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Both neither either w j.


1. Używamy both, neither oraz either mówiąc o dwu rzeczach. Można użyć
tych słów wraz z rzeczownikiem:
Both restaurants are very good.
Neither restaurant is expensive.
We can go to either restaurant. I don't mind. (either = one or the other)
I didn't like either restaurant.

2. Można także użyć both, neither oraz either wraz z of.... Wówczas zawsze
musimy dodać the lub these, those, my, your......i.t.d.
Both of these restaurants are very good.
Nieither of the restaurants we went to was (were) expensive.
We can go to either of those restaurants. I don't mind.

3. Po neither of ... można użyć czasownika w liczbie pojedyńczej lub

Neither of the children wants (want) to go to bed.
Neither of us is (are) married.

4. Można używać wyrażeń:

both ... and ... , neither ... nor .... ,
either .... or ....
Both Tom and Mary were late.
They were both tired and hungry.
Neither Tom nor Ann came to the party.
He said he would contact me but he neither wrote nor phoned.
I'm not sure where she is from. He's either Spanish or Italian.
Either you apologise or I'll never speak to you again.

5. Można również użyć both, neither oraz either jako samodzielnych

Is he British or American ? Neither. He is Australian.
Do you want tea or coffee ? Either. I don't mind.
I couldn't decide which one to choose. I liked both.

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