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All Panels and All workstations inside EPF 50 Control

room and Substations

Cables for existing Marshalling Cabinet, Control Room
and Substations
Ethernet/IP Signals to Fiber Optic signals

FO patch boxes and FO cables for new equipment

Hardware Accessories for Partial Stroke Testing (PST)

ESD Fascia Panel

All Cables, Ducting, Supports, Termination, Ferruling,
Tray works, earthling works
New Cable route for existing instrument, JBs, DPUs,
Equipment and new equipment
New Cable route for new eye wash unit, safety
Stanchion and Sunshades for process field
instruments, Junction boxes, H2s Detector, HC
detectors, F&G detectors
Power supply requirements for all instruments,
package control system, LCPs
Interconnection Cables between field
instruments/Valve packages and JBs
Interconnection Cables between JBs, Control Room,
and termination at both ends.
Interconnection Cables in substations between MCC
marshalling cabinet and Control system interfacing
panel within Substation
Interconnection cables within plant control system
Interconnection cables between field instruments and
FGs panels and Termination at both ends
Interconnection of cables between package
equipment, Local control panels and Control room
equipment and termination at both ends.
Modification of existing arrangement to accommodate
new instruments
Fire and gas mapping study for the relevant areas

Annunciator panel in EPF50 Control Room

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