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English Assignment

Unforgetable Moment

Name : Dinar Zahira Rizkya A.H

Roll Number : 11
Class : X IPS 2

Jl. Ahmad Yani No.2, Majalengka Kulon, Kec. Majalengka, Majalengka

Regency, West Java 45411
Vacation to Yogyakarta.
Nature Tour to Yogyakarta Me and my friends, went to Yogyakarta on February
2020, to be exact, 13 February 2020. We prepared for approximately 2 weeks. A
little story about Yogyakarta, this city is called unique because we can see various
Javanese traditions that are so inherent in this city and its people, such as batik (fabric
with special patterns made by hand (painted and printed), silver crafts, wayang
performances, traditional music or gamelan, even a typical Yogyakarta food called
Gudeg!, which is a vegetable made from young jackfruit.
Yogyakarta is also the Capital of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Java which is
famous for the Sultan's Palace or Yogyakarta Palace where the Sultan's family still
lives in the palace to this day. That's what made me and my friends interested in
going to Yogyakarta. After 2 weeks of preparation, my friends and I went to
Yogyakarta at 10 pm, arrived in Yogyakarta at 5 am. The journey from Cirebon -
Yogyakarta is approximately 7 hours. Our first tour was Indrayani Beach.

After from Indrayani beach until 9 am. We traveled another 2 hours to the Royal
Darmo hotel. We rested until 14.00 WIB. We showered and cleaned up personal
items. Some of the items we carry are: clothes, pants, pajamas, prayer equipment,
toiletries, shoes, sandals, raincoats, food & drink. After 18.00 we went out to eat at
one of the recommended restaurants because it tasted good, he said, followed by
shopping at Malioboro.
The next day we went to Mount Merapi, Breksi Cliff, so it didn't feel like the second
day in Yogyakarta was very pleasant. ( Photo ) On the third day we visited several
museums and the Oyo River. Oyo River is our last destination in Yogyakarta. The trip
to Yogyakarta was very exciting, we were in Yogyakarta for 5 days and 3 nights.

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