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hmmmmm wat it depends on u hw u wil convert that als in gud ==================================================== Why You Have To Go..???

:'( ==================================================== DAMn TRue:-> " NEVer gO bAck iN tO An OLd LOVE , NO matTEr HoW strONG iT is...... BEcaUse iT's liKE reADIng a BOOk oveR aND oVER aGAIN WHen U alREAdy KnOw How anD WHere iT ENds........." ==================================================== njoy everything .....though it is hurting.....make urself so much mature , so da t "u can also njoy ur hurting" ==================================================== as we g'row up, we learnt that even the person who wasn't supposed to ever let you down, probably will.

you will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder everytime. then, you will break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.... you will fight with your best friend, you will blame a new love for the thing's an Old One Did... you will cry because time is passing fast, and you will eventually loose 'someone you love'. "Nothing is Permanent." "No one Is Immortal." Only memories last forever....

SO CLICK A LOT OF PICTURES, laugh a lot, and "Love Like You have Never Been Hurt..." Bcoz every 60 secnds you spend upset, 'is a min of happiness' which will u never get back.. dont be afraid that your life will end... rather be afraid that it will 'Never Begin Again'. to those whom i've shared a laugh with...!! :) Be Always Happy...!!! ================================================== so learn not be an emotional fool! cheer up !! ================================================== I askd god y v fal in a relationship with sm1 ven v know that it'l end aftr smty m.God said 'i ll ans u but 1st tell me y v live when v knw that v have to die. ================================================== Never_Give_Up Best Advice Ever: "Life is to be lived, Not complaiNed about,.!!" ;) :-D :) ================================================== just fall in love buddy.. don't get involved in it... ================================================== bcoz god like & love u??? ================================================== Life Is Only Travelled 1'ce Todays Moment Bcomes 2morows Memory... eNjoy Every Moment, Good or Bad Bcoz Gift Of Life is Life itself...! ================================================== **** *** ** * Lowering your standard just to make other comfortable is not a bad "option" but some people think we really are of low standards... so to all those people i have only two words - " F U C K O F F " ================================================== kahi lok agadi sahajpne khota bolun jatat....!!!! tyalach tar talent mhantat ================================================== vo ladki tere layak nahi thi she lost d best partt of her life nd u lost just a single momentTake chances! ==================================================

Tel d truth! Say no! Spend al ur money! Fal in LuV! Say I LuV u 2 sm1 in life ! B mean ! Make fun of ppl ! Sing out loud ! Laugh at a stupid joke ! Cry ! Take revenge ! Apologize ! Laugh wen u fall ! Get into a fight ! Tel sm1 hw much dey mean to u ! Tel d idiot hw he hurt u ! Let sm1 knw wht dey're missin! Abuse sm1 who deserves it! Sit alone! Laugh till ur stomach hurts! Dance! Pose stupidly 4 pics! Gv sm1 a hug wen dey need it! Make sure u get 1 too! Act lik a kid! Jump up n down! Feel it! Live it, Love it! Coz lyf is juz "ONCE". Make d most of it.. smile please little more...;-)

take care urself... ...Shrikant ================================================== To be successfull man in life....the first thing to do is fall in love with a gi rl ================================================== ********** ******** ****** ***** *** ** * Things u love, u'll lose 1 day. Things u fear, U'll face thm 1 day. Do whatever u have 2 do and make the best out of every moment. DATS THE LIFE. Live It. Love It. ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * V-never-get what-V-want. V-never-want what-V-get. V-never-have what-V-like. V-never-like what-V-have. Still-V-Live. Still-V-Love. Still-V-Hope. This-Is-LIFE!!! ...Shrikant ================================================== **** *** ** * MY FAV. MSG .:Never be sad if anyone doesnot recognize ur worth. Its there loss and ur gain, Because people who dont appreciate ur true worth dont deserve to know u...

================================================== ****************** **************** It is said.. "There r only 2 reasons for Ur Change. Either U hv learned enough dt u WANT 2 change, or u hv been hurt enough dat u HAD to change"! ...Shrikant ****************** **************** ================================================== KILL d Stress B4 it Kills U REACH d Goal B4 it Kicks U HELP Every1 B4 Sum1 HELPS U LIVE Life B4 Life Leaves U ================================================== ****** **** ** * Sumbody Whom U Luvd More Than Lyf, Came in Ur Lyf For Either of The 2 Reasons.... For Loving u 4ever. Or For teaching u Not To Love Again Ever. ;-)

Ya shrikant... ;-) so always keep dis good ppl in ur mind.. Dey teachs u many th ings.. Ha ha ha ================================================== "Dont show so much of love on anyone because It creates a non curable pain when they avoid u" ================================================== Most Relationships Fail Not Because of the Absence of Luv. Luv Is Always Present,It just that, OneLove TOOO MUCH and the other loves TOOO MANY.! ==================================================

U cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you. ================================================== "Think all u speak but dont speak all u think " You will never get a second chance to make a first impression.! ================================================== If you can Laugh when you are completely broken up, Then there can be nothing that can Break you Next Time..!! Be optimistic.!! ================================================== "Take Everithing Positive, But think About Negative For Everithing, That Makes The Development in Your Life." ================================================== ADOLF HITLER: "History Remembers Only Kings... Not the Soldiers... So,Always Prefer To be A King!" ================================================== ADOLF HITLER: "If you can Solve your Problem than what is the Need of Worrying? If you can't Solve it then what is the Use of worrying?!!" ================================================== Mr.NARAYAN: "There Is No Market 4 Ur Sorrows... So Never Advertise Your Feelings. ...Just display your Attitude...!" ================================================== ADOLF HITLER: "If you can Solve your Problem than what is the Need of Worrying? If you can't Solve it then what is the Use

of worrying?!!" ================================================== ""U Will Never rEach Ur deStiNation... If U stOp & tHrow Stones aT evEry DOG thAt BarKs... Its beTter 2 Keep Biscuits anD gO Ahead...."" ================================================== "Dont Be Happy For A Reason, Because That Happiness Ends With The Reason. Be Happy Without Any Reason And You will be Happy For Ever." ================================================== "Never Explain UrSelf To Anyone.. Coz.. Person Who Likes You Doesnot Need It And The Person Who DisLikes you wont Belive It." ================================================== Leave everything and just target on your goals because the whole secret of a successful life is to find out our destiny and achieve it tactfully??? ================================================== The trouble with a "Rat Race" is that even if You Win, U are still a Rat; So, always run with LIONS No matter even if you defeated, You are still a LION.!!! ================================================== All the powers of Universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our Eyes and Cry that it is dark.-SWAMI VIVEKANANDA! ================================================== To Acquire LOVE... Fill Yourself up with it until You become a Magnet. ================================================== SENTATIONAL QUOTE : "I Am Not Totally USELESS...

Because,I Can still Be Used As Bad Example."

It all matters how we think and react. ================================================== Anyone can win life by all means, if simply avoid two things in your life: "Comparing with others and expecting from others." ================================================== Balance your nature as if its d axis on which d earth revolves-slowly,evenly, without rushing 2wards d future;only dis moment is life. ================================================== Anyday If U r Depressed, confused Or Hurt Don't Worry. Go in Front of The Mirror. U Will find The Best Person Who Will Solve Ur Problem, Trust Urself. ================================================== ****** **** ** * Sometimes Hurting is needed 2 make u Grow, Failure is needed 2 make u Know, Loss is needed 2 make u Gain. Because Some Lessons are Best Learnt through Pain...! ================================================== Enjoy every moment of Life...because even todays newspaper will become tomorrow's waste paper...That's life.. ================================================== Even a small dot can stop a big sentence.

But Few more dots can Give a continuity.. Amazing but true "Every ending can be a new Begining." ================================================== Excellent thought: "No one can ever fail In TRUELOVE... We just fail to chose the TRUE PERSON..." ================================================== Live 4 d one who can die 4 u. Smile 4 d one who cries 4 u. Fight 4 d one who protects u. And Love d one who LOVES U MORE THAN U. ================================================== Go through these lines everyday, If I cant, I must. If I must, I can... ================================================== Difficulties in ur LIFE do not come to destroy U, But To help U realise ur hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that u r too are DIFFICULT to destroy. ================================================== v die 2 finish school, v die 2 start college. den die to start working, den die 2 marry, den 2 retire and finally while dying V Realise ,,, V forgot something. V forgot to ALL. ================================================== 3 realities of life.

1. U think a lot about d person u trying 2 forget.. 2. U hurt dem d most whom u love d most. 3. U fite wid d t from whom u have more expectations........ ================================================== "A Tiger Never Kills Another Tiger! A Lion Never Kills Another Lion! But, Man Kills Man! So, Man Is d Dangerous Animal.!" -HITLER ================================================== Last Words Written By ADOLF HITLER Before He Killed Himself.. "If U Win., U Need Not Have To Explain.." "If U Lose., U Should Not Be There To Explain.." ================================================== "A person who irritates u always is the one who lOves yu very much - but fails t o express it-" kalla ka jaaaaade ================================================== Love Comes Again n Again For Those Who Know What Life Is.! But Love Comes Only Once For Those Who Know What Love Is.. ================================================== " Be Soft & cool like water so U can Adjust anywhr In Life Be tough & attractive Like Diamond So No one can play with ur Emotion...! " ================================================== ********** ***** Never ask4 a Hug, Jst take it.. Nevr ask Do u Lov me? Say I Love U.. Nvr say i cnt liv widout u! Say I liv4u.. U'v been trained. . Now go & Flirt.. ================================================== Our life begins with our cry, Our life ends with others cry, Try to utilise thise gap and laugh as much as possible between these cries.!!! Stay happy always... ================================================== Thought of the day... Don't give explainition 2 anything in lyf,

bcoz ur friends don't need that n ur enemys don't belive on that. ================================================== ********************* ***************** ************* ******** ***** ** * ;-)Don't be sad when you see your ex-flirting with someone else or commited to someone else, . . . . . . . c'mon yaar, "Learn to share ur old toys 2 poor losers..;-) . . . . . ...Shri ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * there are only two things.:1. attraction of girls .:- u can search d girl to njoy, if not find then search again nd njoy ur life. 2. love .:- which is never ends, so dont worry leave her for her happiness bcoz in love, if she will happy then we are happy always n 4ever if u being sad, just being happy by thinking dat, dat my love is happy n then we also have to be happy always and 4ever by thinking dis... dat in any condition if she happy den m happy. ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * ****** ***** **** *** ** *

my favourite 2 msgs .:FIRST : one lover : "love me b'coz i love u." true lover : "love ANYONE b'coz i love u." ..................................... SECOND : If U truly love someone, then the only thing u want for them is to be happy.. Even if they are not with u.... isnt it..? .......................................... not cared by ... ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * a cute line said by a rose, "It's better to stay in a boys grave than to stay in a girl's hair who DOESNT KNOW that WHAT IS LOVE." ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * we speak less just to see who MISSED our voice.

we walk slow to see who WAITS for us we get angry to see who CARES for us we let our feelings BE HURTED bcoz we EXPECT someone to HEAL... But

If you REALLY want to be happy in life.. then plz NEVER EXPECT ANYTHING FROM ANYONE IN LIFE.... ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * a good heart and a good nature are two different issues, a good heart can win many relationships, but a GOOD "NATURE" can win many good hearts... ================================================== golden words .:agar duniya main mehnat ki qadar hoti to gadhe sabse zyada izzatdar hota... dedicated to all my hardworking and busy friends.. ================================================== **************

************* ************ *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * think about this msg and reply ur suggestions.. being single is always fun, no worries, no misery, no pain... bt wat if v have worries, pain and misery... where v feel like having someone who gives dere shoulder 4 u 2 cry... someone who looks at u n says: "U look beautiful today....." someone to hold ur hand inside theirs n say: "I'm here with u always..." someone who hugs u tightly n says: "I'll miss u....take care" And that someone is da one who loves you a lot... den y do ppl say being single is fun....? so.... even if u dnt LOVE anyone ATLEAST let someone LOVE YOU... u may not need dat someone bt that someone needs u..... So

LOVE and BE LOVED.... Think about da one WHO TRUELY LOVES YOU....!!! ================================================== ************ ********* ****** *** * Boy proposed a girl, but she rejected. he was not sad then friends askd y d dnt feel..? boy - y should i feel? i lost one WHO NEVER LOVED ME...BUT she lost one who REALLY LOVE HER girls "never" care this also... ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * A LOVE is someone who understands ur past believes in ur future, and accepts you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE... ================================================== ************ *********** ********* ****** *** ** * tears roll down the cheeks but there's no one to stop them... people say we care but as usual they are just words... people say to keep smiling but at the end they are the reasons for our tears...

world is filled but still it gives the feeling of emptiness.. life wants itself to be ended but heart still continues to beat... love gives the reason to live, but then again, it is the 1 who kills every moment... people ae all around saying we are there, but still eyes are in search of people who really care... here's it from someone who really means it. "Take Care". ================================================== w dedicated 2 all my best friends .:i've learnt many things 4m my idiot friends, dey taught me d tricks 4 stupid activities, dey gave me money when i was empty in canteen, dey taught hw 2 laugh without any reason, dey showed hw 2 luv many at a time, dey gave me d trick 2 pass without studying, dey taught me he 2 stand smartly while being scolded..... bt still i have a complaint dey didn't teach me hw 2 live without dem....!!! hate u budiez for that... take care dear.... ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** ***

** * dont cry in love bcoz 4 whom ur crying does not deserve your tears and the person who deserve it, will never let u sry. come in todays world man.. ================================================== ******************* ***************** *************** ************* *********** ********* ******* ***** *** * vn ppl walk away 4m u, let dem go. ur destiny is never tied 2 any1 who leaves u. it doesn't mean that dey r bad. it just means dat their part in ur STORY is over. ================================================== ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * b4 u pray (forgive) b4 u speak (listen) b4 u spend (earn) b4 u write (think) b4 u quit (try) b4 u die (LIVE). This Is Only LIFE.....!!!!!!! ================================================== PAST PRESENT FUTURE DECIDE TO WHOM PRIORITY TO GIVE AND REQUIRED RANDOMNESS WHEN REQUIRED IN LIFE THEN ONLY YOU ARE...!

================================================== Just Change The Attitude And Then YOu Can...!!! ...Shrikant ================================================== .....Time by Time All Things Are Forgeted By All. ================================================== Amavasyechya ratri mala chandana pahaychay, aayushyachya ya valnawar mala premat padaychay.! Ugavnara ravi ka pornimechya chandra peksha sundar watat aahe. Watatay ki mala tila baghaychay. CCD madhil coffee pita pita udnarya odhnicha ojharta sparsha anubhawaychay, Sparshane gulabi honare tich gaal pahun ved mala vaychay, tichi mohak nazar smrutit kaid karun tichya gulabi othatun majhe naav aikaychay, DhoDho padnarya pawsat tichya chhatricha asra shodhaychay, Vicharancha saundarya jichya angi, Sanskarache lene jichya thai, Amrutasam god jichi vani, Bholepana ha sahaj swabhav, ase 1mohak chitra sakaraychay... EKDA MALA PREMAT PADAYCHAY...!!! for tp only.... ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** *

******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * :::::::..School Life..:::::::: The days when the school reopened on june and we settled at our new desks and benches... When we chased one another in corridors and returned drenched in sweat... When all the colours in d world appeared in d school campus on occasions.... When a single Games period in the week's time table was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons... Sports day and annual day and 1month preparation's or them.. V learnt.. V njoyd.. V playd.. V won.. V lost.. V laughd.. V fought with so many friend's and V LOVED.. And SO MUCH OF HAPPINESS. :::::::..College Life..::::::: its al abt FREEDOM TO LIFE... 1st bike.. 1st cel.. 1st niteout.. 1st bunk.. 1st crush.. 1st GF/BF.. 1st BREAKUP (not matters single percent to LIFE BE MATURE MERE YAAR).. 1st vodka.. 1st smoke.. 1st project .. 1st cal letter.. 1st feeling of responsibility n finally d LAST BYE to all LOVING FRIENDS wid a promise 2 stay friends forever...!!!!! Love The Life....Live The Life... It Come Only Once. ================================================== ******** ******* ******

***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * We Are Cheaters Bt, Don't Cheat Manners(maanache). We Hate Study Bt, Love machines We FLIRT With FLIRTERS******* Bt,******* LOVE LOVERS.******* World Can't Change Us Bt, We Can Change The Whole World. V Don't Have Books In Hands Bt, Hav Imaginary Ideas In Mind. Meet Us, V R "ENGINEERS". ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * A lot of things go unquestioned, Lot of questions go unanswered,

Few words go unsaid, Few said words go unheared, sum dreams r buried alive and we call its LIFE (which is always incomplete). so as it comes Live it ...!!! As Life is at once..LIVE IT... ================================================== Success Demand Three Qualities.:1. PATIENCE 2. PERSISTANCE 3. POSITIVE ATTITUDE. develope above three qualities to be a purposeful person ================================================== be simple but look stylish. be tough but look soft. be tensed but look cool. be a winner but look like a beginner. datz d way of Life to be successful... ================================================== life is abt all d small moments u live daily.. d more u njoy life.. d more then life gives u to reason u to njoy more. . . njoy life. ================================================== **** *** ** * in life v all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret,an unreachable dream and an unforgetable love.! its about you being happy any how.! ================================================== *look back and get experience *look forward and see hope, *look around and see reality *look within and feel confident. ================================================== ***** ****

*** ** * Remember the day when we first met??? Not knowing each other... Not wanting to know... Not even a smile.!! Then we started with a blank smile.,, Then started with 'Hello', Then became 'hey' Then 'oye...' shared our days,hours and seconds... We made castles with our thoughts,moved mountains with our dreams... Today i wanna tell u how much u mean to me... "Long live our friendship!!!":-) . . I Hate You....Really ================================================== its all about DAD .:"A person who tries make his unsuccessful dreams 2 be successful one in ur LIFE. Behind our every cheers will be his tears." ================================================== *********************** ********************* ******************* ***************** *************** ************ ********* ******* ***** *** * A true lover is one who tells that "U r cute" instead of sexy, one who calls u back when u cut the call in anger, one who stays awake just to WATCH U SLEEP, one who kisses ur

forehead first then ur lips, one who wants to show the world what u mean to him, one who holds ur hand not ur waist in front of his friends, one who constantly reminding u of how much he care's 4 u and how lucky he is to have u. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and say.."THATS MY ANGEL!" ================================================== *********************** ********************* ******************* ***************** *************** ************ ********* ******* ***** *** * if u love someone first make sure that u r ready to sacrfies anything for your lover. Sometimes that sacrifies may be your LOVE ITSELF...!! ================================================== ***************************** **************************** ************************* (my favourite message) Written by A TRUE lover in the memory of Lost Lover-

'Whenever I see her I HATE her. But

whenever I see other couples,


...Shrikant ***************************** **************************** ************************* ================================================== I Have A Heart And Its True, But Now Its Gone From Me To You. So Care For It, Just Like I Do, Because I Have No Heart And You Have Two.. ================================================== ill lend u my shoulder 4 u 2 cry on, my ears to listen to, my hand 4 u 2 hold, my feet to walk with u, bt i cnt lend u my hrt cz it already belongs 2 u. take care yourself. ================================================== 2 walk is easy, bt 2 walk alone is tuff. Being Loved is secure, bt 2 Love is so insecure. Being missed by someone is nice, bt MISSING someone is very painful. badly missing u .... ================================================== loving what u get is compromise. getting what u love is success. loving without caring whether you will get or not is TRUE LOVE. loving even after knowing you won't get is PURE LOVE. ================================================== LOVE IS A MEDICINE FOR ANY KIND OF PAIN BUT THERE IS NO medicine found in the world for pain given by LOVE never love anyone it really hurts.. ================================================== Life spend with someone 4 a lifetime.May be meaningless. But a few moment spend with someone who really LOVE U

means more than life Itself. ================================================== i always praying GOD to be ur heart in this birth and also in every bcoz of dat i have full rights to live with u forever, each moment of life...i can have reason to live with u forever....if u happy m happy, u sad m sad n....if u die m also die with u....hw is my wish to GOD...? ...reply ur opinion... ================================================== Hi ............................. Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day.. If any problem is arise in YOUR whole LIFE. Just tell ME, I Will Always be There For YOU to SOLVE It. HAPPY BIRTHDAY again. gn, sd n TAKE CARE. ================================================== Beauty does'nt create love.But love create beauty.Break everything but not a heart.The heart is like music,play it but not play with it. ================================================== Smile Turns into Tears When: 1. U Lift your 1st baby. 2. See your Most Loved once After a long Years. 3. You visit the places with Your Wife/Husband which you Visited with your Lover. 4. When you are asked to smile for photo in Your Lovers Marriage. 5. After successful Major operation on your loved once. 6. On the Last Day of your College. ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * Wo raat DARD aur SITAM ki raat hogi.

Jis raat RUKSAT UNKI BARAT HOGI. Uth jate hai ye soch kar hum NEEND se aksar. Ke ek gair ki baho me MERI SAARI KAAYNAT HOGI. really hurts.

...Shrikant ================================================== if u r sitting in a boat wid 2 persons. 1st is who u loves. n other who loves u. now boat is 2 break and now u can save only 1 of them.What u do.?reply must ================================================== Na aana usse leke mere janaze mein. Meri Mohabbat ki tauhin hogi. Main char logon ke kandhe pe hounga, Aur MERI JAAN paidal hogi. ================================================== Bichadte hue yaad de jayenge. Sone se pehle ek khwab de jayenge. Tumhe gila hai ki hum baat nahi karte. par saans rukne se pehle Har JAWAB de jayenge. ================================================== U spin the bottle. It pointed on me. You asked truth or dare? I said truth. Now what question will you ask me?? B frank.. :_) ================================================== Everyone is good too you till you expect nothing from them ! And you are too Good to them only till you fulfill there expectations! Strange but true.

================================================== 2 love someone is a natural instinct.To be luved someone is luck. To live with someone you love is achievement.To live with someone who loves you is life.. ================================================== Every one in our life is going to HURT us sooner or later we just have to realise who is WORTH? the PAIN or the PERSON! ================================================== Anytime in life if you doubt about our friendship, Toss a coin.. If its head u will know i am your good friend If its tail, Just slap yourself and toss it until its head;) ================================================== "Everyone wants happiness, no one need pain. But it is not possible to get rainbow without a little rain."....! This is Life....! ================================================== A Sweet quotation: "LOVE is a gift.If you receive it, open and appreciate it. If not dont worry someone sumwhere is still wrapping it for you" ================================================== V Make So Many Friends, some Become Dearest, Some Become Special, Some Become Abroad, Some change their cities, Some left us, We left some, Some are in contact, Some are not in contact, Some dont contact because of their Ego, We dont contact some because our ego.. What ever they were.. How ever they are.... We still remember.. LOVE..

MISS.. Care of them because of the part they played to make MEMORIES. Dedicated to all my FRIENDS... ================================================== Sumtym i 4get 2 say hi, Sumtym i evn Miss 2 reply, Sumtym i my msg doesnt reach u Bt, it doesnt mean dat i 4get u, i'm Juz giving u tym 2 Miss me! ================================================== Aaj ki GirlFriend Apne BoyFriend se Fanah style me kahti hai 'tere paiso ko mere purse me panah mil jaye' 'mere ishq me teri daulat fanah ho jaye' ================================================== DREAMS are the BEST part of life. If U MISS sleep, U MISS the best part of LIFE. So,it's already LATE. Go to bed and catch Sweet Dreams.. Good Night! :-) ================================================== For a good Relation of LifeTime Think of This: 'Dont Ever Forget The Little Kindness of Anyone..' & 'Dont remember small faults of anyone..' ================================================== Santa Ki Ladaai Apne Baap se ho gayi To Usne apni Baap ki photo Kabristaan me Ek ped pe Latka Di. Aur niche likha"COMING SOON" ================================================== Bus ek zara khayal tha, varna bahot gila teri Berukhi ka tha, muj ko laga mai B TeERI zindgi mein hu, Par ye to koi DHOKA Meri Sadgi ka tha. ================================================== A friend is 1 who sees ur 1st drop of tear, catches d 2nd, stops

d 3rd and turns d 4th in 2 a smile. I want 2 b ur frind dat always bside u and supporting u!!! ================================================== Keep ur heart free from hate, ur mind from worry..Liv simply, Xpct litle,Giv much, sing oftn,pray alws. Fil ur life with LOVE.. ================================================== Sms zala asel ola, send kela ni nemka paus aala.Thoda pusun ghe tyala.Pan zara japun!!Mazya maitricha ola sugandh aahe tyala. ================================================== Words cannot explain the way i feel abt U, i cant explain y the Sky is Blue. But then my Heart is True whn i say tht i hve a Sweet Friend like U. . ================================================== Troubles are like Washing Machine. They Twist, Turn & Knock as Round, But at d End, We come Out Brighter than before! ================================================== Luv is like a Ice Cube, D Harder U Hold on 2 it, D faster It will disappear. All u will have in ur hand will B tears of Crushed Love. ================================================== "It is possible to cross an ocean without wetting legs.But it is impossible to cross the life without wetting eyes." ================================================== Kash Dil ki Awaz me itna asar hojaye,hum apko yad kare aur appko khabar ho jaye aaj khuda se itni hi duwa hai, aap dil se jo bi chahe wo sach

hojaye. ================================================== Long struggle is a sign of success,bcoz One doesn't discover new land without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time ================================================== A boy proposed a girl in jhakas style kya ghoorghoor ke dekh reli hey Maar dalegi kya..? Dil dena hey to de... Rakhkar achar dalegi kya..?? ================================================== Rishta hamara is jahan me sab se pyara ho jaise zindagi ko sanson ka sahara ho Yaad rakhana hume us pal me tum jab tum akele ho aur koi na sahara ho ================================================== Distance cannot separate anyone. Time cannot bind anyone. If feelings are true and from the heart just close your eyes and YOU can find to one YOU loves. ================================================== "The person who loves U more,wil fight e=with U daily,But when U drop tear he will fight with the world 2 stop Your tears.." ================================================== If u find a dream inside your heart dont ever let it go because dreams are the seeds from which beautiful tommorow grows. ================================================== The most wasted day in life,is the day, in which, we have not laughed...!Wish you all days full of laughter ..._;) ================================================== I am not a moon, not a sun even a star,because they all Dissappear.I like a

Sky,which will always be there with you forever. ================================================== Aapki hasi badi pyari lagti hai, aapki har khushi hame hamari lagti hai,kabhi dur na karnackhd se hame, jan se bhi pyari apki yaari lagti hai.... ================================================== Aapse ho na baat to Hum Fikar karte hai, Har waqt apne aapse Apka zikar karte hai, Aapka pyar Hume Naseeb hua,is baat ka Rab se Shukar karte hai. ================================================== Roko Is Bahete Dard Ko, Saza Hai eh Kisi Ke Intezar ki, Keh lo Inhe Ashk Ya Diwangi, Ye to Nishani Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Ki. ================================================== DUriyo ki na kabi parwah kijiye... Dil jab bhi pukare bula lijiye... Hum jyada dur nahi hai aapse... Bus apni aankho ko palkose mila lijiye... ================================================== Never depend 4 happiness on others.. Which always make you feel alone.. Rather search it iin yourself.. You will be always happy.. Even if u r left alone.. ================================================== Understand how beautifully God keeps addiing one more day at a time,in your life. Not because you need it, Because someone else needs you everyday. ================================================== Dont wait till ur Dear One Says: "Get Lost" When a negligence

appears in their Eyes. Just Leave them,Saying "Its OK" ================================================== "Make No Little Plans, they have No Magic to stir men's Blood Make Big PLANS, AIM HIGH in HOPE and WORK" ================================================== Keeping yourself cool in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish. ================================================== Two things which indicates Our WEAKNESS.. >To be Silent, When it is proper Time To Speak.. >To Speak, When it is proper Time 2 b Silent.. ================================================== Ladka:yamraj ji mujhe waqt se pahle kyu utha lia... . Yamraj:dimag mat chaat, March closing thi, Target pura karna tha.. ================================================== "I studied everything but never topped, But today the toppers of the best universities are my employees"-BILL GATES ================================================== "If you do not like any rule, just follow it, reach the top and then CHANGE THE RULES" ================================================== Ek koshish dil ki sab kuch ankho se bhi sapne saja leti hai Sapno ko sajate rehna jarur Kyunki haqikat to sab ko rula deti hai.. ==================================================

Zindagi apni Masti me jiya karo Ishq buri chiz he mat kiya karo Apna Pura dhyan Padhai/Job ki aur Mod do Aur Apni GirlFriend ko mere bharose chod do.. ================================================== If you do not have a GirlFriend - You are missing SOME thing in your life. If you have a GirlFriend - You are missing EVERY thing in your life... ================================================== By the time U Realise the Value of People Around U.. If might be the Time 4 Themm to Leave U! So.. Never Miss a Chance to Say, "I Need U In My Life" ================================================== "A Sharp Tounge Some Time Cuts its Own Throat..." So be polite and speak good, Spreading Love Everywhere.. ================================================== Its better to have a Successful Exit than a Favourable Entrance. Because what matters is not being Applauded when U arrive, but being Remembered When you Leave... ================================================== Dont Xpect ur FRIEND 2b a Perfect Person. But, Help your friend to Become a Perfect Person. Thats true Friendship. ================================================== We must Accept Finite disappointment, But We must never lose Infinite Hope, * If one can do it, You can do it. If no one can do it,

You must do it. ================================================== Dil ka aashiyana hum nahi sajate,bago me phul hum nahi khilate, hamari ek pasand se tut jayenge hazaro dil, are yaar isliye to hum koi GIRLFRIEND nahi banate.. ================================================== "The greatest gift you can give to someone is your TIME.Because when you give someone your time,you are giving them a portion of your life that you never get back again." ================================================== A life is just like a beach. Nothing stays with us, what remains with us is the memories of some special people,who touched us as waves.. ================================================== When snake is alive, Snake eat Ants. When snake dead, Ants eat snake. Time can turn at any time. So, Dont neglect anyone in your LIFE! ================================================== Runner says "It is possible but risk.." but Winner says "It is risk but possible...?" So, keep up the spirit like a Winner!!! ================================================== >Vision Without Action is a Day-Dream >Action Without Vision is a Nightmare >He who fears being Conqured is sure of Defeat. ================================================== The 3 basic paths to be followed for a happy life... * Work Well * Laugh Often * Love Much and see how

peacefully you reach your destiny... ================================================== Talents in you should be like Spiders web It may not be Strong Enough to hold this Whole World. But It should hold Urself to Rule Your Kingdom ================================================== If you exert your willpower, nothing much will distract you from your goals. ================================================== Peaceful surroundings cant create happiness in you, but your happiness can create peaceful surrundings for others around you. So live happily. ================================================== Santa: log kehte hain ki mohabt zindagi hoti hai maut nahi, magar woh kya jane ki dhoka bhi zindagi deti hai, maut nahi. aaj santa serious hai plz cooperate. ================================================== "Your True Character can be Most Accurately Measured by how you treat to those who can do nothing for you." ================================================== Maine poocha chand se ki dekha hai koi mere yaar se haseen. Chaand ne kaha Dimag mat kha sale itne upar se kuch dikhta hi nahi. ================================================== Best feel in LIFE, to be remembered by person whom you dont expect to remember You. Worst feel in LIFE, to be forgotten by the one you always Remember.. ================================================== Jab b karib aata hu batane ke liye Zindagi door rakhti

hai satane ke liye Mehfilo ki shaan na samjna mujhe Mai to hasta hu gam chhupane ke liye ================================================== Distance sometimes make friendship more valuable and absence makes it sweet because only then we know the real value of friends... ================================================== When TIME never stop for us, Then why do we always wait for the Right Time No Time is wrong to do the Right Things! ================================================== Everyday, Everywhere, Everytime,I may not be with u.But My thinking,My care,My prayers And My lovely wishes are always with U. ================================================== If u trust someone, trust till the end; Whatever the result may be In the end you will either have a very good friend or a very good Lesson.. "Like I Trust On You" ================================================== Forgetting U is crime, ignoring U is a shame, liking U is a pleasure, thinking of U is a necessity and disturbing U. "are hak bantaa hai yaar" ================================================== When U 1st spoke to me U thought I was ___? and now ___? 1.naughty 2.Innocent 3.Smart 4.cute 5.full of attitude

6.Sober 7.lovable Reply is must.... ================================================== Waqat Dar Waqat Ek Ehsas Rakhna, Lamha Har lamha Ye Aas Rakhna, Bhula Na Sakenge Hum Kabhi Aapko, Lekin Aap Bhi Hamari Yaaden Aapne Pass Rakhna. ================================================== Rishta hamara is jahan me sab se pyara ho. Jaise zindagi ko sanson ka sahara ho. Yaad rakhna hume uss pal me tum jab tum akele ho or koi na sahara ho ================================================== Har sajda apka manjur-e-khuda ho jaye apki duaon me rab ki raja ho jae khuda apnko inti khushia de ki apki zindgi se lafz-e-gam fannah ho jae..! ================================================== Itna Pyar Mat Karna Ki Bigad Jaye Hum. Thoda Dat Bhi dena Ki Sudhar Jaye Hum Koi Galti Ho Humse To Ho Jana Naraz, Magar Itna Bhi Na Hona Ki Mar Jaye Hum ================================================== Swt Roses R Easy To Catch SwT Words R Easy To Speak But Swet Friends r nt Easy 2 get But itS my Good Luck I Get Cute friendship. ================================================== Did I do Anything wrong.? Den why r u avoiding me frm last few days.? U r ignoring ME. Atleast remember me once

in a day. Dear, its really hurting me...with Love . . . . . ...Shrikant ================================================== Each Heart is Having a pain.. Only d way of expression is diffrent.. SOme hide it in eyes while some hide it in their smile :) ================================================== Kash mere vajud me Aap utar jaye, me Dekhu aaina or Aap nazar Aaye, Aap ho samne to waqt ruk jaye or Apko dekhte dekhte zindagi guzar jaye,,, ================================================== Apni Har Sans Me Aabad Kiya H Tumko, Mere Sathi Bahot Yad Kiya Hai Tumko Meri Zindagi Me Tm Nahi To Kuch B Nahi, Humne Is Kadar Pyar Kiya Hai Tum ko ================================================== Bundo se moti mang lenge Chand se chandni mang lenge Is dosti ki khatir khuda se ek aur Zindagi mang lenge ================================================== EAch day I meet someone new but Never find another you! The world is full of people, Its true.. yet No One Ever Equals a friend like "U". ================================================== "Life is not about d people who act true to ur face" Its about d people who remain true behind ur face. ================================================== Never Try ro Maintain

Relations In Your Life.. Just Try to maintain Life in your Relations.. ================================================== Friend means: "F"ree from all formalities "RI"ght to say anything "E"ither good or bad "N"o sorry no thanks "D" ear to dearest one. ================================================== Pledge of Boys: India is my nation, girls r my destination, dating is my occupation, flirting is my profession,what what the gell is this education...? ================================================== Lehar Aati hai kinare se palat jati hai, yaad aati hai dil mein simat jati hai, dono mein farak sirf itna hai lehar bewaqt aati hai aur yaad har waqt aati hai... ================================================== "We Meet 2 create Memories and we Depart 2 Preserve dem, To meet and depart is way of life,But to Depart and Meet is hope of life..." ================================================== Our Friendship is like a kite, U r the coloured paper of kite,people see and appreciate u. I am the thread invisible to people bt always with you. ================================================== <>FRIENDSHIP<> *is compared to eyes and finger >When finger incurred pain eyes create lot of tears. >and when eyes

create tears finger remove that tear. ================================================== U must be tired bcoz u have being running throw my mind. U must be a thief bcoz u have stolen my heart. I must have being a bad shooter bcoz i keep missing you. ================================================== Somethings are left undone, Somethings words are left unsaid, Some feelings are left unXpressed, But friend as sweet as U could never left UNMISSED..!!! ================================================== I've nothing much 2 give u in this lovely world but a lovely place in my heart with affection and care where u'll always be my sweet friend till my life ends. ================================================== Door ho jane se rishte nahi tutu te,nahi sirf pas rehne se judte,ye to dilo ke bnandhan hai isliye hum apko or aap hame nhi bhulate. ================================================== Tu muzhe mohabat ki aisi kitab de de, Ishq k sare Sawalon ka jawab de de. Aey khuda mujh ko agar kuch dena hi hai to Aaj ki rat tu un ka khwab de de. ================================================== Heart never Hate Blood, Fish never hate water, Flower never Hate honey, Earth never hate rain, My Heart never hate U My Friend.. ================================================== A sweet Warning... Don't You Dare To Understand Me..!! If You Do., TheN Either You Will Go MaD

OR You Will Start Liking Me More! Thats The Way I Am..!!!:_) ================================================== HAr ek mazar pe Udasi Chayi Hai Chand Ki Roshani Me Bhi Kami Ayi Hai Akele Aachche The Hum Apne Aashiyane me Jaane Q Toot Kar Aaj phir aapki Yaad Ayi HAi ================================================== Good friend is one who tell you 2 study well But Best friend is the one who stands in your exam hall and sas Abe kitna Likhega Jaldi aa Ladkia ja rahi hai ================================================== "Nobody in the world can have a crystal clear heart, Because Everyone's heart has some scratches scribbed by their dear ones ..!!" ================================================== if path is beautiful always ask where it leads coz it may lead to hell but if destination is beautiful never ask how is the path just keep on walking ================================================== Aankh se gira assu koi utha nai sakta. Kismat koi mila nahi sakta. Aapka pyaar hai jaan hamari. Hamari jaan ko hamse Koi chura nahi sakta. I MISS YOU ================================================== Pathar ki hai duniya jajbat nahi samjhati. Dil me kya hai vo baat nahi samjhati. Tanha to chand bhi hai sitaro ke bich. Par chand ka dard wo rat nahi samajhati. ==================================================

Feelings are like a glass, a scratch on anny side will reflect on the other side too,so always handle feelings carefully,bcoz the scratch cant be removed.. ================================================== Parents are more important than GOD. U know Why? Because God gives us Life with both Happy and sad moments buut our Parents always try to give Us only a Happy LIFE.. ================================================== Ek hasrat thi saccha pyar pane ki. Magar na jane kyo chal padi aandhiya zamane ki. Mera gam koi na samaj paya, kyon ki meri aadat thi sabako hasane ki.. ================================================== I may have failed to say I CARE.. I may have failed to open up and share... But though no words spoken,I swear.. If you need a friend I'll be there EVEN it u dont CARE. ================================================== Kabhi Hum Par wo Jaan Dia Karti Thi. Jo hum kahte Maan Lia karti thi. Aaj kal Call Bhi RCv nahi karti. Jo Mujhe Miss Call Se Pareshaan kia karti thi. ================================================== When does a friend become a BEST friend??When his dialogue,"I care for you"converts into "I will kill you IF you dont care for me." ================================================== Tum Jise Pyaar Karte ho aur Pa Na Sako To ! !

! ! Uska Number Mujhe de dena. Kya Pata Mere Saath Set Ho Jaye Aur Tumhe bhul jaye...!;-) ================================================== 3 stupid STAGES OF LIFE :-) TEENAGE-Have Time & Energy But No Money.. WORKING AGE-Have Money & Energy.But No Time. OLD AGE-Have Time & Money But No Energy.. ================================================== When emotions play their role,heart cries, and when heart cries it doesnot make any sound and the person who listen that unmade sound is called BEST FRIEND. ================================================== Trust of a friend should be like the feeling that a one year old baby has, when you throw him in air,he laughs because he knows that you will catch him.. ================================================== Life is not about finding RIGHT PERSON but creating a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP.Its not how much we care IN BEGINING but how ,much we care TILL THE END. ================================================== "FEELING sorry for yourself, and your present condition,is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have." ================================================== Kabir Ji ka modified doha applicable for Students: "kaahe jawat tution ko,kaahe karat padai. Number utne he aan hai,jitne ki chit banai."

================================================== Santa at petrol pump1/-Rs ka petrol dal do Salesman-Itna Petrol dalwa ke kaha jaoge? Santa-Kahi nahi,hum to aise hi paise udate he. ================================================== D loveliest day comes when you wake up each day and find out that love still colours ur world through friends, who truly care and never fail to remember u. ================================================== Definition of love .:"someone can break your heart and you still love them with all your pieces." ================================================== @The best feeling in the world is when you think that your friend forgot you. And. Suddenly you receive a Message from Ur Friend Saying "I M MISSING U!":-) ================================================== Whenever I sit alone. I just look @ my hands and see the criss-cross lines and wonder which special line made me so lucky 2 get a friend like u!seriously!:-) ================================================== Raat ko raat ko tohfa nai dete. Mohabbat ko jajbat ko tohfa nai dete. Dene ko to hum apko chaand bhi de sakte hai par chaand ko chaand ka tohfa nahi dete. ================================================== ATTITUDE: A boy went prposes a Girl:If she says Yes .Boy feels Pata nahi kitno ko ha kaha hoga. If she says No,Bandariya Khudko Katrina Samajati Hai. ================================================== Pure heart

Is the greatest Treasure In the world. Don't Believe the Smiling face, But Believe Smiling Heart. ================================================== True relationship are Like Music.. We can't see but we can Feel and enjoy the true Melodies of Care forever!! MIss U ================================================== Top 5 ans given by Girls when a boy prposes: 5.No 4.R u mad 3.I always looked u like a good friend 2.I dont believe in love 1.Sorry I Love Shrikant ================================================== The first crush n my first lines 2 a girl: "Pls dont turn back and face me one more time, because i dont have ONE MORE HEART 2 loose" ================================================== na Khushi Na Koi Tamanna Hai Ab Bas Apne Hi Saye Ke Sang Rehte Hai Hum Kaise Kahe Kaise Hai Hum Bas Yu Samjho Aap Khush Hai To Khush Hai Hum ================================================== Some promises are always unspoken. Some memories are always unwritten. Feel the magic of a true

relationa and you will realize that feeling always unspoken. ================================================== Walk on ur own path, Love in ur own ways, Talk in ur own words, Do what ur heart says, and then one day the world will say

'nalayak konachach aikat nahi!' ================================================== Never choose someone without understanding. and never loose someone b'coz of misunderstanding. Care should be in the heart not in words. Anger should be in words not in heart. ================================================== Apne paap mitane ke liye 108 bar is mantra ka jaap karna.East or West -shrikant- is the Best. Ab msg edit kar ke apna naam daal ke ek aur paap mat karna. ================================================== u knw who i m? A step wn u r Stopped. A touch wn u r lost. A word ewn quite. A smile wn u r sad. A shoulder wn u cry & A tight slap if u 4get me. ================================================== Phool Insano se Zyada khubsurat Hote hai. Lekin Kuch Insaan Phulon Se zyada Khubsurat Hote hai jaise Aap Mujhe hi Dekh Lo. ;) ================================================== v often fail 2

understand d feelings of d 1 who is very close 2 our heart, because d book wen held very close 2 our eyes is very difficult 2 read. ================================================== Suna hai Apki Muskarahat Pe Log Marte Hain..? . . . Mujhe Bhi Ek Banda Marwaana Hai.. . . Zara Time Nikal Ke aa jana. ================================================== Jaati nahi Ankho se Ab Surat teri. Jaati Nahi Dil Se Mohabbat Teri. Mehsus Yeh Hota Hai Jeene Ke Liye. Pehle Se Jyada Ab Zarurat Hai Teri. ================================================== aansu kimat wo jaante hai.Jo kisiko yad karte hai.Dil ke gam wo jante hai jo kisisko chahete hai. Dost ka dard ko wahi jante hai.Jo use dil se mante hai. ================================================== Maine 1 din Mandir Ki daan peti me 1 rupaya daal kar 1 accha dost manga. Tab Bhagwaan ne Muje tumse Milaya or kaha "1 rupaye me to aisa hi milega" ================================================== Friendship is All abt 3 Things-Winning,Losing and sharing. Winning Ur friends Heart, Losing urself ego,sharing JOys and sorrows ================================================== mithi-mithi yaade

palko me saja lena. sath gujre pal ko dil mein basa lena.. Nazar na aau haqiqat me agar muskura kar mujhe sapno mein bula lena ================================================== Pani se tasveer kaha banti hai. khwabo se takdir kaha banti hai. kisise pyar karo to sachche dil se.. kyunki ye zindgi phir kaha milti hai.. ================================================== In life ders no rehersal.Each day is a new show . No retakes,No rewind. So give da best shot wid all ur worthy acts, as v knw here da show goes LIVE ================================================== Har pal tere pairo ki aahat sunai de.Tu samne na ho Fir b dikhai de. Aa is zindagi Ke dard ko mil k guzare,ya is tarah Bichade ki zamana duhayi de. ================================================== Everything is fair in love and war. I suggest 2 do War, never Love. Because In war,either you live or die. but in Love,neither u Live nor u die. ================================================== The wrong kind of people dislike you for te good in you & the right kind of people like you knowing even the the Bad In You... that makes a good Relationship. ==================================================

A face speaks many emotions, bt it can easily make wht d heart truly feels,dnt b fooled 4 d happiest face,it may be masking d most hurted heart.. ================================================== Gam ki dhup me kabhi jaana na pade. Palko ko kabhi bhigana na pade.. Bin mange hi mile apko tina sab kuch k, dua ke liye kabhi sar jukana na pade. ================================================== "People will always throw stones in ur path.It depends on u what make from it. :A wall or a bridge" Wish u a lot of stones 4 u 2 make a bridge of a success.!!! ================================================== Do msg to those who dont have belief in LOVE... "Love is just a word unless someone comes to you along with meaning." ================================================== Never expect things 2 happen,struggle make them happen. never expect yourself 2 be given a good value,create a value of ur own ================================================== When u r counting all your friends, the oldest, the best and the new... I would like to stand by ur side and say 2 little words...

"AE MI PAN,MI PAN":-) ================================================== har sagar ke 2 kinare hote hai, kuch log jaan se pyare hote hai, q kehte hai kuch log

akele hai, zindagi main yaadon ke bhi toh bahot sahare hote hai.!! ================================================== Always there is another choice in life 4 everything. But there is no chance of another life. Lets enjoy every moment of life. ================================================== Every friend can say, i can understand ur feelings. Bt a true friend will always say i can feel ur feelings. ================================================== Remember life is short, Forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret things that made U smile. Just Smile... good night dear ================================================== Jab tmhari yaad ati hai to lagta hai har pathar par likhu "I MISS U" or har vo pathar tumhe maru taki tumhe pata chale ki har yaad me kitna dard hota hai. ================================================== Kash is SMS ki aankhe hoto to apko dekh pate,kash is SMS ki saanse hoti to apko mehsus kar pate,kash is SMS ki zuba hoti to apse keh pate. I REALLY MISS YOU..TC ================================================== Aap bhul jayenge koi baat nahi. Pahle hum akele the ab bhi akele koi sath nahi.Hum yahi sochenge Ap bade log hai Apse dosti karna hamari aukat nahi. ================================================== Dosti ki tarif zuban pe aane lagi,tumse dosti ki to zindagi muskurane lagi,ye dost thi ya aapki

achhai, har saas se teri liye dua aane lagi. ================================================== Even solid things like IRON become weak when its HOT and people can use it as they wish. So we'd always try to stay COOL.If we wish to be a strong. ================================================== A genious is a person who can do eith $1 what a fool cant do with $100. Just like we complete the syllabous in 1day which our teacher cant in 6 months. ================================================== FEELING is like a painting - never spoil it. FACE is like a book try 2 read it.LOVE is precious - dont miss it. & FRIENDSHIP is mirror never break it..! ================================================== Some people have nice eyes, Some have nice smiles and others have nice faces.. But you have all of them with a nice Heart. ================================================== MOTHER TERESA: "If u cannot love a person who u see, then how can u love GOD whom u never seen!" ================================================== Lines outside Temple.:Y should we believe in GOD..?? Coz there r some problems which cannot be answered by google..! ================================================== "keeping someone in our heart is very easy. but,to be in someone's heart is very difficult. So RESPECT the heart

which CARES for you" ================================================== Hum uth aye hai!!! Jis-Jis ko GudMrng Karna hai karlo. Lekin dhakkamukki mat karna. Line se wish karna, darshan 12 baje tak milenge. ================================================== Remember that, Everything in Life has a Beautiful ending.., If isn't Beautiful,Then Be Sure, its still NOT THE ENDING... ================================================== 2 seater helecopter crashed in a "KABRISTAN" in punjab. Next day's news: punjab me hawai jahaj gira, sardaro ne 250 lashe dhund nikali aurbhi talash jari hai.. ================================================== I have nohing to give u in dis lovely world, but A Lovely Place in My Heart 4 U Dear.. *happy friendship day* ================================================== True friend is not like the rain that pours and goes away, But its like d air that is not always visible but always in touch.. ================================================== LUV is lik 3rd WORLD WAR.Its easy 2 start, difficult 2end & impossible to 4get.U may 4get me DARLING bt I will keep LOVING u til Im alive. ================================================== Hum to tujhe Chaahte hai har pal: Tu bhi apne Hone ka kuch Haq jata De: Kuch aur Nahi To kar itna karam: Jahaan tu Yaad na aaye Wo jagah bata

de. ================================================== Tumhare sasth reh nahi sakta. Tumhe khokar ji nahi sakta. Ye kaisa pyar hai mera Kisi ko chah kar pa nahi sakta. ================================================== Meri Jaan Khaye he Lakho Dhokhe.. 1 Dhokha Or seh Lenge.. Tum jao Apni Doli Me.. Hum Apne Jaanaze ko Barat Keh Lenge.. ================================================== Jaan Har Khushi Khuda Apki Mukkadar Kar De, Khushi Ke phool Se Apka daman Bhar De, Aap jis din jis lamhe Khush ho, Khuda us Lamhe Ko Hazaar Baras Kar De. ================================================== thank a lot 4 being wid me n tolerating me.u r 1 of d bstst ppl i'v gt in my lf. m sorry if i'v hurt u or being wrong.thanks. being my friend always."HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY" ================================================== Coming together is begining.Keeping together is progress. Living together is life. Dying together is love. But feeling together is Friendship. ================================================== Wat U'll do if 1 day d whole world'll on one side n u on opposite? Simple just turn back n u'll be d leader of the whole world. ================================================== Meri bate mano kabi pyar na karna,

Is jalim jamane ki hade par na karna. Tut ke bikhar jaoge in pyar ke raho me. Isliye kisi dilruba se dillagi mat karna ================================================== "Easily achieved things does not stay longer".. And "Things which stay for a long time are not easily achieved." ================================================== Aaj n jane Q Ankho Me ansu aa gaye.. Msg Likkhte likhte Khwab Yaad Aa Gaye.. Milne Ki Tamanna Thi Apse. Lekin,Ansuo Me Aap Nazar Aa Gaye. ================================================== In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage.In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time. ================================================== One who likes u mst, sometimes hurts u, but he is the only 1 who feels ur pain. ================================================== PalPal ki dosti ka wada he aapse. Apnapan kuch jada he aapse. Na sochna ke kabhi bhul jayenge aapko. Jindagi bhar satayenge ye wada he aapse. ================================================== :Dost wo he Jo bin bulaye aaye. 1 sune aur 10 sunaye. 1 chips do to pura packet kha jaye. Har mauke pe waat lagaye. Par Har Dukh me

saath Nibhaye..!! ================================================== A little less ego, a little more understanding,A little less argument, A little more concern, Dats what keeps friends 4ever n ever. ================================================== Maine bhi kisi se pyar kiya tha, Rahon me khade intzar kiya tha... Bhul uski nahi meri thi, Q ke Usne mujhse nahi, Maine us se Pya kiya tha. ================================================== Love is Life. Life is not for Love. Love may fail in Life. Life should never fail in Love. So dont spoil Life in Love. But dont miss Love in Life.. ================================================== Whoever u may be, Wherever life leads u. U r always a mum's child, a dad's dream, a family's future, a friends heart, n someone's life. Be d best of what u r.. ================================================== Pyar me maut se darta kaun he, pyar ho jata hai karta kaun he. Ap jaise yar par duniya qurban, Aur aap Puchte Ho ki Aap Pe Marta kaun he? ================================================== Kash khushiyo ki koi dukan hoti, aur usme hamari kuch pehchan hoti.Bhar dete jindagi aapki khushiyo se chahe uski kimat hamari jaan hoti. ================================================== Very small 2 read but very tough to follow, "LIFE is to express Yourself and not to Impress Other..."

================================================== The reason a lot of people do not recognize opprtunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work. ================================================== U may hv some1 2 love U may hv 100 ppl 2 care U may hv 1000 ppl 2 talk Bt remember.. U hv nly 1 frnd 2 distrub U always, N dats me..!!:-) ================================================== Sir jhukane ki aadat nahi hai. Aansu bahane ki aadat nahi hai. Hum kho gaye to pachhtaoge bahot. Hamari laut ke aane ki aadat nahi hai. ================================================== Aankho ke samne Hardam aapko paya hai. Dil me bhi aapko basaya hai. Aap ke bina hum Jiyenge kaise. Bhala Jaan Ke Bina Koi Jee Paya hai. ================================================== Kitne pass aur kitne dur hai hum. Khud hi jaante hai kitne majbur hai hum. Sajaa ye hai ke mil nai sakte aapse Or Gunah ye hai ke bekasur hai hum. ================================================== Zindagi laher thi aap Sahil Huye. Na Jaane Kaise Hum Aapke kabil Huye. Na Bhulege Hum Us Haseen Pal Ko. Jab aap Hamari Zindagi

main Shamil huye. ================================================== Koi khwab ankho ne sajaya hi nahi. Hamari dil ki gehrai koi samaj paya hi nahi. Kisi ko mehsus ho kami hamari. Bhagwan ne hume aisa banaya hi nahi. ================================================== My heart is liie an open book. It depends on U how u read me. Dont judge me by my cover,Look in and discover.I will be one of ur true friend 4ever. ================================================== A Quote. :"Satisfy the person who Expects from U. RATHER than Surprise d person who Never Expected from u.." ================================================== When U become my friend. There was a strike in a Heaven! U know why? There were protesting, why I'm being offered d benefits of Heaven on Earth. ================================================== A great man once says: "New friends may be a great poem but the old friends are alphabets. Son dont forget alphabets, or else it's hard 2 read the poem." ================================================== Life gives 2 gifts to human.One is chance and the another is choice.Chance to have many friends and choice to select good ones like u. ================================================== "A Beautiful thoughs: No one can go back and change a bad beginning but anyone can start anything,

anytime and create a successful ending." ================================================== Har kastiyo ko kinaara nahi milta. Har kisiko Dhundne se sahara nahi milta. Logo Ki khusiya bhi Apni hoti hai.Yaha to gum bhi hamara nahi milta. ================================================== Koi khwab ankho ne sajaya hi nahi. Hamari dil ki gehrai koi samaj paya hi nahi, Kisi ko mehsus ho kami hamari, Bhagvan ne hume aisa banaya hi nahi. ================================================== Hum kabhi Apno Se Khafa hote nahi. Pyar ke rishte bewafa hote nahi. Aap Bhale hi hume bhula kar so jaye. Par hum apko yaad kiye bina sote nahi. ================================================== Ek halke se ishare ki Jarurat hogi. Dil ki kashti ko kinare ki jarurat hogi. Yaad karna is jaan ko us din. Jab tumko sahare ki jarurat hogi. ================================================== Meri Jaan Mujko yu dil se juda na kijiye. Jara soch samaj ke faisla kijiye agar aap Ji sakte he humare bina To fir hamare marne ki dua kijiye.. ================================================== True Thoughts : "When you rise up, your friends know who you are!! When you fall down you know who your friends are!!!" ================================================== "Love is a big fire which burns all the day of life."But"

Friendship is a lamp of life which bright till last day of life..!" ================================================== Is Raaz-E-Mohabbat Ko aam nahi karna. Chahat ke Jazbon Ko Badnam nahi karna. Tum jaan ho meri. Bas itna samajh lo Mere in lafzon ko Neelam nahi karna. ================================================== Wo waqt wo lamhe haseen honge. Duniya me hum khush naseeb honge. Dur se jab itna taad karte he aap ko. Kya haal hoga jab aap kareeb honge. ================================================== Dur jakar bhi unse dur ja na sake. Itna roye ki kisi ko bata na sake. Dard ye nahi ki wo hume mil na sake, Dard ye he ki hum unhe bhula na sake.. ================================================== Dont cry if the world Refuses 2 help u out. Remember einstein "I m thankful 2 all those who said NO its bcoz of them I did it myself." ================================================== Every problem in life. Carries a gift inside it. So whenever u loose Something. DOnt get upset bcoz Something may wait 4 u more than u lost. ================================================== A cute thought: Distances' do not matters when the memories are sweet.. And special people are not forgotten when they remain in heart beat... ================================================== Our body is fully of water but whenever it hurts blood comes

out! Our Heart is full of blood but whenever it hurts, water comes out from eyes.! ================================================== Kisi b mushkil mod par Hum na kahenge apko C U. Rahenge sath hamesha Me & U. Kal Hum na rahe is duniya me. To rakh kar Phool meri kabr par kehna, "Stupid I MISS YOU." ================================================== We often dnt express our Feelings 4d fear of losing a relationships. But d fact is we often lose a "Beautiful Relationships" by not expressing our feelings.. ================================================== Yad karoge to yad ayenge. Dekhna chahoge to dikh jayenege. Magar kabhi bhulane ki koshis mat karna, Warna aapki DUNIYA se aise chup ho Jayenege ke kabhi nazar nahi ayenge. ================================================== 2 golden phrases of relationships.:"Dont beleve the doubted one." & "Dont doubted the believed one." That retains relationship for a longer time. ================================================== Waqt or khushi tere gulam honge. Haar pal or pehlu tere hi naam honge. zara mud kar dekhna a dost. Tere har kadam ke niche mere hatho ke nissan honge. ================================================== Tera shukriya kuch is tarah ada karu. Tu kare bewafai mai

Sada wafa karu. Meri mohabbat ne sikhaya hai mujhe. Khud mit jau par Tere Liye dua karu... ================================================== Pyar toh kiya maine bahut. Magar izhaar na karna aaya.. Usney poocha mujhsey bahut, Magar ikraar karna na aaya. ================================================== Zindagi mei kisi ka saath kafi hai. Haatho mei kisi ka haath kaafi hai. dur ho ya paas, fark nahi padta, pyar ka to bas ehsaas hi kaafi hai... ================================================== FRIENDS: Dey Love u bt they r nt ur Lover. Dey care 4 u bt dey r nt frm ur family. Dey r ready 2 share ur pain bt dey r not in ur blood relation. ================================================== Sooni zindagi main hulchul mehsus hui. Bejaan dil ki aaj dhadkan mehsus hui. Jaane kyun aaj aisa laga, Shayad aapki kami mehsus hui. ================================================== Last N8, Thinking of u, One tear rolled out, I asked why r u out? Tear said there is someone so beautiful in ur eyes, Now there is no space for me... ================================================== Tum humko kabhi Dil se juda na karna. Hume Bhul Jao Kabhi N Ye gunah karna. Kuch Din beet Sakte he baat kiye bina.

Magar Zindagi N beet jaye yeh dua karna. ================================================== Khush He woh Hume Yaad Na karke. Humse baat Na Karke. Ye Hassi Unke Hoto Se kabhi Na Jaye. Khuda kare wo Hamari Maut par bhi muskuraye. ================================================== Dard Jitna He Meri Nigaho Me. Paoge Na Utna KisiKi Raaho Me. Bitani Chahte the Zindagi Jiski Baaho Me Maut B Na mil Payi Unki Panaho Me... ================================================== Awaaz se pyari ankhe. Ankho se pyari sanse. Sanso se Pyara Dil. Dil se pyari Dhadkan. Dhadkan se pyare Aap. Aur in sab se Pyari aap ki Muskaan. ================================================== Hum jab B Apki Duniya se jayenge. Itni Khushiya Or Apnapan De Jayenge Ki Jab B yad karoge mujhe, Hasti Aankho Se bhi Ansu nikal Aayenge. ================================================== Itni badi duniya m koi sahara nahi, apno ki bheed m koi hamara nahi. kadam ladkhadaye to unka haath tham liya.Wo bhi bole ye hak tumhara nahi. ================================================== FRIEND is 1 who forgives b4 u say sorry. Understands when u say i 4got, Waits 4ever wen u say 1 min And stays wen u say leave me alone.. So always trust on dem.. ================================================== Wo saath chanlne wale tanhaie de gaye,wafa ke badle bewafai de gaye. Muj badnasib ka nasib to dekho,

maarne wale hi jine ki dua de gaye... ================================================== Narajagi ka matlab inkar nahi hota. Muskarahat ka matlab ikrar nahi hota. Zindagi me najre u hi mil jati hai.Har najar ka matlab pyar nahi hota. ================================================== Waqt har cheez deta mita deta hai,kuch haseen lamho ko bhula deta hai. Par nahi mita sakta teri yaaden, kyun ki waqt khud hi apki yaad dila deta hai!! ================================================== Mithi-Mithi yaade palko me saza lena. Sath guzre pal ko dil me basa lena. Nazar na aao dil me agar, Muskura kar mujhe sapno me bula lena. ================================================== Best Relations Do not need Promises, Terms conditions. They just need two Wonderful Persons 1 who can Trust & 1 who can Understand. ================================================== When u win, you celebrate but do the same when u loose bcoz u have given a chance for someone to celebrate!!! ================================================== 'NIND' me ho to 'SAPNA' bhejo. 'JAG' rahe ho to 'YAADE' bhejo. 'HANS' eahe ho to 'JOKE' bhejo.'RO' rahe ho to 'AANSU' bhejo. Aur 'SMS' pdh rahe ho to 'REPLY' bhejo. ================================================== Bhul nahi sakte humm tujko. Tune mohabbat aisi ki hai.

Tanha thi meri zindagi, tune mujhe ek nayi zindagi di hai. ================================================== Life is HARD Nt Always FUN. Nite brings DARk & Morning brings SUN. Wen LIFE seems TUFF & Nobody seems 2 CARE. Dil se yaad karna & "I ll be there." ================================================== God has 4 gifts 4 U : A Key for every Problem. A Light for every Shadow. A Plan for Every Tommorow & A Joy For Every Sorrow. So Enjoy Life. ================================================== Mehfil Me Hame wo Pehchan Na Sake. Hum Unke Kareeb the par wo hume jaan na sake. Bhul Hi chuke The Hame To wo or Hum the ki Unhe Dil Se Nikal Na Sake. ================================================== 20 saal ho gaye koi ladki nahi pati. Yeh hai aam zindagi. Or 20 saal ho gaye koi ladki hume nahi pata saki. Yeh hai mentos zindagi. B+ve yaar. ================================================== Kuch fasle sirf ankho se hote hai. Dil ke fasle do bato se hote hai. Koi lakh bhulane ki Kosis kare, par kuch rishte khatam sirf sanso se hote hai. ================================================== Yeh raat kitni tanha Q hoti hai?

Kismat se sabko sikayat Q hoti hai? Kabhi jo mile khuda to puchna unse jise pa nahi sakte usi se mohabbat Q hoti hai? ================================================== Safar mohabbat ka chalta rahe, Suraj chahe har shaam dhalte rahe. Kabhi na dhalegi apni dosti ki subah hogi, chahe har rishta rang badlata rahe... ================================================== Do You know: "PYAAR" kab hota hai?" I'll tell u: "Jab time kharab ho, aap par shani bhari ho or Bhagwan mazey lene ke FULL MOOD mein ho tab hota hai pyar." ================================================== Wo rishta kya jisko nibhana pade. Wo dosti kya jiso jatana pade. Dosti ek khamosh ehsas hai. Wo ehsas kya jisko lafzon mein batana pade.!! ================================================== Jab Pyar mein haar gaye. Humne socha khudkhushi kar le. Hum chale khudkhushi karne to khayal aaya Q na 1 baar fir try karle?? ================================================== "I say & U listen" is a Good Friendship. "U say & I listen" is a better Friendship. But "I dont say and U understand" is the Best Friendship. ================================================== we often dnt express our Feelings 4d fear of losing a relationships. But d fact is we often lose a "Beautiful Relationships" by nt expressing our feelings. ================================================== Some1 asked me 4 how long will u both be friends?

I remained silent coz I didnt know which is longer ALWAYS or FOREVER... ================================================== Words of a Boy who Loved a Girl Most: "Please do not turn back & face me one more time. Bcoz I dont have one more Heart to loose.." ================================================== Pyar ki baton me hum aapse jeet nahi sakte. Aap ki tarah intzaar kar nahi sakta. Kar sakte hai to bas itna, Ki aapko yaad kiye bina hum rah nahi sakte. ================================================== Friendship is a 1 way road to be travelled by 2, with hand in hand, to care, to share, to forgive & to say silently "I m always with u." ================================================== Mere Aansuo ko usne Barsat samjha, Meri Mulakato ko usne Khwab samjha. Mere Janaza jab guzra uski gali se. PatharDil ne use bhi Barat Samjha... ================================================== It takes 2 say:... "FRIENDS FOREVER..." 2 mins to explain it. 2 hrs to demonstrate it. 2 days to appreciate it. But it takes a LIFETIME to prove it. ================================================== When u have a

Reason to like Someone it means ur mind Likes it..!! Bt When u have no Reason for liking Someone t Means ur Heart Likes it... ================================================== Is zamane se bahut alag ho Aap. Khush kismat he hum jiske paas ho Aap. Humare liye wo waqt hi Haseen he, jab Hume Yaad karke Muskura lete ho Aap. ================================================== Na chaho kisiko itna ki chahat tumhari majburi banjaaye.Chaho kisiko itna ki tumhara pyar uske liye jaruri ban jaye.. ================================================== Khudase bas ek fariyad hai hamari. Khushiyo se saji ho zindagi aapki. Kitne bhi dur kyo na hi aap humse. Par har waqt karib ho yaade hamari. ================================================== Best tonic to get over the desire: "Remove ur attention from ur favourite things." ================================================== A butterfly ilives only 4 few days bt still it fills joyfully capturing many hearts.Each moment in Life is precious.Live happpily and win many hearts. ================================================== Age appears to be best in some things. old wood best to burn. Old books best to read. Old rice best to eat and old friends are best to keep. ================================================== *********************

****************** *************** ************ ******** ***** ** * Ab to uske intzar me rat uhi hi guzar jayegi. Ab to uljhan he mujhe neend kaha aayegi. Subah ki kiran kya rang layegi,Rim-Jhim si gungunayegi ya ye pyas adhuri reh jayegi. ================================================== Door hokar hume bhool na jana, Khabar hamari na le sako to koi gam nahi, Par apni khabar dena bhool na jana. ================================================== A boy cried when he had no no shoes. Suddenly He stopped crying when he saw a man without legs. Life is full of Blessings. Sometimes We dont understand. ================================================== Tumse roz milne ko Dil chahta hai. Kuch Sunne or Sunane ko Dil chahata hai, Tha kisi ka Manane ka Andaz aisa ki, phir se Ruth jane ko Dil chahta hai. ================================================== Thoughts r many & words r few, bt i m always there for u, when things go wrong dont turn blue, just make me a call n say yaar kidhar he tu... ================================================== 4 fact of life: never say sorry to 1 who lyk U. never say bye to 1 who need U. never blame d 1

who realy trust U. nvr 4get d 1 who always remember U.. ================================================== Teri kami bhi hai tera ehsas Bhi hai. Tu dur bhi hai,Par pas bhi hai. Khuda ne yu nawaza teri dosti se mujko,Ke Mujhe khud Pe Gurur B Hai Aur Naaz Bhi hai. ================================================== Time'll Change Everything: Classroom 2 Office. Books 2 Files. Bike 2 Car. Pocket Money 2 Salary. But We shall be d same Cute,Stupid,Idiot Friends Forever...! ================================================== Dosti gazal hai gungunane ke liye. Dosti nagma hai sunane ke liye. Ye wo jajba hai jo sabko milta nahi kyou ki hausla chahiye ise nibhane k liye... ================================================== LIFE is not an i-pod to listen 2 ur favourite songs. It is a radio. U must adjust urself 2 every frequency & enjoy whatever comes it. ================================================== D diiference between inside & outside d college gate is: We will play with life inside and life plays with us outside. ================================================== Never ignore d person who care 4 U, Miss U, Remember U, coz 1 day U may wake up from ur sleep and realiza that U have lost moon while counting the stars. ================================================== Solid thought:

"If every one is happy with us,then it surely indicates that we have made lot of "COMPROMISES" in our LIFE" ================================================== Being visible isnt always a requirement 4 being close. It just takes some thoughts and memories to feel the presence of someone... ================================================== Chalo chalte he us Jahan mein. Jahan Rishto ka naam nahi poocha jaata. Dhadkan par koi bandish nahi. Khwabon par koi ilzam nahi diya jata. ================================================== A person should not be too honest. Straight trees r Cut First. And Honest People are Cheated first. ================================================== When a person can find sorrow behind your smile. Words behind your silence and the Love behind your Anger. U can belive u have a "BEST BUDDY." ================================================== Teri yaad me na jane kitni din Bitaunga. Chah kar bhi tujhe bhul na paunga. Chali ja meri in behti yaadon se, Nahi to jeete jee Aag bankar bhuj jaunga. ================================================== Mithi-Mithi yaade palko me saza lena. Sath guzre pal ko dil me basa lena. Nazar na aao dil me agar,

Muskura ar mujhe sapno me bula lena. ================================================== When Life is a Game, Wish U always Win. When Life is a Journey, Wish U always Walk on Roses. When Life is Fun, Wish an Evergreen SMILE On ur face. ================================================== Maujoodgi zaroori nahi Zaruri ehsaas hai. Hum kahi door nahi aapke aas-paas hai. Dekhiye to zara mann ki aankho se, Hum har kadam par aapke sath hai. ================================================== Dosti ek rishta hai jo nibhaye wo Farishta hai. Dosti sachchi Preet hai,judai jiski reet hai, Juda hokar bhi na bhoole, Yeh hi Dosti ki jeet hai. ================================================== Mushkil nahi Ishq ladana, Aasan nahi hai Pyar Pana, Darte hai hum Pyar karne se, Qki mushkil hai usko bhul pana. ================================================== Dil ka rishta hai hamara. Dil ke kone me hai naam tumhara. Har yaad me hai chehra tumhara. Ek subah aur sahi par, Zindagi bhar sath dene ka wada hai humara. ================================================== "Love comes again n Again in d Life of those who know what is LIFE is... But Love comes only 1ce in d Life of those Who know what is LOVE." ================================================== :One of the Worst moment of Life is:

"U See Your RED rose is turning, YELLOW!" Read It Again & Understand. ================================================== Sometimes in LIFE, its difficult to decide wats wrong? A Lie dat brings a SMILE or a TRUTH dat brings TEARS. ================================================== Sometimes missing is more precious than being together... Because, We miss only with whom we always want to be together. ================================================== FRIENDS are d 1st who LOVE u the most But, sometimes,hurt u a lot.. But then again They are the only 1s who feel UR PAIN the most.. So understand them..!! ================================================== Is zamane se bahut alag ho aap,khush kismat hai hum jiske paas ho aap. Humare liye wo Waqt hi Haseen he,Jab Hume Yaad karke Muskura lete ho aap. ================================================== Yeh raat itni tanha Q hoti hai? kismat se sabko sikayat Q hoti hai? kabhi jo mile khuda to puchna unse Jise Pa Nahi Sakte usi se mohabbat kyu hoti hai. ================================================== Judai ke aas me ek katra nho bahot hai. Didar ke waste ek lamha b bahot hai. Jis per hota hai bharosa dil ko, Wo bhul jaye wo sadma bhi bahot hai. ================================================== Kuch fasle sirf ankho se hote hai.

Dil ke fasle do bato se hote hai. Koi lakh bhulane ki kosis kare par kuch rishte khatam sirf sason se hote hai.. ================================================== Yu to apko roz yaad karte he. Mann hi mann me Dekh liya karte h. Kya Hua Arag Aap Paas nahi Hai. Hum to Dil Hi Dil Me Mulakat Kar Liya Karte Hai. ================================================== Hamne b kabhi kisi se pyar kiya tha. Thoda nahi beshumar kiya tha. Toot ke bikher gayi zindagi meri. jab usne kaha hat pagal maine toh majjak kiya tha. ================================================== Har khushi Khuda Apki Mukkadar Kar de. Khushi ke Phool Se Apka Daman Bhar de. Ap jis din jis Lamhe Khush Ho, Khuda Ud Lamhe ko Hazaar Baras Kar de. ================================================== Mumkin nahi shayad kisi ko samaj pana. Samjhe bina kisi se kya dil lagana. Aasan hai kisi ko "PYAR" karna,Lekin bahut "MUSHKIL" hai kisi ka "PYAAR" pana. ================================================== Hamara har lamha chura liya hai apne. Ankhon ko ek chand dikha diya hai aapne. Zindagi toh di kisi or ne. Par itna pyar dekar jeena sikha diya hai aapne. ================================================== Teri aawaz tere roop ki pehchan he. Tere dil ki dhadkan mere dil ki jaan hai.

Na sunu jish roz teri baate, lagtta he ush roz ye zindagi hi bejan hai... ================================================== Jeene ke liye zariye bahut hain, Kuch roz se mera dil pareshaan bahut hai, Milte hain roz sabhi Log ham-se Bas aap-se milne ka armaan bahut hai... ================================================== Dream like there are no Boundaries, go out and make each one work, sing like no one is listening and live like its heaven on earth. ================================================== Fir din dhal gaya, fir raat aa gayi. Fir tanhai me baithe ki baat aa gayi. Abhi to taro ki panah me baithe hi the ki chand ko dekha aur aapki yaad aa gayi. ================================================== Har rasta ek safar chahta hai, Har musafir ek humsafar chahta hai, Chandani chand ko, koi hai jaan jo aapko b is kadar chahta hai. ================================================== Kash vo pal sang bitaye na hote. Jinko yaad kar aaj ye ansu aaye na hote. Khuda ko agar is tarah door le jana tha. To itni gahrai se Dil milaye na hote. ================================================== Chand dekhkar sitare bane. Asman dekhkar Badal bane.Nadi dekhkar Kinare bane. Kuch to bat hai aapme Jo aapko Dekhe bina hum aapke Diwane bane. ================================================== A friend Once asked me.: 'wat if i broke ur trust someday...?'

i replied,"trusting u, was my decision and proving me right is ur choice.!!" ================================================== The LADDER of Success is never crowded At the Top but There is a keen competition, at the bottom. Moral-only hard workers meet their destiny. ================================================== Hui thi barish or bhige the hum. Kuch U roye the barish b lagi kam. Na unhe pata chala n zamana jan paya ke bais to bahana tha magar roe the hum. ================================================== Dekha nahi hai koi tujsa, Dekhane tujhe jannat se bhi laut aayenge, jab tak deedaar na ho tera, mar kar bhi hhm chain se na mar paayenge. ================================================== Tere jaane se pehle hi tera janaja utha diya. Na chahate hue bhi tujhe bhula diya. Ab is dil ko na yad Aayegi, Tuje maine is kadar dil se nikal diya... ================================================== Sham bhi udas hogi. Raat bhi udas hogi. Kafan me lipti meri lash hogi. Ae dafna ke janewalon usko keh do kabar me bhi uski Tasvir mere Sath hogi. ==================================================

Love is when U r Kept Awake Night With d thoughts of Her/Him & When sleep finally Finds U... She/he is waiting There in Ur dreams... ================================================== Kisi dardko sambhalna asan nahi. Haste hue har pal bitana asan nahi Zindagi me har koi dil me nahi bas pata. Aur us ek base hue ko bhula nahi pata. ================================================== Dil ki aawaz ko Izhaar kehte hai. Jhuki nigaho ko Ikrar Kehte hai. Sirf paane ka naam hi Ishq nahi. Kuch khone ko b pyar kehte hai. ================================================== Never talk defeat.Use words like hope,belief, faith,victory. ================================================== Not every bird can dance but peacock did dat. Not every flower can represent Love bt rose did dat. Not every person could b close 2 d Heart bt U did dat ...!!! ================================================== Life gives answer in 3Ways: It says Yes n Gives What we want. It Says No n Gives Something Better. It says Wait n Gives d Best In Its Own Time... ================================================== Pyas dariya ki nigaho Se Chupa Rakhi Hai. Ek badal Se badi Aas Laga Rakhi hai. Tei Ankho Ki Kashish Kaise tue Samjhau In chirago Ne Meri Nind Udaa Rakhi hai. ================================================== Dil to mera ye aksar kahe

Door tujhe ek pal na karu Teri parchai bhi itni dilnashi hai khuda ki kasam Ki jab Tu hase to main bhi hansa karu. ================================================== Friends-The spice of Life. Friends-The Fuel that drives. Friends-Who show U the way to touch the sky. Friends-The 'F' without which LIFE is a LIE... ================================================== If I hadn't met U. I wouldn't like U. If I didn't like U. I wouldn't Love U. If I didn't Love U. I wouldn't miss U. But I did I do & I will... ================================================== Life is only travelled once. Todays moments become 2morrow's memory. Enjoy every moment good or bad bcoz d gift of life is life itself... ================================================== "SMILE" is not a single word...! Is is a beautiful sentence.! 'S'peak 'M'ore 'I'n 'L'ess 'E'nergy... So always keep Smiling... ================================================== 7 wonders of the WORLD...

Guess What. 7th Me 6th My Style 5th My smile 4th My Personality 3rd My Nature 2nd My Sms a n d 1st My Friend thats "U". ================================================== Sitaare nikalte he ki raat aaye. Main kya likhu ki aapka jawaab aaye. Sitaro si chamak to mujh me nahi. Par main kya karu ki aapko meri yaad aaye. ================================================== Breaking News : Indian Top Actress "Katrina Kaif" Died in New York. Abe Film NEW YORK Main yaar. Aise thori Marne dunga Tumhari Bhabi Ko. ================================================== Sometimes in Life v think v dont need any1.But sometime we don't have anyone when we need. So don't let your best buddies go ever... ================================================== When Life is a Game. Wish U always win. When Life is Journey. Wish U always Walk on Roses. When Life is Fun Wish U an Evergreen Smile on ur Face. ==================================================

Khuda ne mujhse kaha, "bande,dost na bana, tu dhoka kha jayega." Maine kaha"ae khuda, msg padhne wale se mil to sahi, tu bhi dhoke se uska dost ho jayega." ================================================== Apki dosti har Arman se badkar hai. Apki dildari sare Aasman se badkar hai. kahi kho na dena aapne chehre ki hansi, Q ki humare liye JAAN se bhi badkar hai dosti. ================================================== SMS nahi karte ho. Karte ho sirf bahana. Ek kaam karo Mobile Ko rassi ke saath gale me latkana aur ghum-ghum ke logo ko ringtone sunana. ================================================== An artist was asked at his award function: "Which is ur best painting.?" He replied: "My Next Painting." So let ur AIM be better than before. ================================================== Ever since i meet u, i learnt lot of things frm u.I didnt understand how n y.Den 2day i heard d saying. "wise ppl learn more from fools." ================================================== Definition of My FRIEND.:My medicine wen i'm in pain. My letter wen i'm far. My smile wen i'm sad. My hanky wen i'm cry. My 1more breath wen i die. ================================================== Barish kya hui dhup ko bhul gaye.

Chaand kya nikla suraj ko bhul gaye. Maana kuch der hum ne msg nahi kiya. to kya aap hume yaad karna hi bhul gaye. ================================================== Dont keep ur dreams in ur eyes,day may fall as tears,keep dem in ur heart so daat every heart beat may remind u about that dream. ================================================== Betab tamannao ki kasak rahne do, Manjil ko pane ki jhalak rahne do, Aap bhale hi raho dur najro se, Par band palko me apni jhalak rahene do. ================================================== I guess science doesn't work everywhere because the time taken to LOVE someone is never equal to the time taken to forget them... ================================================== Falling in LOVE with someone isn't always gonna B easy. Anger,Tears,Laghter, Its when U wanna B together despite It All. Thats when U truly LOVE. ================================================== jab pyar ke ehsas ko samazh jaoge. Har sanso me mera hi naam paoge. Meri dosti Us waqt degi aawaz jab tum dunia ki bhid me khud ko akela paoge. ================================================== Koi khwahish tumhari aadhuri na rahe. Chaho jise tum us se duri na rahe. Khusiyon ke phool itna khile tumhari jindagi mein

ki humari yad bhi jaruri na rahe. ================================================== Jeete the kabhi hum B shaan se. Mahek uthi thi fiza kisi k nam se. Par gujre hai hum. Kuch aise mukam se Ke nafrat si ho gayi hai Mohabbat ke naam se. ================================================== When someone Really Loves U. They will never Hurt U. And If they Do. U can see it in their eyes then It Hurts them too...!!! ================================================== Jhuki nazaro se ikrar mat karna, nazre utha kar inkar mat karna, Raat bhar tadap te ho kisi ki yadon me, dusro se kehte ho pyar mat karna. ================================================== Jaan Khusi se beete har din, har suhani rat ho.! Jis taraf aapke kadam pade waha phulon ki barsaat ho!! ================================================== Tumhari zarurat ko pyar samajh baithe. Pahli mulakat ko shuruwat samajh baithe. Kaunsi kasar chori thi humne pyar me humare dil ko jo khilona samajh baithe. ================================================== As precious as U to me, As precious no one can ever be. I know all friends are hard to choose. But u r d one I NEVER WANT TO LOOSE..!!! ================================================== Friendship is a foundation of a Love. Love is a organization of Life.

Life is a distribution of Feelings. Feelings are construction of "FRIENDSHIP". ================================================== Only open Heart receive LOVE..!! Only open mind receive Feelings..!! Only open hands receive Touch..!! Only Sweet Friend receive my SMS...!! ================================================== Dil me apki har bat rahegi,jagah chotisi hai magar aabad rahegi, chahe hum bhula de zamane ko, aapki ye pyarisi dosti hamesha yaad rahegi.. ================================================== Waqt guzrega hum Bikhar jayenge. Kaun jane ke Hum kidhar jayenge. Hum dosti ki parchai Hai yad rakhna jaha Tanhai milegi waha nazar aayange. ================================================== Never conclude a Person in His present Position BCoz TIME has The Power to change an invaluable stone into a valuable DIAMOND... ================================================== No need 2 sit wid me when im SAD. No need 2 talk wid me whn im BOR. No need 2 cry 4 me whn im DEAD, But dont forget me When Im "ALIVE..". IT REALLY HURTS... ================================================== Worlds most beautiful sentence.:"But I M wth U" Worlds Most Painful sentence.:"I M wth U,But" Words r same But Where they are placed Matters a Lot...

================================================== Don't make ur character like a garden, so that everybody walks on it. But let ur Personality like Sky, so that everybody wishes to touch it... ================================================== Friendship isn't abt whom U hav known longest, who came first or who cares d best, Itz all about who came N never Left..!! ================================================== Love is when U r kept Awake at night with d thoughts of him/her and when sleep finally finds u... He/She is waiting There In UR DREAMS... ================================================== A mother makes her son "GENTLE" IN 20 YEARS. Bt a girlmakes him "MENTAL" in 20 minutes... Right na...! ================================================== God always plays chess with each of us. He makes a move in our LIFE and then sits back 2 see how u react 2 challenges.So make d Best move before d CHECKMATE. ================================================== Har nazar ko 1 nazar ki talash hai. Dil me chupa 1 ehsas hai. Aapse dosti yuhi nahi ki humne kya kare hamari pasand hi kuch khas hai... ================================================== Dil me pyar ki muskan banaye rakhna, Kuch na hoto bhi yaadon ko sajaye rakhna. Chahe na ho mulakaton ke silsile to bhi ye, khubsurat rishta banaye rakhna. ==================================================

Har rishta mile virasat me. Fir dosti Q alag se banai. Qki baki rishte banaye khuda ne. Or dosti khuda ki parchai. ================================================== Superb thought read twice! "I will be a reason 4 ones happiness n not b a part of of it. & I will b a part of ones sadness n not a reason for it..!!!" ================================================== Luck is not in your hands. but work is in your hands. Your work can make your luck. But luck cant make your work. So always trust yourself than your LUCK. ================================================== Today i miss u. Yesterday i missed u. Don't worry about tomorrow, i ll always miss u, and that is a promise. ================================================== Raaste badal jate hai par rishte nahi badalte. Toofan aye fir bhi mausam nahi badalte. Gile shikawe bhale kitane ho,Magar sacche dost kabhi nahi badalte. ================================================== "L+I+V+E+T+O+G+E+T+H+E+R" wat did u read? LVE TOGETHER or LIVE TO GET HER. Just a beautiful way 2 say, LIFE is the way how you LOOK at it... ================================================== dil mohabbat ka talabgar hai. Har ghadi,milne ko ye tumse beqrar hai Har ghadi.Tum ko sms ke bahane ye batana hai sirf tumse hi

hamko pyar hai har ghadi. ================================================== Tu he sath to ye ambar lage jaise saya hai sar par. tere kandhe pe rakh ke sar uhi kat jaye sari umar. ================================================== Which 1 wud u choose wen u go out wid ur life partner: ?walk, ?cycle, ?bike, ?car, ?auto, ?bus. -------------------------------------------ANS .:?walk - life long love ?cycle - no love ?bike - true love ?car - sharing love ?auto - more love ?bus - time pass... ================================================== Kya gam hai kya khushi maloom nahi. Wo apna hai ya ajnabi maloom nahi. Jiske bagair ek pal nahi guzarta. Kaise guzregi ye zindagi maloom nahi. ================================================== Yu mile ki mulakat na ho saki. suraj duba par raat na ho saki. unki khamosh nigahe har baat keh gayi. aur humko sikayat thi ki baat na ho saki... ================================================== A great man once said, new friends may be a great poem but old friends but old friends are d alphabets. So dont forget alphabets, or else its hard to read the poem... ================================================== SMS kise bhjna chahiye? Jo najrose dur magar dil ke pas ho, apne liye kuch khaas ho. Sukh dukh me jiska

sath ho, dil jiska saaf ho.jaise ki hamare liye aap ho. ================================================== LOVE means not the collection of heart, but it is selection of HEART.All lover are not TRUE.But true lover are very few which include you. ================================================== EYES: To look at U. HAND: To pray for U. MIND: To remember U. HEART: To care for U. And & LEGS: To kick you if U forgot me. ================================================== Hum to sirf aapki baat kiya karte hai. Har dhadkan me aapka naam liya karte hai. Aap to hame apno se pyare ho. Tabhi to Waqt-Bewaqt yaad kiya karte hai. ================================================== It is not that Good Persons would go to heaven "WHEN THEY LEAVE." But, They create heaven "WHERE THEY LIVE...!!" ================================================== Jaane kis bat ki saza dete ho. Meri hasti aankho ko rula dete ho. Kitne dino se bat bhi nahi ki. Kya tum apne chahanewale ko aise bhula dete ho.? ================================================== Ishq me ye anjaam paaya hai. Haath tute, muh se khun aaya hai. Hospital pahuche to nurse boli Baharon phool barsao, kisi ka mehboob aaya hai

================================================== Jo kal tha use bhulakar to dekho. Jo aaj hai use jikar to dekho. aane wala pal khud hi sawar jayega. Bas zindagi ko PYAR se jikar to dekho. ================================================== F'ship is like a HABIT. If u take out the 'H', a bit still remains. If u take out the 'A', bit still remains And If u take out the 'B', it still remains! ================================================== God puchha,"kidhar jana mangta. SWARG ya NARK?" Apun bola NARK..!! malum kyun? Tum sala dost log udharich milenga, bole to jidhar tum, woich apun ka SWARG kya. ================================================== A friend says "I will be with u in all ur troubles." But A best friend says "U will have no troubles when I am with U." Thats a best friendship... ================================================== Imagine... A running race between LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. Who will WIN..? ANS _ NO ONE. U knw why...? Because Friendship always COMPROMISES and Love always SACRIFIES... ================================================== Waqt ki raho me kabhi aap bhula de hume. Par hum aapko kabhi bhula na payenge. A dost aap awaz do sapano me, hum hakiqat me chale aayenge..

================================================== Ye dil ka rog leker kaha jjaye hum. Khuda kare tere kadmo me mar jaye hum. Lekar naam tera apne labo se apni mohabbat ko Fannah kar jaye hum.. ================================================== Tumhari duniya se jane ke baad. Hum tumhe har tare me nazar aaya karenge. Tum har pal koi dua mang lena. Aur hum har pal toot jaya karenge. ================================================== Khushi itni ho ki tum dikha sako. Gum bas itna ho ki tum chupa sako. Zindagi main ek dost zarur aisa rakhna, jiske sath dil tutne par bhi tum muskura sako. ================================================== Ajnabi log b dene lage ilzam mujhe. Na jane kaha le jayegi teri pehchan mujhe. Bhulna chahu b to bhulu kese. Log le le k bulate hain tera naam mujhe. ================================================== Majbur the halat se. Mohabbat jata na sake. khate rahe hum zakham kisi ko bata na sake, Chahato ki hadse chahe use. Sirf apna dil naikal kar use dikhan na sake. ================================================== The smallest word is "I" The sweetest word is "LOVE" And The Dearest Person In the world is "YOU" That's why

"I LOVE YOU." ================================================== Nashili aankhon se jab tum dekhati ho. Me ghabarakar aankhe jhuka leta hu. Kaun milaye teri aankho se aankhe. Tum aankho se apno ko chura leti ho. ================================================== Apni soch ko le jao aasman tak ki, Uski aage sare sitare jhuk jaye. Na bano apne safar ko kisi ka mohtaz. Chalo is shan se ki tufan bhi ruk jaye. ================================================== 4 divsachi maitri manala ved laun geli, jata jata dolyat ashru deun geli, ayushyat nehmich athvan tuzi yet rahil, Tuzyavina maitri shabd nehmich adhura rahil...!!! ================================================== Is kadar mujhko satate ho tum. Bhul jane pe bhi yaad aate ho tum. Jab khuda se kuch mangta hu. Mere dil ki dua Ban jate ho tum. ================================================== Ye dost b ajeeb hote hai. Kuch kareeb or kuch azeez hote hai. Kuch banate hain hum apni marzi se. Kuch hume kismat se Naseeb hote hai... ================================================== The best brain of Nation may be found at the last benches of classroom and sometimes out of class. -Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. ==================================================

The great days in Human Life .:"The day we were Born & d day we Prove why we were Born.." believe in Yourself and Prove Yourself. ================================================== "Life is more strict than the teacher.. A teacher teaches lessons and then takes the exam. But Life takes the exam first and then teaches the lesson." ================================================== "Have a unique character like Salt... It's presence is not seen but it's absence makes Things useless.." ================================================== Tragedy of moon: "So simple bt so attractive. So enlightening bt so cool. So moving but so still. So quiet but so popular. So romantic but ALWAYS SINGLE..." ================================================== Saawan ne bhi kisi se pyaar kiya tha. Usne usey badal ka naam diya tha. Rote the dono ek doosre ki judaai me. Aur logo ne usey baarish ka naam diya tha. ================================================== Dream visit us when we are asleep but GOD is trulywise. He wakes us each day at gives us every chance to make our DREAMS come true... ================================================== Zindagi mein kuch lamhe khaas ban gaye. Mile to mulaqat, bichhad to fariyaad ban gaye.

Aur jo lamhe dil mein bas gaye wo pyari si yaad ban gaye. ================================================== When emotions play their role, heart cries. When heart cries, it doesnt make any sound. The one who hears the unmade sound is called a FRIEND...!! ================================================== <('.')> \"\_ .. ./" L " : " . le aaj phir tere mobile ke screen pe mut diya. Jo ukhad sake ukhad le. Kal bhi mutunga...!! ================================================== Mat karo tamanna jisse dukh mile. Mat rakho aisi koi khwahis jisse gam mile. Bas chaho use jisse pyar mile. Chahe firvo apko mile ya na mile. ================================================== Lovely thought from a broken Heart .:I need a candle to search dream which were inside me. But I need darkness to melt her memories... ================================================== Chand ko apni nigaho me utaro to sahi. Hum chale aayenge pukaro to sahi. Dil ki dehleez mohabbat se saja rakhi he. Ek shaam humare sath guzaro to sahi. ================================================== Each drop of tear are more costly than anything in the world. But everyone cant know value until they view tears in there own eyes for someone. ================================================== Tamanna he sirf tumhe

paane ki. Aur koi khwahish is divane ki. Shikhwa hume tumse nahi bhagwan se hai. Kya jarurat thi tumhe itna khubsurat banane ki. ================================================== Ab udaas hona bhi acha lagta hai. Kisi ka pass na hona bhi acha lagta hai. Main door reh kar bhi kisi ki yaadon me hu ye ehsaas hona bhi acha lagta hai. ================================================== There are only 2 people who can tell U the truth about Urself...! "A friend who has lost his temper. and an enemy who always hates you." ================================================== Sawal pani ka nahi pyas ka hota hai. Sawal jan ka nahi saans ka hota hai. Dost to bahut milte hai duniya main. Magar sawal dosti ka nahi bharose ka hota hai. ================================================== D permanent tempetation of life is 2 confuse dream wid reality. But d permanent defeat of life comes wen we surrender our dreams to reality. ================================================== Sikh gaye hum bhi apne dard ko chupana. Sikh gaye hum bhi bahane banana. Na sikh paye to bas itna. Apne dil ko Khush karke auron ka Dil Dukhana. ================================================== Attitude is a little thing which makes a big difference in life. Bt it should b like, "I m not the best.

But I m not like the rest." ================================================== A Lover asked a God "Why LIFE is so tough When we are in LOVE. " GOD replied "Just think how beautiful and easy LIFE is when U are with the Person U LOVE...!!" ================================================== When i look at u and u smile and u ask "what"? all i want to do is KISS u n tell u... "How Much I Love U..?" ================================================== I have a little angel flying around with a hammer... Each person she taps gets a little bit of my love n care... Hope she hammers u badly tonight. ================================================== Dua deta he Dil tuzhe har sukh paane ki. nazar na lage tuzhe kabhi namane ki. Samet le tera Dil har khushi zamane ki. Sada rahe teri ada muskarane ki. ================================================== D world is round. We will meet again n again..whenever we meet...! I will ask u "How r u?" hope u will not ask me "Who r u?" ================================================== Candle ke andar dhaga bola, "Main jab jalta hu to tu kyon pighalati hai..??" Candle boli "Jisko dil me jagah di ho, wo agar bichde to aansu nikalenge hi na..?" ================================================== Subah teri shaam meri ho.

Din tera raat meri ho. khushi teri udasi meri ho. Jab maut meri aye to dost kabr meri aur laash teri ho. ================================================== One of the great lines: "Ice melts when heated... Eyes melts when hurted..." So plz never hurt anyone... ================================================== Nazar ne nazar se mulakat kar li. Rahe dono kkhamosh par baat kar li. Mohabbat ki fiza ko jab khush paya. In aankho ne ro ro ke Barsaat kar li. ================================================== Jab se samja Humne Kya hai pyar. Karne lage tabse intazaar. Mangne lage unhe Duaon me kitni bar. Na jane kab hoga us jaan ka didaar. ================================================== Tujko miss karna roz ki bat hai. Yaad karna aadat ki baat hai. Tujse dur rehna kismat ki bat hai. Magar tujko bhulana mere bas ke bahar ki baat hai. ================================================== Kya mila pyar mein Zindagi ke liye. Roz aansu piye Humne kisi ke liye. Wo gairon mein khushiyan manaate rahe. Hum taraste rahe ek hasi ke liye. ================================================== Aao duniya baant le, samandar apka lehre hamari. Aasman apka sitare hamare.

suraj apka roshani hamari. Chalo aisa kare, Sab kuch aapka aur Aap Hamare. ================================================== Na wo aa sake na ham ja sake. Na dard dil ka kisi ko suna sake. Bas bethe he yado me lekar aas unki. Na unhone yad kiya or na hum unko bhula sake. ================================================== Bedard zamane se hume kuch na mila, pyar mila saccha dildar na mila. wafa ke baate karta raha bewafai karne wala aisa hi jhuta yaar humko mila. ================================================== Baatein karke rula na dijiyega. U chup rehke saja na dijiyega. Na de sake khushi to Gam hi sahi. Par Apna bana ke bhula na dijiyega. ================================================== Dosti ko dil se churaya aapne. Dur rehte hye bhi apna banaya apne. Kabhi bhool nahi payenge hum aapko. Kyunki yaad rakhna bhi to sikaya aapne. ================================================== Dictionary says that 'Open' & 'Close' are opposites. But lesson of life teach that we are 'Open' only with those with whom we r 'Close'.. ================================================== Butterflies dont know in what colour their wings are but human eyes know how beautiful that is.. Likewise you dont know

how sweet you are but I know how best friend you are to me... ================================================== Magical msg!It is mind reader game. Send this msg to 6 people (not me), then go to ur inbox & press #. It will tell u ur lover name. Its nt a joke. Try it! Rgrds. ================================================== When time is fast, when moments are hard, When everyone is busy, When seconds are few, My sms comes to you, to say that i am remebering you... ================================================== Good relations don't need any promises, any terms or conditions... It just need two wonderful people. One cool like me ... & one sweet like you.... ================================================== When we are depressed we expect LOVE from others... But when we are happy we just forget to give our LOVE to the depressed ones... Amazing but truth of Life..! ================================================== Hurt a true HEART as many times u want, it WONT STOP LOVING YOU.. But if u cheat a true heart, it wont hurt or hate U, but it wont ever dare to LOVE ANYONE again. ================================================== U may meet people... Better than me, Funnier than me, more Smart than me... But I can say U one thing. I will always be there for U when dey AL LEAVE YOU...! ================================================== Sun glows for a day, candle for an hour, match stick for a minute,

But a smile can glow forever. So start your day with a smile. ================================================== Nite is a good time to remember all the sweet things and all the sweet persons in your life. So recollect all these memories and have a GoodNight. ================================================== Raat hui jab shaam ke baad, teri yaad aayi har baat ke baad. Humne khamosh rehkar bhi dekha. Par teri aawaz aayi har saans ke baad. ================================================== I'm glad you are thoughtful, I'm glad you are understanding, I'm glad you are so much fun to be around, But most of all... I'm glad you are with ME. ================================================== Aao duniya baant le Samndar apka lehre hamari. Aasman apka sitare hamare. Suraj apka roshni hamari. Chalo aisa kare Sab kuch aapka aur aap hamare. ================================================== True friends are those who care without hesitaton, remember without limitation, forgive without any explaination and live even with little communication. ================================================== Wo pal b kya pal raha hoga. Jab khuda aap jaisa dost-e-jaan bana raha hoga. Pareshan hoga khuda

b us waqt q ki har koi apko pane ke liye use mana raha hoga.... ================================================== Life.. is like a coin, Pleasure and pain are the two sides. Only one side is visible at a time. But REMEMBER other side is also waiting for Its TURN. ================================================== When I Send U SMS. It doesnt Mean U have 2 do the same. U can send movie ticket, pizza, chocolate, cd, dvd etc. Even DD & cheques are accepted. Be different Yaar..!! ================================================== I m lamp U r light. I m coke U r sprite. I m sawan U r badal. I m normal U r

U r also Normal. Kya yaar!! Khud pe hi shak khate ho. ================================================== Career is like a light and love is like a shadow.

If u try 2 catch the shadow, u will miss the light. But if u walk towards light, shadow will automatically follows u... ================================================== Yadon me apki har baat yad rahegi. Zindagi apki dosti se abaad rahegi. Chahe bhula de zamane ko hum. Par aapki ye pyari si dosti hamesha yaad rahegi. ================================================== Sirf bandhan ko vishwas nahi kehte. Har aansu ko jazbaat nahi kehte. Kismat se milte he ye rishte jindagi me. Isliye rishto ko kabhi ittafak nahi kehte. ================================================== GOLDEN THOUGHT .:Zindagi ki khubsurati ye nahi ki aap kitne khush hai. Balki zindagi ki asali khubsurati yeh hai kai dusre AAPSE kitne khush hai. ================================================== People say there is no difference between d word COMPLETE and FINISH. But there is a difference, Coz when U LOVE d right one, U R COMPLETE and When U LOVE d wrong one, U R FINISHed.. ================================================== Special relations are hard 2 find, dey are rare and one of a kind, I dont care If I have few... I'm just damn proud dat I have d BEST & dats U...!! :-) ================================================== A good friendz like a pillow... When ur tired u relax

on it. When ur sad u drop tears on it. When ur angry u punch it. N when ur happy u hug it. ================================================== Phul bina.. Khushbu bekar. Chand bina.. Chandani bekaar. Aur, "AAP" ke bina.. Yes.. Yes.. U r right.! CARTOON NETWORK BEKAR... ================================================== If u want to know how rich u r, never count ur money. Just drop a tear from ur eye and see how many hands will be there to wipe ur tear.. ================================================== LOVE :- is not about expressing with heavy words. Its about understanding, a gentle touch and a pure heart. F'SHIP:- is to laugh about the bullshit written above... ================================================== If U say, Nobody Loves U.! Nobody fights 4 U.! Nobody even miss U.! .. Then I'll change my name to "NOBODY" ================================================== A door knocks twice. Insider - who is there...? Ans - It's me "OPPORTUNITY" Insider - U r wrong. B'coz, OPPORTUNITY never knocks T W I C E..... ==================================================

U cant tap ur back 4 a job wel done, U cant hug urself 4 comfort., U cant cry on ur shoulders when tears fall, Dats why u have friendz in LIFE... Let dem do what you cant.... ================================================== Duriya hi dilo ko nazdeek lati hain. Duriya ek duje ki yaad dilati hain. Dur hokar bhi koi kareeb hai kitna. Duriya hi is baat ka ehsas dilati hain. ================================================== Smile in pleasure. Smile in pain. Smile when trouble pours like a rain. Smile when someone hurts .? Smile because someone STILL LOVES U 2 see UR smiling... ================================================== Palko se aankho ki hifazat hoti hai. Dhadkan dil ki amanat hoti hai. Ye PYAR ka rishta bhi bada pyara hai. kabhi chahat to kabhi shikayat hoti hai. ================================================== Milega tera pyar to sawar jayenge. Nahi to is Duniya me bikhar jayenge. Tum Rehte ho is jism me JAAN bankar, Chhod ke ise jaoge to mar jayenge. ================================================== Unko bas itna bata dena... Itna aasan nahi hai aapko bhula dena... Sanam aapki yaadein

bhi hain apke jaisi... Unko bhi ata hai bas rula dena... ================================================== An amazing Question : Why do the words "I Love You" needs an answer?, Though all of us know, it is not a question... ================================================== Dont count what u have lost. Just see what u have now. Because, Past never comes back but sometimes FUTURE can GIVE U BACK UR LOST THINGS...!!! ================================================== Hamare bin adhure aap rahoge.. Kabhi koi dost tha hamara aapk khud kahoge.. na honge hum to ye aalam na hoga.. Milenge bahut se lekin koi hamsa na hoga... ================================================== Ur precious love has turned my life completely around I feel like Im walking bt my feet dont seem 2 touch the ground . miss u. ================================================== The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from Life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible... ================================================== Aaye na agar tumhen yaad hamari. Ham to karenge bas faariyad tumhari. Bewafa ho tum ye na kahenge kisi se. Kahenge ki kami thi

kuch wafa me hi hamari. ================================================== Great relationship is about 2 main things: First is to find out the simalirities and Second is to respect the differences. ================================================== My hands never pain. When I am typing msg for U. but My Heart Always Pains When There Is No Reply From U... So Always Be In Touch... ================================================== Every success is also a story of Great failure, If U want Success Double Ur failure rate. Because failure is a highway 2 the success. ================================================== Agar raksha bandhan pe ladki chedne pe ladki bhai banati hai. To fir karvachauth pe chedne pe ladki pati q nahi banati.? Jago Boyz Jago..! ================================================== Money can buy a house not home. A bed bt nt sleep. Medicine bt nt health. Money is dirty, it only cause pain and suffering. So, Send me all UR MONEY and B HAPPY............ ================================================== Chupke se chand ki roshani apki ho jaye dheere se hawa apko choo jaye. Chahate ho jise maang lena khuda se hum dua karenge. Wo apko mil jaye. ================================================== Subah hoti nahi. Shaam dhalati nahi. Raat katati nahi. Baat banti nahi. Na jaane kya khubi hai aapme,

Aapkko yaad kiye bina dilko khushi milti nahi. ================================================== Tuze sms chaiyena yele, sms,sms,sms. Yele bade sms SMS,SMS,SMS Ye bhi le SmS,smS,sMs Ye disco sms bhi le $m$,$M$,$m$ Ab bolana mat me sms nai karta. ================================================== wen god solve ur problem. u hv faith on his ability bt wen he doesn't solve ur problem REMEMBER then thehv faith on ur ability.. Hav gud day. ================================================== 2 things never defined .:LOVE=> Bcoz u can never know who loves u how much. FRIEND=> Bcoz u never know how deeply they care about you. ================================================== Touchy Lines .:When U go away from me. It doesnt reduce our LOVE. That distance will increase OUR LOVE. ================================================== Sweetest part in LIFE, is to carry all the memories in LIFE. But Toughest part is to say good bye to person who is behind those memories... ================================================== Goals and plans are like road maps. They wont guarantee u a smooth trip,

But they tell u the right direction in which to travel. ================================================== Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, But Anyone can start today and make a new ending .:- Maria Robinson. ================================================== Boyz love it. Girls misuse it. Models sell it. Photographers catch it. Doctors advice for it. What's that? . . Thats SMILE..!!! ================================================== I Like the simplicity of this line .:"A Best Friend is Like Blood. Though They are not Beside Us Always But They Come out When We r Wounded!!" ================================================== Value of relationship is NOT how much one FEEL HAPPY with someone, but the EMPTYNESS in the absence of someone...!! ================================================== Rishta hai to nibhayenge. Harpal aapko hasayenge. Nahi aapke pas fursat yad karne ki, to humhi tang karke apni yaad dilayenge...!! ================================================== At age of 3, We started studies

with tears. & At age of 23, We will finish studies with tears. 1st tear was water and 2nd would be FEAR of MISSING DEARS FOREVER. ================================================== Apne rishte pe hume naaz hai. Kal jitna bharosa tha utna hi aaj hai. Rishte wo nahi jo sirf gam or khushi me sath de. Rishta wo hai jo Apnepan ka ehsas de... thnx ================================================== Tere dil me ek chota sa kona chahiye. Tu hai to na chandi na sona chahiye. Bhar to du main SMS se inbox tera, Par tujhe padha likha bhi to hona chahiye... ================================================== Silent lips may avoid many problems, But smiling lips may solve many problmes, So always have a smile on ur face. ================================================== Zindagi rahe na rahe pyar rahega. Pas rahe na rahe yade rahegi. Apni zindagi me hamesha haste rehna. Kyunki apki hasi me ek muskan hamari rahegi. ================================================== Apne kya socha paigam nahi ayega. Socha ke ye dost bhul jayega. Ye tho ada hai hamari satane ki. Varna itna pyara dost kaun khona chahega. ==================================================

Jaan upar asman me tuta jo ek tara use dekh kar maine rab ko pukara, rakhe salamat wo tum ko hamesha, dur hi sahi par tute na kabhi ye rishta hamara. ================================================== Sweetest part in life is to carry all the memories in Life. But Toughest part is to say good bye to person who is behind those memories.... ================================================== If you wish to make a man your enemy, tell him simply, "YOU ARE WRONG". This method works everytime. ================================================== Dil me jutha arman nahi, Hotho pe jhuthi muskan nahi. Chahe 11 mulko ke police ho pichche, "shrikant" kisi ke msgs udhar nahi rakhta. ================================================== The best punishment to a boy .:Give him a mobile with lots of balance and girl's phine numbers. And leave him at a place where there is no network. ================================================== Ful bankaar hum mehekna jante hai. Muskurane gum bhulana janate hai. Log khush hote hai humse q ki, bina mile hum rishte nibhana janate hai... ================================================== Friendship is like a garden. Its beautiful, when watered with Love, Care, Affections, Tears, Cheers. But dries up, If left untouched. So keep in touch. ==================================================

Tumhari yaad dil se jane na denge, Tumhare jaisa dost khone na denge. Sharafat se CONTACT me rehna, warna bahut marenge aur rone bhi nahi denge. ================================================== Briteesh rooled avar kantry phor meni ears. Dhey destoid avar kalchar.. Sowot? Let ass destroi dher langvage lyke dis. Shend eat tu aal yor phrends and sea dh change! ================================================== Friendship means to feel someone in every heartbeat. To find someone in every thought. To find someone with closed eyes and to miss someone without reason... ================================================== Khuda kisi ko pe fida na kare. Kare to qayamat tak juda na kare. Yeh mana ki koi marta nahi judai mein. Lekin jee bhi to nahi pata tanhai mein. ================================================== Yado me teri tanha bethe he. Tere bina lubo ki hasi gawa bethe he. Teri duniya me andhera na ho isliye khud ka dil jala bethe he. ================================================== Dil me chahat teri aur teri zindagi meri kahani hai. Mere aankh se jo girta hai ansu tu. Samjhe to hira hai. Na samajhe to sirf pan hai. ================================================== Yu mohabbat amar nahi hoti, Jab tak ek dusre ki fikar nahi hoti. Yu to sikwe hazaro hai,

Magar tum bin zindagi basar nahi hoti. ================================================== Aapki dosti se hum mashahur hue. Aap ke sang hasne lage to aansu dur hue. Bas aap jaise dosto ki badolat. Aaj hum kanch se kohinoor hue. ================================================== Unhe to fursat nahi milne ki humse. Aur hamara waqt guzarata hai unki fariyad karke. Agar aaye woh meri maut pe. To keh dena abhi soye hai tumhe yaad karke. ================================================== Lovely message of the year!!! "A person who can explain the meaning of Colour to Blind... That Person can explain anything in LIFE..." ================================================== An impressive thought: "If the loser keeps smile...then the winner will lose the thrill of Victory.. So keep smiling always...." ================================================== It would be the perfect crime... If I stolen your heart and you stole mine. Let make it simple and short .:I REALLY LOVE YOU. ================================================== Jaan khushiya is jahan ki khuda aap par nisar de, Bhul jaye har gum sab itna pyar de, Jhuk jaye aap ke kadmo me yeh duniya, Khuda aap ko wo pyara sa mukam de. ================================================== Ajse hum eNglish

sikhange aj tumhare kilaas ka pehla din hai. Isliye tumhe hum chhuty de raha hun. Kalse se regualR aana. ================================================== Send me msg on dez timings~ Morning 6am-12pm Noon 12pm-4pm Eveng 4pm-8pm Night 8pm-6am baki time plz tang mat karna PADHNA hota hai. ================================================== Yaado ke ye silsila banaye rakhna, dost kaha hai to rishta nibhaye rakhna. Jaan to nahi mangenge aapse, Guzaarish hai dost, pehchan banaye rakhna. ================================================== Who am I to You ? Ur Ans must be a line of any one song. . . Reply is must if u value me. . . . . waiting . . . ================================== Waqt to hame bhula chuka hai. Muqadar bhi na bhula de. Pyar dil se hum Isliye nahi karte. Kyunki darte hai, Koi phir se na rula de. ================================================== Hard work is like stairs and luck is like a lift. A lift may fail sometimes but the stairs will always

get u to the top. ================================================== Fact of our life .:Whenever we find the key to success, some idiot changes the lock... So.. Learn to break d doors..! And always stay happy and smiling... ================================================== Dosti ki gehrai judai me bhi hoti hai. Baate to hoti rehti hai. Par bina baato ki dosti jab jinda rahe tabhi usme sachai hoti hai. ================================================== Kismat ruk gayi, Dil ke taar toot gaye. Wo Bhi rooth gaye. Sapne Bhi toot gaye. Khazane me the sirf do aansu. Jab yaad unki aayi, to wo b loot gaye.... ================================================== ..... "THIS MOMENT IS NOT PERMANENT IN LIFE." Read the above line whenever you are Happy or Sad... ================================================== Jis din bandh ho jayegi hamari ankhe. Us din kayi aankho me aansu aa jayenge. Jo kehte the kitna bolte ho tum wahi hamari awaz sunane ko taras jayenge. ================================================== Gunah karake saza se darte hai. Zehar pee kar dawa se darte hai. Dushman ke sitam ka khoff nahin hai humko.

Hum to doston ke ruth jaane se darte hai... ================================================== If God Gives Me 24 Hr B4 death. I'll spend 23:55 Min. wid u, And last 5 min., I will press ur neck and say Chal na sath chalte he It is cal best f'ship... ================================================== Apko har waqt muje chahna hoga. Mere pyar ko umar bhar nibhana hoga. Is jahan ki baat chodo yaar. Har janam me apko mere liye laut aana hoga... ================================================== Thought to Always remember .:If u cant be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try atleast to be a nice eraser to erase everyone's sorrows !!! ================================================== Three tips to safe game OF LIFE .:*Dont make promises when u r in JOY. *Dont reply when u r SAD. *Dont take decision when u r angry. ================================================== Mujh ko pagal bana gaye ye aansu. Jaane kya kya suna gaye ye aansu.. Koi roya tha hichkiyon se bahut, Aur kisi ko hansa gaye ye aansu... ================================================== Yadon ko dilse mita Q nahi dete, Jo ja chuka hai use bhula Q nahi dete.....

Murjim hai wo tera mujhe itna to bata. Khamosh khade ho saza Q nahi dete..... ================================================== Answer following questions .:Q1-Ek din ki zindagi mile to kya mangoge? Q2-Maut samne ho to kya chahoge? Q3-Dost or pyar me pahli pasand? Q4-Zakhm dene walese pyar ho to kya karoge? reply must ================================================== If U think that I'm thinnking of U all the time, U are wrong B'coz I think of U only when I Miss U. But I MISS U all the Time..../ ================================================== If Ur Heart Miss Someone, If Ur Eyes Have Tears For Someone, If Ur Life Has Tears For Someone, If Ur Life Has Time And Space For SomeOne. . . Then U Really LOVE That SOMEONE.... ================================================== To be most successful in Life, Always forget d problems that U faced in Life, But never forget the Lessons that those Problems taught U...!! ================================================== Problem is just the distance between expectation and reality, Either expect less and accept the Reality. Or expect a lot and turn it into reality.

================================================== Door nigahon se kahin mat jaana, Zindagi me hume bhool na jaana. Zarurat ho jab bhi aapko hamari, Khuli hai Baahen chale Aana. ================================================== Roz kisi ka intzaar hota hai, Roz ye dil bekarar hota hai, Kaash ke koi samaj pata, Ki chup rehne walo ko bhi kisi se behad pyar hota hai. ================================================== "Fight for your opinions, but do not believe that they contain the whole truth or the only truth. " - Charles A. Dana ================================================== Zindagi mein kabhi to hume yaad karoge. Mehfil mein nahi, Tanhai mein fariyaad karoge. Humsa na mila, na Milega koi. kabhi to apni qismat par naaz karoge. ================================================== A smile gives red colour to Ur cheeks, white colour to Ur teeth, pink color to Ur lips, silver color to Ur eye! So smile plz... ================================================== In 1980, IDBI rejected Loan for Ambani. 28 years later.... Mukesh Ambani Plans to buy IDBI This shows nothing is impossible. Today SWISS BANK

rejected my LOAN... so its my time now... ================================================== I can buy gifts but not Love. I can pretend 2 smile, but not to be happy. I can lie to others, but not to U. I do have many FRIENDS but none as SWEET as U. ================================================== Mayus to hu magar hona nahi chahata, Kya karu use bhulana nahi chahata. Janta hu wo bekhabar hai mujse, Phir bhi us ke khayal ko dilse mitana nahi chahata. ================================================== Meri jaan khaye hai Lakho Dhoke or Seh Lenge. Tum jao apni doli me. Hum apne Janaze ko barat keh lenge. ================================================== Like birds, Let us leave behind what we dont need 2 carry grudges, sadness, pain, fear & regrets Life is too beautiful. Live It Happily...!! ================================================== 2 eyes are best friends. Both will blink together, move, cry, see n sleep together... But If they see a girl, only one will blink Moral - Girl can break any. ================================================== Dont be happy 4 a reason, Because that happiness ends with\the reason. Be happy without any

reason and you will be happy for ever. ================================================== Nazar ko nazaro ki kami nai hoti. Fulo ko baharo ki kami nahi hoti. fir q hame yaad karoge aap, Aap to aasman hai aur aasman ko sitaron ki kami nahi hoti. ================================================== Akele rehna bhi kya dard hai. Kisiko pakar khona bhi kya dard hai. Cheen leti hai duniya usiko tumse Jiske bina jina sabse bada dard hai. ================================================== Sometimes eyes also get jealous of hearts. U knw y? Guess! Its simple, some times sweet persons remains close to heart but far away from eyes. ================================================== Ishq pane ki tamanna me kabhi-kabhi zindagi khilona bankar reh jati hai, jise dil me basana chahte dil me basana chahte hai wo surat sirf yaad bankar reh jati hai. ================================================== Kuch din to baso meri ankho me dost, fir khwab agar ban jao to gam nahi. Koi khushi to do mere dil ko. Fir zakhm bhar do to gam nahi. ================================================== This world, where everything seems uncertain, only one thing is definite, U'll always be my friend, beyond words, beyond time and byond distance. ==================================================

Jise umar bhar chaha kash wo hamara hota. Khwahisho ka bhi koi kinara hota. Ye soch ke mene usko roka nahi. Door hi q jaata agar wo hamara hota. ================================================== Man asked a fallen rose : Dont u get hurt when you are plucked.? Rose replied : No, i FORGET MY PAIN thinking that i'm the reason 4 SOMEONES SMILE. ================================================== Someone wrote on the door of Heart "Please do not enter...!" FRIENDSHIP came smiling and said, "Sorry, I m Illiterate!" ================================================== "LOVE" In france - is a comedy In england - its tragedy In italy - its wonder In germany - its a drama But In India - National Game..... India Rocks... ================================================== Aap kare na kare yad humko. hum aapko hamesha yad karenge. Mobile ke sath dafnana humko. Network milega to kabar se bhi sms karenge. ================================================== Mayus mat hona ye gunah hota hai. Milta wahi hai jo kismat me lokha hota hai. Har chiz mile hume zaruri to nahi. Kuch chiz ke intezar me hi maza hota hai. ================================================== Dil se nikli hai kuchh aisi aawaz. Kehti hai humse ki ye

hai pyaar ka aagaz. Dil ka hai kuch apna hi andaaz. Pyar hai itna ki kam pad jayega aakash. ================================================== Pahuch hai hamari chand tak. Yeh tare bhi salaam kiya karte hai. Yeh aasma bhi jhuk jata hai. Jab hum aapko yaad kiya karte hai. ================================================== U say U LOVE ME and want to hold me tight. Those words run through my head day and night. I dreamt U held ME and made ME see, That FOREVER TOGETHER WE WOULD BE. ================================================== Apni kismat kuch aise likhkar laya hu. Jaise zindagi kisi ki churakar laya hu. Sine me hazar gum hai. Magar MUSKARANA to chehre par likhakar laya hu. ================================================== A sad girl is sitting with a boy. BOY : ur d second most beautiful girl I've ever known. GIRL: who's the first? BOY : Its you! when U SMILE...! ================================================== I do not eat at morning bcoz I MISS U... I do not eat at lunch bcoz I MISS U... I do not eat at dinner bcoz I MISS U... I do not sleep at night bcoz

i m hungry. ================================================== Let d GOD decorate each GOLDEN RAY of SUN reaching U with Wishes of SUCCESS, HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY 4 U. Wish U Super Happy Birthday. Happy B'day .... ================================================== Jaruri nahi dosti main mulakat hoti rahe. Jaruri nahi dosti mai bat hoti rahe. Bus mera dost jaha bhi rahe wo khush rahe. Or use meri yaad aati rahe. ================================================== People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. *** The most wasted day in LIFE is the day in which We havent laughed. ================================================== Dil me kuch khatak raha hai. Sanso me kuch atak raha hai. Tumhe na hogi is baat ki khabar kabhi, ki tumhe pane ke liye koi bhatak raha hai. ================================================== Pehchaan to meri kuch nahi. Par log hume jante hai. Hum mandir nahi jate hai, Q ki dil se aapko apna khuda mante hai. ================================================== Tumhare ansu gire wo ankh meri ho. Jo dil dhadake wo dhadkan meri ho. Chalo apna rishta itna gehra kare ki, sans tumhari ruke to maut meri ho. ================================================== People say that there is no differenece between

the word COMPLETE and FINISH. But There is a difference, Coz When U Love the right Ont U are COMPLETE and When U LOVE the wrong One U are FINISHed. ================================================== Aboli sarkhi abol, sagara huni khol, surya sarkhi prakashnari, wadal waryat tarnari, dur asuni jawal bhaasnari, ashi asaawi "MAITRI". ================================================== Friendship is the rainbow between two Hearts sharing of seven feelings, Love+Sad+Happy+Truth+ Faith+Secrete+Helping= FRIENDSHIP. ================================================== Sms to ek bahana tha, erada to aapka ek pal churana tha. Aap yad kare ya na kare koi bat nahi, Par apaki yad aati hai, bas itana hi batana tha. ================================================== Every minute GOD blesses U, Every hour GOD protects U, bcoz! Everyday I pray to GOD : This is My "SWEET JAANU" zara extra khayal karana. ================================================== One of the best LOVE quote .:"I have written HER name in my HEART B'coz GOD forget to write her name in my faith!!" ================================================== Hasrat hai sirf usko

paanne ki. Aur koi khwahish nahi is diwane ki.. Shikwa mujse nahi khuda se karo, kya zarurat thi usko khoobsurat banane ki... ================================================== "When you start crying about yourself, you start loving somebody.." But "When you start crying about others, somebody starts loving You...!!" ================================================== Dost hi shayad zindagi hoti hai, Jo har dil me basi hoti hai, Waise to jee lete hai sabhi akele magar phir bhi zarurat iski har kisi ko hoti hai. ================================================== Love never dies. It remains 4evr & 4evr & 4evr & 4evr & 4evr & 4evr & 4evr only Partner changes. So, keep Loving the LATEST ones. ================================================== Sitaro ke aage bhi koi jahan hoga. Jo na dekha kabhi wo sama hoga. Us jahan ke sare hasin nazaro ki kasam,

Aap sa hasin dost dusara kaha hoga. ================================================== Gareebi kya hai..??? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jab ek ladki do rupaye mein kiss karne ko taiyaar ho.... ? ? ? Aur ? ? Aapke paas sirf ek rupaya ho... ================================================== True friends never leave each other, dey never get apart, dey just sometimes sit silently each others heart saying m here waiting. if u ever need me. ================================================================================ ==== Even if u sms is nt come. I think ur sending but its undelivered. Even if ur not call n i think ur trying but network is busy, coz BELIVING is most important in RELATION. ================================================================================ ==== Intezar us din ka hoga jis din aapko hamari chahat par naaz hoga. Dil me hum aapke honge. Aur hotho par naam sirf hamara hoga.

================================================================================ ==== Ek nursary class ka bachcha bola : Mam mai aapko kaisa lagta hu. Mam : SO SWEET. Bacha apni side ke ladke bola - dekha mene kaha tha na line mart hai. ================================================================================ ==== A bond of love. A medal of trust. A shoulder in sadness. A special relation 2 hold, where secrets can be told. dis magic is called "LOVE". ================================================================================ ==== Jabse samza humne hota kya he PYAR.? Karne laga tabse kisi ma intezar.! Mangne lage unhe duao me kitni baar, Na jane kab hoga us CHAND ka didar.? ================================================================================ ==== Jis din unse dil laga baithe. Tanhai me gamo ki mehfil saja baithe.. Wo to kho gaye duniya bheed me. Or hum apni hi duniya me aag laga baithe. ================================================================================ ==== Na khushi na koi tamanna hai ab. Bas apne hi saye ke sang rehte hai hum Kaise kahe kaise hai hum. Bas tu samjhao aap khush hai to khush hai hum. ================================================================================ ==== Meri dua me aapka jikr sada rehega. Apki zindagi me khushi

ho ya gum mera saath sada rahega. Bhale hi hum dur hi sahi par ye Dosti ka rishta sada rahega... ================================================================================ ==== Milna bichadna sab kismat ka khel hai. Kahi nafrat kahi dilo ka mel hai.. Bik jata hai har rishta duniya me... Sirf apni dosti hi yaha "not 4 sale." ================================================================================ ==== Teri TAQDIR se meri taqdir bana de. Mere hatho me tu apni LAKIR bana de. Main rahu na RAHU tere paas. Bas apne dilki mere DIL ME tasvir bana de. ================================================================================ ==== Aap ko miss karna roz ki baat hai. Aapko yaad karna aadat ki baat hai. Aap se door rehna kismat ki baat hai. Magar aap ko jhelna himmat ki baat hai. ================================================================================ ==== A fact : YOU can Live without da person who says "YOU ARE MINE." But YOU can NEVER Live without someone who says "I AM YOURS." ================================================================================ ==== Aankho mein mehfooz rakhna sitaron ko. Ab toh dur tak sirf raat hogi. Musafir hum bhi hai. Kisi mod par fir mulaqat hogi. ================================================================================ ==== At the time of MY Death, Pls don't cry.

Others may get fear. Bcoz my hand will RAISE to stop YOUR tears. ================================================================================ ==== Bahane se aapki baat kia karte hai. Har pal aapko yad kia karte hai. Itni bar to aap saans bhi na lete honge. Jitni bar aapko yad kia karte hai. ================================================================================ ==== A change in attitude, without any apprent change in skills or behaviour can result in quantum improvements in performance. Never regret... If It Is ================================================================================ ==== Woh aksar mujhe kehti thi ki "Tumhe to me apna bana ke hi chodungi." Aaj usne apna wada pura kar diya. Usne mujhe apna bana ke hi chod diya..... ================================================================================ ==== A true lovers last few words .:"My absence may not make any difference to you. But I know I LOVED YOU TRUE and wont give the same moment to anyone new." ================================================================================ ==== *Roses are not Rose as Much as U r Sweets are not sweet as much as U r. *How can I imagine a Life without U... Bcoz Life is not a Life

without U..... ================================================================================ ==== Life is like a piano. White keys are Happy moments and black keys are sad moments. But remember both keys are played together for sweet music. So enjoy Life...... ================================================================================ ==== Life is a cream LOVE is a dream but friendship is evergreen dont make friends before understanding and dont break friendship after misunderstanding..... ================================================================================ ==== Khyal jab unhe mera aya hoga. Meri yaad ne unko sataya hoga. Bhool na paye jinhe hum aaj tak. Kaise unhone hume bhulaya hoga...... ================================================================================ ==== Teri dosti ne bahut kuch sikha diya. Meri khamosh duniya ko jaise has diya. Karzdar hu me khuda ka. Jisne mujhe aap jaise dost se mila diya. ================================================================================ ==== Koi khwaish teri adhuri na rahe. Chahe jise tu usse duri na rahe. Khushiyon ke phool itne khile tere jivan me, ki hamari yaad bhi tere liye zaruri na rahe. ================================================================================ ==== CARING 4 someone is easy but making someone care for 4u is hard. I keep WONDERING how did u make it so easy 4 ME 2 CARE 4 U..... ================================================================================

==== Lehron se milkar na wo bheeg sake na hum. Ek duje ke dil me na wo reh sake na hum. Jeet lenge aasman ko ek din. Lekin palkon ki khamoshi ko hoton se na wo kh sake na hum. ================================================================================ ==== Chupkese chand ki roshni apko chu jaye... Dhirese hawa kuch keh jaye... Dil se jinhe chahte ho unhe manglo khudase... Hum dua karenge apke chahat apko mil jaye.... ================================================================================ ==== Agar hum yaad nahi karte. To bhulate bh nahi. Hum hasaate nahi, par rulaate nahi. Hum roz naye dost banate nahi, Par jo bane hai unhe gawate bhi nahi. ================================================================================ ==== Best lines ever : . . . . . "Heart is only broken instrument that works for years without repairing....." ================================================================================ ==== Life has most deepest feelings and are often expressed in SILENCE... The one who can read VOLUMEs of ur silence is UR DEAREST PERSON..... ================================================================================ ==== Mojudgi zaruri nahi, zaruri ehsas hai. Hum kabhi dur nahi aapke aas-pas hai.

Dekhiye to zara mann ki aankho se. Hum har kadam par aapke saath hai. ================================================================================ ==== Koi tumhe bhul jaye to kya karoge. Saari yaade mit jaye to kya karoge. Kisi ko bhulane se pehle ye soch lena. Koi tumhe bhul jaye to kya karoge. ================================================================================ ==== If an egg breaks by outer force, Life ends. But If an egg breaks from within, Life begins. Great things always begin from within. Have a great willpower. ================================================================================ ==== Sometimes in Life we think we don't need anyone. But Sometime we don't have anyone when we need... So don't let your best friends go ever... ================================================================================ ==== Har pal apse milne ko dil karta hai. Aapki sab nadaniyan ko dil maf karta hai, Kaise reh sakte hai hum aapke bina, Jab ye dil aapko dilo jaan se pyar karta hai.... ================================================================================ ==== If u r a chocolate urt the sweetest. If u r a teddy bear u r the most huggable, If u are star u r the bightest, and since uj r my best friend..... ================================================================================ ====

Yado ki barsaat liye duaon ki soghat liye. Dil ki gehrayee se chand ki roshani se pholo ke raghaz pe aap ke liye sirf 3 lafz ""I LOVE YOU." ================================================================================ ==== Zindagi bewafaa hai, ek din daga de jayegi. Chahane walo ko rota chhod jayegi. Ji bhar ke jiyo jab tak zindagi hai... Warna armano ko maut sath le jayegi... ================================================================================ ==== I miss ur face I Miss Ur voice. I miss Ur smile I miss Ur call. I miss ur company but I never miss ur Honest and sweetet Love. ================================================================================ ==== Bus ek hi dua hahi meri. Apne khuda se agah rakhe wo har pal muje apni raza se mit te hai to mit jaye ye hasti meri. Par dil na dukhe kabhi kisi ka meri wajah se... ================================================================================ ==== Ham yaad rahe to thik varna bhula dena. Ho koi khata to saja dena.... Vaise ham to hai kagaj ki tarah. Likha jaye to thik nahi to mita dena.... ================================================================================ ==== Maana ki tum jite ho zamane ke liye. Ek bar jee ke to dekho hamare liye. Dilki kya aukat hai aapke samne. Ham to jaan bhi de

denge aapko paane ke liye. ================================================================================ ==== Jo pasand padi wo mili nahi Jo mili wo jami nahi Jo jami uske sath maza aaya nahi jiske sath maza aaya wo hamesha ke liye rahi nahi... ================================================================================ ==== Hamari dosti ki umar humse jyada hogi. Tumhar har awaz hamare liye wada hogi tum bhi sun lo khol ke kan jisne dosti todi uski pitai sabse jyada hogi. ================================================================================ ==== Maitrichya watewar gaav tuze lagle. Visava ghenyas mann maze thamble, apulya maitrichi zaraa aasach vahu de, Maitrichya ya gavat nehmi tuzi sobat rahu de!!!!! ================================================================================ ==== One day I may die without saying good bye 2 U! But I will never forget 2 say THANK YOU! Because U have given me one of loveliest friendship ever in my life!!!!! ================================================================================ ==== Never say ur happy when ur sad. Never say itz good when you fill bad. Never smile when U want to cry. AND Never say u r alone unless I DIE..... ================================================================================ ==== Meri ANKHO me TUM apni DUNIA basa LENA.

Mere DIL me TUM apna GHAR bana lena. Tere DIL me JAAN hai meri. TUM meri JAAN ko apni JAAN bana lena. ================================================================================ ==== Apni hi saanso ko tere nam kiya. Har sham intezar-e-pyar kiya. Waqt-e-pabandi ne kuch aise roka hame mar ke bhi tujhe pyar kiya. ================================================================================ ==== 1 friend like U is enough 2 enjoy d whlole Life. But, 1 Life is not enough 2 enjoy with a friend like U. ================================================================================ ==== If ever a day comes when U find a better friend than me, jujst remember dat what I gave U is d best of wat i had and what I was 2 U, is d best I could ever Be. ================================================================================ ==== No genuine Lover Loves D face dey love the Heart. No Heart falls in Love by choice, its by chance. No one stays in Love by chance, Its by faith..... ================================================================================ ==== Sometimes we will decide 2 stop LOVING someone.. Not because they dont Love Us... But Because we FIND that they are more Happier without US....! Cute pain but true....! ================================================================================ ==== Ek dost, dost k liye kya hota hai.?

Shayad khuda se bhi badhkar hota hai. RADHA to roti hai KRISHA ke liye, par KRISHNA to SUDAMA ke liye rota hai. ================================================================================ ==== Life is a little foolish and we are all fools. When we find someone whose foolishness is equal to ours, we fall into mutual stupidity and call it friendship. ================================================================================ ==== I am not the same since i met u, the days turned longer the noghts turned colder and u will always have a special place in my heart just for You....! ================================================================================ ==== Saanso me ek aahat aapki bhi hai. Dil ki dhadkano me gungunahat apki bhi hai, anjan hai apka dil ki hamari hasi me ek muskurahat apki bhi hai..... ================================================================================ ==== I like me eyes when U look it. I like my name when U call it. I like my Heart when U stay in it. I LOVE my LIFE when a BeSt FrIeNd Like U is part of it. ================================================================================ ==== Hasna aur hasana fitrat hai hamari. Har koi khush rahe ye hasrat hai hamari. Bhale hi koi hame yaad ne kare. Lekin har ek dost ko yaad karna aadat hai hamari....! ================================================================================ ==== Na yaad karo kisiko

itna ki uski har saans tumhari kamjori ban jaye... Chaho kisiko itna ki, tumhari har saans uske liye zaruri ban jaye... ================================================== While you are far away remember that I Love U, And think of me each time the stars shine above you. ================================================== A true friend is someone who believers u r d best person in d world even though he or she knows u r complete crack ! I'm ur true friend. ================================================== Kitna bhi chaho hame na bhool paoge..., Hum se jitna door jaoge nazdeek paoge. Mita sakte ho to mita do hume, Par hamari yaade kaise mita paoge. ================================================== No special reason 3 dis msg. i just want 2 steal a single moment out of ur busy day n hope 2 make U smile whn i say: "hey i missing you yaar...." ================================================== Zakhm itne gehre he ki izhar kya kare. Hum khud nishana ban gaye Aur kya kare mar gaye hum. Magar khuli rahi aankhe ab isse jyada unka intzar kya kare????? ================================================== Nikal aye hai ansu rone se pehle. Toot jate hai sab khwab sonne se pehle. Kehte hain ke pyar ek saza hai.

Kash koi rok sakta ise hone se pehle. ================================================== kya mujhe tum apna bana paoge. duniya ko mere liye thukra paoge. khair meri chhodo apne dil se puchho kya kiye hue wade nibha paoge. ================================================== 1 tree makes 1 lack matchstick. but 1 matchstick can burn 1 lack trees. Moral: 1 negative thought can burn all thoughts. Be positive in Life. ================================================== Pyar me chehre bhulaye nahi jate. Dosti me ehsan ginaye nahi jate. HUm to bahut khush kismat he. Q ki aap jese dost is duniya me mil nahi pate he. ================================================== Eyes r not meant 4 tears n heart is not meant 4 fears. nvr get upset but always cheer. coz u d 1 who can make people smile in tears. ================================================== Ulzan koi aa jaye to humse na chupana. Sath na de agar zuban to aankho se batana. Har kadam pe sath denge hum. Dost banaya hai to zarur aazmana. ================================================== U stole my heart, the moment u looked me,

call me crazy call me insane every time my heart beats it mentions your name. Love is for ever. ================================================== Sukun apne dil ka mene kho diya, khud to tanhai ke samandar me dubo diya.... Jo thi mere muskurane ki wajah, aaj usi ne meri palko ko bhigo diya.... ================================================== ye sari duniya kehti he ki kisi 1 ke jane se jindagi ruk nahi jati. Lekin ye koi nahi janta ki lakho ke mil jaane se bhi us ek ki kami puri nahi ho pati. ================================================== Agar kabhi aapko mere sms receive na ho. to tum pareshan mat hona. Q..k maine sms ki factory nahi kholi. mujhe or bhi kaam hote hai. ================================================== lambe safar me ek asiyana ho tum. akele rasto ka dostana ho tum. Sochte he tum_bin jindagi kesi hoti. Qki hamari khushi ka bahana ho tum... ================================================== rona hi majburi. hasne se mit jaayegi duri. Dil se mil jayenge dil bas 1 sms karna hai jaruri. ================================================== our heart is the best hypocrite in the world..

we think it beats for ur inside. but it beats for someone else who is inside it...! ================================================== the minute u think of giving up any relation, think of the reason why u held it so long... ================================================== phool insano se zyada khubsurat hote hai... lekin kuch insaan phulon se zyada khubsurat hote hai. jaise aap

mujhe hi dekh lo... ================================================== meri kahani ek band kitaab si hai. jisne khola usne padha nahi. jisne padha wo samjha nahi. jo samjha aaj wo mere paas nahi... ================================================== mai kisi aur ki hu itna bata kar roye wo mujhe mehndi lage hath dikha kar roye. yad kar ke mere pyar ke sunhare pal, wo apni doli me bathkar roye... ================================================== teri dosti ko ehsaan mante hain. ise nibhana apna iman mante hain. hum dosti me apni jaan nahi dete kyon ki dosto ko hum apni jaan mante hain...

================================================== haskar kisi din rula mat dena. khas bana ke gair mat bana dena. mana ke roj apse mil nai pate, isi baat ka bahana bana ke bhula na dena... ================================================== aapke sms ki thi ek aas, cel ko rakha tha apne dil ke paas, dil se pucha, kyun nahi aaya msg aaj? to jawab aaya, tum nahi koi aur hai unke liye khaas... ================================================== Samandar ki ret hatho me samai nahi jati. dilo ke mahabbat labo se batai nahi jati. ki jati hai unse mohabbat aksar, jinse dil ki baat chupai nahi jati. ================================================== bina kahe....> jo SAB KUCH keh jate hai. bina kasur....> jo sab SEH jaate hai. Door reh k b...> jo apna FARZ nibhate hai, Wohi rishte to APNE kehlate hai... ================================================== Wo aaj hum se nafrat karte hai. Hum to aaj bhi sirf un par marte hai. Nafrat hai to kya hua yaro kuch to hai jo sirf wo humse karte hai... ================================================== Eyes r d way 2 Love. Heart is d heaven of LOVE.

Dreams r d outcome of LOVE. Heart Beat r d music of Love. BUT DONT FORGET, TEARS are d RESULT of LOVE. ================================================== HUm suraj nahi ki dhal jayenge. ne hi waqt ki gujar jayenge. HUm wo ansu hain jo gam or khushi dono me nazar aayenge. ================================================== two things in LIFE which r d more tragedic than death. 1. Ur love loves u and u dont know that. 2. Ur love doesnt love u and u know that. ================================================== BHula dena use jo rula jaye. yad rakhna use jo nibha jaye. wade apse karenge bahut log magarapne dil ki bat kehna use jiske bina raha na jaye. ================================================== I Dnt Knw Y I M So Afraid 2 Lose U Wen U R Nt Even Mine, I Dnt Knw Y I Love U So. Wen U Dnt Evn Love Me. Dnt Knw Y U R D 1 Wen, I Am Just Someone 2 U. ================================================== D most Loveliest Life is LIving with the person WHO LOVES U. And The most Loveliest Death is Dying in the arms of the 1 U LOVE... ================================================== 1 day god punished me, Eraseed my memory and asked, do you remember anyone now...? I told ur name

n said. Dear GOD, this person is in my heart not in my brain. ================================================== Hasin palo ko phir se abad kar rahe the. Chand se aapki baat kar rahe the. Dil ko bada sukun mila jankar. Ki aap bhi hame hi yaad kar rahe the... ================================================== khayal jab unhe mera aya hoga. Meri yaad ne unko sataya hoga. Bhool na paye jinhe ham aaj tak. kaise unhone hame bhulaya hoga. ================================================== Door chand kahi jal raha hoga. kisi ka dil machal raha hoga. Uff ye mere pairon me chubhan kaisi. Zarur mera apna koi kaanto par chal raha hoga.... ================================================== pyar ne ye kaisa tohfa de diya. mujhko gumo ne pathar bana diya. teri yaadon main hi kat gayi ye umar kehta raha tujhe kab ka bhula diya... ================================================== kisi ki yaad mere paas rehti hai. bahut dino se aankhe udas rehti hai. bichad gaya wo par dil nahi manta. na jane Q milne ki ab bhi aas rehti hai. ================================================== Zindagi ki raaho pe jab aage jaoge, pichhe ek saaya tum hardum paoge. Mudke dekhenge to tanhai hogi. Agar mehsus karoge

to hame paoge.... ================================================== Aapki hasi kabhi kam na ho, aapki aankhe kabhi aansoon se nam na ho, Mile zindagi me har khushi aapko, bhale uss khushi me hum ho na ho..... ================================================== Heart is like a crystal preserve it. Love is like a perfume spread it. Feelings are like a Flood flow it. Friendship is like a umbrella come lets share it..... ================================================== Birds thaat live in a lake will fly away when the lake dries up. But the lotus in the same lake dies with the lake THAT's the commitment in the RELATIONSHIP. ================================================== Unko fursat nahi mulakat ki. Hume aadaat hai intzaar ki. Nahi pata kya rog hai hame. Bas ek hasrat hai unke didar ki. ================================================== thokar na lage mujhe pathar nahi hu me. herat se dekh na koi manzar nahi hu me. teri nazar me meri qadar kuch nahi. magar un se pucho jinhe hansil nahi hun me. ================================================== ******TUM****** lamho ka hisab rakhte ho. zindagi ki haseen kitab rakhte ho. fursat mile to likhna kabhi ke mujhe dil se yaad karte ho..? ================================================== Karti hai saanse ba ek hi ishara,

dua me bas naam rahe tumhara, tham jaye ye sama yahi par, kyunki nahi chahiye hume ab koi aapse bhi pyara. ================================================== Nigahen aapki pehchan hai hamari, muskarahat aapki shan hai hamari. Karna hifazat tum apni. Q ki saanse apki Jaan Hai Hamari..! ================================================== Crying alone is really better than laughing with the people who hate u. But Act like loving you.... ================================================== Teri dosti ne zindagi ko ek maqsad diya, Sukh dukh me tera ehsas kiya. Jab bhi jhapke palak teri, samaj lena hum ne tumhe yaad kiya... ================================================== Boys/Girls may b flirting around all d day. But Before they goto sleep, they always think about the girl/boy they truely LOVE...! ================================================== I cried today..... not because i missed you or even wanted you. But because I finally realized I'm going to be alright without u. ================================================== Muskan tere hotho se kabhi na jaye,

ansu teri palko pe kabhi na aaye, pura ho tera har khwab, aur jo pura na ho wo khwb kabhi na aaye. ================================================== intezar kar raha hai koi. dard se guzar raha hai koi. tum se door reh kar bhaut khud se bikhar raha hai koi. ================================================== the hardest moments are not those when tears flow from ur eye. ITS wen u have 2 hide d tears in ur eyes with a smile w remove tears from someone else eyes... ================================================== khamosh palkon se jab ansoo bikar jate hai... aap kya jaane aap kitna yaad aate hai. abhi bhi usi mod pe khade hai. jahan aap ne kaha tha thehro hum abhi aate hai... ================================================== absence is d best presence B'coz if people are absent, then u miss them and if u miss them that means thay are present in ur HEART. ================================================== in life der is no rehersal, each day a new show, no retakes, no rewind. So give ur best shot in all ur worthy acts, as d show goes on "LOVE"...! ================================================== hamare muskarane ki wajah aap ho,

Hamari zindagi ka matlab aap ho hame milegi jab bhi khushi. hum sochenge khuda se duwa karne wale aap ho. ================================================== Sweet MSG by a TRUE LOVER .:"I M MAD 4 HER BUT WHY I M NOT MADE 4 HER" "Dats y all say LOVE HURTS". ================================================== kuch bikhare sapno se aankho me nami hai. Ek chota sa asma or umido ki zamin hai. U to bahut kuch hai zindagi me jo dost dur hai uski kami hai.. ================================================== SUN may 4get rain, moon may 4get stars, hands may forget fingers, but i will never forget true friend like you.. ================================================== kadambari mhanun ullekh asava, tyala survat havi pan shevat nasava. Pratek panaavar tuzya maitriche shabd asavet, fakt tya shabdana purn viram nasava..... ================================================== rait pe likhna to aadat hai hamari. isliye to sagar se dushmani hai hamari. chahe hum lakh bar mitaye naam aapka. par aapko bhulana taqdir me nahi hamari. ================================================== pyar or barish dono ekse hote hai. wo hamesha yadgar hote hai. fark sirf itna hai.

barish sath rahakar tan beegati hai or pyar dur raha kar aankhe. ================================================== socha na tha ke kabhi apni dosti hogi. dil jiske liye ro sake aisi ulfat hogi. ab jannat ki galiyon ko kya dekhen. hamari dosti hogi wahi jannat shuru hogi. ================================================== mere yaar ki jahan se nirali hai ada. andaz unka hai yaro sabse juda. khafa ho jaye to katil se kam nahi. meherban ho to khudase kam nahi. ================================================== time alone can prove d worth of friendship. as time goes by we loose d false ones n keep d best.... Just a sweet hi to one of d best I have...! ================================================== Life has no second edition to correct it later. It has only one edition which should be the best, so let us be very careful while writing every pages. ================================================== love is the expression of simplicity in emotion, the unattainable longing that comes so unexpectedly, with great subtlety and bliss.... ================================================== from quiet homes n first beginning, out to d undiscovered ends, theres nothing worth d wear of winning, but laughter n d love of friends.

================================================== hum apne hisse ki duniya ji chuke, bas dhadkano ka lihaz karte hai, in duniya walon se kya sikayat kare, jo aakhari saans par bhi aitraaz kar sake. ================================================== bina bole aansu chale aate hai, bina bole dost kaam aate hai, kamal ki baat to ye he, aapki yaad jab ati hai to bina bole mere sms chale jate hai. ================================================== usne kaha kaun khubsurat hai main ya chand... Maine kaha pata nahi par tumhe dekhta hu to chand bhul jata hu aur chand ko dekhta hu to teri yaad aati hai... ================================================== I wnt to live long life. Not in the world. just in your heart. so, take care my dear SWEET HEART. LOVE YOU... ================================================== Har raat me bhi aap ke paas ujala ho. har koi aap ko chahne wala ho. waqt gujar jaye unki yaadon ke sahare.

koi aap ko itna pyar karne wala ho...! ================================================== tumse roz milne ko dil karta hai. sunne aur sunaane ko dil karta hai. teri muskan ka andaz hi kuch aisa hai. ki sab kuch bhul jaane ko dil karta hai... ================================================== roye hai bahut tab zara karar mila. is jaha me kise bhala sacha pyar mila. guzar rahi hai zindagi imtihan ke daur se. pyar se laboko sada ansu ka uphar mila. ================================================== teri dosti ne bahut kuch sikha diya, meri khamosh duniya ko jaise hasa diya. karzdar hu me khuda ka, jisne mujhe aap jaise dost se mila diya. ================================================== afrato se bhari is duniya me koi hai jo hamari khushiyo ki fikr karta hai. khuda unki har tamanna puri kare. jo duaon me bhi hamara jikr karta hai. ================================================== jo kal tha, use bhulkar to dekho, jo aaj hai, use jikar to dekho, aane wala pal khud hi sawar jayega, bus zindagi ko pyar se jikar to dekho. ================================================== one day God tested me... he erased all my memory and asked do you remember anyone now..? I told your name... God smiled and saidi knw some virus cant be deleted. ================================================== mana ke dosti me

kamzor hai hum, par dosto ki tasvir dil me rakhte hai hum, bhale hi apni roz baat na hoti ho, par salamat rahe apni dosti yahi duva karte hain hum. ================================================== jab waqt ne zindagi se hisab manga to, socha ke kya khoya kya paya? khone ka to hisab nahi mila, yad raha to bas itna ke, dost "aap" jaisa paya. ================================================== lage na nazar is rishte ko zamane ki... pade na zarurat kabhi ekduje ko manane ki aap na chodna dosti ka sath varna tamanna na rahegi naye dost bananr ki.... ================================================== ishq me hum so na sake. yad me hum unki rona sake. marne ke baad shayad samje wo ke. jite ji hum uske Q ho na sake. ================================================== don't try to have friends who can achieve great height have a friend. who can hold you when u fall from the greatest height. A loyal is better than a royal. ================================================== pine de saaki abi raat baki hai. mere hisse ke abhi do jaam baki hai. jana hai sub kuch bhulakar maikhane se. dil me abi kisi ki yaad baki hai. ================================================== friendship doesnt needs a powerful eyes. a cute voice and a lovely face. it always needs a

beautiful responsible heart with affection forever. ================================================== hame na rahega zindagi se koi shikwa, bas karte hai rab se ye dua, mil jaye mere dost ko aaisa koi aapna, jise pakar wo kahe "dekh yaar ye tha mmera sapna..." ================================================== 4 yrs 40 subjects 400 practicals 40000 assignments 400000 rupees. A normal human being cannot do it. Remaining abnormal are called "ENGINEERS". ================================================== U dont have 2 be super nice always. Sometimes u have 2 show ur bad side so u can sort out who can accept u even at ur worst time and mood... ================================================== ***************** Zindagi hote hue zindagi se dur hai. teri khushi ke liye khushi se dur hai. Isse zyada pyar ki saza kya hogi, tere hote huye tujh se dur hai. ================================================== Tears are more truthful than a Smile! Because, You can smile in front of everyone, but you will cry only infront of one who is special to you...! like u r 2 me. me best friend..... ================================================== hum gam ki raat khayalo me kaat dete hai. mile jo din ujalo me

baant dete hai. ham dard-e-dil ko bahut aziz rakhte hai. mile jo khushi zamane me baant dete hai. ================================================== tu nahi tera paigam to aaye. ek koi khat mere naam to aaye. mana teri nazro me mai gunehgar hu. par unka koi ilzaam mere to naam to aaye. ================================================== hame apni dosti ka hisab nahi aata. aapka palat ke jawab nahi aata. ham to aapki yaad me sote tak nahi. Or aapko so kar bhi hamara khwab nahi aata..? ================================================== yaadon ke is bhawar me ek pal hamara ho. phulo k chaman me ek gulab hamara ho. khuda kare ki jab yaad karo aap apno ko to un apno me ek naam hamara ho..... ================================================== kabhi na bhule aap hoth muskarana. kabhi na khatam ho apki jaha ki har khushi mile. chahe KHUDA ko pade DHARTI par aana. ================================================== God....I dont need lot of friends,as long as real ones stays with me. Bless THEM all...specially the SWEETEST one reading this sms. Apna khayal rakh. ================================================== shama udas hai, raat bhi udas hogi. subah kafan me lipti meri laash hogi. ye dafnane wale jakar unse keh dena kabar me bhi unki tasveer saath hogi..

================================================== unko khabar hai mere tute armano ki. aaj jarurat padegi kaanch ke paimane ki. khali na hone dena jaam yaaron. verna fir yaad aayegi gujre zamane ki. ================================================== i smile at whom i like. i cry 4 whom i care. i share with whom i love, i laugh with whom i enjoy, n i send sms only to those whom i never want to lose. ================================================== chand alfaz pyar bhare or kuch nahi, shayad yahi thi unki chahat or kuch nahi... jan jayenge wo bhi pyar hai, bas ek meri jaann jayegi or kuch nahi.... ================================================== listen to your elder's advice, "not bcoz they are always right but bcoz they have more experience of being wrong." ================================================== tuje dekhna chahate hai har pal. shayad tuje bahut pyaar karte hai... kal tak to tuje jante bhi nahi the. par aaj tera hi intezaar karte hai... ================================================== i wish my eyes speak what my heart feels for you, coz my lips can lie on what is true. my eyes couldnt coz even if i close them

I could still see you.... ================================================== sahil pe baithe leher dekhte rahe. kab badlegi unki nazar dekhte rahe. sabne kaha wo teri kismat me nahi. aur hum umar bhar apni duaon ka asar dekhte rahe......... ================================================== if i die 2 night i go with no regrets, if its in ur arm den i am blessed. If your eyes are the last thing i see, then i know the beauty heaven holds for me. ================================================== to win a flight in ring u should be a good wrestler. but "to win a flight in love and friendship U most be a good loser." ================================================== when u want 2 enjoy life, think today as ur life's first day. when u want 2 achieve something i life, think today as ur life's last day. ================================================== dil tod ke tukmo bhi rahat na milegi. muj jaisi kisi or me chahat na milegi. barbad hoke bhi tera bura na chaha. dil cheer ke dekh kabhi nafrat na milegi. ================================================== ek din tuzse roothkar dekhna hai. andaz dekhani hai. abhi to do pal hi sath chale hai. kab tak saath chaloge wo ehsaas dekhna hai. ================================================== anjano me bhi dost mila karte hai. kanto me bhi phul khila kiya karte hai. hame kanta samaj ar

bhul mat jana, Q ki kante hi phul ki hifazat karte hai. ================================================== raat ka aanchal lahraya aur sapno ki pariyan gungunane lagi. chandani fiki si kyon pad gayi,oh! shayad aapko bhi neend aane lagi..... good night. ================================================== the most wonderful feeling in the world is the feeling of helping others and knowing that u r making a difference in someone's life... ================================================== rulana har kisi ko ata hai. hasana kisi kisi ko ata hai. rulake jo manale vo yaar hai. aur rulake khud bhi aansu bahaye vo apka pyar hai... ================================================== tuti hui janzir ki fariyad hai. aur ap samazte hai ki azad hai. is ashiqi ne kya diya humko. kal bhi barbad the aaj bhi barbaad hai. ================================================== fasvun ka gele? themb ashrunche bhijvun ka gele.? ya dhaganchi ritach kalat nahi, barsayache navte tar mag akash sajvun ka gele..? ================================================== wo aksar muje kehti thi ki, tumhe to mai apna bana ke hi chhodungi, aaj usne apni baat sach kar di, usne muje apna bana ke hi chod diya... ================================================== heght of confidence...

A cycle rider puts sudden break infront of a bus and shouted at the bus driver "abe marne ke liye meri hi cycle mili.." ================================================== samne ho manzil to rasta na modna, jo dil me ho wo khwab na todna, har kadam par milegi kamiyabi aapko, bus sitare chhune ke liye kabhi zameen na chhodna. ================================================== mangi dua maine rabse sena kuch aisa jo ho alag sabse. mila diya humko apse or kaha sambhalo yehi hai anmol sabse. ================================================== be talented infront of everyone... but always be a fool infront of your dear ones. That always somethings special.... ================================================== heart is not a dustbin 2 dump all d worries of our life. it is a golden pot 4 colecting the sweet moments of your life. be always happy... ================================================== time alone can prove d worth friendship. as time goes by we loose the false ones and keep the best...... ================================================== tera shukriya kuch is tarah ada karu, tu kare bewafai, me sada wafa karu. meri mohabbat me sikhaya hai muze. khud mit jau par tere liye dua karu... ==================================================

********* tu mil jaye muze yehi kafi hai. meri har saans ne ye dua mangi hai. jane kyon dil khincha jata hai teri taraf. kya tune bhi muze pane ki dua mangi hai...? ================================================== d best way 2 stay happy .:if u have cried today. always think that d smile u deserved today has been given by GOD to SOMEONE who really needed it... ================================================== kab tak khud ko rok paoge. bina mere aap na reh paoge. ham bas jayenge yaadon me apki is tarah. ki phir aap dusro ko yaad karna bho bhul jaoge.........! ================================================== whatever happens 2 ur day just relax. and manage to make a smile.... LIFE is not a problem to be solved but A gift 2 b enjoyed. Make everyday Ur best Day...! ================================================== to love someone is madness to be loved by someone is gift, to love someone who loves you is a duty but to be loved someone whom you love is life...................... ================================================== ********************************** Chale jana thodi Raat abhi baaki hai. Gum ki gum se Mulakat abhi baki hai. Rok lo thodi der Tum mera janaza Chalani ghar se Unki barat baki hai.. ================================================== William Shakkespeare .:know more than other.

work more than other. And Expect less than other.. ================================================== bin uske zindagi me koi khushi nahi, wo nahi to aaj labo pe mere hansi nahi. na samjhe wo agar to hum kya kare. dil me unke siva kisi or ke liye jagah nahi.. ================================================== zindagi me kuch sapne saja lena, is waqt kuch armaan jaga lena... hum aapki raaho se har dard chura lenge, jab chaho aap hamein aazma lena...... ================================================== life is not about finding right person. but creating right relationship..... its not how much we care in beginning..... but how much we care till end....... ================================================== manzil uski thi rasta bhi uska tha. me akela tha or qafila uska tha. sath sath chalne ki soch uski thi. fir rasta badalne ka faisla bhi uska tha. ================================================== "I LOVE YOU" are 3 words, it take 3 sec. to read, 3 min. to think, 3hrs to understand, 3 days to demonstrate, 3 weeks to explain, and whole LIFE to prove it... ================================================== i always knew that looking back on. my tears would someday make me laugh, but i never knew that

looking back on. my laughter someday make me cry. ================================================== everything in life cant make you happy. evrything in a day cant be satisfying. but there is one thing which makes you feel nice, "that is care for you in someones eyes." ================================================== ****************** if you want to sleep in a calm place ,come and sleep in my heart & if u feel my heart beat is disturbing you, i'll stop my heartbeats for you....... ================================================== tum paas hote to koi shararat karte. tumhe lekar bahon me mohabbat karte. dekhte teri aankhon me nind ka khkumar apni khoi hui nindon ki shikayat karte. ================================================== jis duniya mein baste ho tum, usi duniya mein baste hai hum, magar khuda ki karamat dekho, tum se baat karne ko bhi taraste hai hum.. ================================================== hard words cant touch any soft heart, but soft words can touch any hard heart, so speak in a soft way, the world will be urs........ ================================================== zara si baat der tak rulati rahi, khushi me bhi ankhe aansu bahati rahi. koi kho ke mila to koi mil ke kho gaya,

zindagi humko bas aisse hi azmati rahi. ================================================== ***************** Love comes in a tricky ways .:Sometime we think that we are in Love unknowing that we are just friends. But Sometimes we stick so much to friendship that we forget that we are in Love.......... ================================================== bahut dur hai hamari aankho se aapki surat ka nazara. par hawa ke har jhonke se pooch lete hain kya haal hai tumhara... ================================================== love ur life, coz so many lives love you. smile, coz so many faces smile for you. pray coz so many hearts pray for you. keep in touch, coz someone always remembers you. ================================================== zindagi kya koi nisaar kare. kaise duniya me koi pyar kare. apna saaya bhi apna dushman hai. kaun ab kiska aitbaar kare. ================================================== phine na karna bill jada hona, message na dena paisa kharcha hoga, miss call na dena battery down hoga, Dil se yaad karna kharcha kam hoga. ================================================== the mind of a best friend is like the lines of a railway track. they never meet, they never cross. But they always go a long way TOGETHER........ ==================================================

do you know that a simple HELLO can be so sweet? H: how are you? E: evrything all right? L: like to c u. L: love 2 hear from you. O: obviouslly miss you.... ================================================== life is a chemistry, dilute ur sorrows, evaporate ur worries, filter ur happiness and u'll find crystal love and u will get best thing in the life..... ================================================== "wen koi ruthe yaha to kaun manane aaya hai. ronewala khud hi chup ho jata hai. duniya bhul jaye to koi gum nahi hota. jab apne bhul jae to rona ata hai." ================================================== koi hame samjhe, na samjhe. hum khud ko samajh gaye. pyaar ki khushi ke liye unki zindagi ki raah se hatt gaye. ================================================== pyare se dost ko salam hamara. din kesa raha ye sawal hamara. kal fir sms bhejenge ye wada hamara. par abhi GUD MORNG ka paigam hamara. ================================================== hawa me taash ka ghar nahi banta. rone se bigada hua naseeb nahi banta. duniya jeetne ka hosala rakho yaaro. ek jeet me koi sikandar nahi banta. ================================================== tanha is duniya ki bhid me, socha kuch nahi meri

takdir me, ek din aapne dosti ka haath badhaya, to laga kuch khaas tha is hatho ki LAKEER me. ================================================== v r always hurt by d 1 v luv! always being luvvd by d 1 v dnt luv! D sad thing is dt v try 2 choose d 1 who luvs us, still our hurt belongs 2 d 1 who has hurt us...... ================================================== when u r insecure abt the person u love, u lose the friend in them, and when u r insecure abt losing ur friend u fall in love with them....... ================================================== *************** our heart feels much pain, when our beloved one moves so close to others dan us. Its very painful. dont give dat pain to anyone whom you like........... ================================================== apne labon ko bhi seena padta hai. khamoshi ko ashk bhi pina padta hai. ishq ki ye rahen nahi hai aasan. ishq me to har pal me jeena padta hai... ================================================== u r d 1 who brought me all happiness. u never let me to touch sadness. u sacrified the entire life for my sake. without U my life will be fake............... ================================================== bhula kar hame wo khush reh payenge. sath me nahi to mere jaane ke baad muskarayenge. dua he khuda se ki Unhe kabhi gum na dena. hum to seh gaye par wo tut jaayenge. ==================================================

aye khuda dua meri yeh khali na jaye, ke mere dosti ki palko pe aansu na aaye. aansu nikle to khushi ke nikle. gam ke aansu mujhe aa jaye...... ================================================== sometimes. when i'm all alone.. i close my eyes and think of you..... and the thouught of your love warms me inside and make me smile....! ================================================== mohabbat ke sapne dikhate bahut hai, wo raato me humko jagate bahut hai. me aankho me kajal lagau to kaise, in aankho ko log rulaate bahut hai... ================================================== ************************** Touchy Lines .:"When you go away from me, it does not reduce our love. That DISTANCE will increase our love. Because My Love Is True." ================================================== 1 seed can create forest. 1 smile can start a relationship. 1 touch can show love. d 1 lover can bring meaning of LIFE...! ================================================== jis duniya mein baste ho tum, usi duniya mein baste hai hum, magar khuda ki karamt to dekho, tum se baat karne ko bhi taraste hai hum. ==================================================

leave something for friend... never leave friend for something. somethings will leave you. but friends will always live with you....... ================================================== taro ko gin ne wale ham na the. akele gun-gunanewale ham na the. ye to apki mohabbat ne aadat laga di. warna kisi ko itna yaad karne wale ham na the.. ================================================== D word "miss" is also part of d word "LOVE". Wen someone say "I MISS YOU". It also means that they love you. Now y did i text u.? Bcoz I MISS YOU. ================================================== if u love someone who doesnt loves u. its like watching a star. u know u can naver reach. but u should keep on trying. But why not stars also fall...... ================================================== true love feels when silence between two, people become a language n both of them understand dat even being apart, they are always close at heart. ================================================== ***************** ************** ********* Love is possible after friendship, but Friendship is not possible after Love. Because medicines work before death but after death no use of medicines.

================================================== khwab me aap hi hame satane lage, tab man ko andhere bhane lage. kabhi na sath diya kismat ne, to ham hi kismat ka sath nibhane lage..! ================================================== roj subah khud se ek wada karta hu. tuje is dil se bhulane ke irada karta hu. mukar jata hu me apni batonse, jaane kyun PYAR itna jyada karta hu. ================================================== khwab dekhe hue ab ye dil thak chuka hai.. mera har khwab patthar sa ho chuka hai.. shisha hota to tutne ka gam na hota... ye to patthar hokar bhi tut chuka hai..... ================================================== mai kisi aur ki hu itna batakar roye. wo muje mehndi lage hath dikha kar roye. yad kar ke mere pyaar ke sunhare pal, wo apni doli me baithkar roye...! ================================================== hum apko yaad karte hain. ye wo guzarish hai jo hum baar-baar karte hain. jala ke dilo me hasrato ke chiraag aapke aane ke intezar karte hain. ================================================== wen heart beats it says "lub-dub". do u no what it means ? LUB says "ive ur Life Best." DUB says Do Ur Best in Life.....

Enjoy every heart beat.. ================================================== aana mere janaaze me leke use, meri mohabbat se ek haseen baat hogi.. Mere jism me jaan beshak na ho, Meri jaan mere jism ke saath hogi. ================================================== hum khak zamin ki ho kar. us chand ki hasrat kar baithe. cheez aasaman se unchhi hai. hum jis se mohabbat kar baithe. ================================================== galiyon ki hawa jism ki dawa ban gayi. duri unki meri chahat ki saza ban gayi. kaise bhulu unhe 1 pal ke liye. jab unki yad hi jine ki wajah ban gayi. ================================================== yu rooth jana accha nahi lagta. yu tadapna accha nahi lagta. mere dil me jo baat hai meri aankho se chura lo. muje har baat batana accha nahi lagta. ================================================== aisa nahi muje us se mila de koi. kaise he wo itna bata de koi, sookhi hai badi der se palko ki zuban. bas aaj to jee bhar ke muje rula de koi. ================================================== this is no defination of a good day or a bad day, it all depends on u & your thoughts that... EITHER YOU RUN THE DAY OR THE DAY RUNS YOU. ================================================== dard hamne intezar me dekha hai.

chahat ka asar pyar me dekha hai. log dhundhte hai jaise mandir masjid me us khudako humne apne yarme dekha hai. ================================================== yaadon me apki har baat rehegi, zindagi apki dosti se abaad rahegi. chahe bhulade zamane ko hum, aapki yeh pyari si DOSTI hamesha yaad rahegi... ================================================== har subah teri duniya me roshani kar de. rab tere gam ko teri khushi kar de. jab bhi tutne lage teri saanse. khuda tujme shamil meri zindagi kar de... ================================================== teri berukhi ko bhi rutba diya mene. pyar ka har farz ada kiya mene. mat soch hum bhul gaye he tuje aaj bhi khuda se pehle tuje yaad kiya mene. take care..... ================================================== i hate life somebody said to God. God replied, Who told u to lov life? Just love a person WHO loves YOU & life will b beautiful by its own.. take care my dear. ================================================== once in a lifetime someone breaks ur heart... and if u still feel to hold that person with every broken piece.. Dat amazing pain is called true LOVE. ================================================== tuta hai agar dil mera to kya, tumne mujhe agar bhula hi diya to kya.. khush rahe tu sada ye dua he hamari.

ruth gaya mujhse mera khuda to kya.. ================================================== itni se fariyad meri yaad rakhna. mere saath beete pal abaad rakhna. apne dosto me meri dosti yaad rakhna chahe muze sabke baad rakhna. ================================================== friends r like DONKEYS, dey carry d load of all ur difficulties in ur Life for ever and Guess what? u r one of my cutest Donkey...? bolo dhainchoo ================================================== aankhen khuli ho to chehara tumhara ho. aankhen band ho to sapna tumhara ho. mujhe maut ka dar nahi hoga. agar kafanki jagah saath tumhara ho. ================================================== zindagi lehar thi aap sahil huye. na jane kaise hum aapke kabil huye. na bhulenge hum us hasin pal ko jab aap hamari jindagi me shamil huye..... ================================================== safar me sath jinke chalna tha, ayi manjil to unko hi bichadte dekha. beete huye lamhe jo saath guzaare humne unhi lamho ke liye khud ko tarste dekha. ================================================== murjha gaye phool par bahar wahi hai, dur hain aapse magar dosti wahi hai. jante hai hum mill nahi sakte. magar in aankho ka intezar wahi hai. ==================================================

maine socha tha inkaar kar du, magar ikraar hota chala gaya. likha tha baad me dhoka khana, isliye mujhe pyar hota chala gaya... ================================================== laga ke aag mere aashiyane ko, phir aapka khushiyaan manana accha laga. Dil me thi hasrat aapke deedar ki, saamne aakar chehra chupana accha laga. ================================================== met u as a stranger, took u as a friend, hope our friendship never ends, many hands i shake, many friends i make, best of them are few, one of them is U... ================================================== u dnt have 2 be super nice always. sometimes u have 2 show ur bad side so U can sort out who can accept U even at Ur worst time and mood. * 4 every minute U r angry and U lose. ================================================== pyaar ka safar karne chala hoon, dil ki duniya basane chala hoon, maine khwaab ab tak ne dekhe the, tujhe dekh ke khwabon me jeene laga hoon. ================================================== lambe safar me ek ashiyana ho tum. akele raston ka dostana ho tum. sochte he tum bin zaindagi kaise hoti Q ki hamari khushi ka

ek bahana ho tum. ================================================== zindagi me do cheeze bahut takleef deti hai=ek wo jis se mohabbat na ho uske saath rehna. =ek wo jis se mohabbat ho uske bagair rehna. ================================================== if u try to do a work which is possible, that is ur skill. if u try to do the work which is impossible, that is calld your confidence.... ================================================== candle ke andar ka dhaga bola, "mai jab jalta hu to tu kyun pighalti hai..?" candle boli..... "jisko dil me jagah di ho wo agar bichde to aansu niklenge hi na..?" ================================================== ikrar mai shabdo ki ehmit nahi hoti, dil ke jazbaat ki awaz nahi hoti, aankhen bayan kar deti hai dil ki dastan, mohabbat lafzo ki mohtaz nahi hoti. ================================================== eyes - eyes d real feeling better than words ! Touch - shows d care than any words do, but words - when used properly can catch the eyes n touch the heart. ================================================== you have to learn the rules of the game. and then you have to play better than anyone else. albert einstein. ================================================== a life spent in making mistakes is not only more useful than a life spent in doing

nothing. ================================================== day by day nothing changes greately, but when we look back, everything seems to be different.. strange but true... ================================================== agar itni pyari soch tumhari na hoti. mulakat yu tumse hamari na hoti. tadapte rehte sachhe dost ke liye. agar dosti tumse hamari na hoti.! ================================================== muskurao aap to phul khil jaye... baate karo aap to dil machal jaye. itani dilkash hai aapki dosti. dost to kya dushman bhi aap par fida. ================================================== in our life there's long way n v take lots turns some are hard n some are easy so choose the right turn n get success in ur life. my good luck wid u... ================================================== friend is one who tolerates ur worst mood, manage to smile on ur idiotic joke. tries to understand ur craziest dream and knows the biggest reason behind your smallest reason... ================================================== sabke chehre me wo baat nahi hoti, thode se andhere se raat na hoti, zindagi me kuch log bahot pyare milte hai, kya kare unhi se mulaqat nahi hoti... ================================================== aankhe aaj rona chahati hai,

yaadon me khona chahati hai. kuch log itne haseen pal de gaye zindagi mein, ke palke bhi jukne se pehle firse jeena chahate hai..! ================================================== ************ ******* **** ** * Patience and Silence are Powerful Energies. Patience Makes you Mentally Strong, Silence Makes U Emotionally Strong..!!! ================================================== U want & U get - That's Luck U want & U wait - That's Time U want but U compromise - That's Life U want, wait & don't compromise - That's Success..... ================================================== shayad firse wo milan ki takdir mil jaye. jivanka sab se hasin pal mil jaye. chal yaar firse baithe class ki bench pe. shayad vapis apne beete dil mil jaye. ================================================== ***** Karti hai saanse bas ek hi ishara, dua me bas naam rahe tumhara, tham jaye ye sama yahi par, kyunki nahi chahiye hame ab koi aapse bhi pyara. ================================================== life comes only

once. so enjoy it in full extent never be angry or sad. because for every ont minute of anger u loose 60 seconds of happiness..... ================================================== jiski yaad me sara jaha ko bhul gaye. suna hai wo aajkal hamara naam tak bhool gaye. kasam khai thi jisne saath nibhane ki. aaj wo meri lash pe aana bhul gaye. ================================================== yaadon mein na dhundo humein, dil mein hum bas jaayenge...! tamanna ho agar milne ki, to 'on' karo mobile hum 'inbox' mein hi mil jaayenge. ================================================== ************** ************ ******* *** * Oneside love.. Silent mode Mobiles.. Bus stand comedies.. EScap frm Seminars.. Last period cuts.. Bday treats.. Last minute preperation.. Overnight study 4next day Exam.. Friend's family functions.. Internal marks problem.. Mass bunk 4a film.. Eager wait4 feb14.. shortage of pocket money n attendance.. These days will never come again.. These are called as our "HAPPY DAYS...!!" Cheers for LIFE...!! ================================================== plant the seed of

desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment. ================================================== make a heart that never breaks..... make a smile that never fails..... make a touch that never pains..... n make a love that never ends......! ================================================== meri chahat aapse juda. kab hai dil ki halat aapse chupi kab hai. aap sath raho agar dil me dhadkan ki jagah. to phir zindagi ko saanso ki zarurat kab hai...?? ================================================== i took u as my friend and I locked U in my heart. Now the key is missing but I am very happy Because U r safe in my heart till my heart beats... MISS>U< ================================================== jindagi rahe na rahe dosti rahegi, paas raho na raho yade rahegi, apni jindagi me hamesha haste rahna, Q ki teri hasi me ek muskaan meri rahegi.. ================================================== zindagi har bar khas nahi hoti, phulon ki khushbu hamesha saath nahi hoti, milna hamari taqdir me likha tha varna itni pyari dosti itafaq nahi hoti... ================================================== ******* **** ** *

dosti shabd nahi jo mit jaye, umar nahi jo dhal jaye. safar nahi jo mukam paye, ye woh ehsas hai jiske liye agar jiya jaye to zindagi kam pad jaye... always be brave ================================================== diye me agar nur na hota, to tanha dil majbur na hota. Hum aapko "I MISS U" kehne khud aate, agar aapka aashiyana itna dur na hota. miss u frnds ================================================== i guess sience doesn't work everywhere because the time taken to LOVE someone is never equal to the time taken to forget them..... ================================================== Friendship test .:1. ek baat jo mujhse na kahi ho? 2. ek baat jo mujhme achchi ho? 3. ek baat jo mujhme buri ho? 4. mujh se dosti ki wajah? reply is most================================================== khud pe bharose hai to khuda apke sath hai. apno pe bharosa hai to har dua aapke sath hai..... zindagi se kabhi mat harna jab tak aapka. "DOsT" apke sath hai. ================================================== 1. ek din ki zindagi mile to kya mangoge? 2. maut samne ho to kya chahoge? 3. dost or pyar me pehli pasand? 4. zakhm dene walese pyar ho to kya karoge? reply================================================== bhool kar bhi kisi ko

na rulana, zindagi me sab ko hasana, dushman ko bhi gale lagana, phi bhi koi gam de to mujhe phone lagana "TAPKA" denge saale ko. ================================================== dil ki aawaz ko izhaar kehte hai, jhunki nigaho ko ikrar kehte hai, sirf paane ka kaam hi ishq nahi, kuch khone ko bhi pyar kehte hai..... ================================================== dost ab hume msg nahi karte. ab sab masgs gf ko jate hai. koi baat nahi yaar karlo karlo. waha se msgs idhar hi aate hai. ================================================== dosti ki chahat ishq se kam nahi hoti. ishq par hi khatm nahi hoti. agar jindagi me tumare jaise DOST ho to jindagi jannat se kam nahi hoti..... ================================================== bhigi aankhon me maza aur hai. haste pal ke bhigane me maza aur hai, baat keh ke to koi bhi samjhe, khamoshi ko koi samjhe to maza bahut hai..... ================================================== khub khela waqt bhi insaan se. dil hi khali kar' diya imaan se. hum hi pagal ho gaye the. jo kar baithe wafa ek anjaan se. ================================================== bikhar gayi hai khushiyan sajane ko koi nahi. sab kho

diya ab khone ko koi nahi. a khuda muje abhi na bula. meri maut pe rone ko koi n ahi. ================================================== kabar ke sannate me ek awaz aayi. kisi ne phul rakhkar ansu ki do bund bahai. jab tak the zida tab tak thokar khai. ab so rahe he to meri yaad aai. ================================================== sapna kabhi sakaar nahi hota, pyar ka koi aakar nahi hota, sub kuch ho jata hai is duniya me, magar dobara kisi se sachcha pyar nahi hota... ================================================== bite pal wapas nahi aate, sukhe phul phir se nahi khilte. lagta he koi hame bhula raha hai. par dil kehta he wo hame bhuka nahi sakte.. ================================================== for everyone there is a certain someone who makes the gray sky appear blue, i'm glad to that mine one is you, my sweet heart... really miss you... ================================================== sum ppl giv u tears and sum make u cry, sum giv laughter and sum smiles but only rare can give laughing tears and crying smiles..... ================================================== loving is not how u 4get but how u 4give, not how u understand, not what u see but how u feel and not

how u let go but how you hold on.... ================================================== REAL PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN LIFE .:"if a girl love any boy, she will get everything in life." But "if a boy love any girl, he will lose everything in life....." ================================================== a sensible proposal 4m a boy to a beautiful girl.hey angel "I am not forcing U 2 Love me but dont let Love be the reason 4 hating me....." ================================================== ulfat ki rahon me akela pan na mile, zindagi me tumhe kabhi gam na mile. dua karte hai khuda se ae yaar tumhe jo bhi khushi mile, hum se jyada mile. ================================================== distance never seperates any relation. Time never build any relation. If feelings are true from heart, then friends are always FRIENDS FOREVER..... ================================================== frnd is one who tolerates ur worst MOOD, manage to smile on ur idiotic joke. tries to understand ur craziest dream and knws da biggest reason behind ur smallest tear. tc.. ================================================== love hurts whn U break up wid someone hurts even more when someone breaks up U.

Bt love hurts d most when the person, UR love has no idea how u feel. ================================================== if the path is beautiful first confirm where it leads.. but if the destination is beautiful don't bother hoe the path is......... keep walking.. ================================================== duniya ka har shauq paala nahi jata. kaanch ke khilono ko uchala nahi jata. pyar se har mushkil ho jati hai aasan. Q ki har kam takdeeron pe taala nahi jata. ================================================== quote by abdul kalam :I'm not a HANDSOME guy..... But I can give my HAND to SOME one who needs help.! Beauty is in heart, not in face.! ================================================== narazgi ke sabab ko puch lia karo. duriya lakh ho yad to kar lia karo. mat rakho beshak har pal ki khabar. zinda hai ya mar gaye ye to pata kar lia karo..... ================================================== bade hi sarfarosh hua karte hai. hakikato ki aaghosh huwa karte hai. meri chup se naraz na hua karo. gehre samundar hamesha khamosh hua karte hai..... ================================================== aap ki dhadkan se hai rishta hamara. aap ki saanso se hai nata hamara. bhul kar bhi kabhi

bhul na jana. aap ki yaado ke sahare hai jina hamara. ================================================== if it all falls apart, i'll know deep in my heart the only dream that in this life, i was loved by you..... ================================================== tenwhache marathe lawkar uthe raanat suthe. tyanchi talvar uthe dushman tute. aatache marathe sakali ushira uthe college la suthe pan tyana ek poragi na pate.! ================================================== hum wo nahi jo kewal jawab ke liye apna farman bhejte hai. jawab aye na aye hum to gulshan hai. jo aapka dil jitne ke liye apne dil ki khushbu bhejte hai.. ================================================== a true friend may not be able to give heir life for you, but they can definitely give ur life back to you, when u think u've lost it.......... ================================================== a friend is sweet when it is new..... it is sweeter when it is true..... bu you know that..... it is the sweetest when it is U. ================================================== pyar ka naam aata hai to ab dar lagta hai. yaad aati hai to dil rone lagta hai. jakhm diye hai kisine mujhe itne gehre ke. koi haath lagaye to

dar lagta hai. ================================================== ye thandi hawa kya gazab kar gayi. purani yade phir taza kar gayi. sukhi padi thi aankhe ek aarse se fir aap ki yaad inme pani bhaar gayi..... ================================================== liking u is my nature, missing u is my dissappointment.. fighting with u is my timepass.. forgetting u is never in my life time..... ================================================== Fil in wat suits me. 1)color: 2)career: 3)nick name: 4)dress: 5)movie character: 6)song: 7)one word: 8)life partner: 9)one advice: waiting for ur reply its must.. ================================================== so many hands on 1 lunch box.. so many friends on 1 bench. so many cals on 1 b'day nyt so many tears 4 one li'l fyt frnz,d best part of lyf.. ================================================== once in a life timetime someone breaks ur heart.. and if u still feel 2 hold that person with every broken piece.. dat amazing pain is called true LOVE............... ================================================== frnz r lyk DONKEYS, dey carry d load of all ur difficulties in ur LIFE 4ever

& guess what? u r 1 of my cutest DONKEY? bolo dhainchoo. ================================================== however high d sky may be... however wide d river may be... however strong d wind may be... just remember its none of ur bussiness. chup chap so jao. ================================================== wafa nahi milti yaha wafa karke. humne dekhka hai tazurba karke. zindagi to kabhi nahi aai.. maut bhi ayi to zara zara karke. ================================================== dilme kuch nahi, aaj yaado ke siva, ankho me kuch nahi, tumari surat ke siva, yad karna mat chodo, jindagi me kuch nahi, tumhari pyar ke siva. ================================================== this is a moon zhich learns from you, that is a sun which respects you, there are stars which shiine for you, And here. It's me who live for u. ================================================== sanson ka pinjra kisi din toot jayega, phir musafir raste me chut jayega. abhi waqt hai bat kar liya karo. kya pata zindagi ka dhaga kab toot jayega. ================================================== kabhi ro ke muskaraye muskura ke roye.

uski yad jab ayi bhula roye. ek uska hi naam tha jise hazar bar likha. jitna likh ke khush huye. usse jyada mita ke roye. ================================================== apni nigaho se dekho khud ko hira bhi tumhe pathar lagega. jaan sab kehte hai chand ka tukda ho tum, meri najro se dekho chand tumhara tukda lagega. ================================================== ishq me hum raat ko so na sake. yaad jab aai uski rona chahe par ro na sake.. mere marne ke baad use bi dukh higa, ki jite ji hum uske ho na sake....... ================================================== koi humari tarah hasaye to bata dena, koi hamari tarah sataye to bata dena, pyar aapse koi bi kar lega, koi humse jyada kar paye to bata dena. ================================================== jin aankho me aapki yade basi hai. unhe aaj aapke liye baraste dekha hai. kabhi aapke sath har pal gujarte the. aaj khud ko unpalko ke liye tarste dekha hai... ================================================== i miss u when u are far away. i think about u every night and day. even if we cant be together. i will miss u now and forever..! ================================================== phool me dil kashi nahi rehti. chand me roshni nahi rehti. agar koi apna bichad

jaye to. khuda kasam zindagi, zindagi nahi rehti. ================================================== ultimate measure of love is not when both the people like each other. its when one ignores and the other continues loving till the end. ================================================== sapno se dil lagane ki adat nahi rahi, har waqt muskurane ki adat nahi rahi.. ye soch ke ki koi manane nahi aayega. ab hamne rooth jane ki aadat nahi rahi. ================================================== to a person in love, the value of the individual is intuitively known. Love needs no logic for its mission.. ================================================== koi dost naya ya purana nahi hota. zindagi ka har pal suhana nahi hota. juda hona to kismat ki bat hai, par judai ka matlab bhulana nahi hota. ================================================== dosti gazal hai gungunane ke liye. dosti nagma hai sunane ke liye. ye wo jajba hai to sabko milta nahi. kyou ki hausla chahiye ise nibhane ke liye..... ================================================== bus ek itefaqse deedar hogaya. phir baat ke liye dil beqarar hogaya. unko na kuch pata chala na humko khabar he. bus dekhte hi dekhte pyar ho gaya. ================================================== best 2 lines .:silence is the best answer for all questions...!!

smiling is the best reaction in all situations. ================================================== agar na aate aap hamari zindagi me, to na ye pyar hota! na rote hum tanhayi me, aur na haar pal aapka intzar hota...!! ================================================== i saw it through my eyes but couldnt understand it took in my hand but couldnt understand it thought for a long time but not understand it. its not LOVE its qstn paper ================================================== smooth roads never makes good drivers.. clear sky never makes good pilots problem free life never makes a good person life is a challenge Live it. ================================================== exam r like girl friends .:-too many questions -difficult 2 understand -more explanation is needed -result is always fail.! keep smiling.! study hard....! ================================================== ek insaan mila jo jeena sikha gaya, aansuon ki nami ko peena sikja gaya. kabhi guzarti thi veerano me zindagi apni, wo shaksh veerano me mehfil saza gaya. ================================================== life sometimes becomes so 'selfish' that it wants everything... but whiile trying for

everything, we miss something that worth "everything". ================================================== its hard 2 live alone, harder to choose sumone 2 love but the hardest part of loving is 2 admit that u've fallen in love with someone who can never be urs.....!! ================================================== in LIFE God does not give U the people U want. Instead he givess people U need 2 teach U hurt U to love U and make U exactly the way he wants U. ================================================== love is not only for lovers, it is also made for true friend. A true friend is one step bigger than a lover. this msg is to my true friend. ================================================== karni hai khuda se ek guzarish, ki tere pyar ke siva koi bandagi na mile, har janam me mile sanam tere jaisa, ya phir kabhi jindagi na mile...!! ================================================== love is the sweetest essence in the world. if someone says, "I LOVE U." It means u live in that person's Heart till D last Beat. ================================================== ppl says dat v dnt understand d value of

our closed ones until v loose them.... its wrong... v know that their value but we never think dat v can loose them...!! ================================================== **************************************** ****************************** ********************* ************** ********** ******* ***** *** ** * Rub se koi baat anjan nahi hoti, Har Insaan ki bandagi beiman nahi hoti Kabhi manga hoga hamne apako Bhagwanse, Warna yuhi apse pehchaan nahi ================================================== kbhi kbhi dil udas hota hai, halka sa aankho ko ehsas hota hai, chalkta hai meri bhi aanko se aansu, jab tere door hone ka ehsaas hota hai.Tk ================================================== din hai agar to raat bhi hogi. badal chahe to barsaat bhi hogi. fikr mat karna mere dost. aaj doori hai to kal mulakaat bhi hogi... I miss u...!! ================================================== ab ansu o ankho me sajana hoga. chirag buz gaye he khud ko jalana hoga wada tod ke muskurate he ap dekhna ek din apko pachtana hoga. ================================================== apno ne zeher ka jaam de dia

gairo ne bewafa naam de dia wo jo kehte the ke bhool na jana hume aaj unhone hi bhari mehfil main anjan keh dia. ================================================== tham kar hath raho me yun hum chale ke chuu bhi na paye humhe faasle, kar ke tanha mujhe chod na jana, mushkilo se bahut ho mujhe "TUM MILE"....! ================================================== heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. never ask for a lighter rain. just pray for a better umbrella. this is attitude...!! ================================================== U hurt me more than i deserve, hw cn u be so cruel? I love u more than u deserve. Why am i such a fool? ================================================== wo ruthe rahe, hum manate rahe; unki-raahon-me palke bichate rahe; unhone-kabhi palat ke bhi na dekha, hum aankh jhapkane se bhi katrate rahe. ================================================== chahat bhari zindagi me apno ka sath hai kuch apno ki fariyaad hai kuch rishto ki tanhai hai fir bhi pyar bhari zindagi me ek pyar bhara ehsaas hai. ================================================== the greatest distance on earth isn't north and south it is when i am right infront

of you and you don't know that I Love U. .....!! ================================================== aapke pyar ko salam kiya hai jeene ka har andaz aapke naam kiya hai mang lo aaj huda se kuch bhi humne apni har mannat ko aapke naam kiya hai. ================================================== ruth jao kitna par hum manaa lenge, dur jao kitna bhi bula lenge. dil akhir dil hai koi sagar ki ret toh nahi jo likh ke naam aapka mita denge. ================================================== khuda ne pyar ko banaya hoga. to khud b ise zaroor ajmaya hoga.. hamari to aukaat hi kya hai huzoor. is pyar ne to khuda ko b rulaya hoga..... ================================================== value the feelings of people who have touched your heart because u will never know wen they will just walk out of your life and never come back..... ================================================== our friendship is like kite and thread, U r the coloured paper of kite, people see and appreciate you. I M d thread invisible to people but always with u... ================================================== a 5 yr girl asked her frnd wot is love?

he replied love is when u take my chocolates everyday and i still keep it in same place. ================================================== jise tum chaho sirf usiko satana, yu na dil kisi se lagana. hai agar tum me mohababat nibhane ka garur, to kabhi bhi uska dil na dukhana.. ================================================== mitti ka jism leke pani ke ghar me hu, manzil he maut meri fir bhi safar mein hun... katl hona hai muje ye malum hai. par na jane kis-kis ke nazar me hu..... ================================================== ************* ********** ****** ** * the toughest character is dis world is acting as a frnd 2 ur lover, u r nt able 2 xpress ur loving words and U cant speak frndly to..... ================================================== take my eyes but let me see you. take my mind but let me think of u. take my hand but let me touch you. but if u want my heart itz already with you..... ================================================== the taste of water can be enjoyed only when we are thirsty... same way the love of true person will be known when we are alone..... ==================================================

************************* ********************* ***************** ************* ********** ******* ***** *** ** * False Love.:love me. because i love u.. true love.:love who ever u want.. because i love u.. ================================================== i'll leave something 4 u whn i leave this world.! few memories in ur heart. few tears in ur eyes my name o ur lips and my absence in ur life.! ================================================== love is like a puzzle. when u in love, all the pieces fit but when ur heart gets broken, it takes a while to get everything back together...... ================================================== love is something so special dat everyone wants to experience. for some love is blind bt not 4 me bcoz when i fell in love i saw u. ================================================== labo pe ab na koi sawal rakhna. nigaho me dilka hal rahna. dena chahate ho agar khushiya hi hume. to hamesha khush rehna aur apna khayal rakhna. ================================================== hamari aankho me koi dukh basa ho shayad.

ya muze vahem huwa shayad. maine pucha ke bhul gaye ho muzko. sun kar unhone kaha shayad. ================================================== *********** ******** ***** *** * wen u r lonely m sad... wen u r happy m glad... rember dat wat ever u feel i feel it twice... so take care youself 4 me... ================================================== *********** ******** ***** *** * My Love, U know U R My Best Friend. U Know dat I'd Do Anything 4 U. n My love, let Never Come between Us. My Love 4 U Is STRONG N TRUE. ================================================== kisike ke jine ki khwahish na hoti. agar kisi ne mohabbat banai n hoti. koi marne ki tamanna na karta. agar mohabbat me bewafai na hoti. ================================================== khuda n kar kabhi apko khushiyo ki kami ho. apke kadmo ke niche phulo ki zami ho ansu na ho aapke ankho me kabhi. agar ho to vo khushi ki nami ho. ================================================== at any time in life, if ur position is like "a candle in the wind.",

i will put my hand around u so that all D burns are mine & all the light is urs..... ================================================== **it's not about how u start. it's about how u finish that. **it's not about where r u frm it's about where r u at now. *****never forget this two things in life. ================================================== world is cruel love is blind lost in sadness blur in mind heart is broken flame had died time has passed but y is she still not mine.? ================================================== hamare jane ke baad ye samandar ki rait b tumse pucha karengi kaha chala gaya wo dost. jo tanhai me aksar bas tumhara hi naam likha karta tha. ================================================== zindagi ke liye jaan jaruri hai, jine mke liye armaan jaruri hai, hamare paas chahe kitna bhi ho gam par, aapke chehre par muskan jaruri hai. ================================================== *PROPOSE STYLE .:-* Life is Full of LOVE no one in the world will stay without love. love is very precious. so i am in Love r u.???? reply. ================================================== i never search but i

found U. i never asked but i have u. i never wished but it came true. i thank GOD FOR GIVING me a sweet person LIKE U....! ================================================== a honeybee visits 2 millions flowers 2 collect 500mg of honey. so our workload is nothing compared to them, so keep working 2 achieve ur goal. ================================================== yeh na socha tha kabhi humne. kisi ko iss kadar chahenge. woh hans kar jakham de denge. aur hum jidagi gava denge. ================================================== from last few days my heart stopped the "HeartBeat".. But.. I m Still Alive.. B'Coz.. I have U. U R MY HEART.. U R MY BEAT.. I LOVE U.. ================================================== dost jidagi ke chand hota hai. dil ke jami ka aasman hota hai. badnasib wo hota hai jinka koi dost nahi hota. qki dost to dhadakte dil ki jaan hota hai..... ================================================== time is d most rare, luxury, which could

never b purchased at any cost.. so when someone spends it 4u, it defines the depth of care dat they have 4 u... ================================================== a gud frnd will cum bail out if u r in jail..!! but a true friend cant..! Bcoz

he is sitting next 2 U saying"DUDE, FAS GAYE YAAR..!" ================================================== ************* ********** ******* **** ** * always keep communication on bcoz whats more disturbing is not the "noise" of stranger but the "silence" of our close ones..... ================================================== vajpayee was talking abt family-planning at parliment. lalu got angry and said "Hey DUDE, when u cant play da game, Dont make rules for the champions." ================================================== ap rutha na karo hum se. mere dil ki dhadkan badh jati hai. dil to aap ke naam kar chuke hai. jaan bas baaki hai. wo bhi nikal jati hai. ==================================================

ye unki khubiyon ka asar hai, jo wo itna acche lagte hai, jab wo kehte hai vaada hai mera, to unke har vaade sachhe lagte hai. ================================================== they say loving you gives pains and is full of sacrifies. but id rahter take pain and give lots of sacrifies that not to be loved by you....... ================================================== dil se liki bat dil ko chu jati hai. aksar ankhe hi bat keh jati hai. kuch log dosti ke mayne badal dete hai. kuch logo ki dosti se duniya badal jati hai... ================================================== sitaro ki bhid se churaya he aap ko, dil se apna yar banaya hai aap ko, is dil ko tutne na dena kyo ki isi dil ke kone me chupaya hai aapko.! ================================================== kuch rishte anjane me ban jate hai. pehle dil se fir zindagi se jud jate hai. kehte hai us daur ko "dost" jisme anjane na jane kab apne ban jate hai. ================================================== to have good relation with all, we should keep our nature like a theatre screen. it accepts all characters but remains peacefully white..... ================================================== love enables u 2 put ur deepest feelings and fears in d palm of ur partners hand

knowing dey will be handled with care miss u. ================================================== when we intensily care for a person, their mistakes changes our feelings. bcoz its the brain that gets angry while the heart still misses them....! ================================================== zindagi itne dard deti hai, dil me phir bhi ummid rehti hai, dil kehta hai wo nahi yaad karte honge, par wo yaad karte honge, meri ummid kehti hai. ================================================== some frnds 4get some note away some keep silent some just change bt i m not one of them i m here for two moments. 1.NOW and 2.FOREVER. ================================================== u may not think of me when u r happy n having a good time, but please dont forget me when u r sad, i want to be the 1st ont to make u happy...! ================================================== helping others is the best way of self help. coz when you row another person across the river, you get there youself. ================================================== stars are seen together, yet they are so far apart, true friend may not speak everyday, but

remember we are always linked heart to heart. ================================================== hum apne aap par gurur nahi karte. yaad karne ke liye kisi ko majbur nahi karte. magar jab ek bhi kisi ko dost banale to use aapne dil se kabhi dur nahi karte. ================================================== waqt guzra zakhm bharte gaye. tumhe bhulane ki koshish hum karte gaye. itna aasan na tha tumhe bhul pana. par zindagi se samjhota ham karte gaye. ================================================== ek ek pal saal hai tumhare bina. har lamha intzar hai tumhare bina. tumto jiloge apni zindagi bhar. par hamari zindagi bekar hai tumhare bina..... ================================================== apne karam se wo mera muqaddar bana gaye, qatre ko pal samundar bana gaye... phulo se narm tha kabhi dil ye mera, itna tadpaya ke patthar bana gaye. ================================================== tuje ansu bhari wo dua mile. jise kabhi na inkar khuda kare. tuje hasrat na rahe kabhi jannat ki. tere aangan me mohabbat ki aisi hawa chale. ================================================== GOD....I don't need lot of friends, as long as real first stay with me Bless them all.....

specially the sweetest one Reading this sms. apna khayal rakh. ================================================== one hand on pen other on phone. 1 ear on lecture other on gossip. one eye on board other on crush. kaun gadha bola college life is easy. ================================================== friendship is like a glass. handle it with care because once broken cannot be mended and even if mended.. a crack is always there...!! ================================================== tears are more truthful than smile.! because, you can smile infront of everyone, but you will cry only infront of one who is special to YOU...!! ================================================== chahate hain jo hadse zyada kisi ko, wohi to sabse zyada takrar karte hai. karo nafikar agar wo naraj ho jaye, naraj hote hai jo pyar karte hai...!! ================================================== if u have 2 choose between me and world, what u will u choose.? if u choose world, u lose me but if u choose me, i ll give u d world. think it.! ================================================== ek din sagar ne nadi se pucha. kab tak milti rahogi muj khare jal se.? nadi ne haskar kaha jab tak tujme mithas

na aa jaye tab tak. dat is relation. ================================================== kitna samjhaya dil ko ki tu pyar na kar. kisi ke liye khud ko bekarar na kar. wo teri nahi hai are nadan, are pagal. kisi aur ke amanat ka intjaar na kar. ================================================== ankh me nasha diya karte hai hum, sabki ninde chura liya karte hai hum, ab jab-jab palke jhapke aapki, samaj lena tab-tab yaad kiya karte hai hum. ================================================== sada khush rakhna mere rabba use. tere farishte bhi de dua use. de usko uski chahat se zyada, mange qatra to mile dariya use. ================================================== waqt ki anch me patthar b pighal jate hai. khushi ke lamhe gum me badal jate hai. kaun arega hum ko yaad. waqt ke sath khayalat bhi badal jate hai....! ================================================== when day light turns 2 darkness due, d lovely stars hitting at u. ur heartbeat tells u something true, dat i is remembering u. ================================================== whem something valuable is near us. we wont care for it. but when we miss that precious thing we start feeling for it. ================================================== teri judai me dil bekarar na karu.

tu hukum de to tera intezar na karu. bewafai karni ho to is kadar kar. tere baad kisi se pyar na karu. ================================================== the greatest distance on eart is'nt north and south. it is when i am right infront of u and u dont know I LOVE YOU. ================================================== hardest moment is not that when u lose something and tears come out of ur eyes, but its the one when u lose something and u have 2 manage to smile....!!!!! ================================================== ham mojud the rato me ujalo ki tarah. aap nikle hi nahi dundne walo ki tarah. dil to kya hum ruh me utar jate. apne chaha hi nahi kabhi chahane walo ki tarah. ================================================== muze dard-e-ishq ka maza malum hai. dard-e-dil ki inteha malum hai. muze zindagi bhar muskurane ki dua mat do. ================================================== hota nahi zakhm mehsus talwar ka, kyun aaj teri talwar ki dhar kam hai. kuch zakhm de mujhe e-mohabbat kyun lagta hai aaj tera pyar kam hai. ================================================== zindagi udas rehne ka nam nahi, dosti sirf pass hone ka nam nahi, agar tum dur rehkar bhi hume yaad karo,

is se bada hamare liye koi inam nahi...!! ================================================== wen someone means more than ur life 2 u, wen u feel that u cant even past 1 second without he/she, wen u can do anything to get he/she then u r in love. ================================================== chale jana thodi raat abhi baki hai. gum ki gum se mulakat baki hai. rok lo thodi der tum mera janaza. chalni ghar se unki barat baki hai..... ================================================== a true friend is who sees ur 1st tear, catches d 2nd, stops d 3rd but wwhen d 4th comes, slaps u n says.....

saale over acting mat kar..... ================================================== apni nigaho se dekho khud ko hira bhi tumhe pathar lagega, jaan sab kehte hai chand ka tukda ho tum, meri najro se dekho chand tumhara tukda lagega. ================================================== dhalti raat ko aapka ehsas hai. is dil me aapki jagah kuch khaas hai. aap sath nahi ho fir bhi ye dil kehta hai ki, meri pyari si jaan aas-pas hai. ================================================== har ek jajbat ko zaban nahi milti, har nek aarzu ko dua nahi milti, mskan sajaye rakho to duniya sath hai, ansu ko to ankh

main bhi panah nahi milti ================================================== kaise wo lot jaye ke fursat use nahi. duniya samajh rahi hai mohabbat use nahi. lagta he aa chuki hai uski chahaat mein kafi dino se mujse shikayat use nahi. ================================================== **cute sentence.:never find fault from ur lovable once, bcoz fault may be small but the heart will suffer a lot. ================================================== jab koi khayal dil se takrata hai, dil na chah kar bhi khamosh reh jata hai, koi sab kuch keh kar pyar jatata hai, to koi chup reh kar pyar nibhata hai...!! ================================================== the wrong kind of people dislike u for d good in u and the right kind of people like u knowing even bad in u..... that makes a good relationship...!! ================================================== be talented infront of everyone..... but always be a fool infront of your dear ones. thats always something SPECIAl....! ================================================== zindagi me itna bhi dur nahi jana, ki hum kabhi aapse mil na paye. hame yuhi yaad karte rehna. kahin hum aap ke dil se nikal na jaye...!! ==================================================

************* ********** ******* ***** *** * nigahen aapki pehchan hamari, muskurahat aapki shan hai hamari, karna hifazat tum apni, Q ki saanse aapki JAAN hai hamari...!! ================================================== tanhai me aawaz diya karte hain, sitaron se zikr kiya karte hain, vo aaye ya na aaye khwabon me, hum to unhi ka intezar kiya karte hai...!! ================================================== friendship isnt abt "i m sorry", itd sbt "kamine teri galti hai." isnt abt "i m here 4 u.", its abt "kaha ho nalayak." isnt abt "i m understand.", its abt "sab teri wajah se hua." ================================================== tere hi rangeen khwabo se har sej sajaye bethe hai. ab to aaja mere sanam ki. ek muddat se hum teri raah me palke bichaye bethe hai....! ================================================== mohababt ka irada badal jana bhi mushkil hai. tujhe khona or pana bhi mushkil hai....! yaha logo ne itne parde dal rakhe he, kisi ke dilme kya har nazar ana bhi mushkil hai. ================================================== wo dete he kyundard bas hami ko. kya samjenge wo in aankho ki nammi ko. lakho diwane ho jis chand ke.

wo kya mehsus karega ek taare ki kami ko. ================================================== A small friendship poem .:dear o dear u r not near but i can hear dont get fear your memories r here live with cheer no more tear u r always my dear...!! ================================================== a gud person will memory be in memory!! a better person will always be in dreams!! but the best person will always be in HEART.!! Like 'YOU':-) ================================================== SILENT DOESNT MEAN I M GONE QUIET DSNT MEAN I dead being with others dsnt mean i 4gt u deep in my heart anywhere anytime u r always remembered n cared....! ================================================== teri yaad me ham mar jaayenge, mar kar bhi tera naam le jayenge, khuda ko rishvat dekar tuje upar bulayenge, fir hum dono upar bethkar kurkure khayenge. ================================================== kirno ki dosti suabah tak, suraj ki dosti shaam tak, yaaro hamari dosti pehli mulakat se akhri SAANS tak GD. ================================================== teri dosti ne zindagi ko ek maqsad diya, sukh dukh me tera ehsas kiya. jab bhi khapke palak teri, samaj lena is dost ne tumhe yaad kiya.

================================================== toota jo dil toh dukh hota hai. kar ke usko pyar dil ab bhi rota hai, dard ka ehsas hota hai usi ko, jo mohabbat paane ke baad khota hai. ================================================== time and distance are not important between friends. when friends are in the heart they remain there forever, we may be busy, but trust me u r always remembered. ================================================== kisi or ki baho mai rahkar o hame wahfa ki baat karte hai. ye kisi chahat hai yaro ye bewafa hai jankar bhi hum unise pyar kyu karte hai..... ================================================== everyday is special if we think so, every moment can be memeorable if we fill so, life is wonderful if we LEAD so...!! ================================================== there's only one difference between dream and aim. dream requires effortless sleep where as aim requires sleeepless efforts. sleep for dreams n wake up for aim. ================================================== tujhe bhul kar bhi na bhul paayenge hum, bus yahi wada nibha payenge hum mita denge khudko jaha se lekin tera naam dilse na mita payenge. ================================================== ishq ne hame rula diya, jis par marte the usne hi hume bhula diya, hum to unki yadon me hi jee lete, magar unhone yadon me hi jehar mila diya.

================================================== need no jewel, dey can be sold. ur heart glitters more dan gold. pure is ur heart as a baby at birth. i need no heaven...!! ================================================== s if u limit ur choice only 2 what seems possible or reasonable, u disconnects urself from what u truly deserve and all dat is left is a COMPROMISES...!! ================================================== true love story .:a boy loved a girl very much. he handed her 12 roses. 11 real and last 1 is artificial and said, "I ll love u till the last rose die." ================================================== hamare muskurane ki wajah aap ho, hamari zindagi ka matlab aap ho. hame milegi jab bhi khushi. hum sochege khuda se duwa karne wale aap ho. ================================================== meri kisi khata par naraz na hona, apni pyari se muskan kabhi na khona, sukun milta hai dekh kar aapki hansi kko, mujhe maut bhi aa jaye to na rona...!! ================================================== d moment u think of giving up..... think of d reason y u held so long.....

do or die is an old saying, do it before u die is new one.! just remember you are the best...!! ================================================== **************** ************** ************ ********** ******** ****** **** ** * MY FAVOURITE LINES .:i ll nt say .:love. because i love u.. __________________ bt i must say .:love who ever u want.. because I LOVE U...!! ================================================== chahte hain jo hadse zyada kisi ko, wohi to sabse zyada takrar karte hain..... karo na fikar agar wo naraz ho jaye. naraz hote hai wohi jo pyar karte hain...!! ================================================== humse koi gila ho jaye to maaf karna, yaad na kar paye to maaf karna, dil se to hum aapko bhulenge nahi, ye dil hi ruk jaye to maaf karna...!! ================================================== best thought .:d person who loves u most will trouble n irritate u d maximum, but when u drop a tear he will fight wid d world to stop ur tears. isnt it.? ================================================== when emotions r much

& u wnt 2 hide, whn lot of happiness & u feel quite, whn u think of someone and ur smile grows wide, u r in luv and u cant hide. ================================================== duniya badal jayegi par aap mat badalna. mushkil jab bhi aayegi bus hame yaad karna. aapse mange bhi to kya mange kuch dena hi to bus muskura dena. ================================================== betaab tamanna ki kasak rehne do. manzil ko pane ki llak rehne do..... aap bhale hi raho door nazro se, par band pallko me apni jhalak rehne do...!! ================================================== mere hath tum apne paas rakh lena, jab dua mango to ise bhi utha dena. khushi mile to apne hath aage kar dena. gum mile to mere hatho me samet lena. ================================================== heart is equal to a mirror. mirror shows our reflection and heart shows affection. both have one silmilarity both cant be reformed once broken. ================================================== getting wat u love. success loving wat u get. compromise loving whether u get it or not. true love loving being sure u wont get. pure love ================================================== tu chand hai sharmaya na kar.

chehre ko murzaya na kar. jab tak ham he tere dost bankar, tab tak kisi bhi baat se ghabraya mat kar...!! ================================================== some broken hearts may never mend, some memories may never end, some wet tears may never dry but my love for u will never die. ================================================== aarzu thi ke aisa bhi kuch hua hota. meri kamki ne use bhi rula dia hota. me lot aata wapis ek lamhe me. magar us ke labo ne mera naam to liya hota. ================================================== na lana kabhi kisi ko kareeb apne ho kar kareeb aksar wo dur chale jate hai. pal bhar ka pyar de kar wo zindagi bhar ka dard ban jate hai. ================================================== if someone care n love u dont ever loose a grip on that person coz u never know, the one u let go might b d one u have waited for all ur life...!! ================================================== people dont care how much you know until they know how much you care. ================================================== duniya me bahut gam milenge, sach maano ache log kam milenege, jis mod par sab sath chhod denge, us mod par intezar karte aapko hum milenge. ================================================== na jane kyun apno

ne muh mod liya. kis tarah fir humse rishta tod liya. kya itna dil dukha diya maine aapka .? jo dheere se mujhe yaad karna bhi chhod diya. ================================================== it is wonderful to get answers to prayers, bt it is even more wonderful to let GOD moulds U and make U iinto an answer to somebody's prayers.! ================================================== kabhi bhool jau agar tumhe, to ye na samjhna ki tumhe yaad karta nahi hui.! kabhi sataau agar tumhe to ye na samajhna, ki tumhe pyar karta nahi hu...!! ================================================== phoolon ko khilana sikhaya nahi jata. kanton ko chubhana bataya nahi jata hai. koi ban jata hai khud se apna warna har kisi ko apna banaya nahi jata hai. ================================================== tanha is duniya ki bhid me, socha kuch nahi meri takdir me, ek din apne dosti ka hath badhaya, to laga kuch khas tha is hatho ki LAKEER me. ================================================== in my dream god asked me 2 choose between u and smile,. i choose u b'coz without u, i dont knw how to smile so be with me always, if u want me to smile. ================================================== a word to say a word to hear even in ur absence I

feel u near, our relation is strong, hope it goes long.. We will remain d same till life goes on...!! ================================================== dua karte hai sar zukaye khuda se.. pyar mera har manzil ko paye.. agar uski raho main kahi andhera aaye to khuda roshani ke liye mujhe jalaye....! ================================================== aankhon ko ashq ka pata na chalta, dil ko dard ka ehsaas na hota, kitna haseen hota zindagi ka safar, agar milkar kabhi bichadna na hota...!! ================================================== a dily thought .:a constant wish that u r near.. words are few but thoughts r deep. memories of our relationship i'll always keep.! ================================================== care is d main emotion that keeps relationship alive, despite, separation distance and time since I cant see u at the moment let my care be with U always...!! ================================================== monsoon's rain or summer's heat, ur friendship is the reason why i breathe. tell me dear, what is sweet? is that u or ur heart-beat. ================================================== when u feel alone. just look at the spaces between ur fingers. and in those spaces u can see.. my fingers locked with urs fingers forever.

take care. ================================================== earth may stop rotating, birds may stop flying, candles may stop melting, fish may stop swimming, heat may stop beating, but i never stop loving you. ================================================== jab humko unse mohabbat thi unhe humari mohabbat pe shak tha jab unhe ehsas hua humari mohabbat ka tab hum par kisi aur ka haq tha...!!!!!! ================================================== whatever we do, we must remember our aim at every moment. if u dream to fly with eagles dont waste time in swimming with ducks. ================================================== tu chala gaya jaise ujar gayi duniya meri mujhe meri dunikya se mila de koi nahi bharosa apni qismat pe mujhe meri akhari sans tak tum se mila de koi! ================================================== door of memories will never close, how much v miss our friends no one knows, days will pass like years, & v 'll remember the memories in silent tears. ================================================== happiness always look small if u hold it in ur hands. but when u learn to share it, u will realize how big and precious it is. be happy u all. ================================================== a love failure quote .:=>"i dont hate u for not

loving me annymore, but hate myself for still loving you." =>"cant live without u." ================================================== i m a shell dat carries dis heart full of luv n wen i luk in 2 ur eyes i realize dis heart was never really mine but something that will always be yours...! ================================================== zindagi maut ke bina adhuri hai. dhadkan dil ke bina adhuri hai. sanse lena to ittefaq hai meri zindagi ka. mera har ehsaas tere bina adhuri hai. ================================================== mera nasib mit gaya mere hatho se ban ke ansu jhalak gaya meri ankho se aaphi bataye kaise bhul jau tumko jo door hi nahi gaye meri saanso se. ================================================== zindagi bewafa hai, ek din dga de jayegi chahnewalon ko rota chhod jayegi jee bhar ke jiyo jab tak zindagi hai warna armano ko maut sath le jayegi. ================================================== mushkilo se kabhi mulakat na ho udas baitho kabhi aisi koi baat na ho dua hai mehfilo se saje zindagi aapki bus pukar lena agar koi saath na ho. ================================================== "i may be walking slowly but I never walk backwards.. & whenever I walk backwards, its for a long jump..." Carl Lewis. ==================================================

hume apne pyar par vishwas hai. wo dur hokar bhi hamare paas hai. kuch der pehale mout aai thi or chali gayi boli tere chahanewale ki dua tere saath hai. ================================================== har khushi gum ka elaan hai. har mulakat judai ka aalam hai. na rakhna kisi se umeed. har umeed dil tutne kar farman hai. ================================================== A L O N E A: all d time i think of u. L: lonely im without u. O: on my mind its only u. N: never ever i'll forget u. E: everyday i missing u a lot.! ================================================== uske khayalon se fursat nahi milti. ek pal ke liye hume rahat nahi milti. yun to sab kuch hamare pas nahi bas dekhne ke liye aapki surat nahi milti. ================================================== yaadon ke sahare duniya nahi chalati. bina mile kabhi mehfil nahi banti. ek bar dil se pukaro to dost. q ki dosto ke bina ye dhadkan nahi chalati. ================================================== more we start living someone, more we tend 2 fear about losing them because we cant afford to lose a person who is chosen by us among millions. ==================================================

my heart is made 2 love u. my lips made 2 kiss u. every part of me wants U. mmy hands made 2 hold u. may because I was made Just 4U..!! ================================================== true friends see u true. believe in thing u want to do. feel glad when ur dream come true. best of all they dont judge u. they simply love u because u are u. ================================================== zindagi me kisi ka saath kafi hai. hatho me kisi ka hath kafi hai. dur ho ya paas faark nahi padta. pyaar ka toh bus ehsaas hi kafi hai..!! ================================================== zindagi sabko hasaye zaruri to nahi. mohababt sabko miljaye zaruri to nahi. kuch log bahut yaad aate hai zindagi mein. wo bhi hume yaad kare zaruri toh nahi. ================================================== if u miss someone dont cry, think of all d time u've spent together and hold a sweet smile on ur face coz d one u r missing always wants to see u smilling. ================================================== Sometimes I dont say HI. Sometimes I dont REPLY. Sometimes I dont MSG u. but that doesnt mean i have FORGOTTEN you.

I'm just LAZY yar....:-) gm ================================================== mushkil is duniya me kuch bhi nahi. fir bhi log apne irade tod dete hai. agar sacche dil se ho RISHTA to sitare bhi apni jagah kisi ke liye chhod dete hai... ================================================== difficult to tell what loving is like impossible to tell what missing is like may u never miss whom u love and may whom u love. miss u always. ================================================== zindagi ko khushi me bitana sikh lo apne armano ko tum chupana sikh lo. zindagi me kabhi gum chu na payega. bus tum har baat pe muskurana sikh lo. ================================================== do hi lafzo ka tha wo afsana jo suna kar khamosh ho baithe.. ibteda ye ke tumko chaha tha inteha ye ke khud ko kho baithe... ================================================== lamhe ye suhane sath ho na ho, kal me aaj jaisi koi baaat ho na ho, apki "YAAD" hamesha iss dil me rahegi, chahe puri umar mulaqat ho na ho...! ================================================== it hurts to see d 1 u TRUST walk away but really hurts d most is when dey let u believe,

dat dey CARE about u but dey reaally never did.dis makes me :'( ================================================== i ll b ur eyes when u cant see. i ll be ur voice when u cant speak i ll be ur light when u are in dark.. i ll be ur hope when u lost everything. u r not alone when m there....! ================================================== a piece of stone can build mountains, a drop of rain can make seas, and simple you can make seas, and simple you can build and make my world.......! ================================================== apno ko dur hote huve dekha he jo mila nahi use khote huve dekha hai log kehte he phul sada haste he phulo ko bhi akele me rote hue deha hai. ================================================== ho chuka hai gair ke gulshan ka phul tu tujko apne gale ka har mai keh nahi sakta, dono ki manzil juda ho gai. tu har mera pyar pyar kisise keh nahi sakta. ================================================== gam na ho waha jaha ho fasana aapka, khushiya dhundti rahe ashiyana aapka. wo waqt na aaye jab aap udas ho! ye duniya bhula na sake muskurana aapka. ================================================== take time to listen your heart. sometimes u need not ask yourself who u really love most, but ask who really makes u happy & who makes u feel loved. ==================================================

apni duniya me yu kho na jana dur rehkar hame bhul na jana khabar hamari na le sako to koi gam nahi par, apni khabar dena bhul na jana. ================================================== agar teri ijazat ho, tere khawabon ki taabeer ban jaun, jahan jao mujhe pao jahan dekho me nazar aaun, teri hatheli me teri hi zindagi ki lakeer ban jau. ================================================== i knw i cant make you laugh all the time, but i'll give my shoulder whenever you have cry.!! ================================================== suppose i hve no name, what will u cal me per my character & nature? m waiting 4 ur answer. ================================================== apni har saans me abad kiya hai tumko, meri sajan bahut yaad kiya hai tumko, meri zindagi me tum nahi to kuch bhi nahi humne is kadar pyar kiya hai tumko. ================================================== the audience see a jokes as a joker, the joker see himself as a performer life is a circus, the way u see urself may not be the way other see you. ================================================== think b4 u speak bt not as much dat u loose the time of speaking and leap before u jump

but not as much that u break ur bones... ================================================== do u want 2 knw how much i love u, ask d butterflies flying, they cant tal but their beautiful colors will tell u 1000 words. ================================================== you will not realise the love of some one who is always with you.. and will feel for them after missing their love. take care of ur loving ones..!! ================================================== zindagi se jo lamha mile use chura lo, zindagi pyar se apni saja lo, zindagi yu hi guzar jayegi aaram se, bas kabhi khud hanso kabhi rote hue ko hansa do. ================================================== kisi dard ko sambhal pana asan nahi, haste hue har pal bita pana aasan nahi. zindagi me har koi dil me nahi basta, or base hue ko bhula pana aasan nahi. ================================================== i have you! if you hate me, shoot me with an arrow, but please not on the heart coz that's were you are.! Swt heart! always stay in my heart.! ================================================== marke jine ki tammana kise nahi hoti, roke husne ki tamanna kise nahi hoti, kahne ko keh dete hai ji lenge aapke bager, lekin apno ki jarurat kise nahi hoti. ==================================================

agar i hansti hui zindagi ki raho me. hazaro phool lutati hui bahar aaye chalo to sitare nisar ho tum par, hanso to phool ko b pyaar aaye. ================================================== zindagi ke mod per ek aisa waqt aata hai, jab insaan apne aap ko tanha paata hai, wahi tanhaiyan to batati hai hame kaun kiska kitna saath nibhata hai. ================================================== chahe kitna bhi dur rahe, par hamare silsile kabhi na kum honge, jab bhi lage tum tanha ho, palat kar dekhna, tumhare saye ki jagah hum honge..! ================================================== mohababt me kabhi judai bhi aata hai. judai pyar ko aur gehra bana deti hai. do pal ki judai me ansu na bahana judai ki tadap pyar ko aur pyara bana deti hai. ================================================== khud ko khudki khabar na lage. koi accha bhi is kadar na lage, aapko dekha hai bas us nazar se, jis nazar se aapko nazar na lage. ================================================== any time in life if U Have Any doubt about our relationship.. take a coin and toss.. if it's head I m ur love.. if it's tail U r my love. ==================================================

memories play a very confusing role.. dey make a laugh wen u remember d time u cried together.. bt make u cry wen u remember d time u laughed together. ================================================== raat ka chand aapko salam kare pariyon ki aawaz aapko adab kare sari duniya ko khush rakhne wala woh rab har pal aapki khushiyon ka khayal kare. ================================================== pyar to zindagi ka ek khubsurat lamha hai. ye sab rishto se albela hai, jise ye mil jaye wo tanhai me bhi kshush hai aur jise na mile wo bhid me bhi akela hai. ================================================== see the good in everyone. be bind 2 the faults of other. it brings peace in jur life. things dont change, u change ur way of looking at them. ================================================== man daily sent one rose 2 his wife. 1 day he died, she received rose, she asked florist, he said man paid adavnced fro whole life. ================================================== kashish yadoki thi itni har yaad par unki ham muskuraye. dard tha to bas itna dil me. dhundti rahi nazre unki or hum unko nazar na aaye..!! ================================================== pyar ki wo misaal banaayenge ham aankhe band karoge

to nazar aayenge ham bhar denge itna pyar dilme ki khud se pehle yad aayenge hum. ================================================== kisi ke hotho par pyar aaj bhi he. dil me wo aitbaar aaj bhi hai. jara sa mudkar dekh wo jindagi ko kisi nazar ko tera intezar aaj bhi hai..!! ================================================== only 2 persons in this world will be extremely happy.. one who gets everything in love.. and the one who does not love anyone....! ================================================== good people die earlier, because GOD love them. but u are still on d earth. so it means someone, somewhere loves you more than GOD. ================================================== ********** ******** ****** **** ** * dont LOVE someone like dat u cannot live without her. LOVE someone like that d person cannot live WITHOUT YOU..!!! ================================================== most optimistic live ever said by true lover.:"i knw i'm d boy of her dreamz, itz just dat she hasn't started dreaming yet...!" ================================================== kash unhe chahne ka arman n hota, me hosh me hote hue b anjan na hota,

ya pyar na hota kisi pathar dil se, ya fir koi pathar dil insaan na hota. ================================================== jab dil udas ho humse bat kar lena, jab dil chahe mulaqat kar lena, rehte hai aapke dil ke kisi kone me, waqt mile to kabhi talash kar lena. ================================================== haqiqat ho tum kaise tujhe sapna kahu tere har dard ko ab me apna kahu sab kuch kurban he mere tujh par kaun hai tere siva jise me apna kahu. ================================================== honto ne jiska jikar na kiya ho. aankhe unka paigam deti hai. duniya se unko chupaye kaise. har dhadkan unka hi to naam leti hai. ================================================== mulakat bhi kabhi aasu de jati hai. najre bhi kabhi dhoka de jati hai.. gujre huye lamho ko yaad karke dekhiye.. tanhayi bhi kabhi sukun de jati hai..! ================================================== door hokar bhi paas hai aap. meri saanso me basa ehsaas hai aap. aap ko ehsaas ho na ho, par mere liye bahut khas hai aap. ================================================== zindagi me bahut gum he jo khush ho aise log bahut kam he aa jati maut to bahut accha hota par meri is duaa me he. ==================================================

true love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. ================================================== yesterday, today and every single day, I found u close to my heart. and that is just where I want u to be always. U're very special to ME. ================================================== it hurts 2 love someone and not 2 b loved in return but its more painful 2 love someone and never find a courage 2 let dat person knw how much u LOVE him.. ================================================== true love is like a rainbow, when d perfect amount of happiness n tears are mixed, d results is a colourful n bridge. ================================================== the secret of religion lies not in theories but in practise. to be good and do good.. -dat is d whole of religion.-SWAMI VIVEKANANDA. ================================================== dnt say we aren't right for each other. the way i see it, we're nt right for anybody else. ================================================== everyone wants 2b d SUN dat lights up ur life. but i'd rather be ur MOON, so i can shine on u during ur darkest hour, when ur sun isn't around.

================================================== LETS C HOW MuCH U Knw ME 1.Bday: 4th of june 2.Word i say most:10tion nako gheus 3.I luv: 4.My bad habit:nthng 5.I call u:nthng 6.My habit u fond of:straight4wardness 7.I lie abt:nthng 8.I m true in:feelings 9.I hate:lying ================================================== force can make everything possible in the world. but it cannot create a single drop of love in anybody's heart. ================================================== William Shakespeare said : LOVE is not measured when both take care of each other. It is measured when 1 ignores and D other still continues.. ================================================== true love is dat which can give the most without asking/demanding anything in return. ================================================== friends walk lightly into our lives & slowly into our mind. at first we never care who they are... latr we don't know who v r without them! ================================================== ********* ******* ***** *** * If U failed in LOVE or dont have that special someone, dont worry. itz nothing but ur

future partner's prayer 2 keep u single.;-) ================================================== dil me bithaya jisko rabse manga tha usiko par hame kya malum tha wo pyar hi nahi karti kisiko.. ================================================== har zakhm kisi thokar ki meharbani hai meri zindagi bus ek kahani hai mita dete sanam tere dard ko sine se par ye dard hi to teri aankhri nishani hai. ================================================== kisi apne ko khona wo kya jane bina nind ke sona wo kya jane us shakshs ne to muje mehfilo me muskurate dekha hai. mera tanhai me rona wo ka jane. ================================================== she asked me who is ur enemy? i replied & proposed saying that my worst enemy is my heart coz it's mine bt beats 4 u. ================================================== ruthne ka haq aap rakhte hai. manane ki chahat hum rakhte hai. aapke hothon pe muskurana yun hi bani rahe, yahi dua RAB se hum shub-o-sham karte hai. ================================================== koi pyar karne wala agar dukh de or apki ankho me ansu aa jaye to is YAKIN ke sath ansu saaf kar

lena ke us palme wo tumse kahi zyada ROYA hoga. ================================================== "i hate life" somebody said to GOD GOD replied "who asked u to love life?" just love the person who loves u n life will be beautiful on its own.. ================================================== sachi khushi ka ehsas tum hi to ho saari duniya se khaas tum hi to ho ek pal bhi tum ko bhula nahi pate har pal dil ke pass tum hi to ho. ================================================== pyar ka hum kak yu ada karte hai. tere naam par ye jaan fida karte hai. phool sa bhi jakhm na aye meri jaanu ko, bas khuda se yehi dua karte hai. ================================================== All of us might not be Lucky enough to get the LOVE we want. But we can always make someone Lucky by giving the LOVE and CARE they need.. ================================================== soch kar uske bare me muskurate hai hum khud ko hi kahani uski sunate hai hum jab b yad karte hai usko sari duniya ko us waqt bhul jate hai hum ================================================== kisi ke yad me dil tadpta q hai akhir ye dil kisi se pyar karta q hai agar mile khuda to puchho usse

tu akhir sine me DIL rakhta Q hai. ================================================== dhyan rakhna apna is kadar ki hawa bhi apko chhu na sake. pyar karna itna ki koi dur ho na sake tanhai me agar koi baitha ho to soch ke apko koi ro na sake. ================================================== jindagi choti aur asan hai, sath nibhana badi mushkil bat hai, magar ye wada raha apse, ki jab tak jindagi hamare pas nahi, hum apke sath hai. ================================================== pyar kar liya nibhana abhi baaki hai. pyar ka nazraana abhi baki hai. waqt pade to dena ek aawaz de denge jaan shayad baaki hai. ================================================== everybody is searching a chance to impress other but they don't understand that impressions are done by very casual happenings. ================================================== maana ke sare jahan aapke sath hoga khushi ka har lamha aap ke paas hoga jab khatm hogi hamari sansein us din aapko hamari kami ka ehsaas hoga. ================================================== love neither needs everyday conversations nor togetherness true love stays in heart, and never

goes apart.. ================================================== kya wajah hai mere darne ki, khwaahish hai unki yaad me marne ki, unhe q itna yaad karta hai dil, jinhe fursat hi nahi hame yaad karne ki. ================================================== suraj se roshan hai sara jahan hamein ek diye ki talash hai hamare pass logo ki kami chahe ho par door hamara bhi koi khas hai. ================================================== zindagi chahat ke ek silsila hai. koi mil jata hai, koi kho jata hai. jise maangte hai hum duwa mein woh bina maenge kisi aur ko mil jata hai.. ================================================== saans lene se b teri yaad ati hai. har saans me teri khushbu bas jati hai. kaise kahu ki saans se mai zinda hu saans se pehli teri yaad ati hai. ================================================== teri aankho me jo nami si chaayi hai shayad ye meri judai ki gawahi hai itna mat yaad kar mujko hichki lele kar meri jaan per ban ayi hai. ================================================== if u truly love someone, then the only thing u want for them is to be happy.. even if they are not with u.... ================================================== fact of love, when u have so much pain

in ur hurt and u want to cry, d only person who can stop u from crying, is exactly d same person who made u cry. ================================================== pyar ki usne kadar kaha rakhi hai. dil ki usne khabar kaha rakhi hai.. maine kaha ham mr jayege apke pyarme, usne pucha KABAR KAHA khod rahi hai.? ================================================== pyar me satana koi ap se sikhe, intzar karwana koi apse sikhe, har pal teri raho me palke bichai hai maine, par bina dekhe guzar jana koi aapse sikhe. ================================================== na kabhi chupaya ki pyar kitna hai, na kabhi bataya ki dard kitna hai, ek hume or ek us khuda ko hai malum, ki aap se mulakat ka intzar kitna hai.. ================================================== apni kismat pe aaj hume rona aaya, dusro ne kya hume apno ne aazamaya. humne har dost ki tanhai dur ki, lekin khudko har mod per tanha paya. ================================================== luck is not in ur hands.. but work is in ur hands.. ur work can make luck. but luck can't make ur work.. so always trust in yourself.. ================================================== everyone tells me dat I

have changed,but d truth is dat I've juz stopped living my life in their way.. ================================================== pyar ki har rasam nibha di humne. use pane ke liye har kashti duba d humne, usne kadarna jani mere wafao ki, uski chahat me har khushi luta d humne. ================================================== tu mera hai koi aur tera naam na le, in bhigti aankhon ka koi aur jam na le, isliye tera haath nahi chodte hum. tu gire aur koi aur tuje tham na le.. ================================================== one of the main reasons people are not happy is that they worry too much about things that might never happen. ================================================== wen all rivers become dry. wen all birds leave the sky. wen all friends say gud bye.. remember i'll always to say "MAY I". ================================================== **** *** ** * when lots of people start 2 love you, u may get confused whom love, just tel them I hate u, every one will get back but the person who loves u truly never back. ================================================== leave something for someone. never leave someone for something.

bcoz in life, something might leave you, but someone will always remembers you. ================================================== hum to kuch na the par apne bana diya. itna pyar diya k jina sikha diya. dard lekar hum aye the akele. aap jaise shaks mile to har gum bhula diya. ================================================== tum khafa ho gaye to koi khushi na rahegi, tere bina chirago me roshni na rahegi kya kahe kya guzregi dil par, zinda to rahenge par zindagi na rahegi. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * na thi jise mere pyar ki kadar. itefaq se usiko chah rahe the hum. mere hathon ko jalaya usi chirag ne, jise aandhi se bacha rahe the hum. ================================================== ishq me tadapna bhi zindagi hai. or gamo ko sahna bhi zindagi hai. u to rehti he har waqt hotho pe muskurahat. par shayad chupke se rona bhi zindagi hai. ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** *

kisine kaha tha kisise na kehna, lage chot dil pe to khamosh rehna, jaha chot khana waha muskurana, magar muskuraana is ada se ki ro de zamana. ================================================== when someone whom we love the most hurts us badly, taking it with a smile is the ultimate proof of a deep understanding. ================================================== ********** ******** ****** **** ** * When you Love someone don't make them love you as much as you do.. but love them so much that they don't want to be loved by anyone expect you. ================================================== apne dil ki baat hum unse keh nahi sakte, bin kahe bhi reh nahi sakte, aae khuda aisi takdeer bana wo humse khud aakar kahe hum aapke bina reh nahi sakate. ================================================== xams are der, nd d papers u stare, d ans just no where, which makes u pull ur hair, d teachers glare, d grades r not fair, but just like d past years, "WE DON'T CARE." ================================================== humne jitna chaha unhe apna banana, unhone utna hi chaha hume satana, dil behlane ke aur bhi tarike hai par shauk tha unka hume tadpana......! ================================================== relationship is like a

BIRD, if u hold tightly, they DIE, if u hold loosely, they FLY, but if u hold Affectionately, they Remain with u FOREVER. ================================================== kabhi kisi se pyar mat karna, ho jaye to inkar mat karna, chal sako to chalna uski raho pe, warna yun hi kisi ki zindagi barbad mat karna. ================================================== Sometimes we will decide 2 stop LOVING someone. Not bcoz they dont love us. But bcoz we find dat they are more happier WITHOUT US! Cute pain bt true. ================================================== if someone points out ur mistake, den juz be happy, bcoz dat erson is caring for u and want to c u happy always... ================================================== the worst thing in life is attachment.:it hurts when you lose it. --the best thing if life is loneliness .:bcoz it teaches u everything. ================================================== ********************* ****************** *************** ************ ********* ****** *** * 3 great thing is WORLD .:1. TO love someone.

2. SOMEONE to love u BACK. 3. the FIRST and SECOND THING to happen AT THE SAME TIME. ================================================== if u miss some1 dont cry, thnk of all d time u have spent together and hold a sweet smile on ur face bcoz d one u r missing is always wants 2 c u smiling. ================================================== winning ur goal is not the toughest visctory but winning ur patience to achieve dat goal is the most toughest one. ================================================== we all at certain times in our lives find ourselves broken. True strength is found in picking up the pieces. - Jill Pendley ================================================== aapne nazar se nazar jab mila di, hamari zindagi jhoom kar muskura di.. zuba se to hum kuch bhi na keh sake, par nigaho ne dil ki kahani suna di. ================================================== boy pulled her close 2 him and said. u r not pretty, u r prettiest! i dnt want to live wid u, i want 2 live 4 u. if u leave me I will not cry, i ll die. ================================================== when u face choices, juz toss a coin.. not bcoz it settles the question... but while the coin is in the air, u'll knw what ur heart is hoping for... ================================================== ********************* ****************** *************** ************

********* ****** *** * Good better best, Dont take rest, until Good become better & better become best, work hard when other take rest, the successs will be ur guest. GM ================================================== ek se ek shararat aapki dil khush kar dene ki adat aapki hum rahe na rahe kal. ye dua hai ki salamat rahe hamesha ye muskan aapki. ================================================== jindagi mein n jaaane kaun si baat aakhri hogi, na jaane kaun si raat aakhri hogi, milte-julte raha karo yaaro na jaane kaun si mulakat akhari hogi. ================================================== the "Management" lies in dropping d last alphabet of d world "ManagemenT" >"Manage Men".. Still Better Drop one more letter >"Manage Me" ================================================== na tum aa sake na hum kabhi ja sake na dard dil ka kisi ko suna sake bas baithe hai yado me tumhari na tumne yaad kiya or na hum bhula sake. ================================================== kal raat wo mile khwab me humne pucha q thukraya aapne jab dekha unki aankho me bhi ansu the fir kaise puchte q rulaya aapne. ================================================== begano se koi gujarish nahi hoti.

maut ke bad baki koi khwahish nahi hoti. shayad koi pyaar bhara dil tuta hoga, warna NOVEMBER ke mahine mein barish nahi hoti. ================================================== World's Most Beautiful Sentence, => BUT, I LOVE YOU... And, World's Most "Selfish/Painful" Sentence, => I LOVE YOU, BUT... ================================================== the greatest suggestion for Love... Don't Love the one who is Beautiful for the World, But Love the one who makes Your World Beautiful... ================================================== bahut kam hai jamane me log aise chahat ki jinhe pehchan hoti hai soch lene kisi pe mar mitne se pehle lutane ke liye sirf ek jaan hoti hai. ================================================== If someone did ask me: What i meant by LIFE: I would sit next to my friends, pull them close togeter, put my arms around dam and say proudly these IDIIOTS are my LIFE...! ================================================== never thnk hard abt past, it brings tears, dnt thnk more abt future, it brngs fears,live dis moment wid a smile, it brings "CHEERS" ================================================== nazaro se dur rehnewale ne muje dilse bi dur kar diya kabhi wada kiya tha hamesha hasana ka

aaj uski yad ne RONE ke liye majbur kar diya ================================================== u waited.... 9 months 2 see world 1yr 2 walk 2yrs 2 walk 5yrs 2 start studying then y r u giving up today. ================================================== relationship is like tajmahal: everybody will wonder how beautiful it is. but nobody can understand how difficult it was to build. ================================================== once upon a time bird was in LOVE with white rose, one day she proposed him but he refused, he said i don't love u, but bird daily came and proposed him then, white rose said, when i'll turn in red I LOVE YOU. After that one day bird came and cut her wings and spread blood on the white rose and rose turned in red then rose realized, how much bird Loves him But it was to Late bird was "dead" SO RESPECT THE LOVE... ================================================== "if we decide on something to die for... that itself would give us a reason to live... have a nice time with reasons to live a better life..." ================================================== the biggest suspense of life is .:-

we knw 4 whom we r praying. bt "we never knw d person who is praying 4 us." ================================================== tell these 5 lines yoourself every morning and feel the magic.:i m d best i can do it GOD is always wid me i m a winner today is my day ================================================== jab tanhai me aapki yaad aati hai, hotho pe ek hi fariyad aati ha, khuda aapko har khushi de, kyonki aaj bhi hamari har khushi aapke baad aati hai. ================================================== why do i sms u, irritates u, care 4u, miss u, bore u.. do u knw wy..?

coz u r my sweetheart n i hv every rights 2 disturb u anytime ...! ================================================== life is 4 living, i live 4 u.. songs r 4 singing, i sing 4 u.. love is 4 caring, i care 4 u.. angels r 4 keeping, can i keep u...? ================================================== love is nt 4 gaining someone, bt also losing urselvs to someone.. if 1 luvs u, its nt bcoz of ur xcellnse, its bcoz of d purity of ur heart. ==================================================

ADOLF HITLER : when u r in light, everything will follow u, but when u enter t dark, even ur own shadow will not follow u, thats life. ================================================== How fall in love .:1-fall bt dnt stumble. 2-b consistent nt persistent 3-understand bt dnt demand 4-share & never b unfair 5-hurt bt never keep d pain. ================================================== roya hai dil aur aankhe bhar aayi hai, yuhi hamne wafa nibhaai hai, jo ek lamha b na de paye humko, unki khatir humne puri zindagi lutai hai. ================================================== kaash ye zindagi haseen hoti, khud ke chahane se har dua kabul hoti. kehne koto sab apne hai, par kaash koi aisa hota jise mere dard se takleef hoti.... ================================================== i love the way u make me so happy, & the ways u show u care. i love the way u say "I LOVE YOU." & the way u r always there.. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * don't expect anything from life expectations hurt..

when you don't expect, every moment is a surprise and every surprise brings happiness...! ================================================== the toughest character in this world is acting as a friend to ur lover, you are not able to xpress ur loving words and u cant speak friendly too! ================================================== jite hai tera nam lekar marne ke baad kya anjaam hoga hafan utha ke dekh lene mere hotho pe tera hi naam hoga. ================================================== chale jo do kadam saath hum, to tumhare sath se pyar ho jaye, thaamo jo pyaar se mera haath tum, to apne hi haath se pyaar ho jaye. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * love grows by giving d love v give away is the only love we keep. "d only way to retain love is to give it away." ================================================== *********** ********* ******* ***** *** * dil ke gaheraiyo me rakhte hai apko har dam palko pe bithake rakhte hai aapko agar aapka dil dhadkta hai to suno gaur se 'har dhadkan ke sath yad karte hai apko' ==================================================

*********** ********* ******* ***** *** * ankho ko bhand karoge to hame hi dekhoge, ankhe khologe to hame hi pawoge, zindagi me kabhi rona mat, warna aansuwo me hame hi gawaoge. ================================================== *********** ********* ******* ***** *** * My Dear When I See U I Feel I Care for U When I kiss U I Feel I Miss U When I hug u I Feel I need U & now I'm thinking of U

I Feel I LOVE LOVE U MORE...! ================================================== pyar ek dil ka nata hai, jo badi ibadat se nibhaya jata hai, ismein duriyan hon to koi parwah nahi, kyuki pyar ko dil mein basaya jata hai. ================================================== *********** ********* ******* ***** *** * u dnt hv to be perfect 2 let somebody love u d way u wnt to be loved.. always remember that being simple is d most perfect way 2 make someone fall in love with YOU...! ================================================== Life has no pause

button dreams have no expiry date. time hv no holiday. so don't waste a single moment in ur life live it..!! and rock it...! ================================================== kuch aansu hote hai jo behte nahi, log apne pyar ke bina dunya me rehte nahi. ham jante he apko b aati hai hamari yaad, par jane kyun hamse kehte nahi...! ================================================== aaj har ek pal khoobsurat hai, dil main teri sirf teri surat hai. kuch bhi kahe duniya gum nahi, duniya se zyada humko teri zarura hain. ================================================== *********** ********* ******* ***** *** * Famous love quote .:GIRL.:dear why you always hurt and break my heart.? BOY.:i always use to break ur heart to just replace my heart. ================================================== Be soft and cool like water so u can adust anywhere in life.. be tough and attractive like a diamond so no one can play with your emotions.. ================================================== dil se hai dua hamari mile aapko khushiyan sari.

gum na de KHUDA aapko chahe ek khushi kam are hamari. ================================================== i miss u more n more, with every moment, every day. i wish u could return to here, i wish u hadn't gone away.. Mizz U! ================================================== samja do apni yaado ko wo bin bulaye paas aaya karti hai aap to duur se satate ho magar aapki yaade paas aakar rulaya karti hai...! ================================================== hum to tujhe chahate hai har pal tu bhi apne hone ka kuch haq jata de kuch haq jata de kuch aur nahi to kar itna karam jaha tu yaad na aaye wo jagah bata de. ================================================== *********** ********* ******* ***** *** * life becoms a burden when we struggle 2b with someone who doesnt even knw hw much we love them.. bt, it becomes even worse when dey know it and still we struggle. ================================================== *********** ********* ******* ***** *** * pyar wo nahi jisme jeet ho ya haar ho, pyar wo nahi

jo har waqt taiyar ho, pyar to wo he jisme kisike aane ki umeed na ho.! ================================================== yaado se judke yaad aate ho aap yaad akar yaadgar ban jate ho aap yaado hi yaado me sama jate ho aap q yaadko b yaad bana jate ho aap miss u dear ================================================== it is wise to direct ur anger towards problems-not people, focus ur energies on answers-not on excuses. - William Arthur Ward ================================================== mit jaye duri agar tum chaho na koi ho majburi agar tum chaho hume to he chahne wale aur bahut magar hamari hai tamanna ke hume sirf tum chaho. ================================================== people who seems to be nothing. finally they became evrything and who appear to be everything suddenly change 2 nothing. that's d journey of life. ================================================== teri yaad bhi kamaal karti hai, kaise kaise hum se sawal karti hai, ek pal ko tanha nahi karti mujhe, teri yaad bhi mera kitna khayaal karti hai. ================================================== simple logic live with peace :>don't cry 4 wat happend yesterday. >don't fear 4 wat will happen today.

>don't expect anything 4 tomorrow. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * kisiki umid me aise khoye the palko se pata chala raat bhar roye the. dhimi aahat se karib aana chaha, jane q aisa laga tum hume yaad karte huye soye the. ================================================== nobody knows i m praying that u will change my mind, they think that i had let u go.. when u left me behind. ================================================== just don't give up trying 2 do what u really wants to do. where there's love and inspiration, i don't think u can go wrong. ================================================== todna hota to rishta na banate umid na hoti to sapne na sajate aitbar kiya hia aapke pyar par bharosa na hota to aane dil ka hissa na banate! ================================================== khuda ki rahmat saare sansaar pe barse. mere hisse ki rahmat mere yaar pe barse. aye khuda mujhe kar dena paani. agar mera yaar kabhi pyaas se tarse. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * never be afraid of the dark because the dark because

the increasing depth of darkness, indicates arrival of morning. ================================================== few min ago I close my eyes n saw u in my dream. I saw u d most happiest in this world. if dis d way 2c u happy I wish my eyes remain close 4ever. ================================================== mat intjar karao humen itna, ki waqt ke faisle par afsos ho jaye, kya pata kal tum lautkar aao aur hum khamosh ho jaye. ================================================== use pane ki zid na karo jo na ho apna use apnane ki zid na karo is samundar me tufan bahut aate he ye dost, is ke sahil pe ghar banane ki zid na karo. ================================================== if u love someone who doesnt loves u its like watching a star u know u can never reach but u should keep on trying and why not stars also fall. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * if u miss me just touch u'r heart, u will hear me and if really miss me, close u'r eyes u will see me. this is what i do when i miss you. ================================================== ***** **** ***

** * so many ways to say 'I LOVE YOU' but not enough words in the world to say how much i love u. ================================================== ******* ***** *** * aapke yaad me sab kuch bhula baithe hai, chirag khusiyon ka bujaye baithe hai, hum to marenge aapki bahome, ye mautse bhi shart laga baithe hai. ================================================== will u smile if ask u to? will u come if i call you? will u understand if I'm unable to express? will u add a "too" if i say I Love You? ================================================== cnt stp thnkg abt u :) ================================================== unse milkar jaise bichadna dastur ho gaya, yado me unke dil majbur ho gaya. kasur na isme kuch b unka, hamari chahat hi itni thi ki unko gurur ho gaya. ================================================== hamare to har alfaz me hota tha pyar, kash tum do lafz hi keh pate, bich hamare hoti thi kitni bate, kash tum kuch ka matlab bhi samaj pate ================================================== chote se dil me gam bahut hai zindagi me har pal milte zakhm bahut hai maar dalti kab ki ye duniya magar salo tum dosto

ki duao me dum bahut hai..... ================================================== nafrate lakh mili mohabbat na mili zindagi beet gai par rahat na mili teri mehfil me har shaks ko haste dekha ek main tha jise hasne ki izazat na mili. ================================================== ii never regret about my past and never worries 4 my future, bcoz in past u became my friend and in future u will be with me.. ================================================== andaz nigaho ka juban par aayega, usdin aapko sms mera yaad ayega, yaad karoge usdin jis din ye tang karne wala aapki jindagi se dur chala jayega. ================================================== god always likes to know again and again what u want... it's not that he forget ur needs but he luvs to feel the sweetness of ur prayer! so keep praying... ================================================== rishte nate tod du tere liye, bas ek bar muskurade mere liye, yu to hum jeena nahi chahate... par jee rahe hai bas aapki ek muskaan ke liye... ================================================== jaane kyun log pyar karte hai..... ================================================== usi ankho se kash koi ishara to hota, kuch mere jine ka sahara to hota, tod dete hum rasm jamane ki, ek bar hi sahi usne pukara to hota ================================================== socha na tha dilko kuch

ho jayega sambhala jise ab tak wo kho jayega is tarah se zindagi me aaoge tum madhosh ho ke dil tuzme hi kho jayega. ================================================== 20 saal ho gaye koi ladki nahi pati! ye hai aam zindagi... aur 20 saal ho gaye koi ladki hume nahi pata saki! ye hai mentos zindagi... ================================================== -sabne chaha tha ki hum na mile -humne chaha ki use gum na mile -agar khusi milti hai unhe hum se juda hokar -to dua hai ki unhe hum na mile. ================================================== ummido pe kabhi bharosa na karna, jo lamhe bure lage unhe soch na karna, kami mehsus ho jiski uska mat khayal karna, tum khud me khaas ho ye hamesha khayal karna. ================================================== tu karta woh hai jo TU chahata hai, par hota woh hai jo MAIN chahata hu Tu woh kar jo MAIN chahata hu Fir woh hoga jo TU chahata hai. ================================================== aksar jab hum tumhe yaad karte hai.. apne rab se yahi fariyaad karte hai.. umar hamari bhi lag jaye tumko.. kyunki hum tumko khud se bhi jyada pyar karte hai... ================================================== when i fall i need ur hands hold me, when i win i need ur hand

2 pat me, when i loose i need ur hands to console me, in short.. I need u 4ever as my best friend.. ================================================== if u ask do I Need u d ans is for ever if u ask if I'l leave u d ans is never if u ask wat I value d ans is U if u ask if I Love You d ans is I do.... ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * i wish 4 u dat..u should get all things wat u wnt in ur life..m unable to get my LOVE i think GOD doesnt want to see me i pray 4 u to GOD dat u get ur LOVE one in ur life n always be happy... take care dear. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * Tila Gappa marayla awadat Ani Mala Boltana Ti. Tila hasayla khup awadat ani Mala hastana Ti. Tila pawsat bhijayla awadat ani Mala bhijtana Ti. Tila Gana khup awadat ani Mala Gatana Ti. Tila firayla khup awadat ani Mala chaltana Ti. Tila Mi ajibat nahi awdat ani Mala Tich Ti. ================================================== jina kabhi to bewajah sa lagta hai. ye waqt b kabhi to bewaqt lagta hai

aadat si hame apke gum-e-intzar ki apki yad aaye or dard na ho ajeeb sa lagta hai. ================================================== mera dard wo na samaj sake. mujhe saaf malaal hai. zara fir soch samaj ke jawab dene ko bolo meri zindagi ka sawal hai. ================================================== rishte nate tod du tere liye, bas ek bar muskurade mere liye, yu to hum jeena nahi chahate.. par jee rahe hai bas aapki ek muskaan ke liye.. ================================================== aksar jab hum tumhe yaad karte hai. apne rab se yahi fariyaad karte hai.. umar hamari bhi lag jaye tumko.. kyunki hum tumko khud se bhi jyada pyar karte hai.. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * Swapna thambli ki aayushya sampate, vishwas udala ki aasha sampate, kalji ghene sodle ki prem sampate, mhanun swapna paha, vishwas theva, aani kalji ghya, ayushya khup sundar aahe....! so live ur life.. n tc. ================================================== khwahish aisi karo ki aasma tak ja sako, dua aisi karo ki khuda ko pa sako. yu to jeene ke liye pal bahut hai, jiyo aise ki har pal me

zindagi pa sako. ================================================== some say its a small world, not enough 4 i say i million thanks 2 GOD for making it small or else i would have missed someone as sweet as you. ================================================== generation has changed so much, i was in a temple, when a guy next to me lited a cigrate from d aarti. a was so shocked,dat . . . . . i almost droped my beer bottle.! ================================================== anybody can love a rose, bt it takes a gr8 deal love a leaf. don't love some1 who is beautiful, but love d one who gives life. ================================================== kabhi 2 aisa hota hai. pyar ka asar zara der se hota hai. unhe lagta hai ke hum kuch nahi sochte unke bare mein.lakin har baat mei zikar unka hi hota hai. ================================================== **** *** ** * dil tod diya chita b jala dena kafan na mile to apna dupatta odha dena. agar koi puche ke rog kya tha.? to nazre juka kar mohabbat bata dena. ================================================== Adolf Hitler .:"Tomorrow will come daily but today will come today only so finish ur today's work today and be free tomorrow."

================================================== jindagi me koi khash tha apke siva kuch n pas tha pa to lete jinagi me har khushi lekin har khushi me apki kami ka aehsas tha. ================================================== most touching lines ever written by a person 2 their loved one "ever u miss me never cry bcz a drop of tear in ur eyes is a day in my life." ================================================== apki har khata manjur hai. apka har shikwa kabul hai hai janate kya rishta hai hamara jo he wo tahe dil se manjur hai. ================================================== **** *** ** * if you can not find the brighter side of life polish d darker side attitude of adjustment is d only instrument to live a life. ================================================== how long shall we be love? do u want a clue? as long as stars twinkle in the sky, till d water runs dry and till d day i die. we ll b love each other. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * aapne dil ki baat unse keh nai sakte bin kahe jee na sakte ae khuda aisi taqdeer bana woh humse khud kahe

hum apke bina reh nahi sakte. ================================================== ********** ******** ****** **** ** * Prem mhanje athavanit vahann prem mhanje vicharatach rahann, prem mhanje kalpnechya nagare tun kshitija palikadch pahann. ================================================== gum wo hai jo rula sake khusi wo hai jo gum me hansa sake hume to chahiye bus aapki mohobbat jo mere marne pe aapko rula sake. -THATS MY LOVE ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * aksar taqdir ke rukh badal jate hai mohabbat ho dil me to fasle simat jate hai chahat ho sachchi to aisa b hota hai dur jane wale fir laut aate hai. -HOPE SHE COME BACK ================================================== do u knw y ppl say dat u cann't sleep wen u r in Love coz 4d ist time u r finding reality more beautiful dan world of dreams. ================================================== hota hai pyar tab khushi hoti hai rota hai dil jab tab taklif hoti hai

pyar mat karna mere dost dimaag se jyada dil ko taklif hoti hai. ================================================== yun to gamo me b has lete the hum, fir q aaj rone lage hum. yu to hamesha hi khali rahi hatheliya hamari, fir q aaj laga ke sab kuch khone lage hum. ================================================== dont keep more love or more possesiveness on anyone in this world, becoz when they leave u, that space in ur heart will remain empty till death. ================================================== jindagi me agar apko koi problem ho or kuch bolane se dar rahe ho to aapne dil par hath rakhkar bolana ALL IZZ WELL. ================================================== hasi ke rah me gam mile to kya kare wafa ki rah me bewafa mile to kya kare kaise bachaiye zindagi ko dhokebazo se koi muskura ke dhoka de to kya kare ================================================== kitne chehre hai is duniya me. magar ek hi chehera najar aata hai, duniya ab kya dekhe, apki yadon me sara waqt gujar jata hai. ================================================== ajjeb si kashish hai aap me ki hum aap ke khayalon me khoye rehte hai ye soch k aap khwabon me aao ge hum din me bhi soya karte hai. ================================================== everything abt future is uncertain,

but one thing is sure, god has already arranged all our tomorrows, we just have to trust him. ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** *** ** * Suicide note written by a boy 2 his lover who never accepted his love .:"the only way 4 me be with u is my dreams, so 4 ur love i'm sleeping 4ever." ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * ansu ki kimat wahi janate hai jo kisi ko yad karte hai. dil ka gam wahi jante hai jo kisi ko chahate hai pyar ka dard wahi jante hai jo DIL se pyar karte hai. ================================================== maut se do pal mange kisi ki jhalak pane ko gaye dar pe unke unhe manane ko wo is kadar ruthe hai ki khud dua kar rahe the. meri maut mane ko. ================================================== ameero ko kya dekhte ho garibo se pucho ke daulat kya cheez hai are jisko pyar mila usse nahi jiska dil tuta use pucho ishq kya chhez hai. ================================================== tere akelepan me sath tera nibhayenge teri tanhayion me tere pass hum aayenge tu ek baar mujhe awaz dekar to dekh khud ro kar b tujhe

hasaynge. ================================================== kissing ur baby is my dream. i am strawberry and you are the cream. handle me gently keep me real keen. u and i together babes is my passion so extreme. ================================================== sometimes special people come into ur life only to teach u how to live alone without them. sad bt true. ================================================== im depressed im lonely im sad and im getting crazy all 4 just two reasons i'm here and u r there. ================================================== suppose me and my duplicate is standing. How will u identify me.?answer me. lets c how much u knw me. ...c'mon reply fast... ================================================== to love without "condition"... to talk without "intention"... to give without "reason"... n care without "expectation" is d art of relation.! ================================================== beautiful life is just an imagination. but life is more beautiful than imagination. so enjoy each and

every moment of ur life. ================================================== jab pyar ke ehsaas ko samaj jaoge her saans me mera hi naam paoge mere pyar us waqt dega awaz jab tum duniya ki bhid me khud ko akela paoge. ================================================== muskurahat tumhi se milti hai, dard mein raahat tumhi se milti hain. tum mat ruthna mujhse kabhi, kyonki jeene ki chaahat tumhi se milti hai. ================================================== ajnabi galise guzra nahi karte, dard-e-dil liya-diya nahi karte. pyar ka rishta he sirf apse, warna itna yad kisiko kiya nahi karte. ================================================== don't wait for something big to occur. start where you are, with what you have, and that will always lead you into something greater. ================================================== most touching msg of da year: v came wid d fear of not knowing anybody. but v will go with tears after knowing everybody.. and that's called "COLLEGE LIFE". ================================================== i miss stars, they think m serious but m joking. i miss moon, moon think m serious

but m joking. i miss u u think m joking but no m serious. ================================================== tel me who m i.? tweety-talk a lot tom-fight a lot jerry-m cute bravo-m a flirt tintin-intelligent mickey-caring noddy-loved by all must reply. ================================================== i may have 2 say i care.. i may have failed open up and share.. bt though no words spoken, i swear. if u need a me i'll alwayz be there. ================================================== it's common to hear hw r u.? hw was ur day? any plans? so let me ask u something different

did u smile today.? keep smiling always...! ================================================== **** *** ** * the ultimate n real fact.:there r ppl who luv u all d time. its just tht they can't luv u, d way u understand luv. they luv u d way they knw 2 luv.... ================================================== zindagi ka sabse anmol gift pata hai kya hai.?

"WAQT" kyunki aap jab kisi ko apna waqt dete ho to aap unhe apni zindgi ka wo pal dete ho jo kabhi wapas nahi aata. ================================================== do pal ki zindagi yun hi bit jayegi har rat ke bad subah aegi agar zindagi me kisi ki yaad satayegi to kasam se, aapki yad sabse pehle aayegi. ================================================== ************ *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * mhantes ti prem nahi? mag mazya aanandat hasnn kay hott? manatil bolnn kay hott? mazyasathi dole bharun yenyasarkhh apl natt tari kay hott? ================================================== u can cloz ur eyes with d things u dont want to see bt u can never close ur heart with d things u dont want to feel.. ================================================== if our heart miss someone if our eyes have tears for someone if our life has time and space for someone then we ready love that someone. think it. ================================================== u can neither change d passt nor control dd future. but u can change d mood of d

day by touching someones heart with ur smile. ================================================== *** ** * wats love??? those who dnt knw, cal its RESPONSIBILITY those who play, cal it a GAME those who dnt have, cal it DREAMS those who understand, cal it LIFE. ================================================== choti si baat par koi sikwa na karna koi bhul ho jae to maf karna naraj tab hona jab hum rishta tod denge qki aisa tab hoga jab hum duniya chod denge.! ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * kay aste aathvan..? panyacha olava ki amrutacha godva, ashrunchi dhara ki zombnara vara, pavsachya thand garwa ki ha aasmantach sara... ================================================== hirvya gaar panaat ashi, pivli pane lapleli astat. tashi kahi swapne pratyekane japleli astat. ================================================== nind me kabhi sapno se na khelna aankho me ashko se na khelna itna dhyaan rakhna a dost pyar me kabhi apno se na khelna. ================================================== ***** ****

*** ** * hi maskari navhti tujhya premachi, hi tujhya premachi pariksha hoti, maaf karun de mala, majhya pahilya premachi pahili payri hoti. ================================================== jab koi baat bigad jae job koi mushkil badh jae toh... toh.. hoth ghuma, seeti baja, seeti baja ke bol bhaiya ALL IZZ WELL... ================================================== take a deep breath, stand near d window, look at the sky, there will be two stars twinkling brightly, u know wat they r? they r my eyes always taking care of u. ================================================== tere hone se ek khushi judi hai teri aankho se ek roshni judi hai apne hotho ki muskurahat kam na hone dena q ki teri hansi se ek zindgi judi hai. ================================================== when u read this, u will know that I still love u, miss u and hope that u r fine and happy. dear! u r my life.! ================================================== nigaho me tasvir unki hoto pe unka nam he har sanso me unka ehsas hai itni chahat he unke liye

fir b wo hamari chahat se anjan hai ================================================== aaj kal har shaks hame kaise jiye ye sikha kar jata hai are abhi kuch khwab adhure hai hamare warna jeena hame bhi aata hai ================================================== judai ishq banti jaa rahi hai, meri yaad ab usko tadpa rahi hai,bahut khush hu mai baazi haar kar b mujhko thukrakar ab wo pachta rahi hai. ================================================== kabhi hum pe wo jaan diya karte the, jo hum kahe wo maan liya karte the, aaj pas se anjan banke guzar gaye, jo dusre hame pehchan liya karte the. ================================================== FOR YOU .:by heart : I LOVE U as a joke : I HATE U everytime : I MISS U 4ever : I LIKE U sometimes : I NEED U everytime : I WANT U now : I wanna hug u n wanna kiss u.. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * i dont want to show i miss u though deep inside i do coz i m afraid u might see through me and know how much fear i have of loosing u. miss u dear. ================================================== yaado me hum rahe, ye ehsaas rakhna. najaro se door sahi dil ke paas rakhna,

hum ye nahi kehte ke hamare saath raho door sahi par dil ke pas rakhna. ================================================== bichhadna jab muqaddar tha to milte kese PHUL sehrao me bhala khilte KESE bahut chaha ki bhula du naam uska zaalim MERI RUh me thi RUH se mitata KESE ================================================== jagaatil sarvat mothi vedna mhanje, aapan jyawar prem karto tichya-shejari basne. aani ti kadhich aapli honar nahi yaachi jaaniv hone. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * i'm depressed i'm lonely i'm sad and i'm getting crazy all 4 just two reasons

i'm here and u r there MISS U. ================================================== they all laughed, so i laughed i cried bt no one cried with me this is life try 2 move up in life by wiping eyes using ur own hands. ================================================== main apne dil ko samjau kaise, tujhe sanam main bhulau kaise mujhe to teri lat ho chuki hai

main tum bin jeewan bitau kaise. ================================================== when u like someone n when they r not with u, feel u must talk 2 them, convey dem u miss dem a lot...... but all these feelings are expressed as tears. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * PERSON whom u LOVE d most may never understand ur feelings, Leave it 2 "GOD", Pray for their happiness. D day when they FEEL ALONE they will SURELY FEEL IT. ================================================== there are moments in life when u miss someone so much that u just want to pick them from ur Dream and hug them for Real. ================================================== most touching lines ever written by a person 2 their loved one, "ever u miss me never cry bcz a DROP of TEAR in ur eyes is a day less in my life." ================================================== some people hurt by words and some by action bt the biggest hurt I believe is dat someone ignoring u wen u value dem bigger dan urself. ================================================== sochta hu kya usey nind aati hogi. ye meri tarah sirf ashq bahati hogi. wo meri shakal mera naam bhulane wali,

apni tasvir se kya aankh milati hogi. ================================================== if u keep doing what u did, u will kep getting what u got. but if u want to get what u havn't got, u will have to do, what u havn't done...... ================================================== being deeply loved by someone gives u strength, while loving someone deeply gives u courge.! ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * if u care n LOVE someone, dont ever loose a grip on dat person, coz u never know d one u let go might be the one u have waited for all ur LIFE.. ================================================== kimti palo ko u na bitana haste rehna ro kar hame na rulana hum yad hai aapko itna hi kafi hai kabhi bhul bhi jao to hame na batana. -MY LIFE is U. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * a pince had a curse dat he could speak one word a year. he spoke nothing for three years and waited to say. "I LOVE YOU" to his

princess. ================================================== raat bhi sari jagte hue guzri shab e gham me shama jalate hue guzri apni nakamiyo pe afsos karte hue aankho se ashq bahate hue guzri. ================================================== zindagi se wafa hamne b ki bahot par gamo ke siva or kuch mila b to nai ek tujko pa ke bahut khush tha mai par sath tera manzil tak mila b to nai. ================================================== "i forgot your name, can i call you mine? and in case you forgot my name too, call me yours!" ================================================== nam palko ke sang muskurate hai hum lamha he hum lamha aye lamha dil ko behlate he hum... wo dur hai humse to kya hua apne dhadkta dil me unki aahat pate hai hum.. ================================================== "i thought u were busy so didnt want 2 disturb u" dis thought is d main reason behind most broken relations so keep disturbing those whom u never wanna lose.. ================================================== "maitri" kadhi aste najuk pakli tar kadhi atut sakhali; ek sundarse phool jyacha jagavegla sugandh,

ani tya sugandha maage asto ek sundar runanubandh..!! ================================================== career is like a light and love is like shadow. if u try to catch the shadow, u may miss the light. but if u follow the light, shadow will automatically come it. ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * motyana kay mahit, shimplyani tyana kiti japlay, motyancha kewal najuk panasathi tyani aapla aayushya wechalay.. dedicated to our parents.. ================================================== rona v chahu to woh rone nai deti, woh to palke v bhigone nai deti, aati hai khayalon me kaun yeh aksar, jo mujhe kisi aur ka hone nai deti. ================================================== dil aaj bhi dhadakta hai tere naam se. jab lagaya tha gale tumne pyar se. tamanna hai wapis ajao zindagi me. OR laga lo gale muje fir usi andaj se. ================================================== ujalon me reh ke andhera mangta hun. raat ki chandani se savera mangta hun. sone chandi ki nahi jarurat main to har saans me tera basera mangta hun. ================================================== in love very rarely do we win but wen love is true.

even if u lose, u still win just for having the privilege of loving someone more than urself. ================================================== kaash ye dil sheesha ka bana hota, chot lagti to beshak ye fanaa hota, par jab vo sunte sadaa is dil ki, ya khuda tab to unhe ehsaas-e-gunah hota. ================================================== LOVELY QUOTE .:hurt me. tease me. make me cry. but at the end give me ur shoulder on which i can cry. ================================================== ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * log kehte hia ki agar nasseb hoga mera, to hum unhe zaroor payenge, hum poochte hai agar hum badnaseeb huye to bina unke kaise jee payenge.? ================================================== a true story .:(a guy n his lover were at speed 100kmph). girl: slow down, it's to scary. guy: no,its fun.(he ask her to hug him tight n tell her) d helmet is heavy on his head

.. take and wear it...{on d next day its seen in d paper that a bike crashed in to a building n out of d two only the girl survived.}. the truth is d guy realised that the breaks are failed but he didnt want her to know.. he felt her LOVE by getting her hug for the last time.... ================================================== y does the people one we love so much take for granted? n hurt us so much.? may be bcoz they put in mind dat whatever they do dey know we wont let her go.! ================================================== learn d most beautiful way to live life from the person who loves u d most... coz dat person has 100 reasons to smile n 99 of them are becoz of u.. ================================================== i have a heart n dat is true, which is mine but always beat for u, so my darling i wanna exchange it with u, so will u take it or i have to die for u.? -I LOVE YOU. ================================================== raat ki khamoshi raas nahi aati, meri parchai bhi mere paas nashi aati, kuch aati hai to bas teri yaad, jo aakar ek pal bhi door nahi jati. ================================================== whenever u smile i am near u sharing it. whenever u feel and i'm inside ur heart bearing d pain. so dont be sad.ur sorrows hurts me. ================================================== life never leaves u empty. it always replaces everything u've lost. if it ask u to put

something down, its coz its asking u pick up something better. ================================================== maine zindagi bhar jisko chahata raha. . . . aaj us ka beta mujse aakar bola dad plz mujhe school drop kar do. moral .:har koi aapki tarha mama nahi ban jata. ================================================== **** *** ** * tu kuthehi raha sukhi raha, sukh maje tyat ahe, tu swatahala "khup" japat raha, "pran" maje tyat aahe. ================================================== small girl and boy r seen crying together, when asked why.? girl says "my doll has broken"n boy says "i m crying bcz my dol is . . crying." ================================================== philosophy of girls .:flirt wid innocent boys, friendship with charming boys, contact with cute boys, love with sincere boys, marriage with . . . jaisi papa ki marji. ================================================== unhe chahane ki saja humne payi. unse dil lagane ki daga humne khayi agar

karni thi humse yu bewafai to fir q dilme usne apni jagah thi banai. ================================================== mohobbat me koi ruswa ker gayi khush the akele lekin jindagi tanha kar gayi jee lete hum unke bina lekin wo bedard dil todke tukde bhi sath le gayi. ================================================== tuch maje jiwan, tuch maje sarvaakahi aahe, tujhya othanache "sparsh" ghenyaas man maje aatur aahe. ================================================== rup tujhe ase aahe ki, dolyat hi maavat nahi, shwas gheto pan sugandh kontyahi baget nahi, tula bhetlyawar aanand, hrudyat pan maavat nahi. ================================================== if loving u is wrong, then i don't wanna be right. my love 4u is strong and brighter then any light. the way we must know go is long but we will win every fight. ================================================== something in ur smiles speaks to me, something in ur voice sings to me, something in ur eyes says to me, that u are dearest to me. ================================================== bhale hi kisi gair ki jaagir thi wo par mere khwabo ki tasvir thi wo mujhe milti to kaise milti kisi or ke hisse ki taqdeer thi wo. ================================================== for all the friendship share, for all the ways u care,

for all the times u are there, u r special and beyond compare just wanna tell you, juz take care. ================================================== eyes speak more when a heart starts listening to someone silently and life seem to be more exciting, when someone start reading those eyes silently. ================================================== all my life i have accepted everything bcoz, i believe in this:"everything happens 4 a reason." but the hardest part is "to finding out what the reason is." ================================================== beshak wo nahi milti humse fir bhi unse milne ko dil bekrar hai, unki yaad to tb sone bhi nahi deti jaan kyu hume unse itna pyar hai. ================================================== ur dream will nt die, ur plans will nt fail, ur destiny will nt b aborted... the desire of ur heart will be granted "only" if u believe in urself... ================================================== the best day of ur life is the one on which u decide ur life is ur own and u alone are responsible for the quality of it. ================================================== yeh choti si yade bada siladegi, gulab ki tarah apka chehra khila degi, ma chodna kabhi hamari yado ko, yeh yade khud apko humse mila degi. ================================================== intizar ke lamho ka maza ajeeb hai. uske pyar ki saza

jeeb hai. hum unhe yaad kia karte he subah shaam, aur unki khamosh rehne ka ada ajeeb hai. ================================================== na chaho kisiko itna ki uski chahat tumhari majboori ban jaye. chaho kisi ko itna ki tumhara pyar uski jaroorat ban jaye. ================================================== whenever u smile i am near u sharing it. whenever u feel sad. i'm inside ur heart bearing d pain. so dnt b sad. ur sorrows hurts me. ================================================== ================================================== apni zindagi ki ajeeb kahani hai, jis cheej ko chaha woh begani hai, haste hai toh sirf duniya ke liye, varna in aankhon me pani hi pani hai. ================================================== in d game of life, it's nt important to hold all good relations, but it's more important how good u behave with the relations which u hold..!! ================================================== rishto me duriya mit jayegi ehsas ki duniya simat jayegi humko yad kar ke hi palak band karna fir sari umar aapki hasin khwabon me kat jayegi. ================================================== everyone u meet is not just coincident but destiny leave something wonderful 2 those who pass by ur life seen dey will find it hard 2 erase u 4m the heart. ==================================================

each drop of a tear is costly them anything in world.. but, no one knows its value until they have it in their own eyes for someone. ================================================== jithe bolnyas shabdanich garaj naste. aanand dakhwayla hasnyachi garaj naste. dukh dakhwayla aasunchi garaj naste. na boltach sare samjte ti maitri aste. ================================================== if i get scared, wud u hold me tight.?? if i make a mistake, wud u make it right?? if i built fire, wud u watch over d flames?? if i say i love u, would u feel d same. ================================================== udtya pakhranna paratichi tama nasavi najret sada navi disha asavi gharate bandhta yeil kevhachi kshitija palikade zep ghenyachi jidd asavi. ================================================== jo sab dete he wo hum nahi denge, pyyar jab bhi denge kam nahi denge, yakin na ho to aazma lena zindagi me kabhi tumhe gum nahi denge.. ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * TU KUTHEHI RAHA SUKHI RAHA, SUKH MAZE TYAT AAHE, TU SWATAHALA JAPAT RAHA, PRAN MAZE TYAT AAHE...

so take care.. ================================================== kuch log dil pe is tarah asar kar jate hai tute hhue shisho me b nazare aate hai raho me milte hai kuch der ke liye or zindagi bhar ke liye dil me utar jate hai. ================================================== there r 2 ways to slide easily through life, to believe everything, OR to doubt everything, both ways save us from thinking. ================================================== if u relay on too may people, you increase your chances of being disappointed... ================================================== can u clear ur mind of the distracting thoughts and focus completely on the task at hand? yes, u know that u can. and dis is the day to begin.. ================================================== some thoughts battles have to be fought alone.. some paths have to be crossed alone... so never be emotionally attached with anyone u never knw when ever u have to walk alone. ================================================== i give up my shoulders to cry, hands to hold u, legs to walk with u, but i cant give u my heart to u b'coz it's not with me it's yours. ================================================== bhool kar aapko jayenge kaha, ek pal zameen par jee payenge kaha, aapse hi muskurahat hai jindagi mai, bina aap ke khush reh

payenge kaha. ================================================== ur part of some one's beautiful life. u may never know where u fit. but remember dat someone's life never b complete without u in it..! ================================================== taqdir ke aaine me meri tasvir kho gayi aaj hamesha ke liye meri rooh so gayi mohabbat karke kya paya maine wo kal meri thi aaj kisi aur ki ho gayi. ================================================== every single second gives you an opportunity to change you fate... so, don't kill the time by worrying yourself... - Dr. Abdul Kalam. ================================================== prem he doghanche aste, ekane todle tar dusryane jodaiche aste. prem mhanje pimplache pan, jali padli tari jivnyachya pustakat japun thewayache aste. ================================================== a frd like u is very rare, ur joy and ur pain i want to share, truly and deeply i really do care, 4ever and ever l'll always be there.....4u. ================================================== b'live in ur dreams no matter how silly they may seem. coz they love u are.. finally, becoz everything u do together becomes a "MEMORY". ================================================== dnt aim to be a slave in heaven, aim to be the king of ghell. -ALEXANDER

dnt aim to be a lover girl, aim to be the father of her son. ================================================== if u can't make it good, atleast make it look good.

- Bill Gates. ================================================== live for the one, who can die 4 u smile for the one, who cries for u. fight for the one, who protects u and, love the one, who loves u more than u. ================================================== Life is not just waiting for someone who is made for you. but, life is living for someone, who lives b'coz of u and just for u..! ================================================== u can hide d pain u feel and make others believe dat u can move on but u cant deny d truth that d 1 who has u hurt is still d 1 who will choose to love u...!!! ================================================== if someone really waits for u, it doesnot mean he has nothing else to do, its just means that nothing else is more important than u in this world. ================================================== aaichi maaya, babanchi savli, hich tar aahe vithu-mauli.. tyanchi pratham seva kara.. sukh milel pavalo pavli.. ================================================== na jane kya chhoot raha hai, dil me bas kuch toot raha hai.

ab to chhod diya sath kismat ne bhi mera, ab to mera rab bhi mujse ruth raha hai. ================================================== the most beautiful blessing dat can ever b given anyone .:"may d worst day of ur future be better dan d best day of ur past." ================================================== kabhi life me nahi kahenge hum apko c u, rahenge sath hamesha me n u, by chance, kal me duniya na rahu, to atleast kabar par aakar keh jana, Stupid I Really Miss U.! ================================================== khamoshi ekhtiya kar lena... apne dil ko bekarar kar lena... zindagi ka asli dard lena ho to... kisi se beinteha "PYAR" kar lena. ================================================== murjha gaye phul par bahar wahi hai, dur rehte hain par pyar wahi hai, jante hain mil nahi pa rahe aap se magar in ankho mein intezar wahi hai. ================================================== meri gali se wo jab bhi guzarta hoga mod pe jake kuch der theherta hoga bhul jana mujko itna asan to na hoga dil me kuch toot ke to bikharta hoga. ================================================== never be sad 4 missing watever u expected in life. but be happy since GOD made u realize that those expectations are not worth ur life. so be happy. ================================================== waqt badla aur badli kahani hai.

sang mere hasin palo ki yaadein purani hai. na lagao mere zakhmo pe marham mere paas unki bas yahi nishani hai. ================================================== n sampnare akhand swapn asave, n bolta aiku yetil ase shabd asvet, grishmat paus padtil ase dhag asavet n magta sobat detil ase aaple nate asave. ================================================== we grow old, filled wid regrets, for things not done, for words nt said, for love nt shown, life's too short buddydo what makes you happy..!!.. ================================================== apni zindagi ki ajeeb kahani hai, jis cheej ko chaha woh begani hai, haste hai toh sirf duniya ke liye, varna in aaknhon me pani hi pani hai. ================================================== which song u ll prefer 4 me..if u loves me and i never accepts u also dont want to loose me at any cost. dnt take it personally.. reply fast. ================================================== karib rehakar b log hume jaan na paye aaj tak wo hume pehchan na paye khud hi bana lenge duriya hum unse taaki unpar koi ilzam na aaye. ================================================== asu muskurahat se zyada special hote hai, bcz smile to sab ke liye hote hai magar aasu sirf un k liye hote hai jinhe hum

khona nahi chahate like u. ================================================== sahil ki geeli rait par maine usse pucha, tera shonk kya hai? usne palkain jhuka kar muskura kar mera 'naam' likha aur mita dia..! ================================================== ishq karne walo ko diwana keh diya shama par jalne walo ko parwana keh diya mohabbat ko dafnaya patthar ke niche or logon ne use tajmahal keh diya. ================================================== har raat ek naam yaad aata hai. kabhi kabhi subah shaam yaad aata hai. soch raha hu ka lu dusri mohobbat. per phir pehli mohobbat ka anjaam yaad aata hai. ================================================== aap dil se yu pukara na karo humko yu pyar se ishara na karo hum dur he aapse ye majburi he hamari aap tanhaiyo me yu rulaya na karo. ================================================== har roz unki yadon me khote hai, unki tasveer aankhon me lekar sote hai, beh na jaye tasveer ankho se isliye hum ankho se nahi dil se rote hai. ================================================== mat dafnao meri lash ko, abhi umid hai unke aane ki, hata do mere chehre se ye kafan, unhe aadat hai mujhe dekh kar muskurane ki. -PLZ COME BACK. ================================================== dil ne fir us se milne ki tamanna kar di

jisne humse bewafai ki inteha di rahi to ek thi dono ki manzile jane q us ne rah apni juda kar di. ================================================== wafa me ab ye hunar ikhtiyar karna hai wo sach kahe na kahe aitbar na karna. ye tumko jagte rehne ka shauk kab se hua? mujhe to khair aapka intezar karna hai. ================================================== under the sky so blue i met someone so true now d world seems something new someone very special among a few. i' really glad that GOD gifted me a swt LOVE like u.. ================================================== agr aapko meri 1 chiz churane ka mauka mile to aap kya churaoge?? reply me..i m waiting. ================================================== when kids learn walk, de keep falling. but to them its not failure, its learning. so there is nothing called failure. everything is a lesson. ================================================== na moh na maya hai, is duniya mein sukh kisne paya hai, hame bhi msg karke dekh lo, company ne mobile sirf aapke girlfriend ke liye nahi banaya hai. ================================================== meaning of family is .:F-FATHER A-And M-MOTHER I-Is L-LOVING

Y-You. So,take care of ur parents all the time. ================================================== chot khate hai or muskurate hai, is dil ko sabar karna sikhate hai, hum to gum lekar bhi yaad rakhte hai, aur wo gum dekar bhi bhool jate hai. ================================================== aadat mujhe pad gayi akele rehne ki. dhire to dukh sehne ki. achcha hua aap dukh dekar dur ho gaye. jarurat hi na padi mujhe bedard kehne ki. ================================================== what is love.? love is d condition in which d happiness of another person is essential to u more dan urself.. isn't it.? ================================================== meri nazar ki talaash hai wo, mene jo chaha wo pyar hai wo, wo hai to duniya hai meri, kaise kahu ki sirf pyar nahi meri JAAN hai wo. ================================================== avchit jhalelya sandhyakali, avchit soneri un pdte, asech kaahi se paul n vajavta, "PREM aaplya aayushyat yete." ================================================== sanjweli sakhe aathwan tujhi datun aali, kshitijachya rangala fikat karun geli, kavi manacha mi,

majhya kavyat rahun geli. ================================================== tyanchya abol panane amhi naraj hoto. kadachit tyanhyakade bolayala shabd navate jyala bolalo amchyabaddal sarv. TYANCHYA MANAt mazyasathi LAPLELE RAAZ hote. ================================================== give opportunity someone 2 love most. u will know how special u r.! take opportunity 2 love someone most.! u ll know how special life is.! ================================================== wen a touch could heal a wound. wen eye's cud speak volumes. wen a smile can confirm i m there. then why do we need words to say I LOVE YOU. ================================================== i felt that she was my sky but later i realized that i was not even a small star in her life but only just a passing cloud. 4 her. :'( ================================================== kal khwab me dekha tha tumhe, sach hai tab malum na tha hume, khwab me, hatho me hath tumhara ha, khwab tuta to khamosh diwaron ka sath tha.. ================================================== mat dekho koi insaan gunehgaar kitna hai, ye dekho ki apke sath wafadar kitna hai. ye mat socho use aap

se nafrat hai, ye dekho use pyar kitna hai..!! ================================================== dil se duri nahi hoti kash koi majburi nahi hoti apko gale lagane ki tamanna hai lekin, par kehte hai har tamanna puri nahi hoti. ================================================== i may be innocent to know wa luv is, i may not show it to u. i may not luv u d way it should be bt i'm always willing to luv u d way I understand it. ================================================== ayushyat ekdach ujyawar prem kele, pan nashibane sath dili nahi, wata jari samplya tari disha bakki aahet, prem sample tari aathawani baki aahet. ================================================== prem mhanje kaay astt he mala thauk nahi, prem mhantlyawar fkat tuzach naav distt, mhanunach te mazyasathi prem astt. ================================================== sahawaas 4 diwasancha wed laun gela. jatana dolyanmadhe ashru deun gela. aayushyat nehmich tuzi aathawan yet rahil. sukhachi kimat tuzyawina adhuri rahil. ================================================== kya wajah hai mere darne ki ab toh khwahish hai unki yaad me marne ki, unhe kyon yaad karta hai dil jinhe fursat hi nahi hume yaad karne ki..! ================================================== dont miss understand

the person who shows anger on u. bcoz anger is the most easiest and childish way to xpress the deep of Love. in a relationship. ================================================== life means missing expected things and facing unexpected things, when u r near, no one remembers u, but when u r far no one forgets u. ================================================================================ ==== "I live by faith not by sight. so whether I see u or not, talk to u or not, I know dat u r still d same, a precious Friend worth keeping till d end"... ================================================== tell these 5 lines to urself every morning and feel the magic i m d best i can do it GOD is always with me i m a winner TODAY is MY DAY. ================================================== never ask 4 a hug, just take it. never ask do u luv me.? say i love u nvr say i cnt live without u.! say i live for u. u'v been trained, now go and flirt. ================================================== there is no special ocassion 2day, nor any special reason. i dont hve any news 2 air, nor any problem to share. its just 1 of d time 2 say that, Take care. ================================================== accept every thing trouble on the walk of life as a challenge,

because pain is the best teacher, and failure is the highway to success. ================================================== akhari waqt pe aaj aansu b thura chuke the humko. wo aaye the milne humse jab log dafna chuke the humko. ================================================== mat karo wada jise rum nibha na sako, mat chaho use jise tum pa na sako, pyar kahan kisi ka poora hota hai, iska to pehla shabd hi adhoora hota hai. ================================================== dariya wafa ka rukta nahi. mohabbat me sir jukta nahi. hum chup hai to bas unki khushi ke liye. aur wo samajte hai ke dil hamara dukhta nahi. ================================================== phul hote to teri rahon me bich jate hum gam hote tujhe kabhi na satate hum ye or baat hai sire tere hai hum na hote to bhi tum pe jaan lutate hum. ================================================== khushiyon ko tanha hone mat dena, aankhon ko kabhi rone mat dena, bahut khas dost ho aap humare, ye ehsas kabhi kam hone mat dena. ================================================== living in hell with ur loved ones is always better than living in heaven with no one. so, always keep value of one who cares 4 u. ================================================== tujhyasobat sajawlele swapnanch ghar,

me kadhich todnaar nahi, tu ye kivva nako yeus, mi waat pahnn sodnaar naahi.... ================================================== people look 4 perfect person to love but they fail to realize that a person becomes perfect when we begin 2 love dem sincerely. ================================================== sahawas 4 diwsancha wed laun gela jatana dolyanmadhe ashru deun gela tujhi athwan yet rahil sukhachi kimat tujhyavina adhuri rahil. ================================================== there is nothing more painful than the person whom you love is lying on ur shoulder and crying for that person whom they love. its more than the death. ================================================== in life, LOVE is never planned nor does it happen for a reason. but when LOVE is real. it becomes ur PLAn for IFE, and ur reason for living.... ================================================== beautiful things happen 2 beautiful pple with beautiful hearts in beautiful places. i pray everyday adds more beautiful 2 ur beautiful life. ==================================================

aaj dur s hi koi salam kar gaya. apni yado ka gulam kar gaya apni zindagi girvi rakhi thi jiske pass aaj wo hi hame nilaam kar gaya. ================================================== 1 admi ne santa ke bete se pucha, beta papa ghar me hai.? santa ke beta sprite pite hue bola, uncle sidha bolo mummy se milna hai. sidhi baat no bakwas ================================================== phulansarakhi phulat raha, sugandha sarakhi darwalat raha, dolyat ashru aale tari, aayushyabhar phakt hasat raha. ================================================== khub khela waqt bhi insaan se dil hi khali kar diya imaan se hum hi paagal ho gaye the jo wafa kar bethe ek anjaan se. ================================================== lines to followed .:cry as hard as u want to. but, just make sure that wen u stop crying, u will never again cry 4 d same reason. ================================================== we get angry because he/she did not meet our unstated expectations... put it on hold for some time and give them some time to change...

================================================== time is d most elastic element of d world, as it lengthen d mins when u are waiting, and rushes d hours when u r enjoying. ================================================== musaldhaar pausala mi jara sudhha ghabnar nahi pan PRIYE tujha 1 ashru sudhha mala durun paahawnar nahi. ================================================== naam_e_mohabbat se khushbu_e_wafa aati hai. mere dil se tere dhadkan ki sada aati hai, jab bhi karte ho yaad hame dil se yu lagta jannat se hawa aati hai. ================================================== think abt urself atleast once in a day..! otherwise u may miss ur best friend in this world..! ================================================== kaisa lagta hai barasti barish me hawa ke jhonko ke sang khamoshi se chalte hue koi aapka hath thaam ke hole se keh de I LOVE U. ================================================== a great saying by Shakespear.:"I LOVE PHOTOS" bcoz the best thing about them is that, it never changes. "Even when people in it do change." ================================================== nigaho me tasvir unki hoto pe unka naam hai har sanso me unka ehsas hai itni chahat hai unke liye fir bhi wo hamari chahat se anjan hai. ================================================== there may be more than 8.5 billion people in this world.

but sometimes we really need JUST OUR LOVE ONE. dont leave me alone. ================================================== jindagi ne aaj khushiyon ko phir pukara hai. sada muskura wo aapka gam hamara hai. phool khile aap ke jiwan me kanto ke liye kadam hamara hai. ================================================== vishwas banke log zindagi me aate hai. khwab banke aankho me sama jate hai. pehle yakin dilate hai wo hamare hai. fir na jane q badal jate hai. ================================================== bahut dur hai hamare ghar se tumhare ghar ka kinara par hum hawa ke har jhonke se puch lete hai kya haal hai tumhara. ================================================== tod do wo kasam jo khayi hai kabh yaad kar lene me kya burai hai yaad aapko bina kiye raha nahi jata dil me jagah apne aisi jo banai hai. ================================================== aplya doghanchya natyachh ganit tula etkk sahaj sutaycha nahi, shwasa shwasat guntlell natt, aplya shewtchya shwasaparyanta tutaycha nahi. ================================================== premache nate 1 kimaya karun jate, kitihi dile dusryala tari aapli ONJAl bharun

vahate, premacha prakash manat pasarto, tyat aapan swatahalach wisarto. ================================================== khafa hone se pehle khata bata dena. rone se pehle hasna sikha dena. agar ja rahe ho humse dur tum to jane se pehle judai me rehna sikha dena. ================================================== karlo barbad zindagi apni mujhe tabahiyo se dar lagta hai dil to chahe apnalu tujhe mujhe bewafaio se dar lagta hai. ================================================== ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * tell these 5 lines to yourself daily morning .:i m the best i can do it GOD is always with me. I m a winner. Today is my day. ================================================== dole mitle ki tu distes, dole ughadlyawar diste he jag, aata mi tula disto ka, he tu dole mitun bagh. ================================================== mala sodun jatana, tujhya manala kaahich nahi watll, pan,

majhh man maatra olya aagdapramann fatll. ================================================== kisi khas ko najar andaj kiya nahi jata,' jinhe bhul nahi sakte unhe yad kiya nahi jata ye yade to sahil hai un lamho ki, jin lamho ko dubara jia nahi jata. ================================================== "imagination is the beginning of creation. u imagine what u desire, u will what u imagine and at last u create what u will." -George Benard Sha ================================================== the caliber of a person is not how well he prepares for everything 2 go right. But how he stands up and moves on after everything has gone wrong. ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * urrti rehti hai ek gard mujh me kon phirta hai dar-badar mujh me mujhko mujh me jagah nahi milti wo hai mojood is kadar mujh me. ================================================== maanus jevha thambto, tyala pudhe jaayche aste. maanus jevha nirop gheto, tevha tyaala pudhe bhetayche astte. ================================================== ek charoli tichyasathi, ek charoli majhyasathi,

charoli karta karta zali kavitach, ti ek kavita aamchya premasthi... ================================================== a best relation is 1 with whom u fite often, whom u luv to be with, whom u miss a lot wen u r alone, with whom u ask how much u mean to dem even if u know... ================================================== she asked me, "who is ur enemy..?" i replied and proposed her saying my worst enemy is my HEART coz its mine bt beats for u.. ================================================== lines of a 1 side lover : b4 i die, i wish 2 donate my blood 2 her. so dat atleast my blood cud enter her heart wherer i couldnt... ================================================== time moves on and we later regret... for things not done, for words not said, for love not shown, Life's too short, Do, what makes u happy..! ================================================== luck decides whom u meet in life, ur heart decides whom u want in life, but it's destiny that decides who gets yo stay in ur life. ================================================== khamosh raat ke pehlu me sitare na hote, rukhi aankho me rangeen nazare na hote, yakin mano hum bhi na karte parwah tumhari,

agar tum itne pyare na hote. ================================================== aaye na agar tumhe yad hamari hum karenge fariyad tumhari bewafa ho tum ye na kahenge kisi se kahenge ki kami thi wafa me hamari. ================================================== tears roll down d cheeks, but no one to stop them. people say "I CARE" but juz in words. d world is full of people still it gives the feeling of loneliness. ================================================== every king was once a crying baby and evry great building was once a blueprint. it's not, where u r today, but, where u can reach tomorrow, is important. ================================================== ek din zindagi, aise mukam par pahuch jayegi,,. dosti to sirf yaadon me reh jayegi.. har cup coffee yaad doston ki dilayegi... aur haste haste fir aankhe nam ho jayegi,.. office ke chember me classroom nazar aayegi... par chahane par bhi proxy nahi lag payegi, paisa to bahut hoga... magar unhe lutane ki wajah hikho jayegi... jee le khulke is pal ko mere dost kyunki zindagi ye pal ko fir se nahi doharayegi. ================================================== angels can fly, nt because of their wings. bu because, dey have no burdens in their hearts. Leave everything onto GOS and u will fly like an Angel... beacuse u r one of them. ================================================== *******

****** ***** **** *** ** * konitari aaplyawar jeewapad prem karatoy, he tula kalayla hawe... dur gelya pawlanni thodd majhyasathi walayla have.. ================================================== faasale bahut hain, par itna maan lijiye, kareeb rehkar bhi har koi khas nahi hota, aap khayalon me itne kareeb hai ke faasalo ka ehsaas hi nahi hota. ================================================== aaplya aayushyat kuni yave he aaple nashib tharawate, pan aaplya aayushyat kuni thambave he aapalech hruday tharawte ================================================== meaning of love.:love needs no words, it speaks silently with a warm touch. Love is a game that two cn play and both can win. ================================================== what i feel for u, is really true. you got to know, i need u so. when u are gone, i can't go on. can't u see, that u are the only one for ================================================== i like people like u, who like others like me and make people like me, a 2 like others like u. think has wonderful meaning. ================================================== har ek shash ne aazmaya humko dil ko khilona samajh kar thukaraya humko,.

pasand kiya ab jisko humne, usne bhi ji bhar kar rulaya humko...! ================================================== ab intezar ki aadat si ho gai hai... na sikva hai kisi se, kyonki ab akelepan se mohabbat si ho gayi hai. ================================================== ab to ye tamanna hai ke palu tujhe. aur phir duniya se chura lu tujhe.

dekh paye na koi tujhe mere siwa. u apne dil me chupa lu tujhe. ================================================== hasakar kisi din rula mat dena khas bana ke gair mat bana dena maana ke roz apse mil nahi pate isi bat ka bahana bana ke bhula mat dena. ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things. - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA. ================================================== ae zindagi yu mujhse daga na kar main zinda rahu ye dua na kar koi dekhta hai use to hoti hai jalan ae hawa tu bhi use zyada chhua na kar.

================================================== life is like a game of cards. no matter what cards we are deal, we should use them to try to win the game. ================================================== the highest pain in life is to speak more with the person u love a lot and know the fact that the person can never be yours in this life time.... ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * prem mhanje.. varyasarkha shant rahne kadhi vadal houn pahne, jaminiwar ubhe rahun aakashat vavarne. ================================================== great words by dead lover from the heaven "I would have been alive if u would have given the rose before rather than keeping it on my grave." ================================================== beware of ego. it is a sword with two edges.; the outer edge cuts ur popularity, while inner edge cuts ur purity. Be proud bt no ego. ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * Hitler's Formula .:"Tomoorrow" will come daily bt "today" will come today only...!

So finish ur today's work today. and be free tomorrow." ================================================== *** ** * when we want to talk more than usual to our dearest, sometimes we cant even say single word, just the silence says, "I LOVE YOU." ================================================== there is always some madness in love. but also always some reason in madness. u cant love anyone until u understand u cant love everyone. ================================================== cry is love-detector.:wen someone make u cry it shows how much u love them and if someone cries for u it shows hw much they love u. :'( ================================================== i didn't just love u i love ur dreams ur desire ur feelings i love everything i want u too i want u totally love u dear. ================================================== many of problems that arise in life are

due to our having said 'yes' in situations where we should have to said 'no'. ================================================== don't love the love unless the love loves u and if the love loves u, love the love in such a way that it doesn't love anybody else. ================================================== thought .:"power is lilmited don't use it unlimited. ur inner-power is unlimited don't use it limited." ================================================== abol kiti rahashil priye... kadhich nahi sangnar ka...? manaatle bhaav tu saare. manatach thevanar ka. ================================================== ruthe jo zindagi to mana lenge hum, mile jo gam to usse bhi bhula denge hum, bas aap hamare rehna, aansuo ko bhi muskurana sikha denge hum. ================================================== *** ** * like and love are two different things. like is when u knw d best side of someone and u like dem . love is when u knw d worst side of someone and u still love that person. ================================================== we dont suceed in out 1st love coz we lack certain qualities. but after achieving those qualities, we never love again....! ==================================================

yadon ki dhund me apki parchai si lagti hai kano me gunjti sahnai si lagti hai aap karib ho to apnapan hai warna seene me SAANSE bhi parayi si lagti hai. ================================================== har raat ke chand par hai noor aapse har subah ki oas ko hai guroor aapse hum kehna to nahi chahte par jayenge reh kar door aapse. ================================================== break my heart deestroy my soul, leave me crying all alone i'd still love u d way i do, let me burn like a sun, i won't xpect u 2 love me in return.. ================================================== very true thing .:we work 4 making better tomorrow. but when tomorrow comes... instead of enjoying, again we start thinking for better tomorrow.! ================================================== if yesterday didn't end up the way you planned, hope. just remember, GOD created today for u to start again, coz the best is yet to come. ================================================== lonely hours are d best hrs of life.... coz its d only time we can share our deepest secrets with d most trusted person in d world... i.e. World Ourselves. ================================================== 90% of ppl many 1 of their best frnd coz frnds have good understanding dat avoids problems n gives a beaultiful life. I sent dis u, u will get good news on sunday by d person u like n tomorrow will be da best day of ur life. ==================================================

u luk at me n my heart starts skipping beats, my face starts to glow, n my eyes start to twinkle. i cant imagine what u would do to me if u smiled. ================================================== find arms that will hold u at ur weakest-eyes dat will c u at ur ugliest HEART that will LOVE u at ur worst if u have found it, u have found LOVE. ================================================== never waste an opportunity 2 say 'I LOVE U' to someone u really like, co it is not everyday u ll meet d person who has d magic to feel u feal in love.! ================================================== tichya ghara samorun janara rasta mala paahun nehmi hasto, aani vicharto kaa re vedya.? maazyat pan tula tichaach chehra disto. ================================================== jivnatt prem ekdach karaycha astt, man kadhi kunach modaycha nastt, jyane kela bharavsa tyachya bhavnanshi kadhi khelaych nastt. majhyasathi... ================================================== dil se nikli hai hamari, zindagi me mile aapko khushiyan saari. gum na de khuda aapko kabhi, chahe to ek khushi kam kar de hamari. ================================================== love isn't a decision, it's a feeling. if we could decide who to love, then, life would be much simpler, but then less magical. ================================================== tanha ho kabhi to mujko dhundna,

duniya se nahi apne dil se poochna, aas pas hi kahi base rahte hai hum, yaado se nahi saath guzare lamho se puchna. ================================================== many people er so lucky dat even after huting dey get so much of love, and very few are so unlucky dat even after loving so much dey get hurtings. ================================================== prem mhanje.. chandra sarkhe shital rahne, kadhi kadhi surya sarkhe tapane.. sugandha houn darwalat rahane.. usalnarya latesarkhe vhane..! ================================================== challenges are wat make life interesting.. overcoming dem is what makes life meaningful.. "its hard to fail bt worse to have not tried to succeed. ================================================== sahaj bolalo aapan eka valanawarati sahaj julali aapli nati kadhi na sampaychi kadhi na tutaychi ashi raho aapli maitri aapli nirantanachi. ================================================== kalache bandh futoon jatat, vahun jate sahavasache pani, tarihi maitricha ankur tag dharun raahato karan bhijat rahtaat tya fakt aathavani. ================================================== i m nt rich but i hve a rich heart. i m nt smart but i have a smart mind. i m not always right but i m not wrong in choosing u as my best friend. ================================================== life is not about finding right person,

but creating right relationships it's not how much we care in begining but how much we care till the end. ================================================== if u want to gain knowledge, add something everyday ur mind... but if u want to gain wisdom, remove something everyday, from ur mind.. ================================================== words of a one side lover like me .:my eyes know dat I m not perfect match for her, but my heart has no eyes or ears, so it's been beating 4 her. ================================================== don't let someone become ur evrything, bcoz when they're gone you have nothing.! ...> the hottest has the coolest end..! ================================================== hate, bt love more. argue, bt agree more. talk, bt listen more. punish, bt forgive more. punish, bt forgive more. they u dont hav2 to love people but people will luv u more.. ================================================== aapke hote huye bhi tanhayi mili hai, wafa karke bhi burai mili hai, jitni aapko paane ki mangi hai dua, utni hi aapki judai mili hai. ================================================== woh nadiyan nahi aansu they mere, jinpar woh kashti chalai rahi. manzil mile unhein yeh chahat thi meri, isliye meri ankhen behti rahi.

================================================== kuthun yete fulpakharu, kuthe nighun jate, hatat urto rang, rangala pakhru dista.. bhirbhirnara koval man, haluch thith phasta, PREM he asach asta. ================================================== live with a person who understand u rahter dan d one who loves u. coz, d one who understand u will automatically love u, bt, d one who loves u may fail to understand u. ================================================== if u fight eith ur loved one. just put ur ego aside and just hug each other and say, "i need u idiot..atleast 2 fight with u.." ================================================== behti hawao se awaaj aayegi har dhadkan se fariyaad aayegi, bhar denge aapke dil me pyar itna ki saans bhi loge to sirf meri yaad aayegi. ================================================== ye hakikat hai kanhi khwab to nahi, koi yaad kare hame wo baat to nahi, fir bhi aisa kuch aehsaas hua, jaise kisi ne yaad kiya, kanhi wo aap to nahi. ================================================== i will come if i'm alive or if i dnt i will come through ur tears through ur feelings and through ur dreams. ================================================== dard to humne intezar me dekha hai,

chahat ka asar pyaar me dekha hai, log dhundte hai mandir mazid me jis khuda ko, use humne aap me dekha hai. ================================================== aaj kal swapnanahi tuzich saway zali aahe, jagnyalahi mazya kahishi rangat aali aahe..! ================================================== meaningful msg for life .:"sea is never large, but sight of our viewing is larger.." "No ones love is lesser... but our expectations are higher...!" ================================================== kalachya mahavrukshapramane dekhil... june diwas galun padtat.. aani tyala navya divsanchi palavi phutate... ================================================== mala havya aasnarya vyakti paiki TU ek aahes. pan tujhi ichcha mi kay karu.? tu tar majich aahes. ================================================== love is not about how much u get, but how much u give. not about give up, but holding on. not about how u say "I LOVE U" but how u show it is true.. ================================================== when i dream i dream of u... may be oneday, dreams will come true.. ================================================== aaj ere dil me na jane kaisi hasrat uth gayi wo pyar ki kahani sirf

lafzo me dhal gayi chaha tha jisko itna wo bhi na jane q humse ruth gayi.. ================================================== aankho ki gehrai ko samajh nahi pate hont he magar kuch keh nahi pate apne dil ki bat kis tarah kahe aap se aap wahi ho jin ke bina hum reh nahi pate. ================================================== Its fact: when u r happy u want to reach d person u love most. but when u r sad u want to reach d person who loves u most. ================================================== the most beautiful clothes that a woman can wear is the arms of tha man whom she loves. ================================================== it's not the presence of someone that brings meaning to life. but the way someone touches ur heart gives life a beautiful meaning. ================================================== most superior example of love .:"when apples are three and we are 4 members in d house, then my mother says, "i don't like apples..." " ================================================== once snow girl asked snow boy, what is true love.? he gave her a warm hug and they both melted in each others arms. Dats the true love..! ================================================== pagal koi apni saans lena bhulta hai kya..? ==================================================

adam and eve started it, romeo and juliet introduced it, devdas and paru suffered for it, laila and majnu died for it. so, beware..! today is feb 14, proud to be single. ================================================== "maitri" aste ek sathvan, manane manala dileli ek athvan, tya athavani kadhi tari dolyat pani sodun jatat, jashi botawar rang theun phulpakharu udun jata....! ================================================== yado ki dhund me apki parchai si lagti hai. kano me gunjti sahnai lagti hai. aap karib hoto apnapan hai warna seene me saanse bhi parai lagti hai. ================================================== har raat ke chand par hai noor aapse har subah ki oas ko hai guroor aapse hum kehna to nahi chahate par mar jayenge reh kar door aapse. ================================================== jivnat prem ekdach karatcha astt, man kadhi kunach modaych nastt, jyane kela bharawsa tachya bhavnashi kadhi khelaycha nasta. majyasathi..! ================================================== tanha ho kabhi to mujko dhundna, duniya se nahi apne dil se poochna, aas pas hi kahi base rahte hai hum, yaado se nahi saath guzare lamho se puchna. ================================================== no reason no ocassion no season bt just felt like i have been missing my dearest

ever since in d world. ================================================== "i knw u were the most prestigious gift i ever had. bt sometimes i feel i was the game that u played." feeling very bad. ================================================== true love doesn't have a happy ending bcoz true love never ends. letting go is one way of saying, i'll miss u till we meet again. ================================================== if u really wanna give someone a gift try giving them ur time n attention.! a loving heart doesnt xpect anything more than that.! ================================================== hothon ne jiska jikar na kiya ho, aankhen unka paigaam deti hai, duniya se unko chupaaye kaise, har dhadkan unka hi to naam leti hai. ================================================== saans lene se aapki yaad aati hai, na lene se meri jaan jati hai, kaise keh dun sirf saans se main zinda hun kambakht saans bhi to aapki yaad ke baad leta hun. ================================================== u want to be my......, in d next birth. be frank, do not repeat the same relation as now. ================================================== "to taste the sweetness of life, u must have the power to forget the past." a 'smlie' is a small curve, which makes many things straight. ================================================== when nights r long, when

friends r far, i usually sit by my window n think of u with silent tears... i always wish u b here, near me..! ================================================== one day the moon said to me, if ur lover makes u cry why dont you leave ur lover i looked at the moon n replied would u every leave ur sky. ================================================== ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * heart is not a dustbin to dump all the worries of life. its a golden pot to collect sweet moments of ur life. so always be happy and enjoy ur life and forget all ur worries. ================================================== akbar ne birbal ko kuch aisa likhne ko kaha jise khushi me padho to gam ho, aur agar gam me padho to khushi ho. birbal ne likha, "YE WAQT BHI GUZAR JAYEGA.." ================================================== pain of missing frnds is realised when u r alone watching a gang of frnds enjoying in front of u and u remembering d past which u spent with ur friends. ================================================== love ur love so much dat u dont have to ask,: "with whom u were.?" and trust ur friend dat much dat u dont have to tell,: "dnt tel dis anyone." ================================================== saundarya pekshahi sundar

tuuza disna, swapna peksha ramya tuja hasna fula peksha komal rusna ya sarwa peksha tujh majhya jivnat ahe asna.! ================================================== maitri na sajawaychi aste na gajwaychi aste ti tar nusti ruavaychi aste maitrit na jiw dyaycha asto na ghyaycha asto ithe jiw phakt lavaycha asto. ================================================== daw mandunn sopp asta thoda khelun bagh ghartt bandhnn sop ast thodi mehanat karun bagh jagan awaghad ast maran sop ast donhitlya wedna sosun bagh ================================================== i have dis strange feeling of missing u every single sec of d day, having a picture of u in my mind and longin for ur presence in my life, hoping dat someday u will be mine. ================================================== apne rishte pe hame naaz hai, kal jitna bharosa tha utna hi aaj hai. rishte wo nahi jo sirf gam or khushi me sath de, rishta wo hai jo apnepan ka ehsas de. ==================================================

rishta banana itna aasan hai, jaise mitti pa mitti se likhna. lekin, rishta nibhana itna mushkil hi, jaise pani par pani se likhna....! ================================================== the best thing to learn in LIFE is the habit of COMPROMISE. bcoz its better to bend a little. than ro break a lovely RELATION. ================================================== why mom is very special.? suppose if u fail in ENGG exam. brother says, "kthlya mulit serious hotas..?" sister says,"fir ki ajun gav bhar!" dad advise,"bas zala..chal gavakade gure rakhayla.!" but mom says with wet eyes and says to all "asude ENGG thoda avaghadach aste." ================================================== d true test of character of a person is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do. ================================================== *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * i searched through books and leafed through cards 4 words dat would convey, what i had in my heart but when i sat down write, all i can write was...

I LOVE YOU. ================================================== strange world na.... when PARENTS CARE, it is restriction, but when bf or gf restrict, it is CARING. ================================================== anybody can love a rose, bt it takes a great deal to love a leaf. don't love someone who is beautiful, but love the one who gives life(or makes ur life beautiful). ================================================== tanhai ko humdum ki zarurat hai. har zakhm ko marham ki zarurat hai. muddat se bechain hai dil apna. shayad ek naye gam ki zarurat hai. ================================================== love iswhen u go out to shopping with parents, and you were supposed to take only to t-shirts bt u end up liking. abt 6 of them and they are ready to buy dem for u just because U LIKED THEM. ================================================== kuch baate bhuli hui, kuch pal bite hue, har galti ka ek naya bahana, or fir sabki nazar me aana, exam ki puri raat jagna, fir bhi sawal dekhke sar khujlana, mauka mile to cls bunk marna, fir dosto ke sath coffee pine jaana, uski ek jhalak dekhne roj college jana, dekhte dekhte attendance bhul jana, har pal ek naya sapna, aaj to tute fir bhi hai apna, ye college ke din, in lamho me jindagi ji bhar ke jee lo, yaad karke in palon ko fir jindagi bhar muskurana! ================================================== if one day i will gift u a magical pen by which ones written can not be erased

then what will u write on my hands reply fast waiting for ur reply ================================================== kisi se kya shikayat kya gila hoga khabar kyathi meri taqdeer ka ye faisla hoga jise jo kehna hai kahe sauk se lekin meri majburiya kya hai hai kisiko kya pata ================================================== good things comes to those who wait better things comes to those who try best things comes to those who believe in their efforts. ================================================== teri aankho mein jo nami si chhai hai.... ye meri judai ki gawahi hai... itna mat yaad kar mujh ko... hichki le-le kar meri jaan pe ban aayi hai..! ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * i dnt knw if i am imp in ur life or not.. but yes, i jst hope when i will dead, u will come little nearer 2 my coffin, with tears in eyes n say slowly.. ..."UTH JAA NA YAAR..." ================================================== never worry about the delay of ur success compared to others because construction of a palacce takes more time than the ordinary buildings...! ================================================== ******** *******

****** ***** **** *** ** * nice line by ADOLF HITLER: never try to beg for support from others stand alone and face the LIFE AS A RACE, then everyone will follow u. ================================================== tadpa ke mujhe jab tum rukh mud lete ho dil tadap ke reh jata hai meri chahat ka or imtihaan mat lo mujhe hadh se gujar jana bhi aata hai. ================================================== *********************** ********************* ******************* ***************** *************** ************* *********** ********* ******* ***** *** * "Zindagi apne dum pe Jee Jati Hai..!!"

Auron ke dum pe sirf janaaza nikala jata hai.. ================================================== d real art of conversation .:is not only to say the right thing at right time, but also to LEAVE unsaid wrong thing At the TEMPTING moment. ================================================== beautiful life is just an imaginagtion but life is more beautiful than imagination...

so enjoy each and every moment of YOUR OWN LIFE. ================================================== ************* ************ *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * "WHO is helping you u dont forget them. WHO is care u dont hate them WHO is believing u, dont cheat them." -SWAMI VIVEKANANDA means you can do all that things to OTHER PEOPLES EASILY NO PROBLEM.. ================================================== beautiful words .:"be nice to people who smoke and drink. bcoz they won't be around us a long time." ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * why is car's front glass is so large and d rear view mirror is so small..? bcoz FUTURE is More important than the past. Look Ahead With Bigger View And Move On.

================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * people are made to be loved and things are mode to be used. the confussion is in world bcoz PEOPLES are being USED and things are loved. ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * Define Birthday .:"The ONLY DAY in UR LIFE, when u cried but ur MOTHER and FATHER was SMILING..!!" ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ******

***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * laugh through ur heart and dance in d rain... cherish d memories and ignore d pain. Love, learn, 4get, n 4give. Remember u have just one life to live...... ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ...Life Must Go On. ================================================== wat makes some people dearest.. it's not jst d happiness that we feel when we meet them... but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us.

================================================== dil se teri yaad ko juda to nahi kiya rakha jo tujhe yaad bura to nahi kiya hum se aap hai naraaz kis liye hum ne kabhi aapko khafa to nahi kiya... ================================================== premache nate ek kimaya karun jate, kitihi dile dusryala tari aapli onjal hi bharunach vahate, premacha prakash manat pasarto. tyat aapan swatahala visarto. ================================================== har waqt kaam me itna na ulaj jaya karo.. kabhi mujhko b dil me laya karo. milne ka vada mat karo.. par har roz apni aawaz to sunaya karo... ================================================== jiwnachya watevar jodidar anek bhetatat, pan saath matra thodech detat, je nehmki aapli aathawan kadhtaat, tech aaple khare jiwalag asatat. ================================================== let every day b a dream u can touch. let everyday b a love u can feel. let everyday b a reason to live. because life is indeed BEAUTIFUL ALWAYS......!!!!!! ================================================== girls basic language .:stupid (u r smart) idiot(u r cute) shut up(i love u) i ll kill u(i ll die for u) gud mrng(cn v meet today) gud n8(all slept yar u can call me now)

================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * Long term planning is NOT about MAKING long term decisions, its about UNDERSTANDING d FUTURE *** CONSEQUNCES(parinam) *** OF ******* TODAY'S DECISIONS...!!!******* ================================================== kisi ne bhul se mujhe pucha kaise ho, maine kaha, dost zindagi mai gum hai, gum main dard hai, dard main maza hai, isliye main samjo main "maze" main hun. ================================================== smile increases d value of face, anger spoils d beauty of soul, faith is force of life, confidence is companion of success. So keep smiling, not for me but only just for yourself....!!! ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** ***

** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * mistakes in life are natural - but see that ur mistakes don't take u far away from the people who like, love and care for u... ================================================== Beautiful lines written outside petrol pump in Japan .:"avoid the girlfriend and save the petrol." ================================================== never design your character like a garden where anyone can walk. DESIGN YOUR CHARACTER LIKE THE SKY where everyone desired to reach. ================================================== ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * when time never stops for us then why we always wait for the right time...? No time is wrong to do the right things...! So, just go on n do IT IS THE RIGHT WAY.. ================================================== Be Hopeful And Positive...!! ================================================== WORDS FOR LIFE .:-

"Try to make atleast two persons happy in a day. but, make sure that, one of them is "Yourself" " ================================================== hugs r 2 pull 2 people closer together but y is it that u can never c d other persons expression when it happens...? coz some gr8 moments r just meant 2 b felt. ================================================== success in life depends upon two important things: vision of seeing d invisible opportunities and mission of solving d impossible things. ================================================== silence and smile r 2 powerful tools. smile is d way 2 SOLVE many problems..

and silence is the way to AVOID many problems so have a silent smile always. ================================================== Life Is A Risk....! Take It...! Then You Are...! ================================================== najuk paklya kiti sundar astat, rangit kalya umlat astat, najret bharnari sarvach astat.

parantu, hrudyat rahanare mitra khup kami astat...!! ================================================== tamanna hai ki kabhi wo bhi iqraar kare kabhi nara ho kabhi pyar kare dhundti hi rahe dono ki nigahe kabhi me uska to kabhi wo mera intezaar kare.... ================================================== 1 admi santa ke bache se puchta hai : pap ghar par hai...? Santa ka smart beta (Sprite pite huye) .:- uncle sidha bolo mummy se milna hai.....Sidhi baat no bakwas Clear Hai. ================================================== Nice thought .:work 4 a cause(some good reason) not for applause. don't strive(tadapne) 2 make ur presence 2 noticed, just make UR ABSENCE FELT....! ================================================== i luv walkin rain cz nobody knows i'm crying -{uhh purani story}..

New Version...

i luv walkin fog cz no one can see i'm smoking....!!!! ================================================== ***** **** *** ** * if world refuses to help you. just remember the words of Einstein

"I am thankful to all those who said no, its bcoz of them i did it myself." ================================================== 2day is sorry day, if ever i was angry with u, if ever i misbehaved, dont hesitate just slap

urself galti tumhari hi hogi. i'm basically a good person. ================================================== *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * a beautiful truth .:ppl luv u all da time.... its just dat dey can't luv u da way u understand luv... dey luv u da way dey knw 2 luv... 2 luv... ================================================== the hardest things to say in life .:1. hello for the first time to unknown person.! 2. good bye for the last time to whom v really love d most..! ================================================== jawab na de sako to sawal na karna, inkar na sun sako to izhar na karna, tut jate hai aksar logo

ke dil isliye nibha na sako to pyar na karna. ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. --william shakespeare ================================================== success is like ur own shadow, if u try to catch it u will never succeed. but if u ignore it and walk in "UR OWN WAY" it will follow u. ================================================== by seeing my friends smile i forgot my tears by seeing my friends tears i forgot my smile... simple words but great meaning ================================================== what a mother feels looking at her baby just after birth! what a girl feels when her hands is held tightly by the one she love's on a cold winter night walk! what a father feels when his son hugs him and says I Love You dad! what a friend feels when after a huge fight his friend messages saying I Need You! words cant define these feelings but its only LOVE that connects

all of us... ================================================== ever thought... y u have best times just before leave tat place? y u start hating that person jusst coz ur friend hates him? y u have a memory attached wid all those songs ur frnds luvd 2 hear? y u dnt feel hungry wen u dnt have company? y u dnt mind laughing ur heads off at each other and at urself when ur with them? y u dnt go for the class of one of them is not going? y u njoy even d most flop movie wen ur all together and dnt mind watching more..? may be thats called ... FRIENDSHIP... I LOVE YOU YAAR. ================================================== ******** ****** **** ** * do u know which all things make life memorable...? powercut on night b4 xam.. enjoying boring movies vd friends.. dancing in shower on a hot day.. caught by traffic police wen u dnt have license. no balance in phone wen

ur beloved give miss call. and a long walk vd friends on a lonely road.. live these beautiful moments of life to the fullest...!! ================================================== ********** ******** ****** **** ** * a lovevable msg surely read .:when i'll dead, ur tears may flow. but i want knw, cry 4 me now, instead...!! wen i'll dead, u'll send flowers. but i wont c, send dem now, instead...!! wen 'll dead, u'll say words of praise. bt i won't hear, praise me now, instead...!! wen i'll b dead, u'll 4get my faults. but i wont know, 4get dem now, instead...!! wen i'll b dead, u'll mis me then. but i wont feel so miss me now, instead...!! wen i'll be dead, u wud wish then. u cud have spent sum more tym with me, spend it with me nw, instead...!!

Think abt it........ 4 every person u LOVE 4 every one U CARE Spend time with them make dem feel special

for you.. You never know when "TIME" will take dem away 4m you forever.... ================================================== ashiqo ka dimag hota hai khali, tabhi milti nahi gharwali, gulaam bankar fas jate hain ishq ke jaal me, aur kehte hain maine ladki patali... ================================================== kismat dusra moka nahi deti.... duniya anjane ko panah nahi deti... zindagi se itna pyaar mat karna.... kyun ki maut kabhi rishwat nahi leti. ================================================== 3 things in life once gone never come back... 1. words 2. opportunity 3. time 3 things in life are never sure 1. dreams 2. success 3. luck 3 things in life that make u a great person... 1. hardwork 2. sincerity 3. commitment 3 things in life are most valuable... 1. love 2. self respect

3. friend 3 things in life must not be lost... 1. peace 2. hope 3. honesty ================================================== touching lines 4m seperated lovers .:i didnt run away 4m u, i just walked slowly and it seems that u didnt care enough 2 stop me.....dnt leave me.. ================================================== i never have what i like i never like what i've still i live hope that someday i'll get what i love or i love what i have...! ================================================== love quote .:i knw everything about her except she loves me or not... she doesn't know anything about me except that i love her..! ================================================== i have no words to explain my friendship.. bcoz i have got an amazing person who can understand even my silence...! thanx 4 understanding me.. ================================================== if u salute ur duty u need not salute anybody but if u pollute ur duty u have to salute everybody.. -Abdul Kalam ================================================== best lines said by true lover .:i don't care about the world n what people say as long as u make me feel that u are my world, not they..!

================================================== most hurting moment of life is when unexpected person comes in to our life, shows the way to love, smile and to be happy and lastly leaves even not telling the reason. ================================================== success is not the key to happiness. happiness is the key of success. if u love what u are doing, u will be successful. -Albert Schweitzer ================================================== to b kind is momre important than to be a genius. more often what a person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks, butu a patient heart that listens. ================================================== mi nakki kay karu mala kahi kalat nahi aata tila visarne jaruri ahe pan upaay kahi milat nahi. ================================================== ************* ************ *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose. -Tom Krause

...Shrikant ================================================== what is the forgiveness..? a little girl gave her lovely reply, it's the wonderful smell that a flower gives when its being crushed. ================================================== never become a part of someones happiness, always become its reason... always become a part os someones sadness, never become its reason... ================================================== fulpakhara sarkhe firaycha aste, sapta-rangat dubayche aste, dukhala jawal karun, bhavishya kal ghadwaycha asto, jeevan he asacha jagaycha asta. ================================================== apalyala jyane tras dila, tyala jovar kshama karat nahi, tozar te aaplya manat bin bhadyache rahatat, tar maaf kara an Tanav Mukt Raha. ================================================== man guntayla wel lagat nahi man tutayla wel lagat nahi wel lagto te Guntlele Mann Awarayla.. Ani Tutlele Mann Savarayla... ================================================== maskarit prem kar, premat maskari karu nakos. naraj houn prem kar,

premat naraj hou nakos. man dukhun prem kar pan premat man dukhu nakos. ================================================== shabd motyansarakhe astat mhanun kasehi maalyanche nastat... shabd manaala laagle ki changle sambandh suddha taanun tutataat... ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * parkyanahi aaplas kartil ase god shabd astat shabdanahi kode padawe ase manase astat kiti mothe bhagya aste jevha TI manase aapali astat. ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * jeevan ek rahasya ahe, ethe sagle lapwayache aste, manat kitihi dukh asale tari, dusaryanpudhe hasayche aste. ================================================== ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** ***

** * Never waste an opportunity 2 say "I LOVE YOU" to someone you really like, coz it is not everyday u'll meet d person who has the magic to let you fall in love....!! ================================================== manaatlya bhavanaa ugaach shabdanchi vaat karun dili.. kaalach aanleli navi kori vahi halavya kshananni bharun geli.. ================================================== Milega Tera Pyar To Sawar Jayenge, Nahi To Is Duniya Me Bikhar Jayenge, Tum Rehte Ho Is Jism Me JAAN Bankar, Chhod K Ise Jaoge To Mar Jayenge. ================================================== KhudaKisi ko kisi pe fida naKare, Kare to qayamat tak juda naKare, Yeh mana kiKoi marta nahi judaiMein, lekin jee bhi to nahi pata tanhai me ================================================== Mayus to hu mgar hona nhi chahta, Kay kru me use bhulna nhi chahta. Janta hu wo bekhabr h mujse, Phir bhi Us k khayal ko dilse mitana nhi chahta. ================================================== Roz kisi ka intzar hota hai; Roz ye dil bekarar hota hai, Kaash ke koi samaj pata; Ki chup rehne walo ko bhi kisi se behad pyar hota hai ================================================== Dosti hi shayad zindagi hoti he, Jo har dil me basi hoti he, Waise to jee lete he Sabhi akele Magar phir b zarurat iski har kisi ko hoti hai. ================================================== Ppl say there is no diferne btwn d word COMPLETE & FINISH. But there is a diff Coz Wen U luv d right 1 u r COMPLETE & Wen U luv d wrong1 u r FINISHed. ================================================== Tumhare ansu gire wo ankh meri ho. Jo dil dhadke wo dhadkan meri ho. Chalo apna rishta itna gehra kare ki sans tumhari ruke to maut meri ho.

================================================== Aapke sms ki thi ek Aas, cel ko Rakha tha apne dil k pas, dil se pUcha,kyu Nhi aaya unka msg aAj? to jawab aaya,Tum nhi KOI OR hai UNke liye KHAS! ================================================== ****TUM**** Lamhon ka hisb Rakhte ho Zindagki hseen Kitab rakhte ho Fursat Mile to Likhna Kabhi ka Mujhe Dil se yaad karte ho? ================================================== Tuta Hai Agar Dil Mera To Kya, TumNe Mujhe Agar Bhula Hi Diya To Kya.. Khush Rhe Tu Sada Ye Dua He Humari, Ruth Gya Mujhse Mera Khuda To Kya.. ================================================== Aana mere janaaze me leke use, Meri mohabbat se 1 haseen bat hogi.. Mere jism me jan beshak na ho, Meri jaan mere jism ke saath hogi. ================================================== Ye sari duniya kehti he ki Kisi 1 ke jane se zindagi ruk nahi jati. Lekin ye koi nhi janta ki lakho ke mil jane se bhi us Ek ki kami puri nahi ho pati ================================================== Anjano Me Bhi Dost Mila Karte Hai, Kanto Me Bhi PhuL KhiLa Karte Hai, Hame KanTa SamJ Kar BhuL Mt Jana, Q Ki kanTe Hi phuL ki Hifajat Kiya Karte hai. ================================================== Swet short msg by a true lover: "I M MAD 4 HER BUT WHY I M NOT MADE 4 HER" "Dats y all say "LOVE HURTS". ================================================== Love ur life, cz so many lives love u. Smile,cz so many faces smile 4 u. Pray cz so many hearts pray 4 u. Keep in touch, cz some1 always remembers u... ! ================================================== The Greatest Distance On Earth Isn't North And South It Is When I Am Right In Front Of You And You Don't Know That I Love U. ================================================== CHLE JANA THODI RAAT ABHI BAKI H

GUM KI GUM SE MULAKAT ABI BAKI H ROK LO THODI DER TUM MERA ZANAJA CHALNI GHAR SE UNKI BARAT BAKI hai ================================================== Always keep communication on bcoz whats more disturbing is not the "noise" of stranger, but the" slience" of our close ones ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * A True lover is 1 who tells that "u r cute" instead of sexy, 1 who calls u back when u cut the call in anger, 1 who stays awake just to watch u sleep, 1 who kisses ur forehead 1st then ur lips, 1 who wants to show the world what u mean 2 him, 1 who holds ur hand not ur waist in front of his friends, 1 who reminding u of how much he care's 4 u and how lucky he is to have u. Wait for the one who turns to his frnds and say.."THATS MY ANGEL!" .. . . . . . (remain) ================================================== ****** ***** **** *** ** * For my bestestest frndz No poem,no beautiful thought. Just a tribute to d times we fought.. Try n understand what this msg says, a few days more n then we No insane talking then, no crazy pics.. Our meetings wud be dependent on jst a mouse's click. The parties wud be corporate, d innocence wud be stantly -nice na.lost..We wud be earnin, but at a friend's cost.. We wud be professional, we wud be sane..

Then this msg wud be no more than a WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE...... ================================================== If U truly love someone, then the only thing u want for them is to be happy.. Even if they are not with u.... isnt it..? ================================================== Staying far never breaks a relation. Staying near never builds a relation. It's the link between hearts, which never allows us to forget each other ================================================== Zindagi k mod per ek aisa waqt aata hai, jab insaan apne aap ko tanha pata hai, wahi tanhaiyan to batati hai hame kaun kiska kitna saath nibhata hai. ================================================== Palke Jhukakar Salaam Karte Hai Dil Ki Dua Aap Ke Naam Karte Hai, Kubul Hoto Muskura Dena, Aap Ki Ek Muskurahat Par Jaan Nisaar Karte Hai. ================================================== False Love: Love me, Bcoz i Love u True love: Love who evr u want Bcoz I Love u take care yourself... ================================================== Don't read Success Story. Read only Failure Story. Bcoz in Failure Story u get new idea to win. Success Story u get only msg ================================================== Can i say i love you today? if not, can i ask u again tomorrow? and the day after that? Bcoz i'll be loving u every single day of my life.. ================================================== N thi jise mere pyar ki kadar Itefaq se usiko chah rahe the hum Mere hathon ko jalaya usi chirag ne, Jise Aandhi se bacha rahe the hum. read it again

================================================== When God Made Parts, He Thought of Hearts. N For each heart a sweet heart, And Among Those Sweet Heart He Made A Sweetest Heart N That is You. ================================================== Pyar Ki Har Rasm Nibha D Hmne, use Pane K Liye Hr Kashti Duba D Hmne, usne Kadr Na Jani Meri Wafao Ki, uski Chahat Me Hr Khushi Luta D Hmne.. ================================================== Apne dil ki baat hum unse keh nahi sakte, bin kahe bhi reh nahi sakte, aae khuda aisi takdeer bana wo humse khud aakar kahe hum aapke bina reh nahi sakte. ================================================== Ae zindagi mujhse yu daga na kar Me zinda rhu bin uske a dua na kr Koi dkhta hai use to hoti hai jalan Ae hawa tu b use chuwa na kar. ...shrikant ================================================== Kaun kehta hai ki khamoshiya khamosh hoti hai.? Kabhi khamoshiyo ko bhi khamoshi se suno Kya pata khamoshiya wo keh de, Jinki Lafzo me Talaash hoti ================================================== my friends plz help me.:if someone break my heart and cheat with me and also ignore me as nothing.. i m nothing for her... then what i have to do.?.. if that person is my jaan my life my world.... i cant live without her... what can i do..? plz help.. ...shrikant ================================================== Na kabi chupaya ki pyar kitna he, Na kbi bataya k dard kitna he... 1 hume or 1 us khuda ko hai malum, ki aap se mulakat ka intjar kitna he.Tc. ================================================== Hoton ki lakiro pe aitbar kar lena, bhrosa ho to hado ko par kar lena, khona-pana to nasiboka khel hai, dil jise apnale usise pyar kar..... u a lot ================================================== Ek Din Tujhse Roothkar Dekhna hai Tere Manaane ka Andaz Dekhna hai, Abhi Do Pal hi Saath chale hai Kab Tak Saath Chaloge Yeh Dekhna hai !tc ================================================== Tere har gunaah ki maafi hai,

tu jo roye to bahut na insafi hai, teri ankho me na aaye kabhi ansu kyuki rone k liye to hamari ankhe kafi hai. ================================================== Ameero ko kya dekhte ho Garibo se pucho k Daulat kya cheez h Are Jisko Pyar Mila Usse nahi Jiska Dil Tuta Use Pucho Ishq kya Cheez h.Right na? ================================================== Jina Kbhi-2 Bewjah Sa Lgta H Ye Waqt B Kbhi-2 Bewaqt Sa Lgta H Aadat Si Hme Apke Gum-e-entzar Ki Apki Yad Aaye Or Dard N Ho Ajeeb Sa Lgta He ================================================== U can hide d pain u feel & make others blive dat u can move on but u cant deny d truth that d 1 who has hurt u is stil d 1 u'll choose u 2 love.. ================================================== which song u ll prefer 4 me... if u loves me and i never accepts u... bt u also dont want to loose me at any cost. dnt take it personally..reply fast. ================================================== Sahwas 4 Diwsancha Wed Laun Gela Jatana Dolyanmadhhe Asru Deun Gela Ayushyat Nehmich Tujhi Athwan Yet Rahil Sukhachi Kimat Tujhyavina Adhuri rahil...Shrikant ================================================== meaning Of LOVE: Love needs, no words, it speaks silently with a warm touch. Love is a game that two can play and both can win. ================================================== Dua mein lab Par sawal rakhna Nigah me apni kamal Rakhna Dena chahte ho agar khushiyan humein to khush rahna aur Apna "KHAYAL" rakhna. ================================================== 1 day v all wil b sitting n thinking hard abt lyf..... Hw it changed frm simple coleg lyf 2 strict professional lyf + Hw pocket money changed 2 huge monthly paycheques, Bt gvs less happiness. +

Hw a few local jeans changed 2 new branded wardrobe, Bt less occasions 2 use them. + Hw a single plate of samosa changed 2 a full pizza, Bt hunger is less. + Hw a bike alwys in reserve changed 2 a car alwys on, Bt less places 2 visit. + Hw 2 save evry single rupee 2 rechrg cel phn changed 2 postpaid conectn, Bt les ppl 2 talk 2.. Lyf moves fast,so stay in touch... ================================================== Kyon diwaNa hasta hai rone Ke baad, Jina fir bhi Padta hai sab khoNe k baad, Socha sab ko aaj apna salaam bhej du, Shayad fir subah Na aaye aaj soNe Ke baad.. take care my dear friend..take care. ================================================== Tuje Dekhe Bina Teri Taswir Bana Skta Hu, Tujse Mile Bina Tera Hal Bata Sakta Hu, Hai Mere Pyar Me Itna Dum, Apni Ankh Ka Ansu Teri Ankh Se Gira Sakta hu. ================================================== True love is neither physical nor romantic, it is acceptance of all that is, has been, will be & will not be. :( ...Shrikant ================================================== V mke dem cry who care 4 us, V cry 4 dem who nvr care 4 us & V care 4 dem who ll never cry 4 us.. "THATS LIFE" ================================================== Aathvanichya vadalat 1 KShan maza asu de, Fulachya ya guchhaat 1 ful maze asu de, Karshil jevha athwan apalyanchi, Tya aplyaat ek nav maze pan asu de.. ================================================== ******** ****** **** *** ** * Sad bt trueSumtimes luv brng us to such a stage tht if some1 asks us whats the bst and wrst thng hapend to u. V jst hv 1 answr for both n dat is-LOVE ================================================== INOCENT LOVE STORY:-Luv'z whn boy walkz out of

classrm 2 sharpen pencil. Jst 2c her. & thn realize. he is holding a ballpen..... ================================================== Najret Je SaMarthya Aahe Te Shabdana Kase Milnar Pan PreMat Padlyashivay Te TuMhala Kase Kalnar ================================================== Ti SMS var SMS Karat hoti . . Mi mhnalo AAJ evde prem kashyasathi? . . Ti mhanali are PAGAL udya tu karun dilelya SmS PACKAGEchi EXPIRY ahe. ================================================== ******** ****** **** *** ** * ******** ****** **** *** ** * ****************Life is very short... So break silly rules. Forgive quickly, Believe slowly, Love truely, Laugh loudly & Never avoid anything dat makes U SMILE... ...Shrikant ================================================== HIGH LEVEL FAITH: Teacher 2 Student: If u tel me whr is GOD, I'l reward U 100rs. Student: If u tel me whr GOD is not, I'l reward U 200rs ================================================== Us Lamhe Ko Bura Mat Kaho Jo Tumhe Thokar Pahunchata Hai Balki Us Lamhe Ki Kadar Karo Kyonki wo Tumhe Jeene Ka Andaaz Sikhata Hai. ================================================== Santa ne apni Biwi ko dost ke sath dekha to Dost ko goli mardi, Wife : Apne Gusse pe kabu rakho warna 1Din sare Dosto se hath Dho baithoge..

================================================== Best LuVable msg eva: U may miss ur LuVable 1 juz by saying bye.. But, Ur heart silently saysI'l wait 4 U, untill U cum in2 my lyf again.. :'( ================================================== Jo Paryant Kranti Ka Karayachi, Ti karun kay Milwayache He Nischit Naste Toparyant Apayashache Sankat Sath Sodat Nahi. ================================================== Avoidance is the best punishment you can give to your loved ones. And it is the most painfull experience you can receive from your loved ones. just badly missing her in my lonely life.. ================================================== A Golden message for Youngsters. A Bright Future CAN Give U Many Beautiful Girls. But a Beautiful Girl CANNOT Give U a Bright Future . ================================================== Spardhechya jagat dhavta dhavata rasta kuthe gheun gela kalalech nahi, jivnachya ya pratyek valnavar kasha badlat gelya disha samjlech nahi. ================================================== Sometimes in lyf u feel so blue, but someone somewhere is not as happy as u... Somewhere far at the border when a soldier sleeps, missing his loved ones he silently weeps.. Somewher a mother painfully sighs, because her newborn didnt open their eyes.. Somewhere a poor dad silently cries, when he sees his son begging for a bowl of rice.. Somewhere in an orphanage a little girl is sad, when she misses her mom and dad.. So at times a reason to smile. . . . . . . . . . (remain) ================================================== Life never gives u a second chance.. Bt if it does,dat means ur special.. So alwaz thnk of wat life is planning 4u.. n NOT of wat ur planning 4ur life.. ================================================== Who Is Luckiest Lover In This World? A Person Who Loves A Girl Without Proposing

Her But Finally He Gets The Same Girl As His Wife.. . ================================================== Kalat-n-kalat kadhi julatat nati sodvita na sute guntagunt bhawnanchi runanubandh mhanava ki reshimgathi Kuni nahi kunache tari jagto ekmeknsath???4 ================================================== Sometimes There are no words to describe how we feel bout some people.. . . . . . . . . Thank God for he gave us middle finger !!! ================================================== Evry day is special,if u THINK so... evry moment is memorable if u FEEL so... Evry1 is unique if u c so...

life is Beautiful if u live so. ================================================== Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason that How it will. and then u r ================================================== Kisi Ne Hamse Pucha K vado or Yadon Me Kya Fark HE? Hamne Itna Hi Kaha KiVado Ko Insan Tod Deta He OR Yaden Insan ko tod deti he....! ================================================== If someone asks u who u want to be with for ur entire life.. u should simply say.. "someone who can understand that i am not perfect..." ==================================================

Kaavyanjali Aabhala evdhe hruday Nahi Maagat Tujhyakade Fakt Majhya Sathi

Hrudayacha Chuklela 1 Thoka Maatr Aathavnine De.. ================================================== True meaning of love: if its bcoz of her eyes or her lips or her gr8 looks its not luv.. its lust if its bcoz of her intelligence or insight abt life its not luv.. its admiration if its bcoz she cries evrytym u try 2 leave its nt luv, its pity if its bcoz she makes u 4rgt 2 study n sleep its nt love.. its infatuation LUV is wen u do not knw y u seem to b attracted 2 a prsn LUV has its reason and d reason is - unknown.. ================================================== A man got 2 Wishes frm Fiary.. He Asked for Best Drink & Woman.. Den Instantly he got Bisleri & Mother Terresa.. MoralBe Specific in Anything. ================================================== Lyf is so unfair!! 1st it gives us so mch time

2 b 2gethser so tht v can knw ech other.. & now wen v knw each other so wel, v hv no time 2 b 2gether... :-) ================================================== Rakh Hosla Buland Ye Manjar B Ayega Pyase K Pas Chal K Samndr B Ayega Thak K Na Beth Ay Manji K Musafir Manzil Milegi Meel Ka Pathar B AyegA ================================================== jar Tuza Kal ManaSarkha Gela Nasel Tar Nirash Hovu Nako Laxat Thev Devan AJ Banvalay Fakt TuzyaSathi Punha Navya Joman Suravat Karanyasathi. ================================================== Muddat ho gyi tanhaiyo ko guzre par ab b aankho me khamoshi Q he tod diya mera yakeen mohabbat par jisne wo shaks aaj b pyar k qaabil Q he? ================================================== Best love failure quote by a one side lover lyk me: I removed "L" frm LOVER Now itz all OVER.. :'( ================================================== Love is like war, easy to start, hard to end. and imposible to forget, so never love anyone. ================================================== Kaavyanjali Baap - 4 Tyanchya Pratyek Oradanyala Manashi Tu Lavuni Ghetale Ahe Prem Tuj Baddal Kiti Te Tu Kadhi N Janales ================================================== Day Is Bee But Night Is Honey, Night 4 Peace But Day 4 Money, Day Gives Joy & Day Gives Sorrow.... BUT Night Gives Hope 4 A Better 2morrow... Good Night SD ================================================== "Reflection Cannot be seen in Boiling Water... In the same way, Truth cannot be seen in a state of Anger". Analyze before you finalize. ================================================== Kaavyanjali Yashasvi Honyasathi Mantra. >> Tumachyatil Univancha Vichar Karan Thambava An Uddisht Prapt Karanyasathi Sarv Shakyatancha Vichar Suru Kara. ================================================== Ajib dastan hoti hai dosti ki Ladna milne se bhi acha lagta hai.. Lad k manane wale b hote hai kch

To kch ko chidhana acha lagta h .. Dost k muh se kuch sun-ne k liye Kabhi jhuk jana bhi acha lagta h.. Safar train ka ho ya zindagi ka.. Khatm hi nai hoti baatein.. Phir b khamosh reh kar muskurana acha lagta hai.. 4 dosto mein lagta hai.. mil gayi puri duniya.. Baaki sab bhul jana achha lagta hai... tkcr... ================================================== Success is our Ego Challenge is our Game Risk is our Passion Perfection is our Habit Hardwork is our Occupation Bcoz we are ENGG of d new era. ================================================== I Never have what I like! I Never like what I've! Still I live! Hope that some day. I'll get what I love, Or I love what I've. ...Shrikant ================================================== kaavyanjali FuLaKade SahaNubhutine Kay BaghTes TyaLa DethaCha Tari Aadhar Aahe, Jara MaJhya HrudayaT DokauN Bagh, TUJHYAWACHUN SAGLA ANDHAR AAHE. ================================================== Manjile Insan ke hosle ajmati he, Khabo ke parde aankho se hatati he. Kisi bhi bat se himmat nhi harna thokare hi insan ko chalna sikhati hai. ================================================== When I look at you, my heart skips 1 beat but later that beat could mean a lifetime of tears wasted on some thing i knew i could never have. ================================================== Kaavyanjali Mavaltya Tya Eka Sandhyakali, Umlun Yetat Tuzyach G Aathvani. Mag Kiti Hi Nahi Nahi Mhanta Mhanta, Halkech Yeun Jate Mazya Ya Doage dolyatn pani ================================================== Respect d emotions in someone's heart, Rather than d expressions on someone's face.Coz, expression is just the formality, but emotions r reality. ================================================== "The Happiest People On Planet Are, NotThose, Who Live On Their Terms... But, Those, Who Change Their Terms

For The Ones They Care For..." ================================================== Yash PraptiSathi Konatahi Rajmarg Nasato Pan Yash Prapti Nantar Pratek Marg Ha Rajmarg Asato Hardik Subhecha Je Yash Praptisathi Ladhatayat ================================================== Ten reasons why I chose to be in Engg. Field 1. I hate sleeping; 2. I have enjoyed my life in childhood; 3. I can't live without tension; 4. I want to have disturbed family life; 5. I believe in Geeta, "Karm karo phal ki kamna na karo"; 6. I dont want to spend time with my family; 7. I want to take revenge from myself; 8. I wanted to break up from my friends; 9. I want social bycott and 10. I love to work on Sundays & holidays. ================================================== Shayri 4 da singles out der: he propozd Me But i was rude... Wah...wah... he propozd Me But i was rude.... b'cOz BEING SINGLE IS MY ATTITUDE!!..:-D ================================================== "Everyone change there way Of living for there happiness, but Only few are there whO change there way Of living for Others happiness" Never lose such ppl.. ================================================== ThoughtThe toughest task in the world is 2remain as urself when people r constantly trying to make u someone else... Always be yourself.. ================================================== Kaavyanjali Jivan SundeR Ahe 1 Divas. 1 Tas. 1 Minute. SampuRn Ayushyat Punha Kadhi YenaR Nahi. Bhandu Naka Ragavu Naka. SaRvanshi God Bola. ==================================================

Nahi yar bat wo nahi h mene Ankita ko pehle b samjhya tha k mere sath ye bat na kr.. M use daat bhi chuka hoon phir b wo nai manti.... And u know what she did, usne apne cousin k name se mujhe gift bhi bheji.. me sahi keh raha hoon.. aur kisne bheja hoga ?? tu hi bata.. sabse zyada hairaan me es baat pe hu ki.......

log kitne Kamine hain. itne dhyan se poora msg padh rahe hain.. k jaise mera koi secret msg galti se send ho gaya ho... ================================================== *********** **** ** *** * We cannot beg sum1 to stay wid us forever..... We hav to accept that love doesnt give us d licence to own a person...... ================================================== Tichyapasun dur jaatana Man jad zaale hote.., Chehra hasara dakhvala tari Dole bharun aale hote..!...Shrikant ================================================== Dnt eve rush 4 fallin in LOVE... Coz LOVE never runs out nor dies, If sum1 asks y r u single..?? Tel dem proudly GOD'S Busy writing d best Luv story 4me..." ================================================== life is not an i-pod to listen to ur favorite songs.. it is a radio,u must adjust urself 2 every frequency enjoy what ever comes in it. ================================================== MEN?S ?F?Rules: Find her, Follow her, Friend her, Flirt her, French her, Finger her Force her Fuck her Forget her Find Next Chic ...Shrikant ==================================================

Apni Zindgi Ka 1 Alg USOOL HE Apki Khatir To KANTE B KabuL HE Has K chaL Du KANCH k Tukdo Pr Agr Aap KAhdo Ye To Mere Bichaye Hue PHOOL HE.. Gd! tc ================================================== There r two primary choices in lifeTo accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. -Dr.Denis Waitle ================================================== Hardest moment is not that when u lose something & tears comes out of your eyes but its the 1 when u lose sumthin & still u manage to smile. ================================================== Expectations, emotionally attachments, always be happy at any situation. kal ho na ho so be happy always bt do some plan and some action towards the future bt before all this live the today totally. ================================================== Dis msg is dedicated to our frndshp! 2dy v promise evn if 1 of us becoms ceo of a company v wud call him/her n say "natak mat kar kamine, aaj sab ghoomne jaenge" Evn if v al wud b busy wid r jobs v wud take tym 2 send an sms sayn "bohot bore lyf hai yaar". Evn if v bcme d most responsible person, bt v wud do smethg so dat our frnd wud call us n say "dumb duffer,koi kaam dhang se nai kar saktha" Evn if we wud bcme father/mother , v wud keep the guts 2 say "gadhe ke bacche" to eachother. N evn if v go 2a meeting of a big company as opponents v wud say "oye kamine.." while greeting each other! No matter wat . . . . (remain) ================================================== *********** **** ** *

Real Fact: "Everyone will Forget everyone when they have someone with them and Everyone will Remember everyone when they have no one with them".. ================================================== Expectations, emotionally attachments, always be happy at any situation. kal ho na ho so be happy always bt do some plan and some action towards the future bt before all this live the today totally. ================================================== QUOTE FOR THE DAY. . . . . . . YAAR DON'T DEPEND ON MY THOUGHTS ALWAYS, THINK OF UR OWN SOMETIMES..:-P ================================================== TRUE FACT: Bad boys r not born,

Dey r DEVELOPED by sum,


In d name of LOVE.. ...Love Will Be A Game ...Shrikant ================================================== A Beautiful quote "Do not worry if others do not undrstnd u" "Worry only if u can't understand urself." Live Life and love life... ================================================== Easy to hav sum1 who talks to u, Easy to hav sum1 who likes u,

Still Easy to hav sum1 who loves u, But it's d hardst to find sum1 who understands U. ================================================== Life has no pause buttons! Dreams have no expiry date, Time has no holiday. So, don't waste a single minute in ur life.

Love it!Live it! Enjoy it... ================================================== Kaavyanjali Baap - 2 Tohi Tujach Vichar Karit Asto Din-Rat Ladhatana Tula Pahat Asto. Apayashachi Tu Payari Chadatana Tohi Manatalya Manat Radat Asto. ================================================== Give your best thought, effort and attention to the factors that u can control. And give ur full acceptance to the factors u cannot control! ================================================== "Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something." - Henry Thoreau ================================================== Sanga, Dukha Kunala Nasatat! Tarihi Hasat Rahav Manasan.. Sukhachyach mage Dhavanyapeksha Anande Bhijat Rahav Mansan.. ================================================== Jau dya ho patil, u njoy ur day na. Why being sad sad, juz chill na dude. ================================================== Pyar Inta Hi Karo Ki DIL Behal Jaye Itna Bhi Na Chaho Ki DUM Nikal Jaye Tu Itna PYAR Kar Jitna SEH Sake Bichadna Bhi Pade To ZINDA Reh Sake...Shrikant. ================================================== DostiKa HarPal Khoobsurat Hai Dosti B PyarKi 1 Surat Hai Waqt Chahe Kitna B Badal Jaye Dosti Aaj B Har DilKi Zarurat Hai. ================================================== Shabd ha shevatacha upaay aahe Prashnach uttar milayala Nahitar ek kataksh purato Manatalla guj kalayala....!

================================================== "There r admirable potentialities in every human being. Believe in yr strength & repeat endlessly to yrself, 'It all depends on me." - Andre Gide ================================================== Baap -5 Oradato Baap Maza Kiti Ase Mhanuni Tu Bhadakat Rahilas Baapachya Dolyatun Oghalanara Ashru Ekadahi Tu N Pahilas ================================================== One powerful way to move from shame to acceptance is to forgive ourselves. Before practicing new skills, it's wise to clean house thoroughly ================================================== "Deepest feeling is alwys felt in silence" "There is no true love wthout jealousy" "A thing lost is alwyz valued d most" ================================================== Here r many ppl who r ready 2 cry wen u die, Bt d 1 who is made 4u is d 1 who is ready 2 die wen u cry! ================================================== Chehre ki hansi se har gam chhupao. bahut kuchh bolo par kuchh na batao. Khud na rutho aur sabko manao. ye raaj jindagi ka bas jite chale jao..... ================================================== To believe in something in which every one believes is belief. But to believe in something in which nobody believes is confidence. ================================================== Insaan Galat Sahi Nahi Hota, Waqt Use Sahi Galat Banata He, Koi Dekhta Hai Kichad me Kamal Or Kisi ko Chand me Daag Nazar Aata Hai. ================================================== Superb Luv quote by a broken lover: "U hurt me more dan wat i deserve.. Is it jst coz i luved u more dan wat u deserve?" .......Shrikant ================================================== Hya 8 Goshti shika -kalji karayla -hasayla -Radayla -Dyayla -Maf karayla -vatun Ghayla -vishwas thevayla -prem karayla ================================================== Read twice Bcos Quote is Nice..

"Life Can Gve us Number Of Btiful Lovrs..! But Only true Lover Can Give us Beautiful Life.!" ================================================== "UDYAA" Roz Yet Raahil Pan "AAJ" Fakt Aajach Yeto.! Mhanun TumChe AajChe Kaam Aajach Sampwa.. AAni Udya Sathi FREE Raha. ================================================== BiggeSt TruTh of Life "I was always there with my time in everyone's need But when I needed, they all were busy with their own commitment.." ================================================== Diff b/w Frnd,Luvr U can Tel ur frnd, "u r my best frnd But Do u have courage 2tel ur lover "U r my best lover" Trying is injurious 2health.. ================================================== After some yrs v al wil b busy wit r own life No more Miss Cals No more silly sms No more Chatting I hope Somday v wil recal al dis wit a smile n tears.. ================================================== D most trust fact eva "I m remembrd only wen I'm needed" As it goes in d saying "A CANDLE COMES TO MIND ONLY DURING POWERCUT" :'( Bitter but true ================================================== "No man is free until he learns to do his own thinking and gains the courage to act on his own personal initiative ================================================== Kuni Kunacha Nasto Sathi, Dehachi Anti Hote Mati, Aapan'ch Aaplya Jivnache Sobati, Mag,

Kashala Havit Ho Khoti Nati. ================================================== You can start with nothing, & out of nothing & out of no way, a way will be made. ================================================== Ye Raat Itni Tanha Kyo Hoti H, Kismat Itni Bewafa Q Hoti H, Bas Itni Hi Shikayat Hai Rab Se, Jise Pana Ho Mushkil Usi Se Mohabbat Kyo Hoti Hai.. ================================================== Log pyr dil s nahi chehre se krte h, wo dil pe nahi surath pe marte h Hum sundar nahi pr dil k saaf h, isiliye bahut kam log hume psand krte hai... ================================================== Difference between horror n beauty?? A beautiful night is when u hug ur teddy bear n sleep.. But horror is wen it hugs u back... ================================================== Ppl askd shakespeare Y did u marry a gal elder dan U? he said In a week der r 7days Cn u say wich 1 is younger? Luv cums frm Hrt n nt in age ================================================== Raktach Nat Sudha Kshanat Tutat! Apalach Man Apalyala Titat. Mazya Manala Ekach Nat Patat, Tuzyasarakha Mitr Asayala Nashib Asayala Lagat. ================================================== ''TEAM'' is a group of people who may not be equal in Qualification, Experience or Talent But are equal in ''COMMITMENT'' to acheive success. ================================================== One of d best msgs ever: I dnt say dat u shud smyl wen m hpy n cry wen m sad.. I knw no1 cn do dat. I dnt wish 4 u 2 spnd tym wid me.. I knw its nt psbl 4 u. I dnt wish 2 tke imp plce in ur heart.. Al i wish is,smday, smplace long aftr m gone 4evr, u hear my name, smile n say "tha ek idiot..And i miss him!!" ================================================== Rab Se Wo Mango Jo Apki Kismat Me Ho Wo Nahi Jo Ap Chahte Ho, Kyuki Ho Sakta He ki Apki Khwahish Kam Ho, Magar Apki Kismat Me Zyada Likha Ho ================================================== No jokes would sound laughable once you've heard it already.... But why the same pain,hurt more than once,

when we have allready cried for it.. Gn. ================================================== Zindagi Ek Cigarette Ki Tarah Hai.

Enjoy Karo. Warna Jal To Rahi Hi Hai.

Khatam To Waise Bhi Ho Hi Jayegi. ================================================== KitaboMe LikhaHe Rules Todna ManaHe BagonMe LikhaHe Phool Todna ManaHe Sabse Kimti Hota Hai DIL, Par Q Dil Pe Nhi Likha k DIL TODNA Mana ================================================== Sapno Ko Sapne Maan Kar Tod Mat Dena. Dil Ke Irado Ko Chhod Mat Dena. Tum Me Kashish Hai Sab Kuch Pane Ki. Namumkin Samajh Kar Kuch Chhod Mat Dena.(BE ================================================== Ind vs Aus (2004) Brad Hogg took Sachin's wkt. At d end of the match Hogg gave dat ball 2 Sachin 4 autograph. Sachin put his sign wid 1 beautful sentnce. "It wil nvr happen again." Til 2day hogg cud not take his wickt 4 d 2nd time. Thatz d confidence!! ...Shrikant ================================================== D Most Heart Breaking Situation in life. Some one very close to you BREAKS your HEART, gives u TEARS & asks u "What Happen" & you Say "NOTHING" ================================================== Pyar karne ki apni 1 reet hai... Pyaar ka dusra naam hi to Preet hai. Isliye Try maro har Ladki par... . Kyunki . . Darr ke aage Jeet hai.

================================================== Bichadte Hue Yaad De Jayenge Khud Sone Se Pehle Ek Khawab De Jayenge Aapko Gila He Hum Baat Nahi Karte Sanso Ke Rukne Se Pehle Jawab De Jayenge ================================================== 1) Ek din ki zindgi mile to kya mangoge?mere apno ki khushi bhale ek din bhi na mile 2) Maut samne ho to kya chahoge?i ll juz cry by thnkng dat m gng to lose my loved ones 4ever 3) Dost or Pyar me pehli pasnd kis ki?4th june 2010 tak pyar ko importance de raha tha par ab marte dum tak sirf dosti ko.... ================================================== Pyar Ki Yado Me Khoye The Ham. Sari Duniya Ko Bhul Gaye The Ham. Log Agar Puche Mar Kaise Gaye Ham. Keh Dena Pyar Me Sans Lena Bhul GayE THe hUM ================================================== Funny but true fact... Relationship between lovers in today's age:you can touch each other... but... u cannot touch each other's mobile... ================================================== Rulana Har Kisi Ko Ata He Hasana Har Kisi Ko Ata He Rula K Jo Mana Le Wo Sacha Yar H Or Jo Rula K Khud B Aansu Bahaye "Wo Sacha Pyar He,,, ================================================== Question Of The Day "Aansu Pouchne Wala Dil K Jyada Kareeb Hota Hai, Ya Aansu Dene Wala.. "Aur Kyo" ? Reply is Must... Iam Waitng 4 U ================================================== An Airoplane is Always Safe at Ground, But It's not Made for That. So Always Take Some Meaningful Risks in Life to Achieve Great Pleasure..! ================================================== ******** ****** **** *** ** * ******** ****** **** *** **

* THIS IS THE ONLY CHANCE...BE JEALOUS AND BE DEVELOPED DO IT....!!! ================================================== *************** ************* *********** ********* ******* ***** *** ** * Awesome words: I don know exactly wat being mature is. bt i think its wen u r finally able to joke abt things tat once broke ur heart badly! ================================================== There are two kinds of people those who do the work and those who take the credit; Try to be in the first group; becz.. there is less competition thn othr... ================================================== Never blame a day in our life.. Gud days give happines.. Bad days give xprnce. Worst days give u a lesson n Bst day gives memories So nJoy LIFE..!N JOY RAIN ================================================== ********** ********* ****** **** ** * If a Prsn is Silent it does't mean He is unknwn of Fun,Enjoymnt&Thrills. Bt It means Life has taught him sum Lessons which has made Him Silent ...Shrikant ================================================== Ruthi hui ankho me intzaar Hota hai... na chahte hue Bhi pyar hota hai... Kyo dekhte hai hum wo sapne jinke tutne par bhi unke sach hone ka intzaar Hota hai... ================================================== A thought while watchiNg old photos with frNds: "We didNt realise we were makiNg memories, We thought we were just haviNg fuN.,":-) ================================================== ************* Not interested in that re... All bakwas chale...

Happy to be single... ************* ================================================== A story of myn: My galfrnd invited me 2 her house 1 day. I found her sister alone in d house.. She was unbelievably sexy... She whispered in my ear "I have feelings 4 U, Shall we have sex ". I immediately turned around n walked to d front door to go 2 my bike.. I found my girlfrnd standing there.. She hugged me n said "You've won my trust".....!!!

MORAL OF D STORY: Its always better to keep d condoms in d bike, Not in pocket. ================================================== Moments make a lifetime. Its not necessary to spend years with someone. Its just the moments spent with someone that defines life. ================================================== My life is going on.... Enjoy the life chalu hai..! iagirlsaysmagmikaywaitkaykelaykonachaia ================================================== Once i was in love & she broke my heart into pieces & it helped me a lot. Now my broken heart has got love 4 each of its pieces. ================================================== Quote 4m my heart wn evrybdy left me alone: "i feel very happy, Bcoz.. my death dosn't make any1 2cry 4me ================================================== Khwab Ki Har Ek GALI Dekhi. Baago Me Khili Har KALI Dekhi. Jo Kehte Thay Tumhe Kabi BHOOL Na Payenge. Uske Dar Par Apni TASVIR Jali Dekhi... ================================================== ************* Oh Shitt... ************ ================================================== When u want more time to take correct decision then remember "Even a correct decision is wrong .......when it's too late". ================================================== Jio itna k marna mushkil ho jaae, haso itna k rona mushkil ho jaae, kisiko pana khona to kismat ki baat he, magar chaho itna k usko tumhe bhulana mushkil ho jaae... ================================================== My life means a lot 2 me.. Not bcoz i love my life,

but because i love d peopl in my life... D world sayz, they are called frnz... I call them my World. ================================================== Yaad aate He Wo college Ke Din, Na JateThe college Dosto Ke Bin, Kaisi Wo Dosti Thi Kaisa Tha Wo Pyar, 1 Din Ki Judai Se Darte The Jab Aata tha Ravivar. still remember those dayz... miss u..:-(:-( ================================================== Life is just like a river. We r moving without end.. Nothing stays with us. What remains with us is d memories of sunm special people who touchd us as wave. ================================================== In change of time,only learners inherit d future, D learned 1ce find demselves equiped 2 live in a wrld tht no longer exists. ================================================== Hoslon ko itna kamjor n banao ki hawaon ke jhoke ummid ki low bujha jaye, inhe us mukam tak pahunchao ki tumfano ko bhi pasina a jaye. ================================================== In INDIA, only 10% girls r playing games like tenis,cricket,football etc. do u know why? "bcoz 90% girl plays with boys life"

...all frnds be careful... ================================================== ******************* ************ still remember those dayz... miss u..:-(:-( ******************* ************ ================================================== Din bit jate he suhani yadein de kar Bate rah jati he kahani bankar Par aap to hamesha dil k karib rahoge Kabhi muskan to kabhi aakhon ka pani ban kar. ================================================== Lovely thoughtI know So many people hates me, bcoz i m not so good... But some people love me

bcoz they know, that "i m nt 2 bad...":-( ================================================== Zindagi mein do minute koi mere paas na baitha.. ..aaj sab mere paas baithe jaa rahe the..! Koi tohfa na mila aaj tak mujhe.. ..aur aaj phool hi phool diye jaa rahe the..! Taras gaya main kisi ke haath se diye woh ek chhote se rumaal ko.. ..aur aaj naye naye kapde udhaye jaa rahe the..! Do kadam saath na chalne ko taiyaar tha koi.. ..aur aaj kaafila banaakar jaa rahe the..! Aaj pata chala ki maut itni haseen hoti hai.. ..kambakkht hum toh yun hi jiye ja rahe the..! ================================================== Isn't frnd a necesity in life.?? assume urself witout a true,sincere frnd.. hw'd u feel at ur college? wat'l u do wth ur cell? wat abt functions?thnk abt events especialy ur bday.. who'l ask u abt ur worries? whos gona tel u his/her sorrows? how u'l laugh wit a high five? Who'l tease u pairin wit others..? Who'l care, miss & irritate u? these r sum out of the many questns. Forward it to al those idiot frnds u cant live r one of my idiots..:) ================================================== Meri Kalam Se Lafz Kho Gye Shayad Aaj Wo BeWafa Ho Gye Shayad Jab Neend Khuli To Palko Me Pani Tha Mere Khawab Mujhpe Hi Ro Gye Shayad !! ================================================== Aayushyat kaay fact kateri dank ahet . . . Aayushyat kaay fact kateri dank ahet . . . Dole ughadun bagh pratekala fulpakhru sarkhe pankh ahe . . ...Shrikant ================================================== Ppl laugh on me coz I'm diffrnt & I laugh on dem bcoz Dey r all same. Dat's calld Attitude. ================================================== WHAT IS LOVE ? "Subah uth k Ankhe kholne se pehle kisika chehra dekhne k ichha ho" wo pyar hai. .. "Mandir Me darshan karte waqt kisi k pass khade hone ka ehsas ho" wo pyar hai... "pure din ki thakan jis k sath bethne k kalpana se hi dur ho jaye" wo pyar hai.. . "sar jiski god me rakhkar lage k man halka ho gaya" wo pyar hai... "Jisey dekhte hi mann ka gussa muskurahat me badal jaye" wo pyar hai...

"koshish karne k baad b jise nafrat na kar paye ,woh pyar hai ================================================== Sweetest part in life is to carry all d beautiful memories in life. But, Toughest part is 2say gud bye 2d person who is behind all those gud memories... ================================================== A Bird sitting on the branch of a tree is not afraid of the shaking branch, coz the bird trusts not the branch but on its Wings! So believe yourself!! ================================================== Classic Thought:Make your anger so expensive tht no one can afford it... And make your happiness so cheap tht every one can get it free of cost.! ================================================== A smart statement : "Never raise your voice.. Just improve the quality of your argument..." ================================================== Best feeling in the world cums when u realise dat u're perfectly happy without the thing once u thought u needed the Most... ================================================== Hasat rahave nehami kadhi radu naye, . . Hasat rahave nehmi kadhi radu naye, . . Tya sathi 1ch karave premat kadhi padu naye. ================================================== Memory of a person gets beautiful in mind just as a leaf kept in a book 4 a long time, Fear not the departure of green but cherish the arrival of GOLD..! ================================================== Three great philosophies.. 1. Ability can never remain hidden. 2. No injury is deeper than insult. 3. The birth of tension is the death of talent... ================================================== A thought by a non-stop Dreamer: Its not all the dreams that i want to live worry me but the fact that they are to be fulfilled in this one life only.. ================================================== Waqt nur ko benur kar deta hai thodese jakham ko nasur kar deta hai kaun chahata hai apanose dur hona par waqt sabako majbur kar deta hai... ================================================== Ur mind is ur great frnd if you control it... BUT ur mind is ur greatest enemy if it controls u... ================================================== Very Short But Much Truthful Lines By Charlie Chaplin ''Mirror is my best friend, because when I cry it never laughs." :):) ==================================================

Roti hui ankho se tujhe muskan kaise du Anjan hu khud tujhe pehchan kaise du Tuhi to hai jan meri Tuhi bata tujhe apni jan kaise ================================================== Advantges of not havin a LOVER: 1.u can sleep well. 2.u can save time & money. worry abt how u look. missed calls in mid nyt. need 2 activate 10ps Scheme. need 2 recharge twice a day. 7.can talk 2 all boys & girls. 8.D most important, Can forward dis to al. PROUD to be SINGLE...:-) ================================================== Jab koi paigam diye nhi jate Jab koi nagme padhe nhi jte U mat Smajna hm bhul gaye apko khayal to aata he Bus apke kabil labz mil nahi pate. ================================================== Agar Mohabat Unse N Mile Jise Tum Pyar Karte Ho TO PHIR Mohabbat Unko jarur Dena Jo Tumko Pyar Karte He ================================================== Marathi Bhasha Farach ajab aahe Na?? Gaadi 'BIGHADLI' asel, Tar mhantat 'BAND' Aahe.. aani Porgi 'BIGHADLI' asel, Tar mhantat 'CHAALU' Aahe.. ================================================== Hasa kar kisi din rula mat dena, khas bana kar kabhi gair bana mat dena, mana ki roz apse hum milte nahi isi baat ka bahana banakar kisi din bhula mat dena! ================================================== Insan 2 cheezo Se Hmesha Harta Hai. Waqt aur Pyar. Dono Zindagi Me Khas Hote Hai. Waqt Kisi Ka Nahi Hota aurr Pyar Har Kisi Se Nahi Hota . ================================================== Best feeling in the world cums when u realise dat u're perfectly happy without the thing once u thought u needed the Most... ================================================== LOVELY THOUGHT "Is life me tension hi tension he, Fir b in Labo pe Muskan he. Kyuki Jina jab har haal me he To. Muskura k jine me kya nuksan he. Keep smiling. ================================================== think_on

"First We Make Our Attitude Then Our Attitude Make Us..." ================================================== Life ends wen u stop Trusting, Hope ends wen u stop Believing, & Love ends wen u stop Caring.So Trust, Belive & Care.Life is beautiful. ================================================== Ghum ka khazana tera bhi hai mera bhi. ye nazrana tera bhi hai mera bhi. up ne gum ko geet banakar ga lena, up ne gum ko geet banakar ga le na , raag purana tera bhi hai mera bhi. Tu mujh ko or mai tujhko samjhau kaya . dil diwana tera bhi hai mera bhi. shar mai galiya galeo jiska charcha hai, wo afsana tera bhi or mera bhi.GD mo ================================================== Always haveA one whom u can call up any time.. A one who makes u giggle 4 no reason.. A 1 with whom u fight n make up again 4 no reason.. Con A one who is ur frnd 4 no reason.. & A one whom u wish u could hug 4 no reason.. if u have such a 1, Value them 4 all reasons..! ================================================== Manjile Insan ke hosle ajmati he, Khabo ke parde aankho se hatati he. Kisi bhi bat se himmat nhi harna thokare hi insan ko chalna sikhati he. Gm.. ================================================== "When U HATE Someone..Even their LOVE WILL HURT U..!! BUT, "When U LOVE Someone., Even their HURTINGS WILL B LOVABLE" ================================================== it is through the process of innovation that knowledge is converted into wealth ================================================== Life has No Pause Buton! Dreams have no Expiry date! Time has no Holiday! So, Don't mi$$ a single Moment in ur life. Live it, Love it & Enjoy it. ================================================== Fantastic Love Quote: "Do you believe in love at first sight ..?? Or should I walk by again ..??" ================================================== Kuch Pathar Me Phul Khil Jate Hai Kuch Anjane V Apne Ban Jate Hai Is Katil Dunia Me Kuch Lash Ko Kafan V Nasib Nahi Hoti To Kuch Lash Par Tajmahal Ban Jate Hai ================================================== Time and smile are d 2 crucial things in our life. Sumtimes time makes us to 4get smile and

sometimes someone's smile makes us to 4get time...!! ================================================== Ek kasak Dil Me Dabi reh gayi, zindgi me unki kami reh gayi, itna pyar karne ke baad bhi wo muje na mile, shayad meri mohabbat me hi kuch kami reh gayi... ================================================== Hamne DIL toda dhadkno k khof se Apni basti hi mita di bariso k khof se Kon kahta H hame mohabat raas agyegi HamTo yuHi has dete H ansu k khofSe. ================================================== we are just friends.... any ================================================== If someon Hurts You, Ignore it If You can't Ignore it, Forget it If You can't Forget, Laugh at it If You can't Laugh, You Deserve It ================================================== "Whoever U are or whatever it is that U do,, when U Really want something, the whole Universe conspires in helping U to achieve it..!!" ================================================== "Neva mke a bit of gap b/w yur dear 1's, coz u ll neva b abl to bear d pain wen tht gap iz fil'd by sum1 elz in der lyf instead of u..:-) ================================================== LOve is when yu are hugging sOmeOne as tight as pOssible and yu still dOn't feel it's clOse enOugh-!: ================================================== A cute reply given by a Boy whn askd wat type of Grl he wants to luv.. ''she shud b the best competitor to show hEr love, when compared to mine... ================================================== Having a cold drink on a hot day wid a few frnds is nice . . .. . But what about having a hot friend on a cold night after a few drinks

.....speechless.. ;-)

think hatke... ================================================== "There is no greater self-cheatng than conviencing

ourselves that we don't love someone whom we actually love more than anything else.." ================================================== think_on Embrace this moment just as it is, and taste its richness. Step confidently forward just as you are, and fully live life now. ================================================== Those who make u Smile, Thank them! Those who make u Cry, Tolerate dm wit Smile! But those who make u Smile wit tears in Eyes, Care for dm Forvr in Life.Gm.Tc ================================================== Kato ko chubhna sikaya nahi jata, phoolo ko kilna sikaya nahi jata, koye ban jat hai khud he aapna. Kisiko apna banaya nahi jata. Be Happy!! ================================================== So TrUe..!! "Its Easier to Undrstand sum1, Its even more Easier to Misundrstand Sum, but d Most toughest Job is 2 Undrstand dat U Misundrstood Sum1 ================================================== One of d most sensible lines"I have learned to GIVE.. Nt because i have TOO much, But, because i know d feeling of NOT HAVING" ...Shrikant ================================================== Hamne DIL toda dhadkno k khof se Apni basti hi mita di bariso k khof se Kon kahta H hame mohabat raas agyegi HamTo yuHi has dete H ansu k khofSe. kashi ahes bari ahes na..? take care urself... ================================================== unforgetable...but now forgot...thats the unforgatable... :'( ================================================== think daily if needable, then only...!!! ================================================== What I Want... ================================================== think_on Regrets of yesterday and fear of tomorrow : The two thieves who rob us of today. >"Your power is proportional to your ability to relax." ================================================== You dnt hav 2b perfect 2let smbody Love u d way u want 2b LovedAlwys rmembr dat being simple is d most prfect way 2make sm1 fal in Love wit you .. ==================================================

Easy 2 loose sum1 by saying lie But difficult 2 get back dat person by saying true Its fact ================================================== We cam wit a fear of not Knowin anybody... We'll go wit tears after knowin evrybody...! Dat's LifE. Make d Best of evry Moment.... ================================================== Suni Zndgi Me Hulchal Mehsus Hui.. Bejan Dil ki Aaj Dhadkan Mehsus Hui.. Jane Q Aaj Aisa Laga Shayad Aaj Apki Doori Mehsus Hui ================================================== Never_Give_Up Keep lovng d prsn whm u lke evn if dey dnt respect ur feelngs Coz at d end of d day u'l stil hv a satisfied feelng dat its nt ur fault ================================================== TodaY tHoUgHt: In Life Dont Settle With SomeONE Who Buys Coffee 4 u.. Go 4 Someone Who Makes it 4u.! Little Efforts Make a Big Difference.. ================================================== A best frnd isnt sumone who's just always there for you. . Its sumone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself. . Dedicate 2 my best frnds. . ================================================== If u wanna judge ur relationship, make a single silly mistake-

Because it is the only one point where relations show their originality...!! ================================================== The longest dist on earth isn't 4rm north 2 south, its wen I stand infront of u n u ignre me..!! ================================================== ================================================== Log Pyar Ko Khuda Kehte Hai, Par Koi Kare To Gunah Kehte Hai, Kahawat hai "Patthar Dil Roya Nahin Karte" To phir Pahado Se Hi Jharne Kyun Baha karte hain. . ================================================== WE WILL ================================================== If I'v hurtd u anytym,anywer,den I jus wana say this wrds "Wat d hell.. V're frnds! Who else is Gonna mess wid u othr dan me.So jst shut up & bear me" ================================================== Dnt b disapointd if d person u luv dsnt luv u,

Coz, God also had said: "Dis is my world still, Evn I cnt mke my evry creation luv Me." ================================================== Success has only one Formula: "Stop Thinking in terms of Limitation and Start Thinking in terms of Possibiliti es!" "Make a Nice Day" ================================================== Mujhe Itna Na Chaho k Main Khud Ko Tum Samajh Bethu, Mujhy Ehsaas Rehne Do Ki Meri Apni Bhi Hasti Hai. ================================================== DONT FORGET HER.....'live well' ================================================== Beautiful tomorrow never comes. When it comes,its already TODAY..... In hunt of beautiful tomorrow dont waste ur Wonderful Today.. Have a good day! ================================================== NEVER TAKE TENSION OF ANYTHING... ================================================== y u only hurts me always.? speaking mala kahi ghen nahi...mi ewadha wait wag ato ka tuzyashi,? i dnt thnk so ki mi tula chukun pan kadhi hurt kartoy asa... ================================================== Mushkilo se bhag jana asan hota hai Hr mod pr jindagi ka imtehan hota hai Drne walo ko kuch nahi milta jindgi me Ladhne valo k pairo me jahan hota hai ================================================== It's Only My Life T... ================================================== tyatach tar maja ahe mt... but be careful... ================================================== Mumkin Nhi Is Yaari Ko Bhula Pana Mumkin Nhi Apko Yaado Se Mita Pana Aap 1 Keemti Tohfa Ho Dosti Ka Mumkin Nahi Is Tohfe Ki Keemat Chuka Pana ================================================== Rista Aapse Banaya He Sacche Pyar Se Is Rishte ko Sajaya He Dhokha Mat Dena aeJAAN Bahot Arman Se Apko DIL me Basaya He ================================================== Har Ek Sans Pe Tera Khayal Rehta Hai

Meri Nazmo Me Tera Sawal Rehta Hai Tu Ek Bar Meri Yado Se Gujar Kar Dekh Tere Bina Mera Kya Hal Rehta Hai. ================================================== "Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose." - Tom Krause ================================================== Never_Give_Up See d Good In Everyone. Be Blind To d Fault Of Others. It Brings Peace In Ur Life. Things Dont Change, U Change Ur Way Of Looking At Them! ================================================== think_on "It doesn't matter how strong your opinions are. If you don't use your power for positive change, you are, indeed, part of the problem." ========= think_on Thought of the day: *Peace of mind is that mental condition in which you accepted the worst* ================================================== Dont live by d standards of dis world. nor by d expectations of other people.! remember Person who follows d crowd usually gets lost in it.. ================================================== Who Knows The Future... ================================================== Nothing is old nothing is new, Just a matter of point of view, Enjoy life as happy days r few, Bcz life is ocean & happy moments r like Dew. ================================================== Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead th e way. ================================================== GAME T8128520 IMRAN T8128534 SSS T8128559 ================================================== Main kabhi batlata nahi, 'Bar' me daily jata hu main maa... Yu to main dikhlata nahi, 'Daru' peeke roz aata hu main maa... Tujhe sab kuch pata hai na maa,

Meri maa... 'Peene' par yu na maro mujhe, Ghar laut ke bhi aa na paun maa... 'Scotch' main itna peeta nahi, 'Beer' me hi seham jata hu main maa... Chehre pe aane deta nahi, Lekin kabhi bhi ludak jata hu maa... Tujhe sab kuch pata hai na maa... Meri maa... From the movie "bewde zameen par" ================================================== Khubsurat sa pal kissa ban jata he Jane kab kaun zindagi ka hissa ban jata he Kuch log zindagi me aise milte he Jinse na tutne wla rishta ban jata he ...ShRI ================================================== Hi, Good mrning, mene Dophar me ye msg.Apko Diwali ki Badhai dene ke liye kiya hai, Aaj is Azadi ke avsr par hame ye Rakhi ka Tyohar ache se manana chahiye aur Ghar o me Dipak jala kar Holi khelni chahiye, kyonki aaj hi Ke din Gandhiji ne Ravan ko mar kar Mahabharat ka Yudh jita tha or America ko Azad karaya tha, Isliye 1 bar fir se apko JanmDin ki Hardik Subhkamnaye.. Ishvar apko is Msg Ko Jhelne ki sakti de Merry X mas. Gudnight.... :-) ================================================== Hurt a true heart as many times u want~ It wont stop lovin u~ ~But if u cheat a true heart d heart wont hurt or hate u~ But it wont dare to luv u again... ================================================== ENGINEER wo hai jise lecture me girl frnd ka khayal ata hai , theatre me assignment ka sawal ata hai. Mess me ghar k khane ka swaad ata hai, Exam se pehli rat ko syllabus yad ata hai. Practical me kuch nhi ata hai

, fir bhi pass hone ka andaz ata hai. Bunk krte waqt class me saaman bhul ata hai , lekin pakda fir bhi nhi jata hai. Attendance se jyada proxy lgata hai, placement k kahyal me 4 saal barbad karwata hai. But still ENGINEER kehlata hai. ================================================== Aayushya Asate Vahatya Zaryasarkhe, Jast Khol Nasun Chimb Bhijavanare Aani Tarihi Pravahachi Chhap Thevun Janare...! ================================================== Cute msgIf u hav failed in luv or dont hav that special "sum1"! Dont worry, its nothing but ur future partner's prayer 2 keep u single.. Alwys b +ve.. ================================================== Rememberance is a Better Compliment than Care... I never expect tons of Care From U... But a Milligram of Remembrance is enough For Me... ================================================== Meri Har Jarurat Ka Dhyan Rakhte Ho Tum Bin Kahe Har Bat Samjhte ho Tum humne is Kadar Pyar kiya he Apse Jab Bhi SaaNs Lu Yaad Aate Ho Tum ================================================== Adolf Hitler .:Those who want to live let them fight & those who dont want to fight do not deserve to live in this world of eternal struggle . Even if this seems hard that is how it is.. ================================================== think_on Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are. -Unknown ================================================== There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ================================================== k...ek sangu ka?... kuni kay vichar karte aaplya baddl tyapeksha aaplyala kay aavdte tase rahave its helpfull to live life happy....rite na?... so yapudhe asa vichar karu nakos kuni kay mhanat asel te... bakichyana kahi kam nastata mhanun te rikame udyog kartat.. ================================================== I Am Very Lucky To Be Alone Because " I Have Nobody To Loose " ================================================== Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiratio n and inspiration".... "Do D Best n World follows U".... "Live Life King Size".... "B Loyal n Live Royal"....

"Be a Founder and not a follower".... "If ur criticized, remember - No stones r thrown on a fruitless tree".... Difference between successful n unsuccessful is not in there abilities but in th eir desires to reach their potential.... Best way 2 succeed in ths world is 2 act on d advice u giv 2 others.... success is not measured by w8 one brings but rether by w8 one leaves.... ================================================== Life is very short, so break silly rules.. Forgive quickly, Believe slowly, Love truly, Laugh loudly & Never avoid anything that makes U smile. :) ya liv in present... n js njoy n njoy n njoy.....pata nahi kab kya hoga....! ================================================== ******* ***** *** ** * wht others think of us.. is nt so imp.. we shud fall in our own eyes.. dat's it..! nd ur not going 2 meet any1 after BE.. . u'll not remembr them .. neither dey wil do so..!! jus leave it..!! ******* ***** *** ** * ================================================== main hamesha jo mann me hai bolta hu.. straight n forword.... .so very less people with me ================================================== no.. that's not a problm actually..!! ya but ur prob iz dat.. u keep crying 4 d past. . n lose ur present.. whch wil ultimately affect ur future..!! ================================================== once anythng is ovr.. it wl nt return.. so stop crying 4 things.. nd move ahead. .!! ================================================== ************************** yes i m happy..but u know pain is alwz there wid luv bcoz we have a lot of expectations to our luved all cannot cms true ================================================== hmm i just want to say do luv but not too much..otherwise it hurts u only ================================================== Life taches us in every step

D moment u start trusting blindly, Dat person breaks 'u and ur trust'. When u expect ur silence to Be understood, People take ur word wrong..! Gestures aren't important Even through shown heartly... But fake words are appreciated..!! so, 'don't make anyone ur life',.. Don't be affected by anyone's presence... Coz when u face darkness, it's u all alone who faces it...!!! So, Trust Youself... Value Yourself... Love yourself... ================================================== who said u tht u r nt gud..people who luv sumbdy truly they alwz gud n she was just doing time pass wid u she was flirty...forget her jo log flirty hote haina wo zindagi bhr pyar ka matlb nhin smj skte ya u move on n try to be happy....just dont think about her..tht flirty girl ******************"aise logon ki saza pata hai kya tum bhi inko dikha d o ki agar wo tumhre bina reh skti hai to tum bhi reh skte ho"

================================================== pr dekha maine tumeh kl hi smjhya..aur dekho aaj ek larki ne tumhe propse bhi kr uu dnt wry pyar tumhre pass apne ap hi aayega..u need nt to serch koi baat nhin koi aur lrki sahiii ================================================== fakt attachment kar... ================================================== --------"pAIn cAn oNLy cOMe fROm pURe lOVe..... yOu fEEl iT oNLy fOr tHe peRSon wHOm yOu lOVe...ANd yOu wIll gIVe it oNLy To tHe peRSon wHo loVeS yOu." ---------Each moment of ur lyf is a picture which u had never seen b4 & which u will neve r see again so enjoy and live life and make each moment beautful ---------think_on Some people accidentally walk over your feet & apologize... While some walk all over your heart without even realizing...

4helth join SomaniGi ---------BEST MSG for life: "Never explain urself to anyone.Bcoz person who likes u does'nt need it & d pers on who dislikes u wont believe it" join think_on ---------"Don't Get Upset With PEOPLE Or SITUATIONS. They Are POWERLESS Without Your REACTION." Suprabhatam * 4 health tips join SomaniGi to 9870807070 ---------"There is nothing like returning to a place that reminds unchanged to find the w Nelson Mandela ays in which you yourself have altered" ---------If u have made mistakes,even serious ones,there is always another chance for you . What we call failure is not d falling down,but the staying down. ---------Dekho Firse barsat aa gayi, Tanhai me waqt bitane ki baat aa gayi, Hum to nihar rahe the barish ko, Mendhak ko dekha to apki yaad aa gayi....! ---------Father-Mere 4Bachche Hai 3 Ne MBA Kiya Hua Hai Aur 1Chor Hai. Frnd-Jo Chor hai Use Ghar Se Nikaalte Q Nhi Ho? Father-1 Wohi To kamata haia tc. ---------The Secret of Success in Relationship lies in Turning One Alphabet Upside Down "M"E (Me) Needs 2 turn into "W"E (We) Goooood Night..... ---------Boy-I luv u. Girl-Bt i luv sum1 else. Boy-Ok no prblm,ur hapines is more imp 4 me than ur luv Moral-Jaha or kuch nhi kr skte wahan dialog ache marne chahiye ;-) ---------"Possessiveness" n "Anger" r part of our lyf.. If u don't show it, den u r not giving d chance 2 ur loved ones to luv u more.. ---------In matters of principle, stand like a rock; in matters of taste, swim with the current." -- Thomas Jefferson

---------Success is like a beutifull lover It will leave us at any time But, failure is like a mothr It wil teach us some importnt lessons of life. ---------Avoiding something doesn't always mean that u hate it.. It could also mean that u want it, but u just know that it isn't urs.. ---------"If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will ONLY raise your price."SET YOUR VALUE ! not YOU AND YOU ALONE ---------Hugh Macleod "If U have something 2 say, then say it. If not, enjoy the silence while it last s. The noise will return soon enough. In the meantim ---------How intensely u want something & d likelihood u'ill get it is directly proportio nal to the energy u put into achieving it... ---------the real contest is always between what you've done and what you're capable of d oing. You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else. ---------Let the true spirit of who you are shine through in all that you do. Let your ho pes and dreams always guide you in the direction that you definite ---------God-What's ur Wish..? Studnt:- plz mujhe meri DIPLOMA life louta do.. God-Beta mene tumhe wish mangne ko kaha..

"Jannat" nahi.. Gn sd gani ---------The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. The best way out is always through. Join think_on ---------Aayushya Mhanaje Kay...

Jagane Ni Marane...

Swat:Sathi Ka Hoina.. Kahitari Karane... Rinku

4 UnblivbL Msgs join Think_On join Motivate ---------Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks. Join KishorMedicaL ---------Shakespeare said "Laughing Faces Do Not Mean That There Is Absence Of Sorrow! But It Means That They Have The Ability To Deal With It" >Avneet ---------A true saying.. Your best relation is the one who is the first one to come in your mind when you want to share some thing with anyone. ---------2 thoughts decide the success in ur life:The way u MANAGE when u have nothing in hand & The way u BEHAVE when u have everything in hand. ---------Khamosh palko se behkar jab aansu aate h, kya kahe kitne aap yaad ate h, aaj b u s mod pe khade h, jaha apne kaha tha zara thehro hum abhi ate hai..GN. ---------As we G'row up, we learn that even the person who wasn't supposed to ever let you down, probabl y will.

You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder everytim e.

Then, You will break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken... You will fight with your best friend, You will blame a new love for the thinG's an old one did. You will cry because time is passing fast, and you will eventually loose someone you love.

"NothinG' is permanent" "No one is immortal". Only memories last forever. . . SO CLICK A LOT F PICTURES, lauG'h a lot, and

"love like you've nevr been hurt" bcoz every 60 seconds you spend upset, is a mi n. of happines you'l never G'et back. Dont be afraid that your life will end; rathr be afraid that it will nevr beG'in aG'ain. Dedicated to all those whom i've shared a lauG'h with...! :) Be Happy ---------Whenever u get a chance 2 break a heart, always choose a true 1 bcoz a false hea rtwill backfire u... Bt a true heart will still keep lovin u.... ---------"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." ---------"If your eyes are positive,u will like the world" BUT "if your tongue is positive,the whole world will like you" Be positive ,think positive. ---------You will never be happy if u continue to search for what happiness consists of. u will never live if u r looking for d meaning of life. ---------"Always believe that you will ultimately succeed at whatever you do, and never f orget the value of persistence, discipline, and determination." ---------If there's any one secret of effectiveness, it's concentration. Effective execut ives do first things first and they do one thing at a time. ---------"Never take the advice of someone who has not had your kind of trouble." Sidney J. Harris ---------From: KAPILE 24.06.2011 22:36 Zindagi me girlfriend banana bhi bahut zaruri he pucho kyu? Kyuki zindagi me kushiya hi sab kuchh nahi hoti tension bhi zaruri he.... : -) Good Ni8. ---------From: Pallavi 24.06.2011 22:28 Restful sleep is an expression of a life in harmony with nature... Gud ni8:):):):) swt dreamzzzzzz ---------From: Pallavi 24.06.2011 22:26 Green:- u r sum1 special 2 me Olive:- u r my best friend with whom i can share my secrets.. rpl me. ----------

From: IT - SAMUEL 24.06.2011 22:13 Oh My sweet God,Ye jo Pyari si Ankhen ye sms padh rahi hain In Me jo KHWAB hain un sab KHWABO ko pura kar dijiye...! Good night,sd. ---------From: GAURANG KUL 24.06.2011 21:44 Mi aata next suttit.. V alwys doubt th +ve bt r quite wilng 2 acpt the -ve. If sm1 says, 'I LUV U', V ask, 'REALLY?' :-O bt if 'I do 'R sm1 says HATE U' V evr inquir U SURE...?? :-/

crazy people :-> ---------From: V.arsha 24.06.2011 21:28 Rply must:-):-):) WHICH ONE WIL YOU SELECT FOR ME..... Gold:- u r sweet as honey Black:- i hate and dont want u Red:- i love u and i want u in my life White:- i lik ur nature Green:- u r sum1 special 2 me Copper:- i lik ur style Purple:- i lik ur company Brown:- u r sweet as chocolate Peach:- u r jolly and very entertaining Aqua:- just love u Teal:- slowly u r becuming my frnd Olive:- u r my best friend with whom i can share my secrets.. ---------From: Devade Sachin 24.06.2011 21:26 Varaat chalu zali lavkar ye.. ---------From: GAURANG KUL 24.06.2011 21:25 V alwys doubt th +ve bt r quite wilng 2 acpt the -ve.

If sm1 says, 'I LUV U', V ask, 'REALLY?' :-O bt if 'I do 'R sm1 says HATE U' V evr inquir U SURE...?? :-/

:-> crazy people ---------From: V.arsha 24.06.2011 21:21 Maza result 72 ./. With all clear. ---------From: UBALE SACHIN 24.06.2011 20:39 To all frnz who sent me love & best wishes in my lyf & prayd 4my success.. Its not working nalayako.. Try harder.. :D ---------Humble request to scientists: Plz invent a condom for the heart..coz ppl fuck th e feelins badly!! ;-) ------------BeNd So Much But uNderstaNds U Loose Ur SideNot Gud That Compromise ExisteNce.,! The Other To Its Always Gud ToUr FeeliNgs,oNly WheN, ---------"Beautiful life is just an imagination! But life is more beautiful than imagination!" So,enjoy each and every moment of yo LIFE.. Keep :-) -------------------*Kisi ko pane k liye hamari sari khubiya v kam pad jati he.. Par ye v sach he.. Kisi ko Khone k liye ek kami hi kaafi he.. ---------Kushiyo Ki Aarzoo Me Muqadar So Gye Andhi Aisi Chali Ki Apne Bi Kho Gye Kya Khub Tha Unka Andaaz-a-Mohabat Pyar Dene Aye The Aur Palke Bhigo Gye ---------Read twice Bcoz d quote is excellent - "Life can give us number of beautiful frn dz..." But, "Only sum True frndz can give us a beautiful Lyf...":) Gm. .Gd. .:-) ---------Itna Pyaar mt karna k bigad jaye hm, thoda dard b dena k sudhar jaye hm koi galti ho jaye humse toh,

ho jana naraz magar itna b na hona, k akele ho jaye -----------------A beautiful saying:"The past is to prove that no one is perfect and the future i s to prove that everyone can change..!" ---------"Ur Ex Partner Asking, If U Can Stil Be Frns Aftr A Break-Up.. Is Like.. A Kidnapper Telling U To Keep In Touch. :-P:-( gud ngt ---------When u r hurted by d person who is closed to u,do fight with them.because sumtim e these fights save the relation.but being quiet leave nothing in the realtion. ---------Udas Ho To Meri Hasi Mang Lena Koi Gum Ho To Meri Khusi Mang Lena Khuda Apko 100 Sal Ki Zindgi De 1 B Kam Pade To Meri Zindgi Mang Lena.. ---------"Dont give special place to everyone in ur heart, it is easy to give that place but it hurts more when they dont know the value of that place.! ---------have to do something ---------You cannot hurt sume 1 who feels nothing Special for You And You can't be hurt by any 1 unless that person is very Special to You.. Gm jaadya. . Gud day. .:-) ---------Makeup doesnt make you pretty.Money doesnt make you richer.Real wealth and real beauty depends on how you value yourself ---------Nice lines. ''What is EGO??'' ''It is a DISEASE in which we have the tendency of keep hurting the person who L OVES us.!''...:-) ---------Tanhai aksar puchti hai humse kya aaj bhi intzar hai uske laut aane ka? mujhe ab tak yakin k kehta chale jane ka Or ye "DIL" muskuranahi uskehai ---------Ankho me aansu ki chamak aaj b h.. usko mere pyar ki khabar aaj b h.. Kashti me baith kar dhoye the haath usne, samandar me uski mehendi ki mehak aaj b h..!! ---------one hurts u so that you may find some1 who can heal u... if nobody is there 2 hurt u..U will never know the person who cares 4 u....

---------GREATwords Don't think you are Nothing.. Don't think you are Everything.. But think you are Something.. Who can achieve Anything Make think BiG. ---------Four Hardest Tasks on Earth:To Return Love 4HATE

To Include d Excluded

To Forgive Wthout Apology

To Say YES, I WAS WRONG. Try once.. ---------Life is too Deep for Words; So don't try to Describe it, Just live it. Nothing in life is to be Answered. It is only to be Understood ---------LIFE ISBest for those who ENJOY it. Difficult for those who ANALYSE it. & Worst for those who Criticise it. Our ATTITUDE Defines our LIFE GM ---------dnt trust live freely, without any tnsn. ---------Ppl say thy love rain, bt whn it rains they use umbrla. Ppl say thy love wind, N whn it's windy,thy cls d windws. That's why I get afrd whn ppl say thy lv me ---------Life always lies between Ego and Luv... Love says Lets Message Her..... But Ego says Let Her Message Me... kEEp loVinG. LOVE IS LIFE & LIFE IS LOVE.... :) :) :) ---------Kuch Saalo Baad Pal Ye Bahut Yaad Aayenge Jab Hum Apne Apne Mukaam Pe Pahuch Jayenge Akele Jab B Honge Sath Guzare Hue Lamhe Yaad Ayenge Paise to Bahut Honge Shayad Par Kuch Karne k Lamhe Kam Ho Jayenge Aaj Zyada Msg Aane Se Gussa Hote Hai Kal 1-1 Msg Ko Taras Jayenge

1 Cup Chaay Yaad Dosto Ki Dilayegi Phir Sochte Sochte Aankhe Nam Ho Jayegi In Palo Ko Mil Kar Dil Khol kar Jeelo Yaaro Qki Zindgi In Dino Ko Phir Nahi Dohrayegi...! ---------Kya hai dil ki halat batana nahi ata, Kisi ko aise tadpana nhi aata, Sunna chahte hai ek baar aawaz unki, Magar baat karne ka bahana nahi aata... ---------U will always see what is WRONG when U are RIGHT..! But U will never know which is RIGHT when U are happy, doing WRONG...!!" :) ---------Wat touches ur heart most?? Being hurt by sum1 u liv a lot.. Or Being luved by sum1 u hv hurt a lot

Think upon it !!!

Hv a gud day !!! ---------Kbhi Dil Ki Kmjori Bnkar Reh Jati H Kbhi Waqt Ki Majburi Bnkar Reh Jati H Ye Mohbat Vo Sarab H Jitna Piyo Kambkhat Pyas Adhuri Hi Reh jati H ---------Ham jante he tum hame na yad karoge, todoge mera dil mujhe fariyad karoge, dil f ir bhi tumhe dete he kya yad karoge. ---------Wo khubsurat h is kadar kya kru Sare zamane ki un pr nazr h kya kru Ji chahta h jala du sare shaher ko Lekin us shaher me unka b ghr h kya karu... ---------Ruthi hui ankho me intzar Hota h Na chahte hue B pyar hota hai Kyu dekhte hai hum wo sapne Jinke tutne par bhi unke sach hone ka intzar Hota h ---------Mitranche katte ajkal osch padtat... kni orkut var tar kuni fb war jamtat...

pratyaksha bhetit saglech buchkalyat padtat,karan sagale wishay chatwarch sample le astat... mag chat varch bhe2 asa promis hota,ani sambhashanatun sign out kela jata... available ani busy madhe pratyekacha status ghutmalat rahato,apanhun add kelelya mitrapasun lapnyakarta invisible cha adosa ghetla jato... taap alyacha ajkal aaichya adhi fb la kalta,aushadh peksha take care chya dosnic h taapalahi palayla hta. kaditari watta punha kattyawar jamawa,chat la gappani ani smile la hasyani repla ce karawa. shabdapeksha sobticha samarthya jasta asta,maitricha khara samadhan khandyawarch ya hatat asta.. Chala tar purvi che diwas punha anubhavuya,maitrila technology pasun japun thevu ya...!:-) ---------Its very Easy to say Busy when Someone Need you!! But its very Painful to Hear Busy when you Need Someone...!!! GooD Ni8. Sweet Dream's. T.C. ---------Jaane kya jamana humse chahta h hr koi hume aazmana chahta h jane kya bat jhalkti h hmare chehre se ki hr koi hme hasa k rulana chahta h. ---------Na jane kyu tera milkar bichhd na yad ata he, me ro padti hu jab gujra jamana ya d ata he, koi jab muskurata he to dilbar chot lagti he, wo dhire se tera jab mus kurana yad ata he. ---------A mere sanam kyo na ham juda ho jaye.ise pahle k tu bewafa ho jaye. ---------tune jo na kaha...wo main sunta raha...... ---------Boys r like Bluetooth devices..:-P U stay close to them, They stay connected...:-) . .

. U go away, They find new devices. :-D ---------Sometimes in life we think we don't need anyone.but sometime we don't have anyon e when we need,so never let your best buddies go away from you. ----------

Kuch pal jhelo shayad hum fir na mile, yad karlo shayad fir waqt na mile, chale gaye zindagi se itni dur k haqikt to kya shayad fir sapne me b na mile.... ---------Kisi ke dua karne se tuje koi our mil sakti hai,par jiske sath tune apni life ji ya hai vo tu kabhi nhi bhul sakta.phri bhi tere liye mai bhagavan se dua karung i tuje kabhi vo yad na aye. ---------Sab Mujhe Hi Kehte Hai Ki Usko Bhool Ja, Lekin.. Koi Khuda Se Yeh Dua Kyo Nahi Karta, Ki Woh Mujhe Yaad Hi Na Aaya Kare..! ---------Bina Bataye usne na jane Q ye doori kr di, Bichhad k usne mohabbat hi adhuri kr di Mere mukaddar me gam aye to kya hua Khuda Ne uski kwahish to puri kr di. ---------Aankho Se Askho Ki Barsaat Hoti Hai Judai Me Kya Din Kya Raat Hoti Hai KASH Judai Ka Ehsas Usi Waqt Ho Jaye Jab Kisi Se Pyar Ki Suruwat Hoti Hai.! ------------------Mere dost kissa ye ho gaya he??? Suna he k tu bewafa ho gaya he...!! ---------Classic xample 4 studnts of difrnt age groups, 1st to 3rd stndrd- hey! I studied evrythng 4 xam.. 4th to 6th std- Hey! Dat Question was vry hard so I left only dat questn.. 6th to 10th std- hey! read only important questions.. 11th std- i think 4 chapters r enough 2 get passing mrks.. 12th- kl xam konsa h yar.. N in enggclg kamino bta to dete aj paper h,mere pas to pen b ni h..... dedicated to al rockng enggs.;-)Gm ---------Gal:Wich is more imp. ur lyf or me? Boy: B4 answering dat let me ask u sumthing Gal:Ok Boy:Wat is difference betwn u & my lyf?? ---------Jaan kar bhi woh mujhe jaan na paye, aaj tak woh mujhe pehchaan na paaye, khud h i kar li bewafaai humne, taaki unpar koi ilzaam na aaye. ---------Arey waat baghun aplich waat lagtey... ---------Its difficult finding Decent,true honest people these dayz,So Instead of looking 4One, Be d 1, don't look 4 d gift,b d gift.. Gn ---------Man asked a fallen Rose Dont u get hurt when u r plucked ?

Rose replied No i 4get my pain thinking that i am the reason 4 some one's smile.. ---------Dosti Ke Bad Mohabat Ho Sakti Hai Lekin Mohabat Ke Bad Dosti Nahi Ho Sakti Kyun Ki Dawa Maut Se Pehle Hi Asar Karti Hai Maut Ke Bad Nahi... ---------Boyz rules-Hausle saare aazma baithe, hum zamane k gum utha baithe, jiski chahat me umar bhar tadpate rhe, usi ki shaadi me dusri ladki pta baithe. ---------Jivan Me Saanti se Jeene Ke 2 Raaste 1- Maaf Karo Unhe Jinhe aap Bhul Nahi Sakte. Ya Fir..? 2-Bhul Jao Unhe Jine aap Maaf Nahi Kar Sakte. ------------------Ruthe hua ho q.......... Milake juda ho kyu?? ---------SUPERB QUOTE- Sometimes missing gives sweet feeling dan remembering, coz we can remembr many. But, we miss oly d one we never want to lose!... ---------PaiNful LiNes By Rejected Lover:She was ready to die wheN I cry But Now she is Not eveN ready to cry wheN I die..!! ---------There is always another chance for everything in life... But..Fact is that there is no chance of another "Life". Make it, Mean it, Enjoy it -------------------An airoplane is always safe at ground But its not made for that. so always take some meaning full risks in life to get great ---------Wah wah nt bad.... Njoyn as in..... Are cmpus chal raha hai na???so busy...... Wht mre???? ---------Fantastic Words By Chetan Bhagat: "Wrk hard, bt make tym 4 ur luv, frnz n family. Bcoz Nobody remembers Powerpoint presentations, marks, degrees, on ur death". ---------Kalam uthayi to lafs nhi milta, jisko dhoondte he vo shaks nhi milta, firte he v o jamane ki talash mein, bas hmare liye hi unhe waqt nhi milta ---------KaL"Sab"Kuch Thik Ho Jayega Apko"Apni Pasnd ka YaaR MiL Jayega

Shayad Tab"Aapko MeRi ZaRuRat_Na Rahe Dost Jab"Apko Khoya hua PyaR MiL Jayega." ---------if you are hot...we are hunting ---------But its realy hard to find that someone who deserves Its not hard to sacrifice something for someone.... your sacrifice... ---------Lines by ME"Never bring expectations in relations 'coz it hurts lyk HELL when they don't co me true." ---------Truth of LIFE: "A Person Who Learns Nothing frm the PAST wil b Punished by the FUTURE".. ---------MulgaTuzi Far athvan Yet Hoti ga, Mhatla phon karuya... MulgiArre sonya, atach apan tasbhar Bollo na... MulgaAayla...Parat Tulach call lagla..? Sory ha.. ---------I think ansu denawala b'coz ansu puchanewale sirf dikhave ke hote he jb ke jinke liye hum rote he akshar wo humare dil me kar wo khudse jyada rota he.n wt u say? ---------I ws told nt 2 hurt d heart of whom i care so much.But wen i care of dat heart i didnt noticed Dat m own heart was broken ---------Dedicated to all the ones who came in my life, "Acche ne accha or bure ne bura jana mujhe, jiski jaisi fitrat thi usne utna pehachana mujhe" ---------HmNe Kab UnSe MuLaKaaT Ka VaaDa ChaHa, DuR Reh Kar UnHe oR Bhi JyaaDa ChaHa, YaaD Aaye He MujHe oR Bhi SiddT Se Wo, BhuL JaaNe Ka UnHe Jab Bhi IraaDa ChaHa. ---------RoneSe Kuch HasiL nhi Hota, Jo Bichad Jaye Wo Sathi nhi Hota, Auro k Liye To Hum MehfiL Sajate He, Pr Humari Tanhai Me Koi ShamiL nhi Hota.. ---------Ankho ki awaj kuch or hoti he ansu ki awaj kuch or hoti he kaun dur rahena chahata he apne dosto se magar majburiyo ki baat kuch aur hoti he ---------Jami lidhu? Means khana kha liya tune?

khatir humare sath hote he n hume rula was so busy taking up n was bleeding..

---------Pyar jab milta nahi to hota Q he. Agar khwabo me wo Aaye to Insan sota Q he, Jab yahi pyar Aankho ke samne kisi or ka ho jaye to Dil itna rota Q he? ---------DIAMOND lines... LIFE is like a RIVER, Which have many TURNS.. So, enjoy every TURNS. Because, These TURNS Never R_E_T_U_R_N_S... Gud morning -------------------Neetu Kanodia Goyal commented on your status: bcoz duniya main achaiye nhin hai..islye achi chizen hoti hai to humen doubt hot a hai ...aur buraiye bhut ---------jada hai to hume doubt nhin hota... ---------There is nothing you need before you can act, because you are already here and n ow. There is much that you can do, so do it now. ---------Never show ur affection n care to every1 in dis deceptive world.. Bz its human tendency 2 underestimate anything given free of cost... ---------Every little smile can touch somebody's heart, No one is born happy, But all of us r born with the ability 2 create happines Be happy alwys... ---------College madhe anek sundar muli astat, Pan ji god lajte, Ti Mulgi Marathi aste. College madhe muli jins ghalun yetat, Pan ji jins barobar payat painjan ghalte, Ti mulgi Marathi aste. College madhe anek muli astat, Pan vatrat pana kelyavar kana khali vajvate, Ti mulgi Marathi aste. College madhe anek hushar muli astat, pan Swatachya notes sahaj dusryala dete, Ti mulgi Marathi aste. Shoping lahi anek muli jatat, pan Kharchacha vichar karun fakt kanatle ghevun yete, Ti mulgi Marathi aste. Prem saglech kartat, Pan aayushyabhar ji premane sath dete, Ti mulgi Marathi aste. Jai Maharashtra.. ---------An awesum ATTITUDE:: I dont care if people dont like Me, . After all I am not A FACEBOOK STATUS to be ne1!!!

---------TIPS 4 BoysIf you marry one girl, she will fight WITH you. If you marry two girls, they will fight FOR you... Think different ;-) :-P ---------" What happens to Good people when bad things happen to them....? They become Better people. " CONVERT EVERYTHING IN YOUR FAVOUR ! ---------We may easily forget the people with whom we laughed & enjoyed But We can't forget those people with whom we cried & shared our feelings..!! Gud day. ---------Life is long which we have 2 play. So, luv it nd have fun because "Har pal me pyar hai, Har lamhe me khushi hai, Kho do to yaden hai, Jee lo to zindagi hai.!" ---------It's k!practical asav aushat tyamule jast tras nahi hot. ---------n'joying every moment of life... ---------Care & Affection is not a business where U give when U get.! It is a beautiful f eeling 4 someone where U like 2 give even if U don't ---------Kismat se apni sabko shikayat kyu hai, Jo nahi mil sakta usi se mohabbat kyu hai, Kitne khade hai raho pe, Phirb dil ko usi ki chaht kyu hai.. ---------Hasta hasta dole algad yetil bharun, bolta bolta othi shabd jatil virun... Kavr-bavr honyasarkh kahi nahi, kunitari athvan kadhatay baki kahi nahi... Jevta jevta jeevghena lagel thaska, gharche mhanati sarkha kasa lagato uthta basta... Chehra lapvat dole pusat pani pyave thode, bolanya adhi awajala sambhalave thode... Sangun dyave kalajisarkhe bilkul kahi nahi, kunitari athvan kadhatay baki kahi ---------"Time & smile are d two crucial things in our life" "Some times time makes us to forget smile & some times sum 1's smile makes us to forget time".. :-) ---------"Expectation is A gift not a curse... . "When people expect sumthing from YoU it means YoU have given Them reasons 2 Bel ive in YoU...!!"Gn ---------Khusi sirf unko nhi milti jo zindgi ko apni sharto pe jia karte hai.Sachi khusi

unko milti hai jo dusro ki khusi k liye apni zindgi ko badal diya krte ha. gntc ---------Best moment in lyf is wen u think abt ur luvr wid tears in ur eyes n he's standn g jst behind u n says" Swthrt, I wont leave u evr plz stop cryin" ---------"Never spend ur life focusing on what others want to see. Remember: "You only ha DO U VALUE YOUR on ve 1 life; FOCUSLIFEwhat u want to be! " ---------Life is 2 short 2 wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget the ones who don't. Believe that everything happens for a reason. Laugh when you can. Apologise when you should and let go what you cant change. Always live, love and laugh.... Enjoy this life. All this is easy to say but difficult to apply, but there is always a word called TRY.. ---------Avoiding something doesn't always mean that you hate it... It could also mean th at you want but u jst knw isn't urs.. ---------Deepali: The way 2 being happy begins wid a happy heart...!! So, make ur heart happy wid dis sweet sunshine of the morning...!! gud mornin... !! ---------Let the dimples dig ur cheeks deep, smiling lips gr8 on u. let the reason of ur happiness renew, n i bet.... life itself wil have a crush on u ..!! ---------The happiest people do not necessarily have the best of everything; they just ma ke the best of everything they have. ---------One topic to be sit and thought over: For getting ONE person in your life, we tend to lose EVERYBODY.. But if the same person deny to be with you, then you tend to lose YOURSELF.. DO NOT EVER surrender your life to an other person (than parents)

BECAUSE: Kb toot jaye.... kasam hi to hai. Kab badal jaye... nazar hi to hai. Kisi ke saath ki aadat na dalna... kab chhut jaye zindagi hi to hai.!! :-) .. ---------I Don't Think Its Working Any More... ---------Kuch lamhe aaye zindagi me kuch lamho k liye,aj b tarste h hum un lamho k liye,k huda ne humse kaha kuch manglo,humne kaha wo lamhe fir dedo kuch lamho k liye.., ---------Khwaab kuch aisa ho, ki zindagi noor ho jaye. Koshish kuchh aisi ho, ki mushkile door ho jaye. Aur Fariyaad kuch aisi ho, ki KHUDA bhi dene ko mJboor ho jaye. ---------SMALL MEANINGFUL THOUGHT: ''Nothing is interesting in life.., If you are not interested...!'':-) gud mrng... ---------Mario met me online once, & i greeted him

"hey, do u remember me??? I spent my whole childhood 2 save ur girlfriend !!!" ;-) ---------Bhul jaana use jo tumhe bhula de Mat dekhna use jo tumhe rula de Par kabi na hona door us shaks se Jo apni ankhe bhigokar bhi tumhe hansa de. ---------Hum Unko Khona Nahi Chahte, Unki Judai Me Rona Nahi Chahte.. Dua Karo Woh Sirf Hamare Hi Rahe, Kyun Ki Hum Bhi Kisi Or Ke Hona Nahi Chahte.. ---------Tune maska marna achha laga.:-) ---------Maska achha marta he.:-) bt am happy ---------Jaruri nhi hai... dukhi atma hona dil sb ke paas hota hai. bs kisiko pta hota hai

aur koi anjaan hota ,jb tk usko koi milta nhi... ---------Socha tha unhe is khadr bhul jayenge, dekh kr bhi andekha kr jayenge, pr jb jb samne aya unka chahera, socha is bar dekh lete hai, agly bar bhul jayenge, ---------Life runs on 2 golden rules: 'Accept'&'Change' . Accept d thing which u can't 'change' or 'change' d thing which u cant 'a ccept'.. ---------Kaash Ye Dil Sheeshe Ka Bana Hota.Chot Lagti To Beshak Ye Fanaa Hota.Par Jab Vo Sunte Sadaa Es Dil Ki,Ya Khuda Tab To Unhe Ehsaas E Gunah Hota. ---------Ansuo ki likhawat ko tum padh na sakoge, Gile kagaz pe tum kuch likh na sakoge, Yaad ayegi tumko hamari bate, Kho kar jab tum hame pa na sakoge. ---------A negative person has only one day between two nights. A positive person has one night between two days ---------Jb wo hste hain to raha nhi jata, jb wo rote hain to saha nhi jata, jee chahta h ai gale se lga loon, pr jb wo paas hote hain kuchh kaha nhi jata ---------Everyone Wants To Be Happy, Yet Everyone Does Things Create Reasons For More And More Unhappiness ---------Crushes r more beautiful dan afairs, coz der is no respnsbilty no wory no comitment just luk at ur crush & smile lik an idiot bt still its a wndrful ---------Today's Joke :-

A girl said . . . . . . . . . Trust me. ---------A famous poet ELIOT said'When u get little You want more, When u get more, you d esire even more,but when you lose it, you relize LITTLE was enough'

Gud morng ---------Strong Attitude 2 adopt in Life: "Cry as Hard as u want to...But just make sure dat Once when u Stop Crying, U should never again Cry for d "Same Reason" ---------If U Learn From Your Mistake, Then You are Intelligent.But If You Learn From Somebody's Mistake Then You Are A Genius" .. ---------I Don?t Know Why I?m So Afraid To Lose U When U R Not Even Mine. ?I Don?t know W hy I Luv U So When U Don?t Even Luv Me. ?I Don?t Know Why U R The ?One When I?m Just A Someone To U.. ---------Search a beautiful heart But don't search a beautiful face.. Beautiful things are not always good.. But good things are always beautiful... ---------Udasi ki to ab adat si hai hume, khushiyo ko ab dil anjan kehta he, chahat th jisk wo nahi hua apan, yu to apna hume sara jahan kehata he. ---------Kitna bhi chaho na bhool paoge Hum se jitna dur jao nazdik paoge Humein mita sakte ho to mita do Yaadein meri, magar Kya sapno se juda kar pao ge humein! ---------Dil mein tumhari apni kami chod jayenge, Aankhon mein intezar ki lakir chod jayenge, Yaad rakhna dhundte rahooge humhe, pyar ki aisi kahani chod jayenge. ---------Ajeeb shakhs tha kaisa mizaaj rakhta tha, Paas reh ker bhi mujhse ikhtelaf rakhta tha, Usay shayad kisi aur se mohabbat thi, Humse se tu bas yunhi mazaq rakhta tha.. ---------Kis Aaj Jab Dil qadar khoob hai dillagi aapki, bhi dil mein basi hai mohabat aapki, bhi fursat k lamhay miley humein, ne mehsoos hi hai kami aapki

---------Meto jo acha lage uspe martihu.... ---------Unke Kehne par Duniya Chhod Aaye, Sabhi Rishto Se Muh Mod Aaye, Humse Na Mangna Hisab Bewfai Ka, Kyu ki

. Unki Chahat Me Kitno Ke 'DIL' tod Aaye. ---------Never Discuss your Success & Never Worry about Ur Failure. Because Both will Effect Ur Next Step Believe in URSELF. Move on & Win a Life ---------Be urself.Some may not like it but u will see there r lots of ppl who will still love, accept&appreciate u for what u are despite d imperfections. ---------To: No number All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark. ---------Sabhi ko sab kuch nahi milta, nadi ki har lehar ko sahil nahi milta, yeh dil wal on ki dunia hai dost, kisi se dil nahi milta to koi dil se nahi milta. ---------Aansu na hote ankho me to ankhe khubsurt na hoti dard na hota dil me to khusiyo ki kimat na hoti agar puri hoti murade to yaha khuda ki jarurat na hoti. ---------Rahul Bagdane commented on your status: Dnt tk tensn,dusri milun jayen,strt searching ---------Rahul Bagdane commented on your status: Dnt tk tensn,dusri milun jayen,strt searching ---------To: No number Haskar Dekha, Rokar B Dekh Liya Pakar Dekha, Khokar B Dekh Liya Pyar B Kiya Or Jaan B Liya KI Zindgi To Wahi Ji Sakta HE Jisne Akele Jina SiKh Liya.... ---------expectation ka tension ---------Height of insult: Professor to a student in classroom- Hey apne baju wale ko uthao... . . . . . . . student- Tune sulaya na toh tu hi utha.. :D ---------Best lesson for life: Listen to Everyone And Learn from Everyone Because Nobody knows EVERYTHING But Everyone knows SOMETHING. ----------

The Insecurity of Losing Our Love Makes Us Lose the FRND in Them.. & d Insecurity of Losing d Frnd Makes Us Fall in Love With Them. Strnge but True.. Gm.:-) ---------"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their li ves by altering their attitudes of mind." ---------main apne sab close logo ki apne jaan se jyada chahta hu isliye kaha main pagal hu ---------Zindgi ka Sabse Bura Lamha Wo He Jab Koi Apna Apko Itna Dukh De K Ankhe Bhar Jay e Or Wo Hi Puche Kya Hua Or Apko Muskura kr Kehna Pade Kuch Nahi... ---------Cigrates r more loyal then girls, bcz vo hmari khusi aur gum dono me hmara sath deti hai. Thats y proud 2 b a smoker.GN. ---------If you cant find the right words for certain situations, just give a smile :-) ! Words may confuse, but a smile always convinces... :-) gud nun! Hiee! ---------Nazro Se Utar Kr,Dil Me Bas Gayi Mere Sapno Ki Shehzadi Mere Ruthne Pr Mere Dost Ke Sath Bhag Gyi Kutti, Kamini, Haramzadi ---------Mujhe kaha khuda ne mat kar intazar is janam me milna mushkil he, Mene bi keh diya lene de maza intazar ka agle janam me to mumkin he, fir usne kaha mat kar itna pyar bahot pachtaega, muskura k mene kaha dekhte he tu kitna mere ruh ko tadpaega, fir usne kaha hata use chal tujhe jannat ki nur se milata hu, mene kaha aa niche dekh mere pyar ka muskurata chehra.. tujhe jannat ki nur bhulata hu, tilmilakar kaha usne mat bhul apni aukat tu he to 1 insan, mene kaha to mila de mujhe mere pyar se or sabit kar ki tu hi he bhagwan..... ==================================================

'Change' is nature of life...! But 'challenge' is an aim of life...! ways challenge the changes, not change the challenge...! ----------

So, al

Relationship is silent gift of nature : "More old more strong, more care more re spect, less words more understanding, less meetings more feelings". GM ---------Take whatever u can from your Life. Because, Wen Life Starts taking From u. It takes even your LAST BREATH!! :-) ---------"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." Cant understand read it again... ---------D best relation works out wen: U fight like a maried couple talk like bestfrns flirt like 1st lovs & protect ech othr like brother & sister.. ---------When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible. ---------We never fully grasp the import of any true statement until we have a clear noti on of what the opposite untrue statement would be. -William James ---------Problem arises in life when we overestimate the problem& under estimate ourself. We have infinite power to overcome all d problms. Use it..! ---------Attitude is like posing for pics, We pose the way we want to be seen by othrs, but stolen shots are better, they capture what we really are. ---------Never show ur affection n care to every1 in dis deceptive world. Bcoz its human tendency 2 underestimate anything given free of cost..!! ---------Jab maine daru pehli baar pi.. Mein apni nazaro mein gir gaya.. aur maine daru chodne ka faisla kiya Par fir

jab maine un tamam daru factory ke majdoor, unke biwi bachon ke baare mein socha to meri aankh bhar aayi aur usi pal faisla kiya ki abhi se I will drink regularly Apne liye toh sab jeete hai..kabhi doosro ke liye bi jee kar dekho yaaro... Acha lgta hai.......... gud n8 gani...... ---------Unbeatable lines:I strongly feel that,i have enough hearts who care for Me, but many times life proved Me that its just my imagination.true na ---------Touching lines after breakup...... Never hold my hand....... if...........ur gonna break my heart. ---------A VERY NICE & TRUE DEFINITION OF LOVE Jb Kisi K Saath Ho Kar Bhi Khamosh Rehne Me Utna Hi Maza Aaye Jitna Usse Baate Krne Me Then UR in Love....... mgaus ---------People are not Beautiful as they look,, as they walk as they wear!! People are B eautiful as they help as they Care,, & as they Share ur life too ---------You cannot control everything that will happen today. Yet you can completely con trol the person you will be today. ---------"Genuine leadership comes from the quality of your vision and your ability to sp ark others to extraordinary performance." ---------"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that othe rs waste." - Henry Ford ---------Dreams are like stars... you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny. ---------"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance." - Marie Curie ----------

Live a simple life. Be temperate in ur habits. Avoid self-seeking & selfishness. Make simplicity d keynote of ur daily plans. Simple things are best. ---------A SenSational quote abut ATTITUDE: "I can prove, that My FriendS are Perfect Bcoz, I'M The BeSt Example Of Their Choice..!" gud n8, tc ---------1st Boy: Pados Waali Budhi Lady Jab Bhi Kahi Shaadi Hoti H To Mere Gaal Khinch K ar Bolti H, "Ab Teri Bari H". Lekin Ab Usne Bolna Chhod Diya H.. 2nd Boy- Kyo? 1st Boy: Kyuki Ab Jab Bhi Kahi Kisi Ki Death Hoti H To Mai Bhi Uske Gaal Khinch Kar Bolta Hu,, "Ab Teri Bari H".. : ---------Wo jo pine pilane ki bat karte hai Unse kah do Kabi hum b piya karte the Jitni peekar wo bahak jate hai utni to hum gilas me chod diya karte they. ---------Ek CHITTA cigarette odhat hota! 1 UNDIR mhanala-"Mazya bandhu, sod hi nasha, mazya sobat ye, bagh he jungle kiti sundar ae, ye jag pahu" CHITTYA ne vichar kela, Aani UNDRA sobat nighala Pudhe HATTI drugs ghetana disla UNDIR-"HATTI, mazya bandhu, sod hi nasha...." HATTI sudha sobat nighala Pudhe 1VAGH wisky cha peg banwat hota, UNDIR tyala tech mhanala.. VAGHAne glass bajula thevla, UNDRAchya 5-7 kanakhali vajavlya.. HATTI-"Are, undir changala sangtoy, ka marles bicharyala?" VAGH-" ha HARAMKHOR jeva jeva DESHI pito... Teva asech bolto, 3 vela purna jungle firun aloy mi hyachya barobar. ---------Absence is the best presence. Because if people are absent then you miss them & if you miss them that means they are present in your Heart.:-) ---------Relationship Is Not

Holding Hands While u Understand Each Other Its About Having Lots Of Misunderstandings n Still Not Leaving Each ---------1 nce sum1 said dont get 2 attachd 2 a person tat u bcom an Tip: Search for related channels by sending SEARCH True to +919870807070 ---------Wen u luv u get hurt.Wen u get hurt,u hate.Wen u hate,u try to forget.Wen u try to forget,u start missing.Wen u start missing,u fall in luv again. ---------Relation & Bone Are Same When Both Cracked & Get Repaired Correctly They R More Powerful But If Not Correctly They R Lost Their Worth. ---------It is Sad dat Some People Expect things from U When they are in trouble, But they Don't Even Remember U When Evrythng is Fine wit them.. :( >AB ---------What makes a river so restful to ppl is dat it doesnt have any doubt - it is sur e to get where it is going,and it doesnt want to go anywhere else. ---------Respect d uniqueness be like life bcoz becomes really boring wenuU've Dont expect others toin evry human! to live only wth ur shaadows. ---------"Time and Smile" are two crucial things in life. Sometimes time makes us forget how to Smile, And sometimes someone's Smile makes us forget time. Gn ---------Meri pehchan bas nam hi sahi, Yaad na aaye tumhe itne badnam toh nahi, Hume bhul jana majburi hi sahi, Magar sachmuch bhool jao yeh ...zaruri toh nahi. ---------A Great scholar once said; The real problem Doesnt start when a boy starts looking at Girl, It begins when she turns & gives a smile.. Gud aftnun ---------Take chances! Tel d truth! Learn 2 Say no! Spnd ur money on d things u luv! Gt 2 knw sum1 random!

Say I Luv U 2 sum1 in life! Feel d true luv! Tel d idiot how he/she hurts u! Abuse sum1 who deserves it! Sit alone, watch d rain n cry! laugh til ur stomach pains! Dance n sing evn if u r too bad at it Pose stupidly 4 photos! Give sum1 a hug wen dey need it & make sure u get 1 wen u do! Be naughty lyk child. Live it, luv it! BCoz "Zindagi na milegi dobara".. ---------Kuch Pal me Zindgi Ki Tasvir Ban Jati H Or Kch Pal Se Zindgi Ki Tasvir Badal Jati H Kisi Ko Pakar Kabi Mat Khona 1 Judai Se Zindgi bikhar Jati H ---------11 Common lines aftr people get drunk :1. tu mera bhai hai. 2. gaadi main chalaunga 3. main teri dil se izzat karta hun 4. aaj chad nhi rahi hai yar 5. yeh mat samajh ki main pee kar bol raha hun 6. yar kam to nhi padegi na? 7. ek chhota sa aur ho jaye. 8. tu bol bhai kya chahiye,tere liye jaan hazir hai 9. apne baap ko mat sikha. 10. Kash wo mil jati to aaj ye hath me nhi hoti. The best one 11. kal se daru band. Good night take care ---------" I dont have time 2 hate people who hate me.. Because, I'm too busy in loving people who love me!" Good night Swt drms ---------A Solid Quote at the Entrance of a College :;-) :-D :-P :-/ ::-> ;-> ''THE MANAGEMENT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEFT OR LOSS OF VIRGINITY" ;-) :-P :-D :-) ---------2 paise me 2 pat rahi he, to tera kya jata he..................... Uninor. ---------LIFE K HAR PAL KO KHUSHI SE BITAO, RONE KA TIME KAHA? SIRF MUSKURAO.

CHAHE YE DUNIYA KAHE PAGAL YA AWARA, BAS YAAD RAKHNA"ZINDEGI NA MILEGI DOBARA "... ---------Unki chahat Me Dil Majbur Ho Gya, Bewafai Krna Unka Dastur Ho Gya, Kasur Unka Nhi Mera Tha, Humne chaha Hi Itna Ki Unko Shayad Gurur Ho Gya. ---------Hndsm,gd lkg,edktd,dshg,&he lus m lot....,frnk. ---------mrunal satbhai shweta khandekar ---------gooddii gooddii moornnniingg to my sho clwose jwaaadu.... ---------gooddii gooddii niigghhtt to my sho clwose jwaaanu.... ---------As wt kiti ensnt ahe ts nahiye.. ----------

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