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SEISMIC DESIGN CaTEGoRY CodeMaster L= eee > Seismic Design Category (SDC) is classcation assigned toa stucture based ‘on fs occupancy or use (Risk Catogoy) and the level of expected eoll modiied ‘seismic ground motion. This canbe expressed schomatcaly a8 folows [Risk Category] + [Sol modified seismic ground motion] => SDC What does tmaan? Vary sal se vraabity Low mode calsme winerabity dere ses winery igh seisicwneraity Very igh serie winery nea amar ot ert ee ‘The step-by-step procedure by which to determine the SOC is presented below And summarized nthe folowing Now chart Figure 1: Areas with Sy <0.4g chown in greon) For aroasoutsia ha conterinous US, il wu stghoshaaseites comvCMSDC'2 aon ores eae ‘Step Dstermine Ses ren pod Dee ata ade ar teed THE IBC Seismic ReQuRENENTS Before spending time determining the SOC of a structure, applicability of the ‘exceptions M2015 180 Section 1613 need o be reviewed: The folowing auc: {ures do not requre determination of the SOC and need not comply wih 2015 TBG-Chaper {8 seam equtements ‘Detached one and twofamly dwelings located where the mapped shert- periog reeponse acceleration, le tse than 04g (Exception 1 to 2oTS I Section 16121). See Figure ‘+ Agicultural storage structures Intonded for ony Inderal human occupancy (Gecapton 3 to 2018 IBC Section 1613.1) Soe 2015 IBC Section 202 fot ‘efron of agricultural Building, ‘other exceptions found in 2015 !BC Section 1613.1 that lint the applcbity of the seismic design provisions stil requre folowing met, not lof he sop In ‘he SDC determination procedure. These ar! “| Detached one- and two fay dwetigs in SDC A,B, oF C need not comply with Chapter 16 seme requrements (Exception 1 t 2018 150 Section 1613.1) 2. Conventional ight-ame constuction need only conform to Section 2308 (Grception 2 to 2018 I8C Secton 1613.1) See 2018 IBC Secion 202 for Setriton of conventonal ight ame construction. Although not presented as an exception, 2016 IBC Section 1613..1 allows stuc- ‘ures located where Si < 0.159 and S, < 0.049 to only comply with the SOC A requirements of Secton 117 of ASCE 7-10. Sea Figure 2 Figure 2 Areas with 6, <0.169 and §,< 0.04 chown i green) For areas aude the condemioaus US, wat wu akghoshassooates SoMvEMSOC 2 Use. 2015 18C Figures 1613:3.11) through METHOD 1:18C Figures }i613.31(), These. mops can be used i he ‘tutte ected wher the contours ae at sey space, and the contours an be easiy read, If is i ot the case, Method 2 should bo used, and fact, is use in preference to Method 1 is stongly recommended. In order fo use the ‘aps, read Syand Som the appropri Agrees indicated below: Tap Tie 5 Conus Und Sas rave 1633.10) | Powe 16133172 fa Fie 610340) | Pave 619310) Asa Foun 6133.16) | Fou 1613315) ‘Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin] sens Guam and the Nother Marana ends | Fgue 16133.17)_| Fue 1633.17) ‘retican Samoa Fawe 1613310 | Powe 610318) NOTE: Where a st ie between contours, the higher conourmay be used que 16133.16) | Agu 16133.16) sighting interpolation or the value of ; The US. Geological Survey (USGS) has METHOD 2: Calculation Tool | 7 US; Gosia a Staining seks design parameters using eee ree a lars the same data that were sed to prepare the reuna metion maps pubished fare the 2015 IBC and ASCE 7-10, Ths method provides for @ more accurate and ‘elable determination ofS, and S, What ae Se and $i? ‘Seis the maxmum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at shot parieds (02 second) S [_ Speatlaser dover 'S\ isthe maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at Structures & Codes Institute en arr 1 second pei, Natmy fen bec soma aeaaeianare ‘You need tobe connected tthe Internet when using the too Goto the USGS website at hpearthquake.usgs gowhazards! Serol down and cck on neers (htpsearhquake.vags gowhazardsieestninaps). lek on “US._Selsmic Design Mang" for a US. locaton or on "Wordwide Seismic Design Values Bela" for & non-US, fcaton. ‘Clck on "Launch Applicaton’ neer the bottom ofthe page, For @US. ecaton, enter the folowing input: ', Design Code Reference Document (select “2010 ASCE 7 wilarch 2013 cerrata™ from the drop-down menu choices under “Derived fom 2008 USGS hazard data) Report Tito (optional) (This wal appoar atthe top ofthe gonerated repr) ‘Site Sol Ciassiiation, See Stop 3 ofthis CodeMaster, (Drop-down men choices are: AB, C.D. E) Fisk Category. See Stop 5 of his CodeMaster. ‘Addeoss incuting ty (cick on magnifying glass. on map to input gies) “Ateraivey, you may input fe iti and he eng of te: 6. Chick on Compute Values Boe 4. Tho soll neds to be cassifed as Sito Caes A 8, C,D,, o Fin accordance ‘wih 2018 ISC Secton 1613.32 and ASCE 7-10 Table 20-1 2. When the soll properties are not known in suffcient detail to determine the ‘to class, Ste Cas D can bo used Uness te bung offi or gootech- ‘ical data determine that Ske Cass E er F soli ikely 1 be presenta he Sto 2018 1BC Secton 1618.32). Gol Sos ‘Sox is the 5% damped design spectral esponse acceleration at shor periods and ‘hiulated ae folows ‘Soe = (3). The F, valu is obtained fom 2015 IBC Table 1613.33). ‘Sori the 5% damped design spectral response acceleration at ong periods and aletlated a Solon ‘Sor = PANFAISY). The Fvalve i obtained from 2015 IBC Table 1613.3.32. Use 2018 IBC Table 1604.5 to determine the risk category ofthe structure. The ‘otowng table summaries tek category acsgnments. = Risk Coleg rs essgnes mes bung = Rsk Calor Ir ulings wih re nubs OT Sens sich ot ‘Sted win more than 250 students Asset sss wth rere fan 30 ooo Toa eccupancy greater han 500 people ‘so non-esont uly ates ‘As ja an delat fis > Risk Catagory IV is for bulge cesgatd as erst] faces, dng hosptals and ace care fates, re pale. and amergeney response sions) and tes ured a eragerey chp fo eseral aces Peete) Use 2016 IBC Tables 1613.35(1) and 1613.35) to determine the stuctue’s SDC. The more severe sexmic design catogory Isto be assigned in accordance wth ne two tao ofthe uncamental peed of viraton of te seu. {ire unless the altemtven 2018 IBC Secon 1613 3.5.1 used When 5, < 0.75, the SOC can be determined from 2015 IBC Table 1613.5(1) pe fal ofthe owing ae tue See Fg 3 wre 51: 0.759)- 1 Reproximate undamental period Tn each ol two ortogonaldrectons (ASCE ‘70 Secton 12821) 's kes than 0.8, (ASCE 710 Section 114 5) 2. In each of two ormogona dectons, the fundamental period used to calculate ‘tory dit (ASCE 716 Section 1268.2) less tan Te 3. ASCE 7-10 Ea. 12.82 governs calculation of Seismic Response Costicint.C, 4. The daphragms are rigid or re permite tobe idealized as igi in accordance with Section 123.1 of ASCE 7-10, or for aphragms permited io be Keaized 138 fonble in accordance win Section 12:1 of ASCE 7-10, te detances be- {eeon vertical elements af the sesmi-lorceesising system do nl exoed 80 fet Fst Catogoy a term used Sette te caspotzaton of fctires based on the oh to haan te, ect and wef ‘seovaied wth Be amaye o fale by rate of be oc prey or se Figure 2: Areas wih 9; 075g (shown n red) For areas cutsge re conteminous US, wk ww skghosnassootes.cOmveMSOCI2 Praesens er VALUE OF Sy 8 067g <1 <0. 158g So < 020

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