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Marketing researchers want to understand consumers' decision-making processes to help

companies decide how to promote a product or service and to help them to design new
products or redesign existing ones to sell better.
Researchers use focus groups to realize, one of the most important tools. They found six to
twelve volunteers from their target market for a focus group and asked them open-ended
questions, allowing group participants to answer questions in their own words and ways
that the researchers might not anticipate.
Focus groups usually start with general questions and then ask participants, directly or
indirectly, more specific questions.
This allows researchers to talk directly with their target audience to learn about their
beliefs, attitudes, and feelings. In addition, people are only sometimes aware of what
drives their buying behavior.
Nowadays, corporate crime is on the rise. According to the survey, companies are involved
in fraud because they want to hide the company's financial problems or increase their

The Enron's accounting fraud is one of the most famous cases of corporate fraud in the
world. Enron executives used fraudulent accounting practices to inflate the company's
profits and conceal the sale of Enron stock.

Bernie Madoff's investment Ponzi scheme is also a famous case. It took decades, and
Madoff had taken $65 billion from investors.

After the 2008 international financial crisis, an economic crime called mortgage fraud
occurred in American banks. This case occurred when the borrower wanted to take out a
mortgage to buy an investment property.

This article discusses how advances in technology have changed the media landscape,
affecting the way we access information and interact with the world.
Digital media sources have largely replaced traditional printed media as the main source of
information and entertainment.

First, media multitasking is becoming more common as access to digital content on

multiple devices increases.

In addition, media is becoming more participatory, allowing audiences to contribute to

news reports or affect the outcome of talent shows.

Finally, the use and variety of mobile electronic devices are increasing, making media a
constant presence in our daily lives.

However, the trend of multitasking is raising questions about its impact on society,
especially among young people, as some research suggests it may lead to shorter attention
spans and weaker thinking skills, while others argue it is an important skill for the modern

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