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Alcohol in the ancient times

Neolithic period

One of the earliest drinks known to have been produced is beer and dates back to the late Stone Age. The discovery of beer jugs has
established the fact that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period around 10,000 BC (Patrick,
1952). Molloy (2002) supports this contention and adds that during this period wild barley was first domesticated and systematically
harvested in the Fertile Crescent region of modern day Turkey, Iran and Iraq.

‘Code of Hummurabi’

– the oldest recorded hospitality laws Hammurabi was one of the first dynasty kings of the city of Babylon (1810 – 1750 BC). The
Louvre Museum in Paris contains a large diorite stela with the inscriptions commonly known as the Code of Hummurabi. O’Gorman
(2010) contends that within the ancient inscriptions, there are laws governing commercial hospitality from at least 1800 BC. He adds
that hostels and inns in Mesopotamia were in the business of supplying drinks, women and accommodation for strangers. Drinks
included date palm wine and barley beer, and there were strict regulations against diluting them (p. 5). Driver and Miles (1952) in a
further translation of the same stela show that the punishment for watering beer was death by drowning.

The Egyptians

Wine clearly appeared as a finished product in Egyptian pictographs around 4000 BC (Lucia, 1963a) and one of the oldest beer recipes
can be directly dated to 1800 BC. Brewing dates from the beginning of civilization in ancient Egypt. Osiris, the god of wine, was
worshiped throughout the entire country and the Egyptians believed that this important god also invented beer (Allen, 1936). Both
beer and wine were offered to gods. Cellars and wine presses even had a god whose hieroglyph was a winepress (Wissler cited by
Mok, 1932). The ancient Egyptians made at least 17 varieties of beer and at least 24 varieties of wine which were used for pleasure,
nutrition, medicine, ritual, remuneration and funerary purposes for use in the after-life.

Chinese drinking traditions in ancient times

A variety of alcoholic beverages have been used in China since prehistoric times (Granet, 1957). In ancient times people drank when
holding a memorial ceremony, offering sacrifices to gods or their ancestors, pledging resolution before going into battle, celebrating
victory, before feuding and official executions, for taking an oath of allegiance, while attending the ceremonies of birth, marriage,
reunions, departures, death, and festival banquets in China. Around 1116 BC, alcohol was one of China’s treasuries largest sources of
income and was widely used in all segments of Chinese society as a source of inspiration, and hospitality and for combating fatigue.

Greece – from mead to wine

The first alcoholic beverage to obtain widespread popularity in what is now Greece was mead, a fermented beverage made from
honey and water. However, by 1700 BC, wine making was commonplace, and during the next thousand years, wine drinking assumed
the functions so commonly found around the world: it was incorporated into religious rituals, it became important in hospitality, it
was used for medicinal purposes and it became an integral part of daily meals (Babor, 1986). As a beverage, it was drunk in many
ways: warm and chilled, pure and mixed with water, plain and spiced (Raymond, 1927).

The Romans

A consequence of the massive expansion of the Roman Empire, following the fall of Greece, was the substantial and widespread
development of viticulture and brewing throughout Europe. Beers were produced by the fermentation of different grains and the
development of brewing was most rapid in countries where the soil and climate were not suited to viticulture. There were also beer-
like drinks such as mead, made from honey and grain. The Romans also further developed the concept of the taberna (taverns).


Categories Of Beverage
A. Non Alcoholic Beverage
2. Alcoholic Beverage
I. Non Alcoholic Beverage
Is a drink that contains no alcohol consists of:

I.1. Natural Mineral Water

Is water that contains minerals and is derived from the soil or water sources, which have treated the process as cleaned and sterilized
before trading. There are several kinds of them plus CO2 in inside which point to preserve and refreshing.
Some brands of mineral water include:
- Perrier and Evian (France)
- Aqua, Ades, Oasis, Vit, Sosro (Indonesia)

I.2 Artificial Mineral Water

Is a beverage made like mimics the properties of mineral water and is usually given a certain scents materials, as well as preserved by
CO2. These types of drinks known as soft drinks.
Several types of artificial mineral water, among others:
a. Soda water
This drink is a kind of others.
The material is water and CO2.
b. Cola (Pepsi, Coca Cola and RC Cola)
The material is sugar water, chocolate caramel preserved by CO2
c. Ginger Ale
d. Tonic / quinine water
e. Bitter lemon
f. Lemonade
g. Strawberry
Types of artificial mineral water was drunk than usual serves as a beverage or mixing drinks.

I.3 Aromatic / Stimulating Water

Is a beverage that has a stimulating scent that can affect our organs in your body. Several types of aromatic / stimulating water:
a. Coffee contains caffeine such as coffee or regular coffee black, Expresso, Ice coffee, etc..
b. Tea for example Hot tea, hot lemon tea, Chinese tea, ice lemon tea, etc..
c. Chocolate for example: Hot chocolate, chocolate Ice.
d. Milk, for example, Hot Milk, Ice milk.

I.4. Juices
Is a fruit juice or a liquid obtained by squeezing the fruit, juice bar that normally provided in include:
- Orange juice
- Pineapple juice
- Lemon / Lime juice
- Grape fruit juice
- Guava juice
- Sour sop juice
- Mango juice
- Tomato juice
- Apple juice, etc..
Juice is usually divided into two groups, namely: non-juice and fresh juice fresh.

  I.5. Squash and Cruzz

Type of drink is a mixture of soda water, juice and sometimes coupled with the sugar made in the factory and bottled called Cruzz,
while made in the bar is usually called squash. Usually some squash at the bar:
- Orange squash
- Lemon squash
- Lime squash

I.6. Healthy Drink / Drink Suplement

Is a health drink that can increase endurance. Some brands are usually sold at the bar:
- Kratingdeng
- Livovsan
- M 150
- Bachus On

I.7. Syrup
Is a viscous liquid / solid sugar yield is very high. Provided at the bar to make drinks mixed material (mixing drinks). Syrup is usually
provided at the bar include:
- Simple syrup
- Vanilla syrup
- Grenadine syrup
- Melon syrup
- Strawberry syrup

II. Alcoholic Beverage

Are all drinks that contain alcohol which can be taken with alcohol content limit of 75% is called with ethyl alcohol. While that can not
drink alcohol called ethanol. Alcohol is a colorless, clear liquid that smelled of ether which is obtained through fermentation
processes have shaped some are looking for and disbursed.
Drinks can be obtained by the two processes are:
a. Fermentation
Fermentation is the process of breaking down sugar in liquid form into alcohol and CO2 with the help of yeast.

b. Distillation
refining the process of heating and cooling back in order to obtain a higher alcohol content.

Alcoholic beverage is essentially divided into three types of classification, based on the type of alcohol contained in beverages are
divided among other things:
a. Beer
Alcohol is obtained from the fermentation of malt, cereals and hops. The basic ingredients beer:

- Malt: seperas grant (wheat) that have been added and dried.
- Cereal: used are rice or corn.
- Hops: beer is necessary for colored flowers
light green of a creeping plant. This flower is the length of 21/22 cm and consists of the leaves surrounding the flower of a spindle.
There are stones on the spindle which gives the beer a bitter taste of hops and hops aroma characteristics.
- Yeast (yeast) is a single micro-organism that can change some sugar
into alcohol and acid stuff.
 - Water (Water): 89-90% of the beer is water that has been cleansed of
minerals and salts. Good water comes from pilsan, bohamma.
Composition in the beer:
- Water: 89-90%
- Alcohol: 4-7%
- Sugar: 3-4%
- Protein: 0.4 - 0.5%
- Minera: 2%
- CO2: 0.4 - 0.5%

Types of beer
Brands - the famous beer brands:
• Indonesia: Anker, Star, Gold Star.
• Singapore: Tiger, Anchot
• Australia: Foster, Swan VB, Classic.
• Denmark: Carlsberg, tuborg.
• Philipine: Sanniquel Bahham
• America: Budwerser, Miller, Bahanumes, Michelob
• Mexico: Corona, Carta Blaaca, Terat Karveza.
• Ireland: Guinneess.
• Checoslovakia: Pilsner, Urguell.
• Netherlands: Heeineken, Amstel.
• Francis: Kronenberg.
• China: Suntau
• Japan: Kurn, Asaht, Suntory.

Beer was served in a cold state, as well as the glass used to be cool. Temperature ranges between 4-6 Celcius  beer is the best / good
to drink is 8 degrees Celsius. There are three ways of packing / storage packaging beer: Barrel, Bottle, Can.

b. Spirit
Alcoholic beverages are destilation results. Spirit is divided into two classes:

     Liquor: Gin, Vodka, Rum Whisky, Brandy, Tequila, Aperitif, and others.

 Liqueur: Under Propritaries and General brand

Beverage alcohol is obtained from the fermentation and re distilation of grain, herb, juniffer berry. In contrast to other drinks that are
created because of local traditions and religious. Gin is unknown who the creator is a doctor named Dr. Franciscus de la boe or better
known as Dr. Sylvius in 1650. At first he did not intend to make an alcoholic drink, but want to make the drug which had not yet
found a drug to treat kidney disease. Based on his knowledge of the oil can be used to treat juniferberry treatment, then he tried
mixing pure alcohol with junnifer berry powerful enough to treat the disease. The results of this creation called Genievre.
Furthermore the Dutch called Genever and gradually became popular in England in 1700 AD and the people called Gin.
The main ingredient Gin:
a. Grain: Barley, Ray, Corn.
b. Herbs (herbs): Orange / lemon mop, Cardamen, Conander,
Bitter Almond, angelic orns roots, carawy, seed, fennel, licorise, cassia bark, Calamus root.
c. Junniferberries: trees / plants taken
Peel (rind), Root (roots), Seeds (Seeds-biijian), Bark (bark), Berries (oil)

There are types of Gin:

a. Dutch gin / gin Holland
               - It was more sweet
               - Has a strong aroma
               - Usually served straight up and chille.
               - The Netherlands is often called by the name of the beer.
Based on its age there are two types of Genever:
- Jonge (young) Genever
- Oude (Old) Genever

Genever brands:
- Bokma
- Hoppe
- Hultskamp
- Meder
- Bols
- Claryn
- Coeberg
- Henkes

b.English gin / gin American

- Feeling more dry
- Having a soft aroma / Laght bodred.
- Can be drunk straight up on the rocks or with a mixture, also for mixed drinks.

            - Beefeater
            - Gordan dry gin
            - Tangueray
            - Gilbeys
            - Extra Dry Gin Seeagrams
            - London Satin gin
            - Bombay sapphire

Þ Vodka
At first the State which produces Russian vodka is made with basic ingredients and potatoes. Now many other countries especially
the U.S. to build basic grain ingredients, mixed with potatoes. Potatoes produce a better vodka, but can produce more grain than
potato vodka, although the number is used as much.
Some brands of Vodka:
- Stohchnaya
- Meskovkaya
- Kropkaya
- Zyma
- Pertsovka
- Belshoi
- Berzoi
- Smirnof (red, blue, silver, ginger)
- Wolfschmiddt
- Samavar
- Absolut Vodka
Because at the time of manufacture of filtered vodka with the "charcoal" (charcoal) and without any flavor mixed with the vodka has
the properties:
- Colorless (colorless)
- Tasteless (no taste)
- Ordorless (no smell)
Vodka can be drunk straight up, on the rocks, or with a mixer (soft drinks and juice) are also suitable for making mixed drinks

Rum is made from sugar cane (sugar cane). Sugar cane is processed into sugar before the rest of the sugar-making is (approximately
5% still contain sugar). Molasses is exactly what made the road fermantasi and distillation.
There are 4 kinds of rum combined:
- Light rum: very dry, light bodied rum.
- Gold rum: medium bodied rum.
- Dark rum: rich, full bodied rum
- Aromatic rum: pungently aromatic
Rum-producing countries which are mostly located in the famous Caribia to Latin America. Rum is flexible to made mixed drink or a
flavoring of food, especially pastries (cookies)
Rum brands:
- Bacardh
- Captain morgan
- Negrita
- Don-Q
- Lemon hart
- Carioca
- Myers
- Ron rico
- Gold Coaster

Þ Whisky
American spelling: Whiskey
British spelling: Whisky

Rich is the language of the origin of Irish whiskey Gache, of Scot language Gache (Visge), both meaning "water of life". Basically the
whiskey-making process through several stages such as:
- Malting: Barkey germinated and then dried
- Mashing: Malt destroyed / created flour
- Fenneating: Flour barley (malt) yeast (process
  - Distiling: Results of fermentation in the distillation yield
                                  alcoholic liquid is clear.
- Maturing blending: The provision of color and other spices.
- Aging: oak wood cut storage for long
                                                   certain time.
  - Boltling:
  State - State of the famous producer Whisky
     a. SCOTCHLANDIA (Scotch Whisky)

    - Johnie Walker (red, black, blue label gold)

    - Chivas Regal 12 years
    - Chivas royal statue 21 years
    - Glenfiddich
    - Glenlives
    - Ballantines
    - J & B (Justerin & Brook)
    - Cutty Sark
    - Black & white
    - Dewars White label
    - Vat 69
    - Passport
    - Long John
    - King George
    - White Horse
    - Bell's
    - Grant's
    - Teacher's Campbell
    - High land
    - Dimple
Scotch whiskey there is regular and there is a premium, the premium
its quality is better. Examples of premium whiskey:
a. Dample
b. Chivas Regal
c. Jhonny Walker Black Label
d. Jhonny Walker Swing

When viewed from the material scotch whiskey is divided into two kinds:
a. Matl whiskey
created by "The old fashioned pot" of malted barley (barley) it seems less so delicious, full of flavor and expensive.
b. Grain whiskey
prepared by the method patent Caffey materials: Maiza, Ots, rye, and malted barley. Has little flavor and the process is more to quik
quicker to meet consumer needs. Grain whiskey is generally mixed with malt whiskey is called Blended scotch on the market that we
often find scotch whiskey called "Blended scotch whickky), actually, scotch whiskey smell it in the can from a mixture of malt whiskey,
pure malt whiskey is Glanfieddich.
b. AMERICAN (American whiskey / bourbon whiskey)
Also called bourbon whiskey because it was first made in the district, in Bourbon, Kentucky America from corn flour (cornstarch).
         - Beam Jeam
         - Antique
         - I. W Harper
         - Old Grand Dad
         - Jack Daniels
         - Wild turkey
         - Old crow
         - Old Forester
         - Henry Mc Kenna
         - Font Rosca
 c. CANADA (Canadian whiskey)
Often called rye whiskey because the materials used to make the rye (grain). Its brands:
 - Canadian Club
 - Black velvet
 - Old Schenley
 - Seagram VO
 - Seagram Crown Royal

 d. IRELAND (Irish Whiskey)

 - John Jameson
 - Old Bushmills
 - John Power
- Tullamordew
e. JAPAN (Japanese whiskey) & Autralia (Australian whiskey)

Japanese brand-brand:
- Suntory
- Nikka
Australia brand-brand:
- Four seasons
- Glencor
- Corlo

Þ brandy, cognac & ARMANAC

Brandy is an alcoholic beverage made through the process of fruit wine (grape)
Cognac is a monopolized the trade name for brandy produced in the cognac region near the river Charentes, France.
Brandy is produced Armanac armanacm area in France.

So, brandy, cognac and Armanac basically the same they both brandy Only in this case than the second area (Cognac and Armanac) so
all of cognac and brandy Armanaca isbut not necessarily Cognac Brandy and Armanac.
The word brandy comes from the word "BRANDEWIJN" of the Dutch language, which means burned WINE (wine is burned). Alcohol
levels ranging from 40-50%. What makes the best of all Cognac Brandy because of soil, weather conditions, while the aroma Armanac
harder material and soil (Earther flavor). Brandy serve the best way is to heat the glass first. Glass used is Brandy snifter.
On the label Brandy / Cognac is usually written signs or words which states the age of Brandy in the bottle:
* One star (3 years)
Two star ** (4 years)
Three star *** (5 years)
VS very superior (7-12 years)
VSO very superior (12-17 years)
VSOP very superior pale (25-40 years)
XO extra old (40-60 years)

Brandy brands:
- Beehive
- Terry Brandy
- Osborn
- Napoleon Seguin
- Lejon
- Operto (Portugal)
- Pico (Peru)
- Stock (Italy)
- St. Thomas (Aussie)
- Uralt Asbach (German)

Cognac brands:
- Baron Otard
- Martell (VS, 3 *, VSOP Madathon, Cordon Blue, XO Superior)
- Hennessy (XO, VS, VSOP)
- Remy Martin (VSOP)
- Camus (XO, VSOP Grand)
- Courvoisier
- Bisquit Bouche du
- Hine

Armanac brands:
- Tipane
- St. Vivant Armanac
- Fine Jeanmean Armanac Napoleon.

Fruit Brandy
Brandy is produced from fruit other than grapes. There are three classes of fruit brandy:
A. Made from the fleshy fruit (Apple & Pear)
2. Made from the fruit with the seed (Cherry, plums & Apricot)
3. Made from small pieces of clustered (Berries) eg
Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Elderberries.

- From the fruit of Apple: Apple brandy, Apple Jack, Calvadas.
- From the fruit of apricot: Apricot brandy.
- From the cherry fruit: Kusch, Kurschwasser.
- From the fruit of Pear: Pear brandy, Potte Williams.
- From the fruit of strawberry: The phrase, etc..

Þ Tequila
Before the Spaniards came to America in the early 16th century, the Aztecs had to make beverages such as wine called Pulque is
made from agave (a type of cactus) species maquey. This plant is quite large if the leaves stay cut stump (the base of the trunk),
which absorbs a large Nasan. Rod is squeezed and  agave sap. The sap that is fermented to produce a drink called pulque. Pulque is
then distilled brandy or maquey a called Vino miscal. Vino miscal the best comes from the town of Tequila in Mexico State.
Furthermore right now drink known as Tequila. Usually drink Tequila with salt and lime to remove the bitter taste of the sap of the
According to the color of Tequila is divided into 2 (two):
A. Tequila Gold
2. Tequila Light

- Marachi
- Jose Queryo
- Conguistador
- Anejo
- Olmecca
- Loz Ruiz
- Ole
- Pancho
- Camino

Þ liqueur
Is a sweet alcoholic drink made by merging the spirit and flavouring sugar.
Spirit used: to brandy, Gin, whiskey, Rum and others.
Sugar is used: drink 21/2% of the total weight of the
used, among others; beer, maple, sugar cane, honey and others.
Flavouring: fruits (fruit) flowers (flowers), barks (bark
wood), Roots (roots), seeds (grains), peels (fruit leather) and others.
Liqueur is a term for a production is produced in Europe while America is usually called the Cordial. Liqueur is usually taken after
meals to accompany dessert or coffee (after dinner drinks). Liqueur can be served straight up, on the rocks, or mixed with drinks or
juice as well as a cocktail. Liqueur is often also used for food flavouring, usually dessert, cake.
Famous factories such as:
- Marie Brizard
- Bols
- DC Kuyper
- Dolfi
- Cusinier
- Regneir, and others.
Since the number of plants and many types / kinds of liqueur, it is often found a similar liqueur or flavournya that stuff but have
different names.
Liqueur brands:
- Coffee liqueur
Kahloa (Mexico), white Tia Maria coffee flavor (Jamaica) white coffee Flav.
- Curacao
Orange liqueur with a flavor that grows on the Curocao island, Antilles islands, West Indies, namely orange Curacao, blue Curacao,
green Curacao.
- Grand marble
Orange flavor of a good basic for quality champagne cognac made in France.
- Contrean
   Orange flavor made by contreau Sart Angers, France.
- Triple Sec
   Flavour of the mock orange contrean
- Crème de Cacao
   Made with cognac flavor with vanilla, brown and white.
- Crème de menthe
A variety of mint flavor (pepper mint, freezomint, (green and white)
- Bailyes
   Irish whiskey irish cream +.
- Dom Benedictine
Flavour herbs, made by the monks of the order of the church by a priest benedite M. Alexander le brand in Fecamp, Normandy
Francis.DOM: Den Optimo Maximo means To God, Most Good, Most Great.
- Drambuie
   Scotch whiskey flavors plus honey made in Scotland.
- Peter Heering
Cherry Heering liqueur flavoring made from Compenhagen Denmark. Is the best cherry liqueur.
- Cherry Brandy
   Made of cherry brandy added flavor.
- Galliano
Liqueur from Italy with herb flavor, vanilla, roots, and flower, Galliano's name is taken from the name of the hero in Italy.
- Sambuca
   Liqueur with the flavor liqorice, anise.
- Irish mist
   Irish whiskey + herbs and honey flavor.
- Anisette
   Flavour star anisse
- Advocates
   Brandy + egg + sugar + flavor
- Amareto
   Almond flavoring

- Southern Comfort
   Bourborn whiskey + peach flavor
- Peach brandy
   Brandy + peach flavor
- Apricot brandy
   Flour apricot
- Crème de eassis
   Black currant flavor
- Crème de banana
   Flavour banana
- Maraschino
   Flavour black cherries maraca
- Kirsch Liqueur
   Flavour kirsch (cherry)
- Crème de fraise
   Strawberry Flavour
- Midori
   Melon flavor

- Sloes gin
   + Flavor gin sloeberries
- Frangelico
   Flavours of cashew nut

Þ Wines
Alcoholic beverages are fermented juice of the grape (grape) is cooked and prepared in accordance with traditions and local ways in
which Vienna is generated.
Classification of wine:
A. Natural Wine / Table Wine
Wine is the result of direct fermentation of grape juice (grape juice). Alcohol content of 10-12%. There are three natural wine / table
wine by its color:
a. White wine
Made of black or white grape grape, as long as it is fermented grape juice not following its skin. Served in the cold (7-10 degrees
Celsius) as are the glass used.
b. Red wine
Brownish red made from red grape and fermented together at once so dark skin of the grape skin is absorbed by it. Served at room
temperature is around 18 degrees C.
c. Rose wine
Colored pink (pink) color is obtained by means of skin includes red grape fermentation takes place at the time but only a few hours.
Then after getting a red color as the skin of red grape used  and grape fermentation takes place without it. Served in the cold (7-10
degrees C) as did the glass used.

2. Aromatized Wine
Wine is mixed with or given the aroma / flavor of roots, herbs, leaves, or herbs (herb) others. This species is often called the
Vermouth. Brands: Martini (dry, rosso, bianco), moilly Prat, einzano, and others.

3. Fortified Wine
Kadaar alcohol wine that is played or coupled with a chemical process that is coupled with the brandy. The alcohol content is 16-21%
               The types of fortified wines:
               - Sherry Spain
               - Port Portugal
               - Madeira Portugal
               - Malaga Spain
               - Marsala Italy

4. Sparkling wine / champagne

Wine is fermented hadil double (2x) re fermentation , of white wine. It was said, because nearly all sparkling wine is made from white
wine, but remember some are not of white wine. The alcohol content is 14% contained Co2. In France there is an area called
"champagne" of this region produces a very nice grape for making sparkling wines it produces are labeled (name of brand )
champagne and sparkling wines from other regions should not be called champagne, though there are many other countries and
regions who wrote the label for the production of champagne.
Sparkling wine was discovered by accident / coincidence by a monk (priest) named Dom Prignon. By accident he leaven for the
second time the finished wine. The next process is investigated and perfected. Until now the finest sparkling wine is champagne and
the finest champagne brand Dom Perignon is.
At the champagne kind of flavors are as follows (listed on the bottle label):
- Brut or nature: very, very dry (sugar ½ - 11.2%)
- See Extra: extra dry (sugar ½ - 3%)
- Sex or dry: dry medium (sugar content 3-5%)
- For see: quite sweet (sugar content 5-7%)
- Doux: very sweet (sugar content 7% more)

Some famous brands of champagne:

- Dom Perignon
- Charles Heidsick
- Pol Roger
- Laurent Perrier
Sparkling wine was served in a cold state at a temperature of 4-7 degrees C.


Is a mixed drink consisting of one or more alcoholic drinks with juice, sugar, milk, salt and so on.
According to its form, there are two classes of mixed drink are:
Mixed drinks are served in a cocktail glass, sometimes also served in the Old Fashioned glass, champagne glass, glass Sour and others.

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