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Submitted in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Attainment

of Bachelor Degree of Education at English Departement of Pattimura

Sstrawati Henaulu
Nim: 2016-36-036




Thanks for this self; can be strong until now, even though
it’s hard to step, but never thought of running away

”Muhamad sapila”


Allah swt

My beloved parents
Ali henaulu
Ummi ralalatu

My beloved brothers and sisters

Iskandar henaulu
Ibnu abbas henaulu
Yusuf henaulu
Abdul mutalib henaulu
Ahmad husain henaulu
Resti herbawati henaulu
Amir fasya pellu
Ariyanto husnawan
Nya umbrah rumadaul

My best friends uno squad

Jehan s. kaliky
Andiny m. u. djamaludin
Nursia iwane
Dahlia u. kasuky
Nurhaty hatapayo
Adri latumahina
Syahdan hadi saputra
Aziz lie


Sastrawati Henaulu. Nim: 201636036. Improving students’ Vocabulary

Through Short Movie In English Subtitle. English Education Study Program,
Language and Art Departement. Teacher Training and Education Sciene
Faculty, Pattimura University Ambon. Advisor: Monica, S.S., M.Hum
This paper discusses on supplementary vocabulary materials to improv

students in learning English, this present information on improving, goals and

development in teaching vocabulary skill. In learning English, vocabulary is also

one of the important things that must be mastered by students. because knowing a

lot of vocabulary is important for students. This is a good thing for students' daily

activities in learning English. One thing the writer found, many students don’t

know the meaning of the English vocabulary found even though English is a

subject they learn in school. Using the learning method, watching short movies is

an alternative that the writer uses in teaching vocabulary for the students of junior

high school. This method of watching short movies can help students to add new

vocabulary in learning English which is assisted by subtitle. The writer hopes that

with movies can be useful and help students to be enthusiastic in learning

vocabulary, and knowing that learning English with movie is very memorable,

when learning English to acquire vocabulary from watching movie.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Short Movie Material


First of all, the writer would like to Allah SWT for blessing, love, and
grace prayes from the writer parents, the writer can complete this paper. Praise
and invocation are also given to great messenger Rasulullah Muhammad SWA,
who is always hoped His intercession in the end of the world. The writer realizes
that she cannot finish this graduating paper without assitantances and
encouragements from people who have iven help in finishing this paper.
Therefore, the writer would like to express her appreciation and gratitude for:

1. Prof. Dr. M. J. Saptenno, SH., M., HUM as Chancellor of Pattimura

University and his staff.

2. Prof. Dr. I. H. Wenno, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher

Training and Educational Sciences, Pattimura University, Ambon.

3. Dr. H. J. Maruanaya, M.Ed as the Head of Language and Art


4. Stella R. Que, S.S, MA as the Head of English Education Study

Program for her kindness and willingness to provide opportunities to
the author. Thank you very much for all the support, help, motivation
and advice. May Allah always love and bless you abundantly.

5. Monica, S.S., M. Hum as the researcher’s mentor. Thank you very

much your guidance, kindness, support, attention, suggestion and
feedback throughout this paper process in helping and support the
writer in finishing this paper. May Allah always love and bless you

6. All the lecturers of English Education Study Program for their support
and motivation.

7. The writer’s family. The writer is deeply grateful for the love,
prayers, support, motivation, and everything else that has been poured
upon her, and nephews tita and najwa

8. Her Beloved Father and Mother. Ali Henaulu and Ummi Ralalatu.
Thank you very much for your love, prayers,advices, motivation and
financial support during her study.
9. All her brothers and sisters : bang is, bang ibnu, ade yusuf, ade,
memet, ade husain,ade opi, and ade amir.
10. Her beloved friends uno squad : jeje, sin, cia, dai, yati, adri, adan,
11. All her friends of English Departement wanted 2016. Nia senduk,
kaka echa, ekalina, ariyanto, ivan, nispawati, andinidwi, dimas, and
others. Thank you for the friendships that bring her into these great
moments. Thank you very much.
12. All seniors and juniors of English Study Program
13. For other people who cannot be mentioned one by one, thanks for your
support and prayer. May God bless you all.

Finally, the writer realizes that this writing is still far from
perfection. So, the critics and ideas to improvement this writing is
need to make it better.

Ambon, 12 july 2022

The writer


COVER…………………………………………………………………… i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………...… ii

1.1 Background of the Study ……………………………………. .. 1
1.2 Topic of Discussion……………………………………………. 5
1.3 Objective of the Paper …………………………….................... 5
2.1 Definition of Vocabulary …………........................................... 6
2.1.1. The Principles of Teaching Vocabulary……………………. 7

2.1.2. The Stages In Teaching Vocabulary………………………… 9

2.1.3 The Purpose of Teaching Vocabulary Using Movie…………10

2.1.4 The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary…………………….10

2.2 Teaching Vocabulary …………….............................................11

2.3 Short Movie .................................................................................13
2.4 Short Movie in Teaching Vocabulary…………………………..13
2.5 The Advantages of Short Movies…………………....................14
3.1 CONCLUSION & SUGESSTION …………………………….15
REFERENCES ……………………………………………….................... iii



1.1. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is one aspect of language that needs to be mastered by
learners. Vocabulary taught in the form of movies is very important to teaching
English because, with this method, students' vocabulary that is still lacking is
expected to be better, so they can find vocabulary from what they don't know to
be known. (Cahyono, 2011) stated that vocabulary also provides many
foundations for learners in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. When
learners learn a new language, they should have a lot of vocabulary that can be
used in their learning process. In other words, if students master vocabulary, they
can produce so many sentences easily, both spoken and written in learning
English. No matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how
successfully they imitate the sound of the language, without words to express a
wider meaning, there will be no meaningful and good communication. As we
know Vocabulary is a form of skill related to skills such as listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. so it is very important to know. In this study, movies were
used as a medium for teaching English vocabulary. Using movies in the classroom
can make students learn with a more enjoyable feeling, movies or films can also
teach people about the journey of history, and behavior towards fellow human
beings and some movies combine fun. Entertainment with instruction can make
the learning process more fun and relaxing. Based on my own experience, when I
watch a short movie about any movie in English I can find vocabulary that I rarely
hear and I can know its meaning. 

For Example, a conversation in a short movie is played, then there is a

conversation between the actors in the movie, and they speak English using new
vocabulary, such as careers, which is the side of a river that has a lot of sand.
“let’s go to the careers section.”

Movies are defined in several definitions. (Barsam, Monahan, 2012) Stated that a
Movie is a narrative made up of a series of movies that are presented on the screen
by providing motion, sound subtitles images. (Pratama 2018), Instead of using

celluloid strips, for now, movie production is increasingly digital, and the use of
features of the image in the movies itself is very important. The duration of the
movies will also help students in learning vocabulary from the movies themself,
with different movie criteria that students will observe. (Javandalasta 2011) stated
that the duration, short movies are usually under 40 minutes, Movies can also
open students' imaginations in learning to imagine from one period to another.
Movies can also be repeated if necessary for added clarity.

                Regarding subtitles or caption in a movie that is very good for learning

vocabulary, various studies show the positive effects of subtitles. (Rokni & Ataee
2014) stated that using subtitles in movies generally helps in positive English
learning. While watching movies in English with subtitles helps students to see
new vocabulary in the movies that are playing, students not only watch and listen
to the audiovisual material but also interact when they translate the source text
into the target language which helps students' brains in the process learning.
(Gorjian, 2014). Movies can also help students acquire real-life vocabulary that
can be used in authentic settings and the cultural context in which the foreign
language is spoken. According to (Kusumarasdyati & Luo 2004), movies are also
able to attract students' interest and can increase their motivation to
learn. Arguably, one of the main challenges in teaching English is to find the right
methods and materials that attract students' attention, so this method with
interesting movie ideas to watch and attract students' attention, whit this method
can also help students easily acquire vocabulary. Where movies play with slow
loops and clear text with clear sound. Because it is often found in schools the
method that is often used by teachers in schools to teach vocabulary is often
simply providing a list of vocabulary for students to memorize. So there is a
method of watching this movie to help students be more enthusiastic in learning
vocabulary from watching movies.

                  Although Subtitles show words in both auditory and visual forms, it is

better to activate the three systems during the learning process where words,
sounds, and screens are functioning properly to help teachers and students learn
vocabulary with this method. According to (Wang 2012), there are three
combinations of types in learning vocabulary, namely audio, text, and images (1)

clear audio plus clear text on the screen. (2) a text with a title that helps teachers
and students during the screened during learning. (3) an image with a visual
combination that attracts students' attention while studying in class. Although
subtitles are sometimes considered distracting or a source of laziness, The text
displayed at the bottom of the movie or tv screen, is used for translating or
copying dialogue or narration. According to (Tadzkiroh 2017) Subtitle is a
translation of spoken words in movie media into a foreign language, which is then
displayed on the screen as one or more lines of text written in rhythm with the
original written. 

Usually, one or more rows in a row should be placed below the center of the text.
On the other hand, (Permatasari 2018) stated that Subtitling is a translation
method that consists of presenting written text, generally at the bottom screen,
which contains image components (letters, inserts, scribbles, inscriptions, marks,
and the like) as well as hearing information. The idea implies that subtitles are not
being noticed only with "translated" movies or lines, but also with any audio-
visual production, such as music, that can be inter-language that can help students
read and understand the vocabulary given with the subtitles. This paper will
discuss to direct students to associate words with the correct meaning, and know
the pronunciation and spelling of these words. 

To test the student's vocabulary mastery level, before the lesson begins they are
given a screening about vocabulary. They were instructed to write down the
meaning of words they knew from watching the movies while leaving the words
they knew empty, not blank in their books.

1.2. Topic of Discussion
This paper will cover some topics discussion which among them are :

1) The Definition of Vocabulary

2) Teaching Vocabulary

3) Learning Through Short Movie

4) Short Movie

5) The Advantages Using English Movies

1.3. Objective of the Paper

The purpose of this paper is to find out the use of Subtitles can help
improve students' vocabulary knowledge. With this paper, hopefully that it can be
useful and become one of the best media for teaching vocabulary to students,
especially at the junior high school level.



2.1. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary has many definitions in various ways. many experts explain

about words. Vocabulary is the words that will be used by students in combining
vocabulary into a sentence (Wafi, 2013). Mastering vocabulary is very important,
because it will help students communicate well. Therefore, vocabulary is one of
the important things to be mastered by students (Lail, 2018). this means that the
vocabulary is very important in making word sets for students' speaking skills.
Vocabulary is one of the important items that must be taught to students in
learning English (Patahuddin et al., 2017). Mastering sufficient vocabulary can
help students communicate and be able to know English in a simple way.
(Aditama & Solikhah, 2018).

Vocabulary is a collection of words used by language speakers next up,

(Hatch & Brown, 1995:1). Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language
(Hornby, 1995:1331). Based on the above definition, it can be concluded that
vocabulary is stock of words used by speakers of a language to express and
communicate. In this study, vocabulary was taught to junior high school. As we
know that learning English cannot be separated from knowing a lot of vocabulary.
Because vocabulary itself is the basis for communication and also is important in
making a sentence. So vocabulary is important to apply to students in early
learning activities which can help them understand speech by mentally preparing
students to learn English at the next level.

2.1.1. The Principle of Teaching Vocabulary

According to Graubeg (1997), to be succeed in teaching vocabulary,
teachers must be know about the principles behind the learning process
vocabulary includes .

1. Discrimination this is a basic step which involves the ability of students to
distinguish the letters that are obtained in a movie screening, from similar sounds
and words when listening and reading, which will make students different in
speaking and writing. As we will see later, failure to distinguish is a common
mistake in learning English, so short movies themselves are able to attract
students' attention in the teaching and learning process, and it is quite enjoyable
for students to watch the movies that is currently playing. where students are
easily interested in the English lessons they are learning. and also students are
more active in the process of learning English.
2. Understanding meaning it means understanding unfamiliar concepts or
vocabulary phrases. Often students don’t know the meaning of the vocabulary
they get which is connected through direct association and because there are
vocabulary pairs in English that they don’t understand, they need to be given more
understanding. This is the definition Amaliaet. al (2017) that English teachers
should be able to use modern media such as movies in teaching words that can
make learning fun and active. It is also know that the visuals contained in the
movie can also attract students' interest and learn with more concentration, in
learning vocabulary. So to this meaning movies can make students motivates to
learning English.
3. Remembering the next step is after introducing and explaining the new
material on vocabulary it is necessary to ensure the focus of the students in
understanding the vocabulary itself. After students find the meaning of a word,
they often have reasons not to pay attention to it anymore, and will be forgotten so
that it needs to be reminded again by the teacher. Therefore, Andriani (2016) also
stated that the use of appropriate teaching aids such as plug-in screens in teaching
English in vocabulary learning is also important because it can prevent students'
boredom in learning vocabulary and will also help students easily get new
vocabulary results. with this modern learning method. And students have to
improve them vocabulary.
4. Consolidation learning new words is not an instant process. Hamalik (2008)
also agrees and recommends the use of learning media such as watching movies in
learning English vocabulary. In combining the use of media watching movies in
the teaching and learning process, students will be more willing and interested in

learning. It will also attract students' motivation and stimulation which can
provide students' imagination in thinking to make sentences with the vocabulary
obtained. And can helps students in learning English because the subtitle in the
short movie.
5. Extension Of Meaning learning new words is not an instant process. and if
presentation is the only important variable involved, then words won't be
forgotten and need to be re-learned. However, it seems that words are absorbed
slowly over time, and only gradually do they become fully integrated into the
learner's personal stock of words, when students are able to use them with the
same kind of fluency that characterizes words. the word he uses, in his mother

2.1.2. The Stages In Teaching Vocabulary

According to Gorjian (2014) there are three stages to improve to teaching
vocabulary mastery.
1. Pre-teaching
This stage prepares students to learn by activating their background knowledge.
This stage might be useful for those who have background knowledge, mastery of
key concepts and vocabulary may be inscufficient. Besides that, pre-teaching
activity help students to focus on the most important.
2. During-Teaching
Activities during, Teacher learning encourage students to discover new
vocabulary, make inferences, and monitor they understanding. Teachers can also
help students to prioritize what is most important in a meaningful and organized
3. Post- Teaching
Post teaching activity can deepen students understanding, help students to
summarize and comprehend what they have with watching short movie.

2.1.3 The Purpose of Teaching Vocabulary Using Movie

The writer uses movie as a teaching media English vocabulary. To
be able to make lessons are more fun in class, movies can also open
imagination about history, adventurer, behavior of a person. Because
movies are also one of the entertainment media with instruction that can

make students learn to be more fun. In addition, movie also have
advantages using movie according to Nasution (2005:104) stated that the
advantages of using movies in teaching and learning process are :
1. Movies are very good at describing a process, if required by using
“slow motion”
2. Students can also learn something from movies, from don’t know to be
3. Movie can open students’ imaginations in learning.
4. The movie can be repeated if necessary for added clarity.

2.1.4 The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary

According to jamalipour & Farahani (2012) stated that vocabulary is
generally recognized as the main communication tool. Such as:

1. Vocabulary as the basic for communication

Nothing can be done without the vocabulary. It is the basic for
communication. Such argument was strengthened by Jamalipour and
Farahani (2012) stated that the vocabulary is commonly recognized as
the main communication tool.
2. Vocabulary as the reflection of social reality
It is certain that there are four basic reasons for treating language, in
general, as a tool for social interaction. Richards (2001, p. 161)
theorized those four reasons, namely (1) language is a system for the
expression of meaning; (2) the primary function of language is to
allow interaction and communication; (3) the structure of language
reflects its functional and communicative uses; and (4) the primary
units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural
features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as
exemplified in discourse.
3. Vocabulary as an emotion booster
Common sense views that emotion is physical type that has little
association with words used to name it. It is thought the words are
instruments to label the emotion with the linguistic symbols. Yet

psychological constructionists believe that the language is a
fundamental element in the emotion that is constitutive believe of both
emotion experiences and perception (Lindquist, MacCormack, &
Shablack, 2015).
4. Vocabulary as an Academic Ability Predictor
Moreover, the size and understanding of vocabulary knowledge are
more likely to predict the academic ability. Though different effects
and research designsvary, they are still in the same direction
supporting the vocabulary usefulness. Taken for example, Roche and
Harrington’s (2013) finding showed that vocabulary was associated
with both academic writing and GPA (or Grade Point Average).
Similary, vocabulary knowledge has been viewed as the prior ability
that had to be mastered to increase the other language abilities.

2.1.5. Kinds of Activities in Teaching Vocabulary Using Short Movies

Based on Gorjian (2014) there are three kinds of activities in teaching
1. Pre-teaching.
a. to help students focus their attention on vocabulary lessons.
b. it motivates students to learn vocabulary lessons.
c. open their minds about the topic of the lesson they will learn.

2. During-teaching
activities, the teacher must carry out several activities. They are:
a. The teacher opens the class by greeting the students.
b. The teacher asks some questions to the students. The teacher provides
brainstorming activities to students through several questions related to the
c. The Students actively answer questions and try to think and make one example
sentence from the vocabulary they get in their group. When students answer
questions, the teacher should pay attention to appreciating and checking their
work. The aim is to encourage students, so that they have good self-confidence

and they can learn more about the new vocabulary they are working on.
3. Post-Teaching
The teacher's role is to provide several activities to students:
a. The teacher directs students about learning vocabulary in the form of short
films which may contain vocabulary that they often use in everyday life.
b. The teacher divides them into groups of four or in pairs. which they will make
one sentence from the vocabulary that can be a short story that is different from
their own experience. and they try to solve problems and discuss together. They
can share with each other any new vocabulary they can by watching short films
that are already crowded in groups.
c. The teacher encourages students to share the new vocabulary they get with
group friends and make conversations after discussing in groups or in pairs.
The teacher asks students to make a sentence or tell a story with the new
vocabulary they get from watching a short movie.

2.2. Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary lessons are very important, and the teaching method can be in
the form of giving ordinary material in terms of reading but lack of teacher
creativity in giving vocabulary lessons, so students will be bored and lazy to learn.
Therefore, the researcher proposes a learning method that will help teachers, so
that students don’t get bored in learning, namely by short movies, that also have
subtitles to make it easier for students to read and write well from the movies they
watch. Sarani, A., & Shirzaei, (2016) in addition, movies is one of the authentic
media that is quite good to use to improve students’ ability to learn vocabulary.
Kabooha, (2016) states that the movies is also quite good as a companion to
authentic material that can attract attention students by watching movies that are
played with subtitles. which subtitles can help students to understand the content
of the story of the movies that is playing and students can find new vocabulary
that they see on the screen, because of the good screening of the movies in sight
on the screen, and also a clear voice in the pronunciation of vocabulary in the
screening of the movies. So with this, the researcher uses a short movies that
directs students to watch and find new vocabulary that they find by watching and
reading subtitles. and the movies used is Zero which is screened for 12 minute.

Not only Zero but much movie teachers and students can learn in class with that
movies like, The LEGO Story, and ect. with this method of watching short
movies, the researcher hopes that students can acquire new vocabulary from those
who don’t know to be know. The researcher also hopes that this method can help
students more easily understand the vocabulary they get from short movies.

And also, as quoted by Aditama & Solikhah, (2018) states that the modern
learning process is quite helpful for students in acquiring a lot of new vocabulary,
without having to feel anxious and lazy, because the application of learning by
watching movies will very easily attract students' attention by look at the screen
and read the vocabulary they get, as well as writen new vocabulary obtained from
English which is played from the movies. and it is known that learning vocabulary
a important thing in learning English. because it can increase students' ability to
read, write, and speak.

In teaching vocabulary, it is necessary to consider some elements. Ur

(1996:60-62) stated that some elements need to be taught in teaching vocabulary.
There are :

1. Form : pronunciation and spelling

The learner has to know what a word sounds like (its pronunciation) and
what it looks like (its spelling). Many people assume that meaning is more
important than form: but remember that knowing a meaning is pretty
useless without knowing the form it is attached to. In most cases the
learners will encounter a form before they knows its meaning, not vice
versa-which is why it is put first here. You may stress either
pronounciation or spelling when teaching a particular item, depending on
where it was found: ultimately, students will need to know both. so with
the method of watching this movie, it can help students to know both in
the meaning of the word and the pronunciation that is seen and heard from
2. Meaning : denotation
The meaning of a word or expression is what it refers to, or denotes, in the
real world. This is given in dictionaries as its definition. Occasionally a
lexical item in English has no parallel in the learners’ L1, and you will

find yourself explaining an actual concept as well as the item that
represents it. Sometimes a word may have various meanings: most often
these are metaphorical extensions of the meaning of the original word (for
example, the ‘foot’ of a mountain, deriving from foot as part of the body).
But sometimes a word such as bear has multiple meanings (bear the
animal and bear meaning ‘tolerate’) because they are derived from two
different words which happen to have developed inton the same form
(homonyms). so it is necessary to explain more to students about the
meaning of a movie being played, give an overview to students before the
movie is played so that students can know what movie they are watching,
and give examples that are easy to understand in a concept method of
watching movies this
3. Grammar
The grammar of a new item in this method in a reading way and if this is
not clearly covered by the general grammar rules it will have a different
meaning than a writing on a sentence and its meaning will need to be
taught if this is not obviously covered by general grammatical rules. An
item may have an unpredicatable change of from in certain grammartical
contexts (for example, the past tense of irregular verbs), or may have some
particular way of connecting with other words in sentences (for example,
the verbs which take –ing forms after them rather than the to infinitive). It
is important to provide students with this information when, or soon after,
introducing the item itself.
4. Collocation
collocation refers to the way words tend to appear together with other
words or expressions. there needs to be a clear explanation of the meaning
of a fifth. For example, we usually say + truth but don't say + truth.
Certain phrases may be grammatically correct but sound wrong simply
because of improper collocations. For example, you can do your
homework, but you can't do it. Similarly, you toss a ball but toss a coin;
You may speak of a tall man, but not a tall mount. Collocations are often,
but not always, displayed in the dictionary under the main word of one of

the collocation items. So a word is not necessarily the same meaning in a
sentence, it needs precise and clear clarity in how to write and read.

5. Connotation
The connoctation of aword are the emotional or positive-negative
associations that it implies. The words moist and damp, for example, have
the same basic meaning (slightly wet); but moist has favourable
connotations while damp has slightly unfavourable ones. So you could talk
about a moist chocolate cake, which sounds appetizing; but a damp cake
would imply that something had gone wrong with the recipe! Many words
have only weak connotations or do not have If this is the case there are
several meanings of each sentence, which may be written in the same way
but the meaning is different, vice versa and them at all; however, where
the connotation is marked, as in the above example, it does need to be
taught. Where these exist they may often be understood from the examples
or collocations provided.

6. Appropriateness
In order to know how to use an item, the students needs to know about its
appropriateness for use in a certain context. Thus, it is useful for a students
to know, for a particular item, if it is very common or relatively rare; or if
it is usually used in writing or in speech, in formal on informaldiscourse.
Some items may be ‘taboo’ in most social interactions; others may belong
to certain varieties of English. For example, learners need to know that
the word weep is virtually synonymous with cry, but it is more formal,
tends to be used in writing more than in speech, and is in general much
less common. Because crying can explain feelings of sadness or feelings
of joy, so one form can have different meanings
2.3. Learning Through Short Movie

Classroom that use movie as a medium of education, usually hold a

number of 30-35 students. With that number of students, it is still possible to
observe the movie properly. This means it will not disturb the learning process.
To help students study through English movie, message content, format, and
technical presentation, in planning an aducational program, seriously considered.

In addition, the teacher factor in the media also plays a very important role,
because it is very influential in communicating with children and succsess or
failure of the program depends entirely on the person who brought the show
(Darwanto 2007;135-136).

2.4. Short Movie

A movie is one of the visual aids that can be used in a class, it makes
lessons more fun. But, movies or film can also teach people about history,
science, human behavior and any other subjects. Some films combine
entertainment with instruction, makes the learning process more enjoyable. In all
its forms, cinema is an art as well as a business, and those who make motion
pictures take great pride in their creation ( mery : 2011). Meanwhile, Azhar
(2011:49) define movie as picture in a frame where frame by frame is projected
through the projector lens meachanically so that pictures in the screen looks alive.
Jesse (2007) states that movie is a photographic record of an artistic performance,
but not artform in it’s own right.

Based on the definition of movie the writer can conclude that the movie is
recordings of life that can be applied in real life, with science, and human
behavior interacting with other humans through movies shown on television or
Get Moving! Learn English with Short Movies with dialogue are


The main character “Zero” lives in a world where people are judged by the
number they have on their chest. He lives a lonely life as a person with the
number “zero,” but he soon meets another “zero,” and learns how can he change
his life.

Vocabulary: matter, to effect change, mediocrity, shortcomings, to get someone
down, battered and bruised, unaware, belonging, notion, forbidden, to fade,

2.5 The Advantages Using English Movies

The Advantages of Short movies. Nasution (2005:104) states that the
advanteges of using movie in teaching and learning process are:

1. Movies are very good at describing a process, if required by using

“slow motion”

2. Students can also learn something from movies, from don’t know to be

3. Movie can open students’ imaginations in learning.

4. The movie can be repeated if necessary for added clarity


3.1 Conclusion
So Vocabulary lessons are very important, and the teaching method can
be in the form of giving ordinary material in terms of reading but lack of teacher
creativity in giving vocabulary lessons, so students will be bored and lazy to learn.
Therefore, the researcher proposes a learning method that will help teachers, so
that students don’t get bored in learning, namely by short movies, that also have
subtitles to make it easier for students to read and write well from the movies they
watch. Sarani, A., & Shirzaei, (2016) in addition, movies is one of the authentic
media that is quite good to use to improve students’ ability to learn vocabulary.
3.2 Suggestion
Classroom that use movie as a medium of education, usually hold a number of 30-
35 students. With that number of students, it is still possible to observe the movie

properly (Darwanto 2007;135-136). The writer hopes that with movies can be useful
and help students to be enthusiastic in learning vocabulary, and knowing that learning
English with movie is very memorable, when learning English to acquire vocabulary from
watching movie. so with this movie writer hopes can make students feel enjoy when
learning English.

Learning Material

English Vocabulary Materials based On Short Movie Zero

In this chapter, the material that will be explained is about zero is a 2010

Australian stop motion animated short movie written and directed by Christopher

Kezelos and produced by Christine Kezelos.


Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information. The context

of this kind of text is the description of a particular thing, animal, person, or

others, for instance: our pets or a person we know well. It differs from Report

which describes things, animals, persons, or others in general. The Social

Function of Descriptive Text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.

 Purpose of Descriptive Text (SOCIAL FUNCTION)

To explain, describe, or describe something that can be the name of a person,

thing, place or animal in detail.

 Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

1. Identification

The identify cation section contains an introduction and an overview of a topic.

Identification serves as an introduction to what we are describing. So that readers

or listeners do not misunderstand. For example, what we describe is a

building/monument, but the readers/listeners misunderstand it as a tourist spot.

2. Description

The description section contains special characteristics or traits contained in the

object, person, or animal that you are describing.

 Language Features of Descriptive Text

Descriptive often uses 'be' and 'have'. Tense which is often used is Simple Present

Tense. However, sometimes it uses Past tense if the thing to be described doesn't

exist anymore. 

 Significant Grammatical Features: 

- Focus on specific participants (My English teacher, Andini's cat,

my favorite place)

- Use of Simple Present Tense.

- Use of descriptive adjectives (strong legs, white fangs)

- Use of detailed Noun Phrases to give information about the subject.

(a very beautiful scenery, a sweet young lady, very thick fur) 

- Use of action verbs 'Material Processes' (It eats grass, It runs fast)

- Use of adverbials to give additional information about behavior

(fast, at tree house)

- Use of Figurative language (John is as white as chalk.)

Now try to look at the following example of descriptive text and try to observe its

generic structure.
Reading selection
Pay attention to the text and read carefully.!

Zero (https://bit.ly/zero/zealous Creative YouTube.com)


In a world that judges people by their number, Zero faces constant prejudice and



What uniqueness comes from this story? According to the information from the

story, the uniqueness of this zero, he meets a female zero.

One day zero he walks a lonely path until a chance encounter changes his life

forever: he meets a famele zero. Together they prove that through determination,

courage, and love, nothing can be truly something. There once was a town in a

far-away land where the folk were made entirely from yarn, woven from top-to-

toe complete with a big bold number on their chests. The law of their land decreed

that these fabric digits determined everyone’s value and place in society, that is

until a forbidden union between two zeros lead to the birth of conjoined twins,

fused with the mark of infinity. This powerful symbol challenged everthing the

townsfolk thought they knew.

Learning Objectives

Students are expected to be able to:

1. Identify the purpose, structures and language features of simple descriptive text

2. Analyze and comprehend the meaning of simple descriptive text

3. Creatively produce simple written or oral performances about descriptive text.

Activity 1:

Answer the questions below based on the text above:

1. What is the title above?

2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. Where does zero come from?

Activity 2:

 Vocabulary Builder

Match the following words with the correct meanings in pairs. Consult your
dictionary if necessary. Look at the example (at number one):

Words: Meanings:
1. Curious 1. Permulaan
2. Assumption                         2. Penasaran
3. Beginning 3. Anggapan
4. Figure 4. Menciptakan
5. Invent 5. Bilangan
6. Temporary 6. Keturunan
7. Deserted 7. Sepi
8. different                                                 8. Akan tetapi
9. breed 9. Berbeda
10. how ever 10. Sementara

Activity 3: 

 Comprehension questions

What is the information that you can get from story zero above? Please discuss
with your classmates and present

Subject  : Bahasa Inggris

Class / semester :X/1

Kind of text : Descriptive text 

Aspects : Vocabulary

Time allocation : 90 minute (1 session)

Standard Competence: 1. Understand the meaning of descriptive text and very

simple   monologue in the form of descriptive text.

Based Competence: 1.2. Understand the meaning of a simple monologue by

using the oral language accurately, continually and

express gratitude to interact with the surrounding

environment through the descriptive text.

Learning Objectives

 The student’s area able to explain the generic structure and language

features of descriptive text 

 The students are able to describe the topic orally in the classroom. 

Learning Steps

*Pre-activities (5 minutes)

 Teacher greets the students. 

 Teacher asks the chairman to lead the pray

 Checking Student’s attendance list 

 Checking Student’s readiness

 Giving an apperception to lead the students’ understanding about the

material is going to help them learn. 

*Whilst activities (45 minutes)


 Teacher shows the students some pictures.

 Teacher asks students to look at the pictures carefully.


 Teacher asks students several questions related to the pictures.

 Give feedback to the students’ answers.


 Explain to the students about the definition, purpose, generic structure, and

language feature of Descriptive text.

  Teachers and students learn the text together. 

 Teacher asks students to identify the words or phrases that look unfamiliar.


 Teacher asks students to form group consist of 3 students

 Teacher gives students time to work on their topic.

  Monitoring the students, and helping them if they find any difficulty in

working on the topic.

*Closing (10 minutes)

 Teacher asks students about the difficulty in learning Descriptive text.

 Sum up the material.

 Ask the chairman to lead the prayer.

 Teacher ends the classroom activity.

 Learning & Teaching Media: Whiteboard, Projector, handouts, Speaker. 

 Assessment : 

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