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Activity No.1 Test I.Multiple Choice

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. C
Activity No.2 Test Ii.Essay Directions:Explain the following statement.(5points)

1. Differentiate Patriotism to Nationalism?

Patriotism is about protecting the land we live.

Nationalism is about protecting the way we live.

Real patriotism is being a responsible citizen. These might seem trivial, but when the
whole nation ignores these minimal acts, it becomes a national problem. Solving
these problems requires significant resources, resources which could have been used
for better security, better types of equipment for our soldiers, better relief plans for
our farmers etc.
Nationalism is the belief that the nation should be sovereign; they should not only
have the right to a new social contract as members of a nation separate from the
nation they are surrounded by (nationalism is absolutely used in this way; think
Kurdish or Scottish nationalism), but that said nation-states should not have to
sacrifice cultural, economic or political sovereignty to appease the international
community and/or large corporations. It is not synonymous with chauvinism. One
can be a nationalist without being a chauvinist.

2. Choose one among the Reformists and explain why he is a great contributor in
the history?

Marcelo Hilario del Pilar advanced the goals of the Propaganda Movement to reform
the colonial government, curb the powers and abuses of the Spanish friars, obtain
equal rights between Spaniards and Filipinos, and provide Philippine representation
in the Spanish Cortes. Del Pilar did this in two ways: through his writings (he became
known by his pen name, Plaridel), and by organizing local communities against
candidates of the friars. Plaridel’s eloquence in Tagalog, especially his satirical
writings, and his organizational ability were so effective that Governor-General
Ramon Blanco called him “the most dreadful of the Filipino politicians, the true voice
of the separatists, very superior to Rizal.”Del Pilar’s remains lie beneath a tripod
canopy and a bronze monument. The tomb, decorated by bas-relief sculptures
depicting his life, ideals, and bravery, marks the site of his birthplace.

3. Among the types of Nationalism and types of Patriotism, select one for each
category and in your own words explain the differences?

Third World Nationalism- Nationalist feelings are the outcome of opposition to

colonial rule to survive.
Third Worldism is a political movement that argues for the unity of third-world
nations against first-world influence and the principle of non-interference in other
countries' domestic affairs.and maintain a domestic identity.he inability of many
Third World nationalisms to ensure political participation satisfactory to the broad
majority calls into question the relationship between nationalism and the nation.
Social scientists have been too quick to embrace the notion that as soon as a country
becomes independent, it constitutes a nation. It may, of course, but most often a
nation is the result of a long historical process during which consensual values
emerge to furnish grounds for national concord and civil peace. This is not the
picture presented today by most Third World countries, where obedience to the
central power is secured by force or the threat of force.

Patriotism of Affection
This Is the patriotism of the heart. It is about one's internal desire for his country's
well-being.The patriotism of affection can be seen in the patriotism of duty, but it
does not necessarily result in it; one can truly love his country and yet be a coward,
just as one can the or etically fulfil apatriotic duty and yet feel apathetic about the
country's welfare.
Patriotism defined as “love for one's own country” is mainly characterized by
psychological traits of affection, a sense of identification, and special concern for the
well-being of patria. Patriotic love properly begins with affection: the appreciation,
the comprehension and esteem, of that which is good in its object. True affection
appreciates only what is worthy of esteem. To esteem the vices in our country is not
to love her well; indeed, it is not to love her at all. But to say that knowledge is
essential to love does not imply that patriotism is the unique province of
intellectuals. The knowledge that leads to love of country is not necessarily or even
frequently propositional. Rather, it is the firsthand experience of a place that
gradually helps us see what is beautiful about it. Nor does this imply that only those
born in America can genuinely love her. An immigrant who has suffered under the
oppression of authoritarianism is in some ways especially capable of knowing the
value of the freedom Americans enjoy.

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