Final Project Economics

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FY(2022) FY(2021)
total cost of sales 21,666,937,920 14,987,935,138
fuel and power 11,085,548,539 3,311,478,204
salaries & wages 2,863,373,908 2,575,621,214
raw material cosumed 5,596,706,483 5,291,334,025
packing material cosumed 1,612,804,98 1,470,012,427
stores & spares cosumes 626,015,194 544,999,547
carriage & freight 86,615,690 66,106,533
export freight & forward 185,025,902 137,630,142
repairs& maintainece 136,141,105 34,270,644
travelling & conveyance 30,910,138 17,155,207
insiranve 46,140,781 32,154,439
ijarah rentals 65,496,275 3,623,522
postage &telephone 3,603,640
rent & rates &taxes 32,728,565 30,909,132
printing & stationary 761,708 729,726
advertisement 3,566,434 1,075,210
depriciation 1,188,487,796 550,904,247
others 33,646,569 33,185,376
Qs 29,416,000,000 19,103,000,000
Sales 29,415,668,926 19,103,346,928
no.of employees 1,250 1,143
issued subscribed&paid up capital 1,377,377,500 1,377,377,500
Qp 200,750,000 182,500,000

1.Average revenue/price of 2022=Sales/Qs 0.999988745104705

2.Average revenue/price of 2021=Sales/Qs 1.00001816091713
3.Average revenue/price of 2020=Sales/Qs 1.00002192456024

1.Break-Even of 2022=TFC/P-AVC 4224827778.35106

2.Break-Even of 2021=TFC/P-AVC 3216484079.90866

1.Cost function of 2022=a+bQ 19401345821.045

2.Cost function of 2021=a+bQ 10,911,568,675

1.K/L ratio of 2022=K+L 4,240,751,408

2.K/L ratio of 2021=K+L 3,952,998,714
3.Kshare of 2022=(K/K+L)*100 32
4.Kshare of 2021=(K/K+L)*100 35
5.Lshare of 2022=(L/K+L)*100 68
5.Lshare of 2021=(L/K+L)*100 65

1.APL of 2022=Qp/L 160,600

2.APL of 2021=Qp/L 159,668
3.APK of 2022=Qp/K 0
4.APK of 2021=Qp/K 0.132498171343731
1.Promotional elasticity of sales 2022
ΔS=S2022-S2021 10,312,321,998
ΔA=A2022-A2021 2,491,224
A=A2021+A2022/2 2,320,822
S=S2021+S2022/2 24,259,507,930

Ea=ΔS/ΔA * A/S 0.396007609458187

2.Promotional elasticity of sales 2021

ΔS=S2021-S2020 5,516,049,039
ΔA=A2021-A2020 621,010
A=A2021+A2020/2 764,705
S=S2021+S2020/2 16,345,322,410

Ea=ΔS/ΔA * A/S 0.415556388544869

1.Elasticity of Supply 2022

ΔQ=Q2022-Q2021 10,313,000,000
ΔP=P2022-P2021 -2.9415812428546E-05
Q=Q2021+Q2022/2 24,259,500,000
P=P2021+P2022/2 1.000003453

Es=ΔQ/ΔP * P/Q -14451.8626099907

1.Elasticity of Supply 2021

ΔQ=Q2021-Q2020 5,516,000,000
ΔP=P2021-P2020 -3.76364310783472E-06
Q=Q2021+Q2020/2 16,345,000,000
P=P2021+P2020/2 1.000020043

Es=ΔQ/ΔP * P/Q -89668.4376577047

1.Cobb-Douglus Production Function 2021 K^34.84 . L^65.15

MPL=d/dL(K^34.84 . L^65.15) K^34.84 . 65.15 L^64.15
MPK=d/dK(K^34.84 . L^65.15) 34.84 K^33.84 L^65.15
MRTS= MPL/MPK K(65.15)/L(34.84)

2.Cobb-Douglus Production function 2022 K^32.48 . L^67.52

MPL=d/dL(K^32.48 . L^67.52) K^32.48 . 67.52 L^66.52
MPK=d/dK(K^32.48 . L^67.52) 32.48 K^31.48 L^67.52
MRTS= MPL/MPK K(67.52)/L(38.48)
Variable Cost Amount
Raw Material Consumed 3,311,478,204
Fuel & Power 5,291,334,025
Packing Material Consumed 1,470,012,427
Stores & Spares Consumed 544,999,547
Carriage & Freight 66,106,533
Export Freight & Forward 137,630,142
Repairs & Maintanance 34,270,644
Travelling & Conveyance 17,155,207
Postage & Telephone 3,591,616
Prinitng & Stationery 729,726
Advertisement 1,075,210
Others 33,185,376

Total 10,911,568,657
454,200 2021
Average variable cost=TVC/Qp 59.7894172986301
Average cost=TC/Qp 82.1256719890411
2021 2022

Fixed Cost Amount Variable Cost

Salaries,Wages & Benefits 2,598,951,214 Raw Material Consumed
Insurance 32,154,439 Fuel & Power
Ijarah Rentals 3,623,522 Packing Material Consumed
Rent,Rates,Taxes 30,909,132 Stores & Spares Consumed
Depreciation 550,904,247 Carriage & Freight
Export Freight & Forward
Repairs & Maintanance
Travelling & Conveyance
Postage & Telephone
Prinitng & Stationery

Total 3,216,542,554 Total

2021 2022
Average fixed cost=TFC/Qp 17.6248907068493 Average variable cost=TVC/Qp
Average cost=TC/Qp
2022 2022

Amount Fixed Cost Amount

5,596,706,483 Salaries,Wages & Benefits 2,891,953,908
11,085,548,539 Insurance 46,140,781
1,612,804,398 Ijarah Rentals 65,469,275
626,015,194 Rent,Rates,Taxes 32,728,565
86,615,690 Depreciation 1,188,487,796

19,401,345,800 Total 4,224,780,325

2022 2022
96.6443128268991 Average fixed cost=TFC/Qp 21.0449829389788

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