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Code: S8FE-If-26 Number of Hours: 1 hour

Domain: LIGHT
Cluster: Colors of Light
Lesson: The Colors of the Rainbow… The Colors of Light
Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of some properties and characteristics of
Standard: visible light.
Learning Demonstrate the existence of the color components of visible light using a prism or
Competency: diffraction grafting.
References: Campo, C. et al. (2013) Science Grade 8. DepEd-IMCS. pp. 91-100

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 identify and list down the constituent colors of a white light;
 perform an experiment that will prove that white light is made up of many different colors;
 assign attributes that relate to the colors of the rainbow.
1. Elimination of words from the tarpapel or the
table from the screen to activate prior knowledge
Defining Success

and learners’ awareness of their vocabularies.

2. Create a paragraph using the words: light,
 The colors of light when passing through a
black, colors, beauty, and white. (profiles)
prism are as follows: Red, Orange, Yellow,
3. List and arrange the observed colors during
Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet (can also
the experiment. (pseudo-frames)
be reversed)
3. Write their observations and insights after the
 A glass, just like water droplets, can act as
experiment. (metacognition)
a prism that separates white light into a
4. Generate a hugot line pertaining to the
spectrum of colors.
rainbow or to their experiment. (sheltered)
 The process of white light splitting into its
6. Draw the shape of a rainbow showing the
constituent colors is termed as
name of the different colors they can see on the
experiment then assign attributes of each color.
(composing with keywords)
7. Give their own idea about why a rainbow
represents the LGBT community.

ELICIT: 5 minutes
Paste a tarpapel in front showing a list of random Science concepts. (The number of words
should be greater than the number of learners to ensure 100% participation in the class.)
Learning Cycle

To activate prior knowledge and learners’ awareness of their vocabulary, each will have to:
- cross out misspelled words;
- cross out abbreviations;
- cross out the words that begin with letter S;
- cross out words that consist of four or less letters; and
- cross out words that consist of letter A in column 3.
The words that will remain are Light, Black, Colors, Beauty, and White.
ENGAGE: 15 minutes
To be able to hook students to the topic, the teacher will divide the class into desired
groupings distributing the More Knowledgeable Other (MKO). Each group will have to
create one paragraph within 5 minutes using the 5 words that remained from the reading
Presentation and checking of output.
EXPLORE: 15 minutes
Experiment Time!
Introduce laboratory rules and regulations.
Check materials per group and distribute activity sheets.
Let them read in chorus the procedures and ask for clarifications.
As a hands-on activity, learners will perform the experiment using the same groupings.
I. Objective:
At the end of the activity, the learners should be able to:
 separate the components of a white light through dispersion by the use of water
which will act as prism;
 identify the color components of a white light when dispersed.
II. Materials:
water goblet, water, white paper, cellphone’s flashlight, cardboard, scissors
III. Procedure:
1. Fill the goblet with water until it becomes full.
2. Cut a slit on the cardboard to allow the cellphone’s flashlight to be focused.
3. Position the cellphone in a way that its flashlight will be passing through the goblet-filled
with water.
4. Hold the piece of paper up to intercept the reflected beam.
5. Adjust the position of the mirror until you see the rainbow on the white piece of paper.

IV. List and arrange the observed colors during the experiment according to how they
appear on the white paper.

EXPLAIN: 5 minutes
Based from the experiment conducted, learners will complete collaboratively write their
observations and insights using the sentence fragments:

Upon performing the experiment, we have observed that…

Upon performing the experiment, we have learned that…

ELABORATE: 5 minutes
Can you generate a sentiment or hugot line out of the experiment you just did?

The emphasis on Sheltered Instruction will be employed. Learners may use L1 or L2 in

their hugot lines; the teacher will elaborate and simplify their answers while making
connection to the topic.
EVALUATE: 10 minutes
In a ½ sheet of paper, learners will draw the shape of a rainbow showing the name of the
different colors they have seen on the experiment (no need to color the inside of it).
Inside every arc of the rainbow, write a feeling, emotion, or an attribute that they think is
being signified by that color. (as many as they can)
e.g. white – purity; black – death/evil
EXTEND: 5 minutes
In your own idea, why do you think a rainbow can sometimes represent the LGBTQ+ community?

Prepared By:

Santol Science Teacher

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