1−0 ,9 2
Because t-hitung > t-table we conclude reject Ho and Accept H1. So there
are significant correlation between Inflation rate and 30-Year treasury yield
∑ ( X−Xmean)(Y −Ymean) 52,94
c. b= = 49,51 = 1,07
∑ ( X−Xmean )2
a= Ymean – b*Xmean = 7,154 – 1,07*4,58 = 2,253
Persamaan regresi: Y = 2,253 + 1,07 X
(x = Inflation rate and Y = 3o-year treasury yield)
d. Ho: β=0
H1 : β≠0
t-table = 2,45
b 1,07
t-test = Sb = 0,2166 =4,94
because the t-test > t-table we conclude reject Ho and accept H1. So there
are significance efeect inflation rate toward 30-year treasury yield
e. Y = 2,253 + 1,07 x 10% = 12,953%

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