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A Ghost Story

Group Task
Study the following pictures and write a story in about 150 words. Use the writing plan in
the following page to help you. You need to begin your story with the following sentence:
‘Something strange and unbelievable happened to me last weekend.’

Use simple past and past continuous to tell your story.

Picture 1

-Where were you and your friend?

-Why did you go there with your friend?

-What was your friend’s name?

-What happened?

Picture 2

-What did you and your friend see?

-Why did you go inside?

-What happened?

-What did you and your friend feel?

Picture 3

-Who was the old man?

-What did you see inside the big house?

-What happened?

-What did you and your friend feel?

Picture 4

-Was there anyone inside the house?

-What happened then?

-What did you ask the old man?

-What did you and your friend feel?

Picture 5

-What did you and your friend do then?

-Did you hear any strange noise?

-Did anything ‘strange’ or ‘unbelievable’


Picture 6

-What happened then?

-What did you see/find?

-What did you and you friend do

at the end?

-What did you and your friend feel?

Write the story here (150 words)

Something strange and unbelievable happened to me last weekend.

We went with my friend Juan to the lagoon near our house, where the best story nights we

can imagine are held; when suddenly we hear a woman screaming.

The storyteller's hour had not yet begun, so Juan and I decided to go find where the

screams were coming from.

A few meters away we saw a woman in a wedding dress running through an area with

many trees, we followed her and we were able to see that she entered a house and we were

curious, therefore when we saw the open door we decided to enter with Juan.

In the living room, an old man was sitting by the fireplace, asleep, holding a notebook with

one finger; which showed a handwriting that was difficult to understand. One of the steps

we took made the old wood on the floor rattle and the old man woke up. We got a big scare

because we were invading your home and we could have a problem with the police.

The old man told us that we should not be in there and because we had entered without the

permission of his granddaughter, to which we told him that we had seen her running and

crying and there we asked him if he knew what was wrong with her.

Juan and I turned around for a moment because we heard the young lady come down from

the second floor of this large house and from what we saw her, we asked her the reason for

her untimely run and crying.

She fell on the ground and almost clinging to my legs, she replied:

Today I was marrying the love of my life, but they have just told me that my parents and

my grandfather have collided in the car and none have survived.

We immediately looked towards the room, the old man we saw when entering had

disappeared ... You judge!

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