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Mooawors CodeMaster ‘StrucTurat Desicn of Woon Memsers This CodeMaster provides ten sleps to guide the engineerin structural desigrng ‘ypial wood framing members (columns, beams, oss, rafters, et) n aczordance withthe 2015 Intemational Bulging Code (IBC), ASCE 7-10 Minimum Dasign Loads fr Bulbings and Other Sutures (ASCE 7), athe 2015 National Design Specicaton® for Wood Constucon (NDS*). The NDS includes a valuable commentary and an NOS Supplement which provides section properties and reference design values, Alowable Sess Design (ASD) emphasize; howeves, Load and Resistance Facior Design (LRFD) i aso included. This CodeMaster adresses the design of rectangular sawn lumber and stuctrl ivedarinted ‘imbers ral panels, wood Hoist, structural composie lumber (UML PSL, LSL, OS, etc), crosslaminated timber (CLT) and decking are not dressed Wood has 2 wie array of diferent material properies in separate othogonal trecions that are influenced by many facors. Recognizing woods unique properties and proper application of adustment factors is atthe heat of timber design. Calculated stresses are denoted by lower case lelers (such as f for calculated bending svess) and reference design values by upper case laos (such as F,). The NDS denotes the aqusted design values witha “prime” marking (FoF, Fe Fe, Fes E, Eny et), and itis these adjusted values that are the basis for design. Pee eee ‘Wood structural members suchas beams and colums ae subec to many types, ofloas,insuding gravity loads (eg, dead, lve, snom, and an) and lateral oad (eg, wind, earthquake, and soi. Gravy lads are determined by computing the srucure'ssel-weigh in adit to Ine and snow loads detemined in acoordance vith IBC Sections 1606, 1607 and 1608, Wind loads ae determined inactordance with IBC Section 1609 and ASCE 7 Chapters 28 trough 3. Earthquake oads ‘are determined in accordance with IBC Secon 1613 and ASCE 7 Chapters 11 through 23, excluding Chapter 14. See the CodeMastes on wind and seismic design for more information, Once the loads have been determined, the load path thwough the structure is analyzed to determine is elects such as bending ‘moments, shear forces, compression forces, and tension foces"on individual framing members, The load efets ae then combined in accordance wih the load combinations of BC Scion 1605, ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: The sellwelght of wood framing may be ‘assumed tobe 35 If for most srutural umber atypical equltrum moisture ‘conten. NDS Supplement Table 1B provides unit weighs for common member sizes. However, publsted dead loads assumed for certin applications (eg. residential ofen ready include sef-weight of sawn lumber aing members. SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: Designers have a choice of using ASD or LRFO load combinations. While ASD s more conventional, designs using LRFD loads are easily adapable with simple conversion factors and with most adjustments remaining unchanged. Pea Using unit loads from STEP 1 in conjunction with tracing the load path, member bending, shear, compression, and tension forces are éetemined. Computng member tributary ofa i cca to load path analysis and is also necessary in determining any applicable ve load reductions, Tiutary ares ive lad reductions are determined in aoordance with IBC Section 1607.10 (Roar lve) and Section 1607.122 (oof Sve). Where applled beam loads occur near the mamber's support, the design shear force may be reduced per NDS Section 3.43.1 deMastr a cet by Jet sr) 901-2700 sghoenne gama Ccopyignt © 2046 by SKGA Ba = pete ge e ma ASD/LRFD "PT. area or jl i Repetve ‘column Tob, aea fr ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: For sloping bending members suchas oof rates, roof Ive loads and snow loads are defned as harizonta- projected plane loads, and It is often acceptable to simply use horzontl span lengths for he bending member analysis. Wie this smpifcaton gnores the increase length of he rater relative lo & horizontal projecion it also ignores the adtionl bending ‘and compression load capacity provided bythe oot sheathing and the reduced load using a stoped rar length versus te horizontal projection Selection of san lumber member size and wood species group slargly criven by regional avalabiity. For a given location, only a few species groups wil generally be avalabe, Most common ae the folowing softwood species grou: Douglas friarch oir Southern pine Spruce-pine- Most yplcllyspected are dressed sizes which ae "inch toch smaller than speotied nominal sizes, The range of dressed sizes ed their secton properties ‘arin NDS Supplement Tabe 18. Dimensional size terminology defines thickness (beeaath) as the narrow dimension and with (depth) asthe largest cimension WoodWorks — wen woodwork org Fer aremes¥0 quesonsreparng American Wed Coun wnwawcorg | 2808 of noes an mut Intemational Code Counc - wwicsafeorg | pse Pro thickness (brenath) q mele Stencars ressed size Figure 5. Glued-Laminated Timber Cross Section Western Species Width: 2, We, Shr, 6k", Bk", 10% ‘Southern Pine Width: 3.5 6, Be" 1012 {Guued-aminated timber materials are selected ether by stress lass oF lay-up combinations in [NDS Supplement Tables 5A.5D ‘and are largely aren by regional ‘valabilty Customary design wins and depths ae in NDS ‘Supplement Tables 1C and 10. 112" Western spe ‘Souther pine Peete ka 10S Slr le et fo sin aes seg ad tes (Fas, Fy Feu, Fe, Eand Ey) according to 1) sam amber species group, 2) grade Casta in xcs iin te som ltr paces up sce, tow wo scl ce native wh ng pups er id hae, Gods Casi (Goo Scr, Nor No.2 oo nga) «vul etn fr gorh Sonn ft st se to Won pe fis ‘ay raped pec an cc od oe at ‘se sgh end eess orp in Sear ber Na 9 ran pwcsnape db nie ge! eto at tess Te jutge uno anrurntnte esr het eeray nana far o.oo head hast ce ot Coir, Sc ken na do yen ety eo Ince Fen ante ogres sun beh ong Store) Sean rerio as pnt 2) trode bana stig toma dopant rte at ‘The following table identfles several tables in the NDS Supplement that provide hear op vaste pa nee trees Ds Vas (vay Set Som be" Tomine WOE Spon Bix | Til ah ad “)SeSond at novetan ocean ‘me | Tbe mawm | tre tan Pwr han Thieme Rian 8 Desig” Se fran oar ‘ign vate aire paddies ford ADS Sutera abe “Linter dati or ecg et hn se Pe Cellar Size Classification [Dimension | Timbers Beams and Stingers | = Cluedaminated timber reference design values are associated with the selected stress dass or ly-up combination andar found in NOS Supplement Tables 54-50. Peete Determining a members cross-sectional suze fen nt done cect, but instead can involve @ series of erations. Calculated stresses in a column or beam are ‘ependent on member size and, as willbe seen in Step 7, adjusted design values can themselves also be dependent on member sze.Therelre, begining wh 2 preliminary tl member size, checking is edequacy, and then refring the se ‘ures often necessary. This iakand-ero process can be minimized by making 2 good ial selection of a member size Bending Memb For banding members, tis often best o stat with the requees sifess because ‘election limtaons can often ceil design in aden, required sles can be computed direct without al and err. Beam stfiness isa funcon of span L. cross-sectional moment oferta I, and adjusted moduus of eastity E. The unadjusted modulus of elasticity E may nally be used; however, adusting Eto E by refering to Step 7 wil be more beneficial Beam design formulas with shear and moment diagrams for some common loading conditions are avaiable onine Hom the Amencan Wood Councl's Design Aid #6 (wow. orgcodes-standardspublcabons/DA®) IBC Table 1604.3 places limits on deflections under a varity of oading condtions and should be used to determine the minimum member stfess requirements. “These ar minimum requirments or serviceabily under the IBC, but the designer may elect to futher limit member deflection where for vibrations coud cause ‘occupant eiscomvor, where sensiive equipments supported, where unique brite fishes, lazing, or adding could be damaged, or where water could pond excessively on fat of, Roo! slopes fess than inch per fot need to have ther sifness checked for ponding insaby per ASCE 7 Secton 84 Construction SSS Root Members | Supporting aster orstucoceling| seo | seo | L240 Supporing nonpasaeaing | 240 L240 uteo Not supporting cling u180 i) Flor members = eg Exterior wals and interior partons ‘Wit plaster or stucco fishes 360 With other bite fishes ‘u240 With tex fishes ura Farm aldngs t= = wie Greenhouses = = a0 "cere mons sl te aso Legh equ wes hcl eh vnc mabe ted on 4c an mgt ese eta ns Syme ttn Soc eben nts, pete dd maybe et ae tia wen wos mos cre <1 leon ad set no arya canons ‘Beit sons ny oe sates na en ETS mining required moment of inertia I, a preliminary member size is selected using section properties isted in NDS Supplement Tables 18, 1C, and 1D. With tis preliminary member size which sais sifess requirement, the applicable reference design value for bending wil be checked in Steps 6 and 7 and member size adusted upward if necessary. Tension Members; Determining 2 preliminary tal sie fora tension member canbe simply done by computing the required cross-sectional area using equations in Stop 6 with the reference design value for tonsion in Step 7. nly wth dimension lumber sizes (2x, 3,4 is the adjusted design value for tension dependent on member ie, thus requiing a tial-and-eor process. The relatonship Acura = Tension F, romally provides conservative results under normal service conditons, A Preliminary member size is selected using secion properties listed in NOS ‘Supplement Tables 18, 1C, and 1D, & ion Members: Due to sensitviy of compression members (eg. columns, posts, studs) to bucking, direct solving fr 2 member size Is not possible, Member size is dependent onthe reference desig value fr compression wich s adjusted forthe column slendemess rato. However, the column slendemess rato isin tum dependent on member size. Because ofthis interdependency, a tiaLand ror process is necessary om the beginning, Selecing @ good frst-tial member Sze involves some skil and experience. ‘The NDS provides adonal design requirements forthe folowing special column situations: 1) oolumes made up of multiple spaced members (NDS Section 36.2.2), 2) columns made up of mutile buil-up members (NDS Section 36.2.3), and 3) columns utilizing a tapered length (NDS 3.7.2) Crease) ‘Mer selecting a preliminary member size and evaluating bending mambers for sins requirements, there are upto five stress properies that need to be evaluated depending on loading conditions: 1) bending stress, 2) shear stess paral! o grain, 3 tension stess paral! to grain, 4) compression stress paral to grain, nd 5) compression svess perpendicular to grain, These are computed using coss-ectonal properties b,d, A, and from te tabulated dressed size {for sawn lumber or the net size for gluecaminaled timber (NDS Supplement Tables 18, 1C and 1D). 4 ending Sess f, = Bending St 3 W ‘Shear Stress f, Z ‘Shear stresses inthe viii of notches and connectors are evaluated per NDS Secons 3432and 3433, Tension Stross f, Pera to grain Compression ‘Stress Petal to grain Perpendicular to grin ‘Avot angles to gain, see NDS Section 3.10.3 For bending moment M, shea fore V, tension force T, and compression force P: acting on section modus S, area A, width b, and death d ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: Wood is very weak in tension applied perpendicular ta gain and this lading condition should be voided, (eed eee rh Cee ae acy Reference design values obtained in STEP 4 need to be adjusted fr varous conditions that may be applicable. The folowing table provides a matrix of those adjustments that are applicable to various reference design values for sawn lumber and guedlaminated timbers, Fllwing the table are descriptions of the vious adjustment actos: ASD and LRFD g | Raker Seamer Ineising Factor (awn) Lewd Duration Peter “Temperature Factor ‘Ste Factor (Sawn) Flat Use Factor © [ Repttve Member Factor Sawn) Column Stability Factor Buckling Stiness Factor (aw "Volume Factor (GL) > | Corvture Factor (61) ‘Shear Reduction Factor (GL) Wet Service Factor S| Time effect Factor FS ie ‘Typical Design Load G Dead 09 ‘Occupancy Lve 10 [Snow 18 ‘Constusion & Root Wve 1 WindiEarhquake I 16 Impact 20" "earn ac gai Fan 18 way ese esd wi aera eral teresa nome ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: Roo! lve load is typically for maintenance operations and may be casstied as & constuction lad for the purpose of determining the load duration factor, Co. Gu (< 5x Sawn) | Cy (25x Sewn) | Gy (GL) MC > 19% MC > 19% MC > 16% 08s" 700) 08 00 £00) 18 os7 100 aaTs eT oa 053 F oe" ost O78 EB Ean 09 1.00 0.833 “a Fy eT GTO Tih FEET & Property ‘iste = ee _Conditions 100°

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