Revision Sheetsunit (9.10.11) - 1

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Revision Sheets

Units (9,10,11) Grade2

Q1: Choose the correct answer:
1. Which object in your bedroom makes a sound?
A. Bed B. Pillow
C. Window C. Alarm clock
2. Which of the following will help us see?
A. See B. Cat
C. Torch C. Tree
3. What should you do when you are cold?
A. Cry B. Have a warm drink
C. Eat an ice cream C. sleep
4. Which animals makes a loud sound?
A. Ant B. Elephant
C. Snake D. Bee
5. Looking straight at very bright lights will____________our eyes.
A. tear B. bite
C. pinch D. hurt
6. Heat changes the size of_____________.
A. sand B. a T-shirt
C. a candle C. bread
Q2: Read the following sentences. Then write True or False.
1. The light from the sun can’t shine through you. ( )
2. Shadows can be formed when there is no light. ( )
3. Light helps us to see. ( )
4. When an object blocks light, a shadow is formed. ( )
5. Oven is the natural source of the heat. ( )
6. When things heat, they freeze. ( )

Q3: What happens when there is heat? Fill in the blanks.

size shape texture colour

1. Heat changes the__________of the ice-cream.

2. Heat changes the____________of the dress.
3. Heat changes the_____________of the candle.
4. Heat changes the_____________of the bread.

Q4: Match and write the correct word.

1. When we are near a sound the sound is soft.

2. Sound the sound is loud

3. When we are far away a sound is made when things move

Q5: Fill in the blanks:
loud heat soft shakes shape blocked Burning sound light shadow sun
sunscreen warm dry
1. Light from the __________ helps to see at day.
2. When something vibrates. It often makes__________.
3.____________gives off heat.
4. A shadow is formed when light is____________by an object.
5. Rubbing gives off_______________.
6. When an object blocks____________,its shadow is formed.
7. Heat changes the size, ____________,colour and texture of things.
8. When something ______________very fast. We say it vibrates.
9. Sounds can be ___________like someone whispering.
10. When we are near a sound, the sound is_____________.
11. The dark shapes are called____________.
12. We must use____________to protect our skin from the sun.
13. Heat from the fireplace keep us______________.
14. Heat can__________our clothes.

Q6: What is a shadow?

Q7: What are the ways to make heat?

Q8: What changes can heat make?

Q9: How is sound produced?

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