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Practice for final exam

1- Look at the following box and make five sentences using “like, love, hate”

Lupita Mariano Peter Rosario Alberto Hugo


Read a


Ride the

Listen to


Example: Lupita likes reading a book but she hates dancing

a- ………………………………………………………………………….
b- ………………………………………………………………………….
c- ………………………………………………………………………….
d- ………………………………………………………………………….
e- ………………………………………………………………………….
2- What`s the weather like today?
3- Complete the sentences with the vocabulary from the box. There are extra

Grandfather - arm - uncle - thinner - quiet - earache - downstairs - leg -

orange - park - sports centre - daughter - loud - thirsty - market - aunt

1) A snake is ………………………… than a whale

2) We must be …………………… when we are at the library

3) I am so ……………….. Shall I get you a glass of water?

4) My ……………….. hurts. I can’t catch the ball.
5) I am going to the …………………………… , I’ve got tennis practice today.
6) You must go to the doctor. You’ve got a terrible ………………..
7) I am going to the …………………….. , I have to buy some oranges and
8) I love drinking ……………………….. juice
9) The father of your father is your ………………………….
10) Selma is Lisa´s ……………………..

4- Circle the correct option.

0) January is ___________ July.

a) hotter than b) cold c) colder than

1) They are ___________ their kite in the park.

a) flying b) rides c) riding

2) They ___________ enjoy swimming at the sports centre on Mondays.

a) is b) don’t c) can’t

3) Where is my t-shirt, mum? --- It is ___________ your bed, next to the jeans.

a) under b) on c) between

4) ___________ time do you get up at the weekends? --- I get up at 12:00 pm

a. Who b) What c) Why

5) Sharks are _________________than dogs.

a) big b) bigger c) small

6) It’s very hot outside. I___________ wear shorts and t-shirt.

a) Am b) must c) mustn’t

7) I ___________ at 8 a.m. every morning.

a) eating breakfast b) have breakfast c) must breakfast

8) Pitogues ___________ in Misiones.

a) don’t live b) live c) isn’t living

9) Cheetahs are ___________ polar bears.

a) gooder b) heavyer than c) faster than

5- circle the correct option

5- Look, read and write the letters

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