Gecsts Ginolos Climate Change

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Ginolos, Argie Ronan G.



1.Presenting only documented scientific facts, research the effects that Global
Warming will have on our planet. Include not only climate changes but also the effects
that a rise in temperature will have on ice, sea levels, drought and weather patterns in

Our global society is confronted with a significant challenge, possibly the most disastrous
problem that humanity has ever faced. Global warming can be reflected as environmental
changes that are already evident. It has numerous effects on both our natural resources and
us as humans. It demonstrates a web in which it influences various facets of human
existence and conditions, and it is an emergence that we need to discuss and prevent. The
threat of global warming should not be taken lightly. In the course of my investigation into
this phenomenon, I have become increasingly worried and scared that humankind's terrible
activities are dooming the future of our world. The use of fossil fuels including coal, oil,
gasoline, and natural gas has led to an unprecedented period of global warming since it
generates the greenhouse effect. Global warming, according to scientists, is making heat
waves last longer and get hotter, as well as increasing the frequency and intensity of
droughts, floods, and hurricanes.

It is anticipated that global warming will have wide-ranging and frequently disastrous
repercussions. The gradual heating of the Earth's surface, oceans, and atmosphere, known
as global warming, is attributed to human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels,
which releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane into the
atmosphere. Climate change, which is the most prevalent of the effects of global warming,
can be seen in the unexpectedly abrupt and abnormal weather changes. Weather patterns
are altering as global average temperatures rise. Weather extremes are an immediate effect
of global warming.  As we can see, as a result, extreme weather phenomena including
storms, heat waves, floods, and droughts are becoming more severe. Storms and typhoons
are now much more destructive than they once were, and super typhoons are now frequent.
Additionally, the rise in global temperatures is one of the most evident and direct effects of
global warming. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the
average global temperature has climbed by around 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees
Celsius) over the previous 100 years (NOAA).

According to Climate Central, scientists predict that as a result of global warming, extreme
weather phenomena including heat waves, droughts, blizzards, and rainstorms will continue
to happen more frequently and with higher intensity. This is extremely concerning since,
despite the warnings, we find it difficult to envision how we would survive. We may wonder
what could have gone so wrong, yet the consequences of our own destruction are to blame.
Another thing is that the loss of Arctic sea ice is one of the most striking repercussions of
global warming. Less heat is reflected back into the atmosphere as a result of melting, which
also raises sea levels. The rate of sea level rise doubled from 0.08 inches (2.1 millimeters)
per year between 1993 and 2002 to 0.17 inches (4.4 mm) per year between 2013 and 2021,
according to a 2021 report by the World Meteorological Organization. See how these
problems are interconnected and how they will eventually grow to be much more
catastrophic issues that will wipe us off the face of the planet.
Precipitation, cloud cover, and extremely high temperatures are also impacted by global
warming. Since it is steadily deteriorating, it throws off the natural cycles of the earth and
causes us to lose opportunities to protect the environment. The capacity of these
destructions to warn us of the effects of what we have done is expanding. We are
accountable for the consequences because some of these issues are the result of our
negligence and abuse of our natural resources. If we keep ignoring these problems, direct
and indirect exposures will increase death, disablement, and unhappiness on a global scale.
We must thus take action to stop or at the very least slow down the ongoing deterioration
and destruction of our planet.

2."Global Warming can ultimately lead to a state of Global Cooling." Explain how this
could occur

Historically, global climate change has happened relatively gradually, but research indicates
that the current climate is changing more quickly. What is happening now on our planet is
the result of our carelessness, and it is not impossible to have situations arise that we didn't
expect to happen. Due to humanity's careless behavior, global warming has outgrown its
bounds. There are probably things happening now that were once thought to be impossible.
We have observed how changes in natural phenomena, particularly how the earth responds
to catastrophes, are influenced by global warming. 
After reading the claim that future global warming will lead to future global cooling, I began to
wonder how this could possibly happen. According to the report, global warming can cause
anything from hurricanes and flooding to desertification and fires. But they all originate from
the accumulation of gases like carbon dioxide. The world becomes warmer as atmospheric
carbon dioxide levels rise. The opposite is now also true, according to researchers. The
Earth entered an "icehouse state," a period of extreme global cooling, some 34 million years
ago, according to a report that was just published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Although coming to these findings might seem weird, experts themselves predict that they
will occur. They are looking for proof, such as an old rise in sea level caused by a freshwater
flood, that will demonstrate how global warming can result in global cooling. The Earth was
coming out of an ice age 8,200 years ago, based on the research they have done so far. Life
was heating up as well as the seas. Then, unexpectedly and for only around 100 years, the
entire planet experienced a sudden drop in temperature of almost 10.8 degrees Fahrenheit
(6 centigrade). One widely held theory for the chill was the sudden release of a substantial
amount of fresh water into the northern Atlantic. The sudden release of a sizable amount of
freshwater into the northern Atlantic was a widely accepted theory for this . So we can really
say that global warming can really result in global cooling and is actually one of the driving
forces for us to be in that situation.

If patterns of precipitation change as a result of global warming, freshening ocean waters

and contributing to climate cooling are both possible outcomes. Cold, fresh water sinks, and
warm, salty water rises. What impact do you believe this will have on the planet, then? Will it
be favorable or negative? What choices and steps must be made in order to prevent that
from happening? Compared to concerns linked with global warming, the risks related to
rapid global cooling are somewhat less substantial, although they certainly emerge. But even
though it can reverse climate change, too much coldness couldn't be better, in my opinion.
According to my research, Initially, the idea that global warming may have triggered a global
chilling event may have seemed absurd, but scientists have now disproved this theory.
Based on their findings, the world was just starting to warm up around 8,200 years ago.
Conditions on land and at sea were heating up. Then, suddenly, and for only about a
century, the entire planet cooled down by almost 10.8 degrees Fahrenheit (6 Centigrade).
The sudden release of a large amount of fresh water into the northern Atlantic has been
cited as a possible cause of the unusually cold weather. The density of the Atlantic Ocean
was altered when fresh water from a lake twice the size of the Caspian Sea melted through
an ice sheet and into the salty sea below. The oceans act as a conveyor system, moving
both cold and warm water around the world to help regulate the temperature in various
regions. Land temperatures and solar radiation have a limited impact on global weather. The
climate is heavily influenced by the oceans due to their ability to store large amounts of
energy and their gradual warming and cooling rates. When the conveyor belt slows or stops,
the cold, fresh water descends and the warm, salty water rises. The warm, salty water on the
conveyor belt was unable to make it north due to the fresh water flowing into the Hudson
Bay from Lake Agassiz. The result was a complete stoppage of the flow of warm water in the
Northern Atlantic. The earth cooled because warm waves couldn't go as far north. After
about a century, the oceans had returned to normal and the effects had faded from that
once-in-a-century event. But if this kind of upheaval continued for another century, it would
have devastating consequences. There are some incredibly clever mechanisms built into the
Earth's system that help control the climate so that it never gets too hot or too cold and
completely wipes out life. Balance is crucial, and we shouldn't wait for global cooling to occur
before responding to nature's call.

Situations can be unpredictable because the environment reacts in its own unique way to the
changes and damage brought about by irrepressible human activity. Given the likelihood that
these events could occur in the future, we can conclude that the diversity and richness of our
natural environment are slowly deteriorating.

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