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The Classification of Algae: Comparing Three Schools of Thought

 Abulais Shomrat  Algae  8,382 Views

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Algae refers to a heteromorphic group of organisms which are capable of doing photosynthesis as they

contain chlorophyll as their primary pigment and lack a sterile covering around their reproductive cells.
The members are grouped together as they share some common characteristics. However, they are not
necessarily closely related in evolution perspective. It is really fascinating that an apparently simple group

of organisms like algae possesses such diverse nature in both morphological and physio-chemical

Often the phycologists become puzzled as they start defining the term algae. It is so diverse that putting
all the common characters to define algae in a single sentence is almost an impossible task. To support

such claim, we can recall two world famous phycologists’ statement: “Sometimes even the professional
botanists and biologists find algae embarrassingly elusive of definition” (Bold and Wynne).
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Due to its diverse nature, the algal classification is also a difficult task. Some schools of scientists prefer
certain characters of algae while the other choose the remaining ones. Again some botanists opt for the

modern phylogenetic system. It has been quite unequivocal by now that as the science of classification
and nomenclature is becoming more diverse, the algal classification is getting more complicated.

However, today we are going to compare three classifications as proposed by: Check Also

F. E. Fritsch (1935, 1945).

H.C. Bold and M.J. Wynne (1978, 1985 (the one given in 1985 is followed here))

R.E. Lee (1999, 2008 (the one given in 2008 is followed here))
Introduction to Marine Botany:
Before diving into these classifications, we need to know some basic things about nomenclature and bases
of classification.
1 The word ‘plankton’ has
been derived from a Gr.
Nomenclature of Algae word ‘planktos’ means
drifting. So, plankton …
The Greek word for algae is ”phykos” and according to International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(ICBN), a group of algae should necessarily be incorporated by the word ”phykos”. Because of such

incorporation, the words such as Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae (phyceae derived

from phykos) indicate an idea of their relationship with algae.

The ICBN (Lanjouw, 1956) has recommended the following suffixes for the different categories of algae:

Division: phyta

Class: phyceae

Order: ales

Family: aceae

Genus: generally a Latin name

Species: generally a Latin name

So, as the words like Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta end with ”phyta”, they are equivalent to

the status of a division; words like Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae end with ”phyceae”

and are therefore equivalent to the status of a class and so on.

Good to know

Sub-division: phytina

Sub-class: phycidae

Sub-order: inales

Sub-family: oideae

Evolution of Algal Classification

The history of classification of algae dates back to Carolous Linnaeous, who first classified plants into 25

classes based on “sexual system” considering the number of stamens and carpels in their flowers. Out of
his 25 classes, in “Cryptogamia” which contains plants with “concealed reproductive organs”, Linnaeus

proposed 14 algal genera of which only 4, Conferva, Ulva, Fucus and Chara are now considered as algae

(Dixon 1973 ).

W. H. Harvey is considered as one of the first algologist who proposed the first descriptive algal

classification. Since W. H. Harvey several classifications have been proposed based on a variety of

characters including morphological, physiological, biochemical and more recently the molecular
characters have also been considered. The main characters which are being widely used for algal
classification are:

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I. Photosynthetic Pigments: Chlorophylls, Carotenoids (Carotenes and Xanthophylls), Phycobilins

II. Biochemical nature of food reserve.

III. Cell wall composition

IV. Flagella

Basis of classification

Classification is the systematic grouping of organisms into categories on the basis of relationships

between them, where the relationship can be either evolutionary or structural.

In case of classifying algae, the taxonomists consider rarely one, and generally a combination of a few or
more of the following characters.

In normal microscope-

Types of pigments

Types of reserve food materials

Number and position of flagella

Cell structure

Under electron microscope-

Presence and structure of flagella

Flagella hair

Flagella swellings


Chloroplast Endoplasmic Reticulum (CER)

Thylakoid grouping

Phycobilisomes (out of 450-760 mm range)

External scales

Pit connection

Silification vesicles

Theca or scales

Projectiles – To hold something/prey/to move.

Nuclear structure and division

Through biochemical analysis-

Presence and structure of algal pigments

Storage products

Cell wall constituents

Schools of Thought

Regarding the algal classification, there are three schools of thought:

First school of thought

(supported by Papenfuss, 1946; Bold and Wynne)

The algae should be divided first into several divisions (i.e. phyta such as Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta etc.)

and then in each division, there should be different classes (i.e. phyceae such as Chlorophyceae,
Phaeophyceae etc.).

Why separate divisions?

Supporters of the first view classified algae into divisions as they considered:

1. Pigments differ in different phytas (=divisions).

2. Product of photosynthesis is different in different divisions.

Base of classification


Storage product

Cellular organisation

Cell wall chemistry


Second school of thought

(supported by Fritsch, 1935, 1945 and his followers)

Algae is itself equivalent to a division, and therefore it can only be further divided into classes (i.e.

phyceae) and not into divisions (i.e. phyta). So in this school of thought there is no word like ”phyta”.

Base of classification

As the following characters are common in all algae, Fritsch and his followers are disinclined to form any
divisions rather considered Algae itself as a division.

1. Chlorophyll-a is ubiquitous to all algae, and so there is definitely a common origin from a common

source. Therefore they all belong to the same group.

2. Internal structure of flagella is similar in all.

3. Product of assimilation may be different but the process of assimilation is same in all.

4. Methods of reproduction are almost common in all.

Third school of thought

(supported by Lee, 1999)

Whereas the above two classifications were proposed basing on some physical and chemical

characteristics of algae, there is a third classification as proposed by Robert Edward Lee based on the

evolutionary features. This is the most modern classification scheme of algae.

The basis of classification also includes-

Thyllakoid band

CER membrane



Carotenoid pigment

Bold and Wynne’s classification

(First school of thought)

Bold and Wynne (1985) recognized ten divisions of algae retaining the nomenclature given by Papenfuss

(1946), except for blue-green algae. They considered Cyanophyceae as a division and called it

Cyanochloronta where as Papenfuss had included it in phylum Schizophyta as a class.

Divisions as proposed by Bold and Wynne.

1. Cyanophyta (Blue Green Algae)

2. Prochlorophyta (Single genus: Prochloron)

3. Chlorophyta (Green algae)

4. Charophyta (Stone worts)

5. Euglenophyta

6. Phaeophyta (Brown algae)

7. Chrysophyta (Golden and yellow green algae)

8. Pyrrhophyta (Dinoflagellates)

9. Cryptophyta

10. Rhodophyta (Red algae)

Fritsch’s classification

(Second School of thought)

Fritsch (1935, 1945 and his followers) opined that algae is itself equivalent to a division, and therefore it

can only be divided into classes (=phyceae). So there is no word like phyta (e.g. Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta
etc.) in classification proposed by him and his followers. There are in total eleven classes in Fritsch’s

He was the first phycologist who suggested a most comprehensive and authoritative classification of algae
in his book ”The Structure and The Reproduction of The Algae”.
Eleven classes as proposed by Fritsch:
The classes are based on


The metabolic or assimilatory food products.

Types of flagella.

1. Chlorophyceae (Isokontae, Green algae)

2. Xanthophyceae (Heterokontae, Yellow-green algae)

3. Chrysophyceae

4. Bacillariophyceae (Diatom, Yellow or golden brown algae)

5. Cryptophyceae

6. Dinophyceae

7. Chloromonadineae

8. Euglenineae

9. Phaeophyceae (Brown algae)

10. Rhodophyceae

11. Myxophyceae (Cyanophyceae, Blue-green algae)

R.E. Lee’s classification

(Third school of thought)

Robert Edward Lee divided the algae based on evolution and formed 4 evolutionary groups of algae

which are further divided into 15 phyta (=divisions):

1. Prokaryotic algae (Cyanophyta)

2. Eukaryotic algae-with chloroplast surrounded only by the two membranes of the chloroplast envelope
(Glaucophyta, Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta)

3. Eukaryotic algae-with chloroplast surrounded only by one membrane of chloroplast endoplasmic

reticulum (Euglenophyta and Dinophyta)

4. Algae which have two membranes of Chloroplast Endoplasmic Reticulum (Cryptophyta and

The following table provides a useful scheme of the differences among the three schools of thought which
may come handy while studying the three classifications together.

N.B: Our team is working on the differences. We will add more of them shortly.

Bold and Wynne’s

Characteristics Fritsch’s classification Lee’s classification

Algae is divided into

Position of Algae and Algae is divided into
Algae is itself a division groups which
divisions divisions
include divisions

15 divisions in 4
Number of divisions 10 No divisions

Number of classes – 11 –

BGA Divided into two divisions In a single class In a single group

As two separate divisions Alone in the first

Position of BGA and In the eleven numbered
known as Cyanochloronta group  called the
Prochloron class called Mycophyceae
and Prochlorophyta prokaryotic algae

Pigmentation Pigmentation
Storage product The metabolic or
Evolution of
Cellular organisation assimilatory food
Classification basis chloroplasts
Cell wall chemistry products

Flagellation Types of flagella

Division: Glaucophyta Absent Present

Division: Dinophyta Absent Present

Division: Charophyta Present Absent

In class Bacillariophyceae In an independent class

under division Chrysophyta Bacillariophyceae

The above discussion avouches (=certify) well that the science of classification is a complicated one and in

case of algae it has reached its apogee (=highest point). Besides, we believe the more detailed study on
algae would give rise to more accurate (or inaccurate?) classifications.

This article will be incomplete if the author doesn’t quote the words of Prescott (1969) about the

complexity of classification schemes:

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…..ideas concerning classification systems continually vary as more and more facts are disclosed which

require modifications of the previous concepts. Further, we may come to realize that as long as there are
three men on the earth, there will be at least two different interpretations of the facts, possibly three, and
we may find that none of them is correct…

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