Senior English (Single Answers)

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Senior Inter English SINGLE ANSWERS 1. Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T Nissim Ezekiel Introduction: The given lines are taken from the poem “Goodbye party for Miss Pushpa TS” by Nissim Ezekiel (1924-2004) He is one of India’s foremost Indo-Anglian poets. ‘Context: The present poems a farewell speech for Miss Pushpa, who is leaving the eountiy. The speaker wh is the organizer of the party describes the virtues of Miss Pushpa Explanation: The speaker announces the purpose of the gathering as their fiend is about to leave. He treats, ‘Miss Pushpa as his sister. He has all good intentions. He says that Miss Pushpa isa very sweet ladyand she is veryhelpful. She is always cheerfil and hails fioma noble fanily, Her father was a reputed advocate. The speaker appreciates her concem for fiiends. He invites other friends tospeak about her. Thns, the poet has all the qualities to be described asa farewell address, Critical Comment: The poem is in fiee verse, with no specific rhyme scheme or meter. The speaker’s presentation and the sentence structure are the eanses of humour, The poet used a Specific dialect in the poem. The poem touches upon the use of English by Indians and the speaker attitude to comment on post-colonial India’s Fascinatioato go abroad. 2. On the Grasshopper and Cricket John Keats Introduction:The given lines are taken fiom the sonnet ‘On the Grasshopper and Cricket”, waitten by John Keats, He wasan English RonianticPoet. He devoted his life to the perfection of poetry. ‘Context; The poem was written in. 1816, Itwas inspired by Nature’s beauty, which wasa popular theme of the poetry ofRomantie poets Explanation: The poem is about Nature and says that the poetry of earth never ceases. The Grasshopper and crickefare used as symbols, Seasons may come and go but nature never fails to inspire us with its songs. ‘When bintisstop singing in extreme heat, the earthis filled with the songsof.a grasshopper. He sings endlessly, but when tiredzets under some pleasant weed. During winter birds stop singing. There isa deathly silence Frost spreads its blanket over Nature. Regardless, a shrill sound comes from beneath stones, and itis the cricket singing, The ericket’s song restores want, (Critical Comment: Nature is the central focus ofthe poem with ts unending delight and constant presence, ‘Nature, according to the poet, brings loveand joy: Man should live with Nature and enjoyall the Seasons. 3. HIROSHIMA CHILD Nazim Hikmet Reference: The given lines are taken from the poem “Hireshima Child”, written by Nazim Hillmet. He was a Turkish poet, playwright and novelist. When he was seventeen, his first poem Resonance Hyderabad Page 1 senior Inter English single answers ‘was published. He was inspired by his artistic mother and poet grandfather. His poetry has been ‘translated into more than fifty languages, including English. Context: The present poem is about a seven-year-old child who died in Hiroshima bomb attack during the World War I The little girl is the speaker in the poem. Explanation: The soul of the git] knocks on every door. No one hears or sees the child as the child died at seven in the Hiroshima bomb blast. Since then, she has felt neither growth nor hunger, nor any wants. It continues to be in the same state. She visits every home, seeks neither food nor things. The vehement plea is for peace. The appeal to everyone is: Fight for peace let every child grow, play and laugh. The war against war touches our hearts, Critical Comment: The poet uses a character, a standpoint and language to drive home the theme. This technique serves the designed purpose. The reader is'made to plunge info thought first and action next. 4. AWAKE Sarojini Naidu Introduction: The given lines are taken from the patriotic poem (Iyrie) ‘Awake’. Iwas written by Sarojini Naidu, the Nightingale of Thdia. She was the first woman to be the President of Indian National Congress. She was also the first woman to be the Govemor of a state in independent India. Context: The present poem is a fervent appeal for unity and action. Sarojini Naidu recited this poem at meetings in Bombay and Lahore: It is an address to Mother India. Explanation: At the outset, the natiow is personified as our mother. All Indians become her children. The poet visualizes all children praying to mother. They entreat her to give them a chance to serve her anid admire her glory. The woes of bondage are to be cut. Mother India should gain its glory again and grow and glow. Oue should remember the pride and power India basked in once. People of all faiths pledge to come together to defend and guard their mother queen and goddess. The poem is noteworthy for its magical quality and thythm with a lofty theme. So it is very much entitled to be applauded as a patriotic lyric Critical Comment: This lyric of just eighteen lines is also remarkable for its many literary deviegs like personification, imagery, rhetoric and rhythm. Thus, the poem is very impressive with its theme and form. 5. FEAR Khalil Gibran Introduetion: The philosophical poem “Feat” was written by Khalil Gibran (1883-1931). Hewas born in Lebanon and settled in the U.S.A. Hebecame famous for his book “The Prophet.” Context: Gibran conveys his philosophical insight about overcoming fear in the poem. Explanation: The poet thinks of the image of a river flowing into the sea. He refers to the river as ‘she’ to infise life into the river. He may have heard of the river’s fear and chose to give it some strength through the poetry. The speaker discusses the fear that human beings encounter Resonance Hyderabad Page 2 senior Inter English single answers too. There is a desire to revisit the past and to go back that is impossible in existence. The later part suggests that people need to accept the fact that there is no other option but to move forward and meet the world by relying on the distance already travelled. As a result, people must take risks and believe in themselves. Thus, the message of the poem is ‘overcoming fear” Critical Comment: The poem is written in five verse. There is no rhyme scheme or meter in this poem, The fear of changing consciousness, the terror of moving forward, the anxiety to losing oneself, and the joumey of life till death are among the poem’s major themes. 6. How to Avoid Foolish Opinions Bertrand Russell Introduction: The given lines are taken from the essay “How to Avoid Foolish Opinions” written by Bertrand Russell (1872-1970). He was born in the United Kingdom. He was a philosopher, logicians, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic, political activist and Nobel laureate. He is the author of “Principia Mathematica, the problems of philosophy and many other influential works. Context: In this essay, Russel gives us tips on how to avoid foolish opinions. He offers some suggestions that will assist us in avoiding glaring errors to make out life more beautiful Explanation: Russel advises ts to first look at things for otselves. There are many ways to avoid being dogmatic. Making a keen observation where it can settle the bias is the first way. Next, fo know what other people think, one has to be aware of what they think. This can be done by going on Vacation and talking arguing with an imaginary character who has a different point of view. The fourth one is to deal with one’s sense of self-esteem, which is the hardest. To overcome conceit, we must remember that we live for a short while on a small planet in a vast cosmos. Critical Comment: The content is expressed in a highly intellectual and scholarly way. Russell’s clatity of thought and fluency of expression lend beauty to his style. Despite the seriousness of the topic dealt with one can find elements of cheerfulness and gentle humour. 7.The Awakening of Women KM. Panikkar Introduction: The given lines are taken from the essay “The Awakening of Women” written by KM. Panikkar, (1895-1963). He was a statesmen, diplomat, journalist, historian and writer. Bor in Travancore, he was educated in madras and at the university of oxford, Context: The present lesson is an interesting essay about the position of women in India overtime it traces the evaluation of their status Explanation: Women in ancient India enjoyed an enviable position. But their status in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries touched its lowest point. Women were isolated from the Resonance Hyderabad Page 3 senior Inter English single answers mainstream. They were kept behind the ‘purdah.’ They were denied education. Child marriages were the order, Awakening of women from that pitiable position began with the Gandhian movement. Thus, women’s advancement spread very soon to many fields of activity. Women’s achievements and their role and contribution in various fields impacted legislation and administration in a positive way, They were appointed as members of the cabinet, as Governors of provinces, as. Ambassadors and as leaders of delegation to intemational conferences. After Independence their right to independent property, to freedom of marriage, to education and employment were recognized bylaw. Critical Comment: The write- up is remarkable for its clarity in ideas and their expression. ‘Thematically, the piece is historical; and it is expository in nafure. 8.Solution to Plastic Pollution Introduetion:The given lines are taken from the lesson “Solution to plastic Pollution.” It is adopted fiom the intemet. Context: The lesson is about the research project of Dr, R. Vasudevan, Head of Chemistry Department, Thiagarajar college of Engineering (TCE), Madurai who gave a solution to the plastic wastage Explanation: Though he was a chemistryprofessor, Dr, R. Vasudevan looks like a Sanskrit pandit with a striking namam, He always carries the Bhagwad Gita and explains the shlokas to the students. His research with chemicals and a mission for “Clean India” made him find a solution to plastic waste. He was encouraged by Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam and laid the first plastic road in his college campus, He struggled a lot fora decade for the patent and gave it to the Govt. of India for fiee of cost. The plastic roads are economical and long lasting, They can withstand extreme heat as well as torrential rains. He hopes that his formula will be of great use for the society in coming ‘farture. Critical Comment: The essay is very informative and the style is very ucid. The lesson offers permanent solution to the plastic pollution . The Religion of the Forest Rabindarnath Tagore Introduction: The given lines are taken from the essay “The Religion of the Forest” written by Rabindamath Tagore. (1861-1941). He is also called ‘Viswakavi’ and ‘Gumudev.’ He is the composer of our National Anthem. He is the first Indian to win the Nobel Prize. Context: The present lesson is taken from Tagore’s book “Creative Unity (1922). It explains the great Indian classies and the importance given to Nature in the ancient times. Resonance Hyderabad Page 4 senior Inter English single answers Explanation: The wise view of life and its significance echoes in our classical literature. Anicent India provided serence surroundings to her wise sages in her lush green forests. Realising the value of this concept and living as per the ideal promotes peace and prosperity. Deviation from it brings downfall. All through the kalidasa’s poems, there runs the idea that the future would be glorious when there would be the calm of self. Control, purity and renunciation in the atmosphere. Critical Comment: The essay looks like a research paper. It abounds with compassion and contrast. It serves as an example of both an expository and argumentative essay for learners. 10. Guilty Horace J.Gardiner and bonneviere Arnaud. Reference These lines are taken are taken from the delightful and humorous one-act play Guilty” written by Horace J. Gardiner and Bonneviere Amaud. Context Guilty is a delightful one-act play. The play is so sweet that readers (viewers) are left with the feeling that the play is too short! And they comfort themselves with the saying: Small is beautifull! Explanation Jim, the lead character im the play, is an engineering graduate, But he has been compelled to work as a night watchinan. Mrs. Moore thé neighbouring women often visits Jim’s mother Ma Ryan. She talks abort Jim’s pathetic sitation. She says that Jim is a fine, good boy and a hard worker. He won't do anything wrong. They highlight the dignity of labour, Watchmen are as important as engineers, Mrs. Moré always dub into Ma Rayan ears that boys bring woes worries to their parents. Later, she shows Ma Ryan an article in the newspaper. It is about a stolen diamond. Coincidently, Ma Ryan has founda jewel, wrapped ina kerchief in Jim’s sweater. She thinks that Jim has stolen the diamond. Later, Jim clarifies that all her fears are untrue and she is totally confused, speaking without any sense. The play is full of gripping narration and it delivers a clear social message too Critical comment The Comedy meets all the qualities of a one-act play. The characters are just’a few and the three unities — of time, place, and theme are meticulously observed. 11. The Woman on Plat-form No.8 _Ruksin Bond ‘The interesting short story “The Woman on platform No.8” was written by Ruskin Bond. He is an Indian author of British descent. He wrote his first novel at the age of 17 that won him the Llewellyn Rhys Prize. He received the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1992 and was awarded the Padma Shri in 1999 and Padma Bhushan in 2014. ‘The present story is about love and affection that transcends all barriers of kinship. It is narrated in the first person by a school boy named Arun, Anum is a twelve-year old boy studying in a boarding school. He is confident and independent and is not affaid to travel alone at midnight. He keenly observes people and understands their feelings. He notices the sadness of the woman in white sari. Her soft voice, kindness and concern make him trust her. He relaxes and shares his details with her. Satish’s mother advises him not Resonance Hyderabad Page 5 senior Inter English single answers to believe the strangers. But he tums a deaf ear to this advice. Anum forms an impression of people not by their appearance but by their behaviour. He respects elderly people. Though he hates Satish's mother, he doesn't misbehave. Arun’s calling the woman in white sari ‘mother’ at the time of parting is a sweet gesture of recognition of a loving relationship. The purity of heart and innocence of children is vividly described by the author 12.A Gift for Christmas O. Hemy ‘The touching story “A Gift for Christmas” is written by O. Henry. He is an American short story writer who is known for his wit and storytelling technique. He wrote nearly 600 stories about life in America. ‘The present story is taken from O. Hemy’s collection “The Four Million.” It narrates the story ofa young married couple Della and Jim, a young married couple, live in a small flat. Jim's gold watch and Della’s long beautiful hair are what they consider their treasures. It’s Christmas time. Della has very little money to buy a present for Jim. She decides to have her hair cut and sold: She buys a platinum, watch-chain for Jim, And Tim sells his gold watch to buy expensive combs for Della Thus, both of them show the true meaning of love, sacrifice and generosity for happy living. The present lesson is a typical O. Henry’s story most of his stories have thiilling climax. His ironical storytelling technique makes the narration interesting and captivating. 13.The Doctor’s Word. RK. Narayan The short story “The Doctor’s Word” is written by R.K. Narayan (1906-2001). He is a leading writer of early Indian literatwe in English along with Mulk Raj Auand and Raja Rao. He won many awards like the Padma Bhushan, the Padma Vibimshan, Sahitya Akademi, Fellowship and’A.C. Benson Medal. ‘The interesting story “The Doctor's Word” has characters like our next-door neighbors. In this story also, the setting is Malgudi, more specifically, Lawley Extension. The situation discussed is of a serious nature. Dr. Raman is a practicing medical doctor. He is an expert in his profession. His patients hold him in high regard. He is more a man of deeds than of words. He maintains high standard of ethics. He never believes in soothing lies. So people come to him when the patient is on his last legs. He works hard for hours, days or weeks till he rests his prize from Yama’s hands. He respects human relation and values friendship most, He treats even his assistance well. He enjoys great suecess as person and a doctor. Dr. Raman’s best friend, Gopal was seriously ill. The doctor thought that there was little hope, he put in his best efforts. Gopal wanted to prepare a will. He was very much worried about Subbaiah and his gang. Dr. Raman was in a dilemma, Finally, he chose to his use his assuring, Resonance Hyderabad Page 6 senior Inter English single answers words. And the doctor’s word wrested Gopal from the jaws of death. The reader is left with the rich experience of enjoying a memorable story. 14. LOST Guy de Maupassant ‘The story “Lost” was written by Guy de Maupassant, He was a famous French writer. He wrote 300 short stories and 6 novels. ‘The lady in the story was very beautiful and clever with an integrity of character. She was married fo a man who had moderate income. She valued self-respect more than anything else. One arrogant baron tried to take her poverty for granted. But she didn’t compromise on values. She didn’t make fiss and waited for a chance to take revenge on him, ‘When an opportunity came her way, she carefully planned and executed the revenge she asked her husband to hide behind a certain with two other men. ‘The agreement was tiade. She mercilessly gave him twenty-four blows with a whip. Oue more cent would have take her to his happiness. But the clever lady skipped the twenty fifth cent, She called the witnesses. The baron was shocked and his wish was not fulfilled. ‘The short, interesting story contains the characteristic, with and humour of Maupassant. It is at once amusing apart from giving a clear message that immoral love leads to one’s downfall. 15. AN INTERVIEW Richard Gordon ‘The short and beautiful story “AN INTERVIEW” was written by Richard Gordon (1921-2017) He was an English Surgeon and an anesthetist. He wrote many short write-ups mostly dealing with medicine. His Doctor Novels, eighteen comic works in a series, were very suecessfil in Britain during 1960s and 1970s. In The short story he discusses the narrator’s experience of facing an interview with the dean of a medical school. Answer The narrator came to attend an interview with Dr Lionel Loftus, the dean of St Swithin’s Medical School: He sits nervously in the waiting room, pre-creating his interview with the dean. Then, a very old man meets the narrator in the waiting room. The secretary scanned him carefully and asked a few questions about himself. The dean didn’t ask any medical questions. He asked only about his rugby experience. The narrator replied that he plays Rugby. She asked him about his rugby experience .That aroused the Dean’s interest. The reason was that the school has many forward players. Wing three quarter players were in demand, The Dean’s interest was to see for such players. The narrator meets their requirement. He asks a few questions about the narrator’s ability to pay the fees. The dean generally admitted students whom the secretary approved of and rejected those whose looks the secretary didn’t like. So the Secretary visits there, So, he thinks this interview is superfluous. Critical comment The short story by Richard Gordon is witty and apparently autobiographical. It exposes the flaws in admission interviews .The style of the narration is simple and racy. Resonance Hyderabad Page 7

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