BALUYO, Vivien Marie T. - Activity #1

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What is Ethics?

Ethics is a discipline that concerns all questions regarding human actions and its outcomes.
The standard as to whether an action is good or bad. 

Ethics is important as water is essential for humans to survive. One's actions affect
another—helping them shape their personalities and who they choose to become in the
future. Without ethics, how can people differentiate what is right from wrong? How can
people govern in a righteous and humane way? How can people provide the needs of other



Religious and spiritual are two different words. I consider myself as spiritual for I don't box
myself with the religious teachings of the Catholics. I don't follow the book because some of
its contents are against my principles—mental health issues are not due to lack of faith. I've
known people who have faith but are having mental issues only to be told by people who
attend the first mass of the day, everyday, that they are "kulang sa dasal." Mental health
issues exist and worsen for the stigma that surrounds it. Having faith does not save anyone
from having mental issues—believing also needs applicating it in real life. Being a
bible-abiding person does not guarantee heaven if not matched with righteous actions.


It took a long time for me to realize that I, myself, seem like a pretty trustworthy person. A
lot of people have surprised me by telling me their darkest, deepest secrets, without me
asking anything about it. I repay them by actually staying true to my words, not to tell a
soul about it—unless it really is concerning that it keeps me up at night. I guess I have that
aura that people feel at ease even just meeting for the first time. 

People say that respect begets respect—I highly believe in that, too. So, when people start
disrespecting me, I choose to turn my back and walk away from them, as a respect for
myself. I practice respect in the most mundane way—I ask people questions and when they
refuse to answer, I don't press them to answer. Also, I don't give out my opinion on people
I've never even met before even after hearing some things about them—I want to have my
own perception of a person without any interference coming from other people.


When meeting other people, one might  show a "not-so-true" personality in order to be
likeable enough. As a believer of "first impression lasts," I tend to show a true part of me
rather than a pretentious one. If I were to leave a mark on anyone, even to those I just met,
it would be best to atleast make them remember "me." 


Anyone can hear but not everyone can listen and remember. I am someone who prefers
one-on-one talk rather than talking in groups. I like learning a lot about a person, especially
when I treasure them. In this modern age, putting down mobile phones is a challenge. As for
me, I can ignore my phone whenever I am talking with someone. I give all of my attention to
them whenever they speak and talk about anything—what makes their day, what makes
them sad, what makes them, them. Once, a friend of mine shared to me that she loves her
dad's cooking and only his home cooked meals. When we got the chance to talk again,
after how many months, she shared that her dad was back to work. I asked her what he
does and she told me that his dad was a cook. I immediately remembered what she told me
the last time and blurted out, "kaya pala paborito mo luto niya." That's when she told me I
am a really good listener.


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