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The Feast of the Black Nazarene (Filipino: Pista ng Itím na Nazareno), also known as the Traslación after

the mass procession associated with the feast, is a religious festival held in Manila, Philippines that is
centered around the Black Nazarene, an image of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated annually on January 9.

The Black Nazarene was carved by an unknown Mexican artist from dark wood in the 16th century and
then brought to the Philippines in 1606.It depicts Jesus en route to his crucifixion. Pope Innocent X
granted recognition to the lay Confraternity of Santo Cristo Jesús Nazareno in 1650 for the promotion of
the devotion to Jesus through the icon.It was housed in various churches near Manila in the early
decades, arriving in Quiapo Church in 1787 where it has been enshrined ever since.The icon is renowned
in the Philippines and is considered by many Filipino Catholics to be miraculous; its mere touch is
reputed to cure disease. It attracts homage from numerous devotees, who bear it in mass processions.

Religious veneration of the Black Nazarene is rooted among Filipinos who identify themselves with the
passion and suffering of Christ which the image depicts. Many devotees of the Black Nazarene relate
their poverty and daily struggles to the Passion of Christ as represented by the image.

A Reflection on the Feast of the Black NazareneFr. Isidro T. Ma

rinay’s simple and profound reflection of the

annual celebration of Black Nazarene portrays different perspective of people and their bound to earth
motives why do they struggle orin a more sophisticated word fight like a warrior just to touch or kiss the
Poong Nazareno in thefeet and hug its cross.His work entitled the

“Black Nazarene Procession: Reading the Statement of the Voiceless”

is acombination of historico-politico and socio-culturo themes of the Philippines society at the sametime
a touch from his background in Theology.He simply elaborates his work from his personal experience
when he himself went to the GrandStand and celebrate with the people this annual celebration. He
describes the millions of people asa honeybee circling in the beehive because their queen is inside.
Those bees or people arestruggling to be with the queen because it is an enormous opportunity to get
closer for it gives a blessing tantamount to the packages for their whole year endeavor in life.

One of Fr. Sid’s writings the really struck me is his understanding why this masa or simple people

gathered here annually because they are tired of sermons from their bosses in their work and alsoa so
much sermons they also received here from the bishop who talked. For an instance, BishopBacani, a
prominent bishop of the Philippines talks about the creation and ecology of the world,for some
educated person this is seemed to be great because the speaker is renowned from hisachievements in
life. But for t

hose simple masa or the people who just want to visit the poon don’t
bother to listen to his talk. They are enjoying more that night if Bishop Bacani will not give a kindof talk.
Fr. Sid explanation to this is that, those folks are tired of sermons everyd

ay. They don’t

like to be taught again because they already know their mistake. In a way those people come therein the
Poong Nazareno to be heard and be the one to demands for their wishes like: good health,food at least
three times a day, a work to sustain a family and a life that is meaningful. These are

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