PE Noosa Fairy Pools

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Proofreading Exercise: How to Find the

Noosa Fairy Pools

Level: Easy

Where to Park
Noosa Heads is one of the populist places on the Sunshine Coast so finding a park near the
Fairy Pools isn’t always easy.
The best place to leave your car is Noosa national park carpark. There is a reasonable
amount of parks, with plenty of spaces shaded by trees, and it’s close to the start of the
Noosa Coastal Walk track.
If you come during a busier time of year, like Queensland school holidays, the NP carpark
might be full. Although you can find plenty of two-hour street parking nearby, you’re next
best bet is the free three-hour parking at the end of Hastings Street. If that’s full, you’ll
almost certainly find free, unlimited-time parking along Claude Batten Drive.

Getting to the Fairy Pools

Once you’ve sorted parking, make your way to the start of the Noosa Coastal Walk that
starts as a concrete footpath next to the Noosa National Park Carpark.
Follow the path past Boiling Pot Lookout and Tea Tree Bay. Most of this section is shaded
by partial tree cover, and there are a handful of unsealed turnoffs leading to other walking
tracks – ignore these, and keep following the main path. You can also find a toilet about
halfway along this section, which is the last restroom before Fairy Pools.

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