The Ultimate AOE Prediction Project

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The Ultimate AOE Prediction Project

Part 1: Theory Explanation

This prediction is based on the Time-loop Theory and the ANR Theory. I won’t be going
into these theories in depth because that will make this section far too long, but I will try
to summarize these as best as I can.
The Time-loop Theory is based on the idea that Attack on Titan has at least 3 timelines.
They are the see you later timeline, the manga timeline, and the anime timeline. There
might be more timelines such as the Lost Girls OVA anime/manga and the High School
Caste but the see you later timeline, the manga timeline, and the anime timeline are the
main 3. This theory is also based on the Lost Girls OVA where Mikasa creates a new
timeline when Eren seemingly dies.
The ANR Theory is a theory made from the Akatsuki no Requiem music video. This
theory states that Eren wins, he kills the Alliance, he destroys the world, and he lives
with the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life.
The Muv-Luv connection, which is the theory that because Isayama was heavily inspired
from Muv-Luv he was also inspired by the time loop theme that is heavily present in the

Part 2: Timeline changes

Now I will be explaining what has happened in the 3 timelines so far.

The cabin timeline
This is the 1st timeline that we are 100% aware of. In the timeline the events of the
manga are similar until Eren asks “What am I to you?” Mikasa gives Eren a satisfactory
answer and offers to run away together, which is what ends up happening. No one
knows what exactly happened in Eren's conversation with Mikasa, but it can be assumed
that their conversation was never interrupted, unlike the manga timeline. Eren lives the
rest of his 4 years in peace with Mikasa but suffers from the guilt that Historia, his
friends, and the people of Paradis have been killed because of him. When Eren is about
to die he tells Mikasa to forget about him, Mikasa refuses and says “See you later, Eren ''
just before Eren passes on.
The manga timeline
The manga begins with Eren waking up under the tree after dreaming of his death in the
cabin timeline and comments on Mikasa’s hair length. The events (as stated prior) are
like the cabin timeline until Eren’s question Mikasa gets interrupted while saying
“Family” meaning that Eren and Mikasa never run away together. This leads to the
rumbling and Eren’s second death. The manga ends by showing the aftermath of Eren’s
death which leads to Paradis getting destroyed and Beren discovering the tree.

The anime timeline

The events of the anime timeline are like the manga timeline with a few changes. They
include: Eren’s dream, the Berserk Titan, Eren being angrier, black birds instead of white
birds, Eren’s facial expressions in paths, Eren’s eye color, Mikasa’s scarf color, the
memory shards etc. Suspiciously, we still haven’t got Mikasa’s answer to Eren’s question

Part 3: The Finale

It's common knowledge that chapter 123 was moved to a later point in the anime for
seemingly unknown reasons and it is probably going to be moved to the finale to be in
the same episode as chapter 130. This is extremely strange, why would MAPPA choose
to put the Marley flashback in the same episode where we get Eren’s pov, the only
reason they would do this would be if something significant was going to happen in that
episode. Even then, what links 123 and 130? They both have a question that Eren
gives/receives, “What am I to you?” and “What would you think of me having a child?”.
This is supported by Isayama being heavily influenced by Muv-Luv (a visual novel based
on the protagonist having multiple love interests and who he ends up with leads to
different endings).
Now that I have explained why MAPPA chose to move 123 to the finale, I now want to
explain, in detail, the significance of both questions.
“What am I to you?”, why did Eren ask
Mikasa this question? To answer this
question, we must go back to the finale
of season 2 when Hannes dies. When
Hannes died, Eren felt the same
powerlessness he had years ago when
his mother died (which Mikasa was also
present in). Mikasa, thinking that they
were going to die and wanting to
reassure Eren, thanks him for saving
her that day and wrapping the scarf around her. In Attack on Titan, it is a recurring
theme for characters to fall in love with the people that save them (metaphorically or
literally). Examples include: Mikasa to
Eren, Niccolò to Sasha, Falco to Gabi, Historia to Ymir, Eren to Historia. This gratitude
that Mikasa gives Eren makes Eren think about Mikasa’s perception differently, and this
is what provokes Eren to ask this question years later. So, when Eren says this, he is
asking if Mikasa views Eren as family or something more than that.
Now to the Eren-Historia conversation, here I will address this controversial
conversation and I will be proving that this conversation is important and connected to
Eren/Mikasa’s. Remember when I said that “it is a recurring theme for characters to fall
in love with the people that save them” well
look at this. This line is blatantly referencing
season 3 part 1 where he is at his lowest point
and wants to die. Historia helps Eren snap out
of his self-hatred and clearly took that gesture
to heart as he still remembers and is grateful
years later. As a response to Eren, Historia asks
what he would think of her having a child. How
many people would say this is related to the plan but if it was, why would Eren think
about this question when Zeke confirms that Mikasa has feelings for him?
So, from what I have gathered here, how do I think the finale will go? Either one of two
things happen either Mikasa answers differently or (more likely) Eren never asks Mikasa
that question at all. Why I think this is because we never that that panel where Mikasa
ponders whether she should have given Eren a different answer so this either means she
answered truthfully or Eren never asked her at all.
I don’t see the Eren-Historia conversation being changed because we have only seen this
conversation happen in one timeline however, I think there is a huge change that we will
see Eren’s answer to Historia’s question because I think that Eren being confirmed to be
the father would be a good plot-twist to end the season and will get many people hyped
for part 3/movie.
Furthermore, I think there is a good chance we will get an Akuma no Ko glitch ending
like Akatsuki no Requiem’s in season 3 part 1. They have very similar endings. Also, in
Akatsuki no Requiem’s glitch ending the time reverses and loops which is very similar to
Mikasa’s time loop power. The chance of this happening is low though I give it a 25%
chance of happening.
I think there is a possibility that the finale will be a 1-hour special that adapts 123,130
and 131. I believe that this may happen for 2 reasons, because 123 and 131 both are
flashbacks to Marley from two different povs and they would go too well together and,
because the freedom panel was explicitly shown in the op.
There’s also a chance that AOE wouldn’t be confirmed this season but (thankfully) that I
don't see something like that happening because, as stated before, the anime diverging
from the manga would be a great way to promote part 3/movie. That about summarizes
my thoughts for how the finale will go.

Part 4: The Anime Original Ending

Now I will be attempting to predict Attack on Titan’s ending. Whether it will end in a
movie or part 3 is irrelevant to my predictions; it could fit both.
Eren + Armin Conversation
So, we likely will not get 131 in the finale, if we don’t then
131 will be the next chapter MAPPA will adapt. In 131,
shortly after the infamous “Freedom” panel we get this
mysterious panel. We don’t end up getting context for this
panel until 139 when Eren talks with Armin. So, if this panel
leads to the 139 conversation and the divergence is going to
happen before this panel then Eren’s conversation with
Armin would need to be changed.
My theory is that Eren will use the memories he has gained
from past timelines to try and convince Armin to join his
side and the thing that will convince Armin to join Eren would
be the memory of Paradis getting destroyed. In the final
exhibition one of the posters depicted Armin with the words
“will it be truth or friendship he has chosen to believe in”, in
the manga he obviously chose his friendship in the Eren but
since the anime is supposed to be the true/alternate ending
Armin will probably pick truth (that if he stops Eren Paradis
will get destroyed) and sides with Eren. This probably means
that Armin will survive in the anime which coincides with him
being the narrator
I believe that something similar will happen with the rest of Eren’s friends, I’m not saying
all of them will join him, but he will try and convince them anyway.
Mikasa’s Death
One interaction I think will be especially important will be Mikasa. Going back to Muv-
Luv there is a character in it named Sumika. One obvious similarity is their names, but it
goes far deeper than that. Here are just a few similarities they share: both Mikasa and
Sumika are the protagonist’s childhood friend, both are love interests of the protagonist,
both of their lives revolve around the protagonist, both gained powers due to
experiments etc. Anyway, it was revealed that Sumika was responsible for looping
Takeru’s because she wanted to be with him (sounds like someone we know) and she
sacrifices herself to end Takeru’s suffering. I believe something similar will happen.
It’s a common theory that Mikasa will die to Eren in AOE which I can understand
because there is a lot of foreshadowing for Mikasa’s death with the most recent one
being the butterfly being stepped on at the end of the newest op. If Mikasa really is the
one creating the timelines, then she probably must die through either self-sacrifice or
being killed by Eren. I went in depth in my Red String of Fate theory but basically Eren’s
destiny is tied with him, her love
cages him making it so that he will
never achieve freedom. Therefore
in 139 Eren fate was tied to
Mikasa’s decision, and the only way
for Eren to be truly free is to kill
Mikasa. This line in the AnR MV
supports this, his promise to wrap
that scarf around Mikasa will come
to an end.
Berserk Titan Eren
Now I am going to explain the actions of manga Eren since his character seemingly got
retconned. That, however, isn’t true if Isayama really planned all this out from the
beginning of the anime, then there must be a reason for Eren acting this way and this
leads to the Berserk Titan Eren theory. Basically,
there are a few events in the manga and anime
that are impossible to explain without this theory.
The first one was how the previous Attack Titans
were influenced. Eren Kruger tells Grisha that
every Attack Titan throughout history has moved
forward towards freedom. We then learn in
chapter 121 that the person that pushed them to
move forward was Eren. We also know that Grisha
received memories of the rumbling from Eren.
Plus, Eren sent a memory that he referred to as
“that sight” which is weird because Grisha said
that he regretted working with Eren and asked
Zeke to stop Eren. Now all the memories that Grisha received were sent from paths Eren
right? Wrong if that were true then Grisha should not be able to receive memories of
the rumbling or “that sight”
because those events haven’t
happened yet for paths Eren so
the only way that he would
revive memories of the
rumbling and “that sight”
would be if someone who has
experienced those memories
send them to Eren when he
kissed Historia’s hand. Eren also
knew in 139 that he would be stopped at 80% but that also isn’t possible because at no
point in the manga would it be possible to gain memories that far in the future unless
someone else sent them. These two plot holes can only be explained if there is a post-
139 Eren and I believe that person is anime Eren.
The anime Eren I’m talking about is an Eren from the future who has gone back in time
to manipulate past events to go this why he was one controlling the Berserk Titan in the
anime, he set the previous Attack Titans in all the previous timelines to move forward,
he sent Eren those memories when he kissed Historia’s hand, he was the one that
convinced Grisha to feed himself to Eren, he was the one who influenced manga Eren to
set up the anime timeline. If you think this is far-fetched then you need to realize, we
were literally shown this Eren changing the past in the ANR MV when he brought his
child self in the future.
Anime Eren is much angrier and more ruthless than he was in the manga timeline. He
has learned from his past mistakes and won’t stop moving forward this time. Something
like the ANR theory will probably happen where Eren kills most of the Alliance; the only
people I see surviving are Armin, Jean, Historia, Zeke, and Falco. The story will end with
Eren holding his child saying, “You are free” and Eren would have finally surpassed his
father by paralleling the same action done at his own birth. Paradis still faces many
issues and Eren will probably never let go of his guilt but the story ends with all living
Eldians finally being free.

Part 5: The Conclusion

To conclude this theory, I want to say that I don't know if all of what I said could be in
AOE, but I think I have made a good enough prediction for what will happen. AOE is
inevitable and kino is coming. I WILL FUCKING.

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