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PS need This CodeMaster addresses the major stuctrl design requirements ofthe 2015, Intemational Buiding Code ('BC) for masonry structures. The masony standard and specication on which the IBC is based ae: TMS 402-13ACI 590-t/ASCE 5-13, Bulting Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, and TMS 602-13IACI 530,1-13ASCE 6-13, Specification fr Masonry Structures, which are referenced roughout Chapter 21 of the 2015 IBC. These are joint pubicatons of The Masonry Society (TMS), American Concrete Intute (ACI), and the American Society of Ci Engineers (ASCE) and are oten refered to asthe MSC (Masonry ‘Standards Joint Committee) Code and MSC Speciation. The next eon wal be solely sponsored by TMS, and to begin the taniton, the cade and speciation wil be refered to as TMS 402 and TMS 602, respectively in this Codehtatr Masonry designed by the allowable stress design method needs to moet the ‘alowable sess design provsions in 2015 IBC Section 2107, This secon requires _alowable sires design to comply with seisic requirements of 2016 IBC Secon 2106 and Chapters 1 through 8 of TMS 402 wih some modifications. Chapters 1 ‘trough 3 of TMS 402 cover General Requirements; Chapters 4 through 7 cover Design Requirements and Chapter 8 covers Allowable Stess Design of Masonry. ‘TWS 402 Chapter 7 covers seismic design. Wherever te legally adopted bung code is based onthe 2015 IBC, the load combinations cf 20°5 IBC Section 1605.3 ‘apply. Lap splice requirements altematve o thse in TMS 402 Section ‘3 gien in 2015 IBC Section 21072. Aso, requirements conceming spices of reinforcement of TMS 402 Secton 8.1.67 are modified by 2015 IBC Section 21073, andthe maximum bar size provisons of TMS 402 are modified by 2015, IBC Section 21074 In the alowable stress design method, the caleated stresses resulting from ‘sendoe loads should not exceed the permissible sorvice load stresses. Alowable stroses are a fraction ofthe specified strengths of material, thus providing @ factor of salty, The factor of safety varies from 25 to 4, Serve loads are the loads imposed onthe structure, and are specied in 2015 IBC Secon 1605.3, Ether "Basic load combinations" slated in 2018 IBC Secon 1605.31 or “Aeratve basic load combinations" sated in 2016 IBC Seton 1606 3.2 can be used, Note that TMS 402 Secton 8.1.2 no longer alows a oneshi increase in alowable stresses when load combination fram 2015 IBC Section 1605:3.2 that Incude win or earthquake forces are used Calculated stresses are dented by lowercase ltrs (such asf) and allowable stresses by uppercase leer (such a8 F). In reinforced masonry, sieel reinforcement is added to resist the tensile stresses, Reinforcement may be located inthe center of wall o coset ihe face of wal, depending on design requirements. When reinforcement is located inthe center or near o one face ofa wal tis called singy-inorced wal, When reinforcement is provided near both faces ofa wal tis called a doubly enforced wall Stee reinforcement can only be considered to resist compression ‘if lateral reinforcement in compliance with TMS 402 Section 5.3.14 is provided (see TMS 402 Secon 8.3.33). in masonry wal, he reinforcements typically paoed at the centr ofthe wall This CodeMaster covers both uninforced and reinforced masonry. In Uunreinfroed masonry design, te tensie resistance ofthe mason is taken into nsieraton andthe resistance of reinforcing too. present for tings such as prescripive seismic reinforcement or cack contro, is neglected. in reinforced mason, is assumed that masonry in tension does not contribute to axial and feruralresistanoes. Axial and flensal tension stresses are rested ently by sleel reinforcement. Beams, ntls, and columns are requted to be reinforced (see TMS Section 52 and 53) ‘Structures & Codes Institute Tet 947) 961-2700 ‘Aaubaldary of SK. Gosh Assocs In ax (047) 991.2702 ‘ sighoshassccnios com stghoshneeagmaicom ISBN 9761-096000-39 Copan @ 2018 by SKOA ate aMATONA oe COUN PTE ss) ss re ed In reinforced masonry, selection needs to be made of four materials: masony nits, mortar, grout, and reinforcement. 1 Masonry Units. Masonry units need to comply with TMS 602 Arle 23 per 2015 IBC Seaton 2103.1. Generally, two types of masomy uns are used. They ‘areas follows: ‘2. Hollow brick masomy units conforming to ASTM C682. . Concrete masony unis (CMU) conforming to ASTM C80. ASTM C20 allows fora val of unis, 2s shown below in gure 1. The open-end units are sir oly around reinforcing bars and can increase the thermal resistance of walls by having less thermal shots Double Cell ‘Open-End oF ABlock. Double Open-end ‘or H-Block Figure 1 Conerete Masonry Units 2. Mortar. All mavtar materials need to conform to ASTM C270 and Aries 21 ‘and 2. Af TMS 602 per 2015 IBC Secon 2105.2. Generally the folowing tree ‘ypes of mortar can be used. Type M.— Type M mortar isa high strength mortar general used in high strength masonry or where durbilty (such afr retaring wal) s@ fac, “Type M mortars permitted inal seismic design categories (S0Cs) Type S — Type S mortar has a loner compressive strength than Type M, but improved workability. Type S mortar is permitted forall SDCs. Type S i @ commenly used mora in reinforced mason. Type N — Type N mortar has lower compressive strength than Type S, but higher workabilty due to higher Ime content. Is use as part ofthe sesmic force resisting system i peited in SDCs A,B, and C only (TMS 402 Section 74422) Mortars ar specied by proportion specications [see ASTM C270 Table 1] or property specications (see ASTM C270 Table 2) Mortar mixed on the jobsite should be specie by proportion Motars can be made from Porland cemenilime, mortar cement, or masonry cement. Masomy cement mortar is prohibited in partalygruted wals that are part ofthe seismic forcesessing system in bulings assigned to SDC D and higher (TMS 402 Section 7.4422). SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: A ood rule of thumb sto use the lowest strength mortar that perfoms adequately, not the stonges, because workabiity and senceabilty is improved with ower svengh mora, 3. Grout. 2015 IBC Section 2102.3 requires grout to conform to TMS 602 Arle 22. Thal acl requires grout to comply wih ASTM C476, ASTM C478 permits ‘rout to be specified by proporton requirements or propery requiements, as in the case of mortar. In enforced masonry, al reinforced cls or cavities need to be completly fled wih grout (see TMS 602 Arie 3.5 B), Grout needs to be consolidated (verted), and reconsoicate, to completely volds and bond tothe ‘Masonry INSTITUTE OF AMERICA wir masonryinsttte org INSTITUTE wv imiweb org Cea wreavarionat ira masonry surfaces as required by TMS 602 Aicle 35 E. Aooeplable admixtures, ‘as required by TS 602 Aricle 22 C, may be added for purposes such as increasing the fow of gout or reducing shrinkage. ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: For grouting, high water content resuting ina sump range of 8011 in. used, as masonry unis wl absorb wate from the oul. Afer absorpion of some water, the waterLo-ement rato is at the Appropriate level o alow fr nora curing nd strength gain, 4, Reinforcement. Reinforcing steals normaly deformed bars of Grade 40, 50, © 60 conforming to ASTM A615, A706, A767, AT75, or ASG6 (see 2015 IBC Section 21084, which references TMS 602 Arte 2.4), Joint reinforcement i ‘sual steel wire type, small enough in ameter to filo the horizontal mortar Joint and needs to conform to ASTM A961 Determine basic properties of masonry such as weight and check compliance with specified compressive strength. Alowable stresses for masonry are a function of the spectid compressive strength 4. Weight CCMUs are made ftom eer ightweight or normal weight aggregates producing normal weight, medium weight, or ightweight uns. Contact local manufacturer for accurate information on materal weights. Trade associations such as the National Conczeto Masony Associaton (NCMA) and Brick Industry Associaton (GIA) have usetlpubsications for weighs 2. Specified Compressive Strength (F,) Compliance withthe spect compressive strength of masonry f.) at 28 days is based on the net actual area ofthe masomy and is a function of the strength of ‘masonry unit, the typeof mortar, andthe strength of grout nthe case of gouted masonry). Compiance with fs determined by one ofthe follwing two methods noted below 580 TMS 602 Article 1.4 Unit Strength Method In tis method, compliance wih fis determined based én compressive strength of he masonry units and one of the tree types of morta. ». Prism Test Method * Masonry prisms are constructed, cured, and tasted in conformance with ASTM C1314, All materials used in the test prism ae those intended to be used onthe project ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: TMS 602 Tales 1 and 2 provide values of “Net area compressive stength of masony" which can be used to vey the “specied compressive stength of mason’ orf. These values are obtained by spectying the ‘nt area compressive stengh of ether clay or concrete unis and one ofthe three types of mortars listed in Stop 1. The “net area compressive strength isthe compressive strength based onthe actual area of the unis, the gross cross-sectional area minus the combined area of any ungrouted cells or holes. TMS Table 2 for CMU masonry was updated inthe 2013 TMS 602, wit Solan increases in for nit strengths less than 3000 psi. For example now 2000 psi fora 2000 ps unt strengh and Type S mart Determine Loaps ANo Axia. Forces, SHEA eee eee ose ‘Al masomy elements such as beams, columns, and wall need tobe designed for ‘gravy loads (dead and ive) and lateral loads such as those due to wind, | earthquake, and soll 2015 IBC Section 1609 requires wind loads tobe determined in accordance with Chapors 26 trough 30 of ASCE 7-10 or provisions ofthe allemate al-heights method in 2015 IBC Section 1609.6, subject to certain ‘excepions listed in 2015 IBC Secton 1609.1.1. The exceptions incude wind at tunnel tests in accordance with Chapter 31 of ASCE 7-10. Sol lateral loads are | determined from 2016 IBC Secon 1610 and Table 1610.1, unlass more spectc information fora site is avalabe, For eathquake loads, 2015 IBC Section 1613, provides basic information regarding SDCs, ground mation, and ste dassiicaton, however earthquake loads are datemined using ASCE 7-10, Cpt 12. see the Seismic Design CodeMaster (2015 IBCIASCE 7-10) for mor information). Once the loads have been determined, he stucure needs to be analyzed o determine thei effects such as axial forces, bending moments, and shear forces on incdual ‘masonry members. These load effects or internal forces are then combined ‘2ccortng to load combination equations sel forth in 2015 IBC Section 16053. ‘Onco the inal sizes of masonry elements are determined, either from ‘architectural or stucturalconsideratos, axa, shear, and flexural stesses canbe ‘calculated using equations given inthis CodeMaste’s Tables 1 and 3 (se Steps 4nd 6), STEP 4 ‘Unreinforced masonry elements are designed to satsty the requirements of TMS 402 Section 82. For unrenfrced masonry, tension is allowed tobe rested by the ‘masonry Perissble tensile siresses ae given n TMS 402 Table 8.242 Tension can occur from au-o ane lads as shown in Figure 2o rom in-plane loads as shown in Figure 3. hough IBC and TMS 402 allow tension to occur in masonry wal, walls noed tobe anchored tote foundation per 2015 IBC Section 1608.1 Dererwne Stresses m U; ee VA Marae al on tut io 1 J = ager | tenatee See vate 2 Compresson Section AA ural Seabee Wind or Seismic Load W” Ha wat Figure 2 Tension Normal to Bed Joints Geaviy Loos ory ia one — compression Steases at Base (Tension allowod) Figure 3 In-Plane Wall Loading Table 1 ~ Determination of Actual Stresses in Unreinforced Masonry Elements Stress masonry). mason) Table 2s he TMS 402 allowable rmasomy svesses: ‘Table 2~ Allowable Stresses for Unrwnforced Masonry Elements MSIC Code Reference Ea. (614) Ea. (15) ‘Stress Equation OR Ret ‘Axial compression Pstior, and flexure Haha oar? Q ot Eq. (6419) |Table 2— Allowable Stresses for Unreinforced Masonry Elements (Continued) Fa (ave ferhr=00 seni 40H Eq 6417) exural compression | F, = (7s) f Eq. (618) F215 Vm $120 p81 2(87 0F | ga 60 psi + 0.45 N/A.) ene | Flexural tension None Where: net coss-sctoral are ofa mambo in? ret shor ara, a wi of secon, in, tal pth fame in drecsn of hear considered in moa of elastty of masonry in cmgessn, 0 fay money (TMS 402 Secon 4222 1) = 900 fr cancel masomy (TMS 402 Secton 4222.1) bowel comoressive toss avaiabe eis xl a ony, ps owas congress sess salable oes ene ony pi lowebe shar ses in mason, 8 = clea compressive sressin mesony et al ad on psi alee compressive sess n masa du tenure ci, si sects compressive saath of mason, psi ‘aluaed shear sess n mason, 8 = elie halt of coun, a oF last, ment finer of not cose sctaral are of @ mabe, a ximun mart te setin une cenierton n- compressive force acing neal a shear sure, = avalload, & ler uc a,b istmrent out te neta au of nag between re xem Fer ac te pane atric shears beng ead fabus of gration, = (Ay sacson modus ofthe ae! oss sectoral aes of marber wi rept extreme terion ber of mason, in ‘= secon muds ofte net oss sectoral are oa monber wth espect extreme compress ter of sony, Vea free ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: Many ofthe equations used fo determine stresses on masonry elements are not give in eter the 2015 IBC or TMS 402 Many of the common equations used in uareinfared and singly reinforced masonry design are showin Tables 1 and 3 eg oe oe ened Leet ce tag [ eee acd | Reinforced Masonry Reinforced masony is designed to comply with the requirements of TMS 402 ‘Section 8.3. Al tension s resisted by the reinforcing ste, A reinforced masony ‘beam subjected to dead and lve loads is shown in Figure 4(a). The compression and tension forces ae shown in Figure Ab), Face of Support| Beam Span = £ Ea @16) Tabe8242 | Compression c= (a) ha Tat Figure 4(o) Forces The design of reinforced masonry Is leratve: therefore, an amount of reinforcement that wil sty the design requirements needs o be assumed, Make a pracical start by assuming te rato of lever arm to effective depth to be between 0.85 and 0:90, Calculate preiminary aes of reinforcement by dividing the bending moment by the allowable stess in the reinforcement and the lever arm, (S86 Example 1) Calculate actual secton properties based onthe assumed reinforcement and ‘veify he assumption ofthe lever arm, Reise the enforcement necessary, Usd een Te Table 3 — Determination of Actual Stresses in Reinforced Masonry Elements Stross Equation al T= PIA a i= VA MSJC Code Reference None Eq. (624) Flexural tension nse) Flexural compression (ia masonry) f= Mia None = 2M None ‘Table 4— Allowable Strosses for a Reinforced Masonry Element MSJC Code = Reference Equation ‘Axial compression: hir< 98 P= (0257.A +085 ‘Aa Fi) (t(n'40H ‘Axial compression P= (0.25 FA, + 0.65 ir 96 A. F.)(7Onh Eq. (621) Eq. (822) "Nol: A. = 0 unless the reivoraement in compression sed in compllance with TMS 402 Secton 53.14 045 F Seaton Flexural Section 83422 0.45 7. provided f, = From TMS 402 Section 8244 ‘Axial compression + flere Section 3422 0.000 psi (Grade 40 or 7 Seaton 50 reinforcement) a33t F.= 82,000 pal (Grade 60 reinforcement) Section Flexural tension in stoo! naan {30,000 psi (wire joint reinforcomant) Fat FM, Section 8332 Shear F, Ea 25) Shear: ve) <0.25 Oy, =) Eq. (6-28) ‘Shear Mi(Va) > 1.0 Ea. (627) Table 4 Allowable Stresses for a Reinforced Masonry Element (Continued) MSJC Code Reference ‘Section 835.1.2(¢) =), | The equation 7, | to he lefts provided for | imterpoation mar, | ea Equation (0+ 014.78)3.00 os + 14600 Is] 1420's (Eq 16-12) 9 -0.140.73)13.000 s+ 14600 bs] =22019'bs (Eq 16-16) = 13000 be rE = amc nr tear 10-9 —=! Figure 7 Wall Loading DDeTeRMNe PReLMINARY AMOUNT OF REINFORCEMENT (STEP 5) 9, The axial load wil counteract he effects of extemal ‘moment, however italy ignore its eft in determining A, 20-8 112in, assuring the cent of tension sie! at in. fom the goof wal, Ina A, = 902.400 (12932 000(0.9}112) = 1.13 in? Try 247 bars = 1.20in? ibd 20/7825 x 112) = 0.0018 16.1(000%4) = 00226, V(opF +2np —np = 0.191 1-W9= 1-0.19113 = 0.94 k= 0.191(112)= 21.4, The above procedure isan approxima solu fr cacating neta axis astho axial vad prosont. For most cases. this is good enough: however, ‘the ail oad is substantial, an exact solution is needed. Check ano Coupare Stresses (StePs 6 ano 7) Check lee! stress due to fexure i= MAS = 902,400(12)1.20(0.98)112) = 28,800 psi < $2,000psi, O.K. Check masonry sess, 2aMyka = 2(802 400(12)7 62500940191) 12) = 424 ps ‘ail stress (BC Eq, 16-12) 1.0 + 0.148.) DIA, = 90,420/120 (7.625) = 33 psi Combined compressive stress for masonry ‘38+ 424 = 457 pal < 045 f= 0.45 (2.000) = 900 ps. OK. Check al sess it For a solidly grouted wal, r= t //12 = 7.625!VT2 in. = 2.20 in firs (BAK T2 nt) 220 = 98" «96 Use TMS 402 Equon 02 The rence st tray ed 0A. =0. 'P,=0.25 x 2000 x (120 x 7.6251 - (98.1140) = 232,900 bs esimun Ps 30420 bs « 732,600 is OK Derermne THe Type oF Sear WaLt (Srer 8) ‘A Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall is required to mest TMS 402 Secons 73.26 and 7.44.2, CCheck if TMS 402 Section 8.3.44 apples for limit of maximum reiaforcement. Mvd,= Va, = hd, = 216/120 = 18> 1.0 but 05 7, A, = 0.05 (2,00)(7.825 x 120 Actual aval load = 30420 tbs < 91,500 bs. Therefore, the maximum reinforcement percentage provision does not app. Derenanne Aoomona. SDC-Basep Reaureenrs (SreP 9) ‘Shear design . Because the wal is @ Special Reinforced Masonry Sheer Wal, multiply seismic force by 15 per TMS 402 Section 7: Also multiply by 0.7 to comer from stength1vel to serviceeve {= 15(0.NVA, = 140.7424 000¥(7.625K.120 Since Mid, = 18, ia Maximum alowable shear stress, F, = (2vFy, = (2V2000)1.0= 89.4 psi Maximum shear stress, F,= 89.4 psi> 275 psi, secon is adequate, 75 psi Check allowable shear provided by masonry alone: WV, need not exceed 10 F.,£31.2ps\> 278 psi. Therefore reinforcement isnot required, However, minimum horizontal reinforcement per TMS 402 Section 7.3.26} (for masonry lai in running bond) = 0.0007 (7.625)(12) = 0.064 in? ‘TMS 402 Secon allows a maximum spacing nat exceeding one- third height or length of wall, or 48.0. In tis example, 120 = 40 in. governs Provide # @ 32 in. o.c. This horizontal reinforcement should be adequately anchored around the verical seo athe ends Horizontal reinforcement provided = 12 (0.20V2 = 0075 in2m > 0.064 in? Minimum total reinforcement per TWS 402 Section 7.3.26(c) = 0.002 (7.625) 12= 0.183 init Horizontal reinforcement provided = 0.075 in." Required vertical enforcement 183 -0.075 = 0.108 7A, With 2 7 provided at each end for flexure; 4(0.8) inZm> 0:108in?m The cross-sectional area of the provided vertical shear reinforcement 0.24 init > 18 ofthe cross-sectional area of horizontal shear reinforcement required (0.04 in?m). Thus, TMS 402 Section 7.32.6) is satisfied, ‘The vertical reinforcement also needs to be dstrbued ata spacing not to ‘exceed 40 in. (TMS 402 Section 73.262). Provide single #4 bars @ 32 in. oc. in the rest ofthe wal to match coursing (2) 8 att of wat 4 @ 32 00 (2) #7 each ed of wal #6 @ 57 00 verteay (2146 cant at top of footng nim GBSSES ee SU Provide continuous fotng eapable of reiting ‘verrring and. adequate dowel for vera! Figure 8 Shear Wall Reinforcement BONUS: EXACT DESIGN METHOD The design of masonry for combined axial forces and flexure typically requires ether approximations or the constuction of an interaction diagram, The method presented above inthe CodelMaster i 2 traitonal ‘design method and is a conservative approximation to the intracon diagram. The following design method shown in the flow chart and used ‘exclusively in this CodeMaster avoids either approximations or the constuction ofthe full ineracion diagram. Its based on sling for the ‘minimum amount of enforcement that meets TMS 402 requremens, Phe ‘towable masonry stress contol the design, the reinforcement is not being used efficient, and other modifications to the design, such as a change in member size or increasing ¢., shouldbe considered, = ha Ish2k,? (Grade 60 see! k= 0312 a — [es 2g - ‘Alowable masonry sess contols (be) = We? +260 ¢ erate. Use (Aa), 28 new 2 guess and repeat unt A, nef toa converges. AT) Select bar i and spacing < ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: Why use the Exact Method? Because it results in 2 more accurate design and more ecient use ofthe reinforcement eee een re Percent (ee red Example 1 s repeated using the exact design method, Assume a wall weight of 44 psf (ASCE 7-10 Commentary Table C3-1, 125 pet units, grout spacing at 48 in) P= 0.5500 + 44x 9) = 538 bs Cleat kd Note that 0 1/2 = 0 for cantered reinforcement. aM Fp ae ced [2e1m.)' _alesotin 1) 2 3{e00 psiKr2in.) ke kd = 0473801 =0.126 F

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