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Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

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Organic carbon bioavailability: Is it a good driver to choose the best

biological nitrogen removal process?
Gabriela Bonassa a, Alice Chiapetti Bolsan b, Camila Ester Hollas a, Bruno Venturin a, Daniela Candido c,
Angélica Chini a, Marina C. De Prá d, Fabiane Goldschmidt Antes e, José Luis Campos f, Airton Kunz a,c,e,⁎
Western Paraná State University, 85819-110 Cascavel, PR, Brazil
Western Santa Catarina University, 89600-000 Joaçaba, SC, Brazil
Federal University of Fronteira Sul, 99700-000 Erechim, Brazil
Federal University of Technology – Parana (UTFPR), 85660-000 Dois Vizinhos, PR, Brazil
Embrapa Suínos e Aves, 89715-899 Concórdia, SC, Brazil
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Avda. Padre Hurtado 750, 2503500 Viña del Mar, Chile


• CODb/N wastewater ratios operational

limits are reported to N-removal pro-
• Literature-reported influence of organic
matter to nitrogen removal routes.
• Operational limits for maintaining
Anammox N-removal efficiency are re-
• The choice of the N-removal process can
be done based on CODb/N ratio and NLR.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Organic carbon can affect the biological nitrogen removal process since the Anammox, heterotrophic and
Received 8 February 2021 denitrifying bacteria have different affinities and feedback in relation to carbon/nitrogen ratio. Therefore, we
Received in revised form 19 April 2021 reviewed the wastewater carbon concentration, its biodegradability and bioavailability to choose the appropriate
Accepted 23 April 2021
nitrogen removal process between conventional (nitrification-denitrification) and Anammox-based process (i.e.
Available online 29 April 2021
integrated with the partial nitritation, nitritation, simultaneous partial nitrification and denitrification or partial-
Editor: Huu Hao Ngo denitrification). This review will cover: (i) strategies to choose the best nitrogen removal route according to the
wastewater characteristics in relation to the organic matter bioavailability and biodegradability; (ii) strategies to
efficiently remove nitrogen and the remaining carbon from effluent in anammox-based process and its operating
Keywords: cost; (iii) an economic analysis to determine the operational costs of two-units Anammox-based process when
Economic viability compared with the commonly applied one-unit Anammox system (partial-nitritation-Anammox). On this re-
Anammox-based process view, a list of alternatives are summarized and explained for different nitrogen and biodegradable organic carbon

Abbreviations: AOB, ammonia oxidizers bacteria; Anammox, anaerobic ammonium oxidation; AD, anaerobic digestion; BOD, biochemical oxygen demand; CODb, biodegradable
chemical oxygen demand; C/N ratio, carbon/nitrogen ratio; COD, chemical oxygen demand; COMAMMOX, COMplete AMMonia Oxidizer; d, days; DN-PN-Anammox, denitrification/
partial nitritation/Anammox; DEAMOX, denitrifying ammonium oxidation; DAMO, denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation; N2, dinitrogen gas; DNRA, dissimilatory nitrate reduction
to ammonium; ΔG0, free energy; HDH, hydrazine dehydrogenase; HZS, hydrazine synthase; N2H4, hydrazine; NPV, net present value; Nar, nitrate reductase; Nor, nitric oxide
reductase; NOB, nitrite oxidizers bacteria; NirS, nitrite oxidoreductase; NirS or NirK, nitrite reductase; Nos, nitrous oxide reductase; OC, organic carbon; OM, organic matter; PN/D,
partial nitrification/denitrification; PN-SAD, partial nitrification-simultaneous Anammox and denitrification; PN/A, partial nitritation/Anammox; SAD, simultaneous Anammox and deni-
trification; SND, simultaneous nitrification and denitrification; SNAD, simultaneous partial nitrification, anammox and denitrification; SPND + A, simultaneous partial nitritation and
denitritation coupled with Anammox; SPND, simultaneous partial nitritation and denitritation; SLS, solid-liquid separation; SRT, solids retention time; WWTP, wastewater treatment
⁎ Corresponding author at: Rodovia BR-153, Km 110, Distrito de Tamanduá Caixa, Postal: 321 CEP: 89715-899 Concórdia, SC, Brazil.
E-mail address: (A. Kunz).
0048-9697/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

Biodegradable organic carbon concentration concentrations, which are the main factors to determine the best treatment process, based on operational and
Nitrogen removal process economic terms. In summary, it depends on the wastewater carbon biodegradability, which implies in the waste-
Nitrification/denitrification water treatment cost. Thus, to apply the conventional nitrification/denitrification process a CODb/N ratio higher
than 3.5 is required to achieve full nitrogen removal efficiency. For an economic point of view, according to the
analysis the minimum CODb/gN for successful nitrogen removal by nitrification/denitrification is 5.8 g. If ratios
lower than 3.5 are applied, for successfully higher nitrogen removal rates and the economic feasibility of the
treatment, Anammox-based routes can be applied to the wastewater treatment plant.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Types of wastes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Organic carbon on wastewater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Nitrogen removal systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.1. Nitrification and denitrification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2. Anammox-based processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2.1. C/N ratio and OC concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2.2. Anammox-based denitrification system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2.3. Effect of OC on Anammox microbial community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5. Differences among N-removal processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6. Practical implications of the organic matter presence in the anaerobic digester effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
CRediT authorship contribution statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Declaration of competing interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Appendix A. Supplementary data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1. Introduction This review aims to demonstrate and discuss about the influence of
biodegradable organic carbon on different biological nitrogen removal
Nitrification/denitrification is still the commonly applied process to processes. According to the characteristics of wastewater, what would
remove organic carbon and nitrogen from different kind of wastewater be the suitable process: Conventional nitrogen removal processes or
and digestates. The feasibility of such process is mainly linked to its ef- Anammox-based processes? What are the strategies to adopt an
ficiency and reliability. However, some effluents do not contain enough Anammox-based process even to treat wastewaters with high organic
organic matter to carry out the denitrification process by heterotrophic carbon content?
bacteria, in addition to the high costs with aeration and large volume of
sludge produced. Thus, the Anammox-based processes have attractive 2. Types of wastes
routes that can be applied to wastewater treatment at reduced costs.
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) bacteria are Wastes are generated in different stages of the agri-food (manure,
chemolithoautotrophic and they use ammonium as electron donor dairy, pig slurry, digestate from anaerobic treatment, vegetable, fats,
and nitrite as an electron receptor to produce nitrogen gas, with low oils, sugar waste, fish and saline wastewater), industrial (paper mill
amounts of nitrate (Strous et al., 1998; Giustinianovich et al., 2016; wastes, ash from combustion plants, dredging sludge from combustion
Xiao et al., 2021). plants) and from the sanitary sewage chain (organic municipal waste,
Due to its nature, the activity of Anammox bacteria are inevitably urban sewage sludge). When not correctly disposed and/or treated,
inhibited by the concentration of biodegradable organic compounds these wastes contribute to food losses, loss of power generation poten-
present in wastewaters. Organic carbon is usually present in most of tial, resource wastage and negative environmental impacts at several
agro-industrial wastewaters despite its different biodegradability and levels, being also the key drivers of climate change and detrimental im-
bioavailability. Biodegradable carbon (CODb) represents the bioavail- pacts on human healthy (Fig. 1) (Lupton, 2017; Ojha et al., 2020).
able organic matter in wastewaters. Notwithstanding, Anammox- Typically, until some years ago in most of the countries these wastes
based technologies have received great attention due to the ability of were disposed according to the conventional techniques (landfilling,
these microorganisms to live in symbiosis with other microbial groups, open dumping and dung and burning). These are not recommended
like Ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and heterotrophic bacteria, managements techniques due to scarcity of suitable land for landfilling,
i.e.: partial nitritation (PN/A), simultaneous Anammox and denitrifica- emission of greenhouse gases, water pollution and discharge of pollut-
tion (SAD), simultaneous partial nitritation and denitritation (SPND) ants into the natural environment, mainly due to their high content of
coupled with Anammox (SPND + A), partial nitritation; and treat a organic matter and nutrients (Kumar and Samadder, 2020).
wide range of wastewaters (i.e. agri-food, industrial and from the sani- The adoption of anaerobic digestion (AD) has been progressively in-
tary sewage chain). However, there is little information in the literature tensified in recent years for organic carbon (OC) degradation to treat a
that describes the best route that should be combined with the variety of agri-food, domestic and industrial wastes, due to its relatively
Anammox process, according to the concentration of biodegradable car- low cost for implementation, easy operation and capability of energy re-
bon and ammoniacal nitrogen (Gao et al., 2021; Jawad and covery. This technology is defined as a biological process that converts
Abdulhameed, 2020; Jawad et al., 2020; Surip et al., 2020; B. Wang the OM into biogas rich in methane, by the action of microorganisms
et al., 2021; L. Wang et al., 2021; T. Zhang et al., 2020). and interspecies electron transfer, in the absence of oxygen (Amaral

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

Fig. 1. Representation of different wastes and the impacts on the environment caused by the absence of their treatment.

et al., 2016; Ajay et al., 2020). Due to the type of effluent and its charac- functions of microorganisms. Thus, the choice of the appropriate nitro-
teristics, different kinds of reactor configuration and process condition gen removal route is mainly dependent on the effluent characteristics,
can be applied, since the agri-food, industrial and sanitary wastes in relation to the concentrations of organic matter/chemical oxygen de-
show different concentrations of organic matter, nitrogen, solids con- mand and ammoniacal nitrogen (Ahmad et al., 2020; Sheng et al., 2020).
tent, pH, moisture, salinity and density (Amaral et al., 2016; Fig. 2 summarizes the possibilities of biological nitrogen use from
Mirmohamadsadeghi et al., 2019). However, after AD the nitrogen still wastewaters as a function of bacteria cycles and environment/wastewa-
remains in the liquid effluent, called digestate, mainly as ammoniacal ter properties.
nitrogen. Thus, is needed further treatment of it to meet the standards According to Fig. 2 it is noted that the nitrification/denitrification
of nitrogen discharge (Sheng et al., 2020). process is mainly employed in treatment systems with high concentra-
Other processes employed in distinct wastes management are inef- tions of nitrogen and OC. These are the essential parameters for success-
ficient for nitrogen removal: storage in lagoons (Riaño and García- ful application of the conventional route and DAMO or DNRA processes.
González, 2015), solid-liquid separation (Giongo et al., 2018; C.E. In contrast, the anammox-based routes are benefited with high ammo-
Hollas et al., 2019; Vanotti et al., 2018a), electrocoagulation (Mores niacal nitrogen and low OC concentrations (Ramli and Hamid, 2017;
et al., 2016) or situations where a pretreatment is not applied Ahmad et al., 2020).
(Giustinianovich et al., 2016; Racys et al., 2018). Traditionally, the OC is expressed in terms of concentration. How-
The conventional nitrification/denitrification is the wide applied ever, this parameter also differs in relation to the carbon bioavailability,
process to nitrogen removal. However according to the symbiosis be- biodegradability and recalcitrance. These are important parameters that
tween microorganisms, it can also be done by the partial nitrification need to be evaluated when choosing the biological nitrogen route that
via nitrite, simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) and de- will be adopted in the treatment plants, since the presence of these
nitrification by bioelectrochemical systems, or applying Anammox- can impede or promote the waste management (Simsek et al., 2013;
based processes, like the partial nitritation/Anammox (PN/A), Li et al., 2018; Oleinikova et al., 2018).
nitritation/Anammox, simultaneous partial nitrification, Anammox,
and denitrification (SNAD), denitrifying ammonium oxidation 3. Organic carbon on wastewater
(DEAMOX), partial-denitrification/Anammox, partial nitrification-
simultaneous Anammox and denitrification (PN-SAD) and denitrifica- In general wastewaters rich in OC that are not submitted to any pre-
tion/partial nitritation/Anammox (DN-PN-Anammox) (Rahimi et al., treatment present higher concentrations of bioavailable OC and C/N re-
2020). Table 1 summarizes some agri-food, industrial and sanitary sew- lation than treated ones, for example municipal wastewater (Pedrouso
age wastewaters characteristics, with the correspondent route applied et al., 2021a) or raw swine wastewater pretreated through solid-liquid
for nitrogen removal and the process applied before this step separation (Hollas et al., 2019; Vanotti et al., 2018b). Wastewaters
(pretreatment). that have been submitted to some process of degradation of OC usually
As can be observed in Table 1, the wastewaters show different com- present residual concentration with lower bioavailability as in case of
positions, according to its generating source and pretreatment effluents from AD (digestate). Substrates with greater OC concentration
employed. Different biological nitrogen removal routes can be applied show some residual amount of it in the digestate and when not fully sta-
according to wastewater characteristics by the symbiotic or competitive bilized, high contents of recalcitrant substances with different

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

Table 1
Composition of different wastewaters before nitrogen removal processes.

Type of Pretreatment pH BOD COD NH3-N NO—

2N NO—
3N Nitrogen removal route Ref.
wastewater (mg O2 L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1)

Animal feed AD 219 ± 103 231 ± 40 SNAD (Almeida et al., 2018)

Fish canning 7.8 ± 0.1 189 ± 10 291 ± 51 PN/A (Val del Rio et al.,
wastewater 2018)
Food waste AD 7.8 ± 8.5 187.0 ± 1.4 671.0 ± 234.0 737.0 ± 180.0 19.7 ± 19.8 60.3 ± 89.2 PN/A (Pereira et al., 2019)
Food waste 8.1 ± 0.2 1632 ± 60 1507 ± 98 PN/A (Carucci et al., 2020)
Mature 7.7–8.1 1100 ± 150 2500 ± 250 2550 ± 200 0.1–0.5 DN/PN/A (Li et al., 2021)
Municipal Septic tank 7.1–7.5 238.6 ± 53.5 71.4 ± 4.4 0.2 ± 0.1 0.3 ± 0.1 SNAD (W. Zhang et al.,
wastewater 2020)
Municipal Septic tank 7.1–7.5 118.6–221.5 43.2–72.3 0.2 0.3 Anammox (Zhang et al., 2018)
Municipal Septic tank 121.9 ± 19.9 48.9 ± 4.1 PN/A (Jin et al., 2019)
Municipal 49 ± 4 25 14 1 PN/A (Pedrouso et al.,
wastewater 2021b)
Municipal AD 7.5 ± 0.1 110–138 38–48 PN/A (Pedrouso et al., 2019)
Primary 7.20 ± 0.25 157.5 ± 9 45 ± 10 Nitritation (Pedrouso et al.,
settled 2021a)
Primary 7.46 ± 0.13 158.58 ± 13.32 ± 2.35 0.88 ± 0.42 (Pedrouso et al.,
settled 28.37 2018)
Saline 168.05 ± 9.4 136 ± 14 PN/A (Giustinianovich
wastewater et al., 2018)
Sludge AD + 220 ± 8 213 ± 32 824 ± 33 PN/A (Chini et al., 2020)
digestate solid-liquid
Sludge AD + 220 ± 8 156 ± 8 300 PN/A (Chini et al., 2019)
digestate solid-liquid
Swine 8.2 ± 0.2 182 ± 58 513 ± 23 PN/A (Pichel et al., 2019)
Swine AD 8.21 ± 0.01 266 ± 8.10 200 ± 0.10 1200 ± 0.90 PN/A (Bonassa et al., 2021)
Swine Solid-liquid 8.14 ± 0.23 14,700 ± 1 1400 ± 0.48 Nitrification/denitrification (Hollas et al., 2019)
wastewater separation
Swine AD 822.5 ± 111 767 ± 47.3 Nitrification/denitrification (Giongo et al., 2018)
Swine Anaerobic 75 ± 25 640 ± 10 Partial nitritation (Assis et al., 2017)
wastewater lagoon
Swine 7.95 ± 0.13 2000 ± 410 6800 ± 1400 502 ± 19 0±1 2±1 Nitrification/denitrification (Waki et al., 2018)
Swine Solid-liquid 7.78 + 0.23 3185 + 2692 8196 + 4098 1213 + 451 0.2 + 1.5 Nitrification/denitrification (Vanotti et al.,
wastewater separation 2018b)
NO— —
2 -N + NO3 N.

biodegradability still remain in the final effluent (Malerba et al., 2014; Comammox routes can occurs without competitions for ammoniacal ni-
Maynaud et al., 2017). trogen between these bacteria and the heterotrophic ones (Jin et al.,
The digestates organic substances are generally in the forms of sub- 2012; Magrí et al., 2013; M. Zhang et al., 2019; Sheng et al., 2020).
stances like humic, carbohydrates, protein, aldehydes, fulvic acids, phe- Anammox-based process can also be applied in effluents with high or-
nols and organic peroxides, which can be classified as a biodegradable ganic carbon concentration, after some pretreatment and carbon reduc-
fraction (readily or slowly) or non-biodegradable, according to the ma- tion techniques or combined routes. These strategies and knowledge of
terial recalcitrance. The concentration and type of these are the key fac- peculiarities of each route are the main factors in choosing it, polishing
tor on choosing the ideal nitrogen removal route in a wastewater the wastewater and applying these processes (Fig. 3) (M. Zhang et al.,
treatment plant (Mook et al., 2012; Terry and Summers, 2018). 2019).
The coexistence between two or more bacteria and processes (Fig. 2) The solid-liquid separation (SLS) is widely applied to reduce the
during wastewater treatment is mainly dependent on the availability of remained organic matter from wastewater previous to the biological
the OC. The presence of OC readily available and with biodegradable wastewater treatment (Tambone et al., 2017). From this route, the su-
characteristics promotes the denitrification, DAMO and DNRA biogeo- pernatant (liquid phase) can be directly forwarded to the biological ni-
chemical routes in the wastewater treatment systems, since COD is trogen removal process, while the solid fraction can be directed to a
the available substrate for heterotrophic growth. On the other hand, sludge anaerobic digester or composting, for subsequent land applica-
high or low concentrations of COD with low biodegradability (or biode- tion (X. Wang et al., 2020). Centrifugation, flotation, setting and belt-
gradable organic carbon concentration) and availability does not pro- press are the usual applied methods for digestates SLS (Chini et al.,
motes the heterotrophic bacteria growth, thus the Anammox or 2021). The operational conditions of each technique can vary according

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

Org. C
Org. N N2 N2O NO NO2- NO3-

N fixation
NH4+/NH3 O2 O2
Org. C

O2 O2
Org. N NH2OH NO2-
Fig. 2. Nitrogen biogeochemical cycle with the: anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX), complete ammonium oxidation to nitrate (COMAMMOX), denitrifying anaerobic methane
oxidation (DAMO) and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA).

to the wastewater type (i.e. temperature and hydraulic retention time) nitrification/denitrification process is still being applied and advised
(Scaglione et al., 2017). for different effluents treatment. It shows efficiency and process stabil-
In the next section information related to each nitrogen removal ity for a wide range of operational conditions (McCarty, 2018; Chang
route will be addressed, based on the OC concentration of wastewater, et al., 2019).
in order to provide practical solutions for the wastewater treatment On such process, the ammoniacal nitrogen is converted to dinitrogen
applicability. gas in subsequent stages, through the action of microorganisms' meta-
bolic activity (Fig. 2) (Liu and Wang, 2017). In the nitrification step, am-
4. Nitrogen removal systems monia is oxidized to nitrite and subsequently to nitrate by autotrophic
organisms, which use oxygen as electron acceptor. In this mechanism,
4.1. Nitrification and denitrification the overdue ammonia reduction to nitrite is attached to the bacteria
known as ammonia oxidizers bacteria (AOB), related to the genes
Although the current discussion about the efficiency of nitrogen re- Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus and Nitrosospira (Eq. (1)). Nitrite oxidation
moval processes, relating the energy required supplying the oxygen de- is carried by the nitrite oxidizers bacteria (NOB) being Nitrospira,
mand and also the organic carbon consumption, the canonical Nitrobacter, Nitrospina and Nitrococcus the most common ones

Fig. 3. Pretreatment methods and combined processes for organic matter removal (*physical-chemical process).

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

(Eq. (2)) (Lücker et al., 2010; Sinha and Annachhatre, 2007; Iannacone Theoretically, about 2.86 g of COD are required per gram of NO− 3 -N
et al., 2019). to be reduced to N2, while 1.71 g of COD is required to the reduction
of 1 g of NO−2 -N to N2. As stated above, the biodegradability of the in-
NH₄þ þ 1:5 O₂ ! NO₂− þ 2Hþ þ H₂O ΔG0 ¼ −287 kJ mol ð1Þ volved carbon presents direct relation with the necessary amount of it
for the process occurrence (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003), which explains
−1 the different concentrations required according to the source, as
NO₂− þ 0:5 O₂ ! NO₃− ΔG0 ¼ −76 kJ mol ð2Þ
showed in Table 2. Furthermore, the reaction configuration can influ-
ence these ratios (Ginige et al., 2009).
In the denitrification step, the nitrate is reduced to N2 by the hetero- Due to differences in growth rates of nitrifying and denitrifying or-
trophic organisms, which uses organic carbon as electron donor (Fig. 2) ganisms, the reaction configuration can direct influence in the carbon
(Eq. (3)) (Hu et al., 2019; C. Li et al., 2019; Z. Zhang et al., 2019). For requirement that the system demands or deal with (Metcalf and Eddy,
such, several intermediate products are produced, which acts as elec- 2003). Since the denitrifies bacteria have higher growth rates than the
tron acceptors. Thus, the nitrate is reduced to nitrite and subsequently nitrifies, thus the nutrient availability could proliferate suppressing
to nitric oxide and nitrous oxide, and subsequently both are reduced growth of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (Zhao et al., 1999). Thus, config-
to dinitrogen gas (Eq. (4)) (Miao and Liu, 2018; Rezvani et al., 2017; urations that shows only one reactional unit tend to have greater re-
Zumft, 1997). strictions on the loads applied due to the beneficiation of a group of
organisms, while compound systems with pre-denitrification units en-
NO3 − þ 5e− þ 5Hþ ! 0:5 N2 þ 2H2 O þ OH− ð3Þ able the treatment of effluents rich in OM, such as swine manure
(Bortoli et al., 2019).
NO3 − ! NO2 − ! NO ! N2 O ! N2 ð4Þ The use of nitrification and partial denitrification could be a solution
in case of effluents with low C/N ratio and this issue has been the target
Several studies highlight that the difficulties and instability of such of many studies in recent years (How et al., 2019; Xin and Qin, 2019).
process is due to the organic carbon source requirement to the denitri- Giongo et al. (2018) evaluated the effect of different C/N ratios in the ni-
fication steps. To apply this route to wastewaters with low organic car- trogen removal by nitrification and partial denitrification. Testing efflu-
bon concentration, supplementation is needed which increases ents with 0.9 of C/N ratio, the researchers verified an economy of 27% in
considerably the treatment cost by such technology (Chai et al., 2019; the total organic carbon consumption; and 74% in relation to the dis-
Zhang et al., 2018). solved oxygen, with nitrogen removal efficiency greater than 85%.
The supplementation of OC to increase the C/N ratio is usually per- As noted in Tables 1 and 2, the nitrification/denitrification is widely
formed with the addition of distinct external sources, i.e. acetate, meth- applied with agroindustrial digestates, which have high COD concentra-
anol, ethanol, propionate and glucose for the treatment of nitrogen-rich tion and C/N ratio. However, this process can be also applied to nitrogen
effluents (Gavazza Dos Santos et al., 2004; Louzeiro et al., 2002; Torresi removal from municipal wastewaters, if the stoichiometry OC require-
et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2012; Zheng et al., 2018). Ginige et al. (2009) ment is attempted. However, around 30 to 85% of OC from these efflu-
evaluated the relevance of methanol addition in relation to denitrifica- ents are of slowly degradable nature, according to Shi et al. (2020),
tion performance, founding that the process can be benefited with the making necessary the use of external commercial organics (i.e. metha-
addition of an external carbon source. Furthermore, the improvement nol, ethanol, acetic acid and sodium acetate). With such supplement,
in process performance was closely related to the reactor configuration, wastewater treatment plant gets onerous costs, complex operation
since the methanol concentration required achieving the effective ni- and secondary effluents could be generated, hindering the applicability
trate reduction ranged from the primary to secondary anoxic phase. of the process (Zhang et al., 2015; Tian and Yu, 2020).
The organic matter is the fundamental and primordial element to the Digestates from animal wastes, by contrast, have in their composi-
denitrification step. Low COD/N concentration or availability of it leads tion higher contents of organic matter, generally in labile form. Thus,
to improper denitrification, besides nitrite and N2O accumulation and the microbial activity of heterotrophic bacteria is favored, since COD is
emissions, due to the metabolic route deviation (Giongo et al., 2018; bioavailable (Surey et al., 2020). In Table 1 it is possible to note the
Jialin Li et al., 2020; Thakur and Medhi, 2019). high organic content in swine wastewaters and the applicability of the
Not less important, the rich-organic matter effluents are mostly di- nitrification/denitrification for such cases. Additionally, in some cases
rected to the anaerobic digestion, enabling the energy recovery through AD can be employed to recover energy from produced biogas, reducing
biogas production (McCarty, 2018). With this, the nitrogen removal by the energy cost for the aeration step on nitrification. On this step the en-
nitrification and denitrification has been in constant improvement ergy necessary represents up to 70% of the treatment system energy
aiming the adaptation of it to some distinct conditions, and also comply consumption (How et al., 2019; Ramli and Hamid, 2017).
with the goal of the biologic process, that is the nitrogen removal with Other sustainable approach to the denitrification system is the use of
high efficiency (Xin and Qin, 2019). By the way, among all these differ- sludge from the wastewater treatment plants, mainly composed by pro-
ences, the amount of OC and the C/N ratio (or COD/N) employed for the tein, polysaccharides and volatile fatty acids, as a carbon source. Accord-
nitrification and denitrification process is extremely variable (Table 2). ing to upstream operation conditions, these organic compounds can be

Table 2
Organic sources and C/N ratio in denitrification bioreactors treating different kinds of wastewaters.

Required ratio Carbon source Reactor configuration Reference

COD/N = 10 Acetate Airlift hybrid reactor Zhang and Wei (2013)

COD/N = 7 Ethanol Modified Ludzack-Ettinger reactor Carrera et al. (2004)
COD/N = 0.70 Swine wastewaters Upflow sludge Reactor Li et al. (2016)
C/N = 3.5 Domestic wastewater SBR Wang et al. (2016)
COD/N = 10.04 Synthetic wastewater Airlift internal circulation membrane bioreactor Meng et al. (2008)
TOC/NH3-N = 2.44 Swine wastewater Modified Ludzack-Ettinger reactor Hollas et al. (2019)
COD/N = 5.6 Swine wastewater Modified Ludzack-Ettinger reactor Vanotti et al. (2018a,b)
C/N = 4.2 Synthetic wastewater (CH3COONa·3H2O) Continuous flow microaerobic reactor (MBBR) Iannacone et al. (2019)
COD/N = 5.39 Inorganic wastewater and synthetic (C6H12O6 and CH3COONa) SBR Chang et al. (2019)
C/N = 3.9–7.3 Acetate, propionate and glucose SBR Zhao et al. (2018)

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

readily available or not, and some gaps remain in focus for the denitrifi- Anammox cycle showed in Fig. 2 with Eq. (5) (Chini et al., 2019; Yao
cation applicability (Cao et al., 2019; Guo et al., 2020b; W. Liu et al., et al., 2015).
2020). According to the Anammox stoichiometry (Eq. (5)), together with
Wastewaters with low C/N ratio and OC bioavailability mitigate the the ammonia, nitrite is also primordial to the process, which rarely ex-
nitrification/denitrification process applicability. Besides that, the idea ists in wastewater from most common pretreatment routes. Thus, ac-
of preparing a substrate with organic carbon, the operational conditions cording to the wastewater characteristics in relation to ammoniacal
and type of system necessary to this nitrogen removal process (aeration, nitrogen concentration and organic matter, the Anammox can be com-
organic source and sludge production) are considered determining fac- bined with other microorganisms. The partial nitritation by nitrifies bac-
tors for the choice of this approach. Thus, other electron donors can be teria, denitrification by heterotrophic and COMplete AMMonia
used as alternatives for nitrogen removal from wastewaters by other Oxidizers (Comammox) by Nitrospira, are good approaches to the
routes (i.e. Anammox-based process, chemolithotrophic denitrification) Anammox-based process (Fig. 2). When compared with the conven-
and another microorganisms physiology (autotrophic and/or tional nitrification/denitrification the advantages related to low energy
chemolithoautotrophic), which can also be combined with the tradi- consumption still remain with these routes (Arora et al., 2021; Li et al.,
tional denitrification (Ma et al., 2020; Tian and Yu, 2020). These lines 2021; Sheng et al., 2020).
of nitrogen removal process are more energy efficient when compared Among the symbiosis between the microorganisms involved in the
to the complete nitrification/denitrification. Anammox-based process, some external factors have been already
proved for suppress or out-select the activity of them (i.e.: temperature,
4.2. Anammox-based processes pH, dissolved oxygen, free nitrous acid, free ammonia, salt, heavy metals
and organic matter). In fact, the operation of the Anammox process is
In the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) process, the am- well-established for digestates or other wastewaters that contains low
moniacal nitrogen is directly converted into nitrogen gas over nitrite, C/N ratio and organic source bioavailability. Since the Anammox organ-
under anoxic conditions (Fig. 2). The nitrite acts as the electron accep- isms are chemolithoautotrophic, the presence of high concentrations
tor, and compared to the conventional nitrification/denitrification pro- of it in the wastewater directly inhibits the nitrogen removal efficiency
cess, the costs with energy requirement by oxygen and sludge of the systems, niche and microbial metabolism. However, some levels
management are reduced as well as OC requirement is suppressed. of organic and inorganic carbon are undoubted in real effluents. Con-
Due to the reduced oxygen consumption (up to 60%), there is low bio- comitantly, an alternative to the treatment of wastewaters with signifi-
mass production and sludge accumulation. This process is recognized cant organic matter content is the conjunction of this process with other
as one of the most important biological progresses in wastewater treat- microorganisms that simultaneous remove nitrogen and OC (i.e. hetero-
ment, with several applications in wastewaters with high ammonia and trophic) (Chini et al., 2019; Ge et al., 2018; Xie et al., 2017; T. Zhang
low OC contents (Sheng et al., 2020; Arora et al., 2021). et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2021).
Up to now, six Anammox candidatus genera (Brocadia, Kuenenia,
Jettenia, Scalindua, Anammoxoglobus and Anammoximicrobium) and sev- 4.2.1. C/N ratio and OC concentration
eral different related species have been already mentioned and identi- The effect or OC concentration in the performance of ANAMMOX
fied in natural, synthetic and wastewater treatment systems. Each one process could be related to two mechanisms: i) inhibition by self-
of these shows distinct physiological and metabolic features, being the competition, with the alteration of the microbial population due to
16S rRNA gene sequences bounded with the specific ecological niche AOB and ANAMMOX suppression and NOB increase; ii) due to some
(Yang et al., 2020; Zhang and Okabe, 2020). changes in the metabolic pathway, where the involved bacteria starts
In common between these genera is that during the autotrophic pro- to metabolize organic carbon instead ammonia and nitrite, causing de-
cess of ammonia oxidation by Anammox bacteria, a source of inorganic crease in the efficiency of nitrogen removal (Cheng et al., 2018; Miao
carbon is extremely necessary. Such organisms transform dissolved car- et al., 2018).
bon dioxide (HCO3), an inorganic carbon source, into biomass and en- If the OC present in wastewater shows poor biodegradability and
ergy. Concomitantly, the ammoniacal nitrogen is converted to N2 availability, the effect of it in the deammonification process is mini-
(Strous et al., 1998; Sheng et al., 2020). The quite-used stoichiometry mized. It is not sufficient to promote the coexistence of AOB and
of the Anammox process was established by Strous et al. (1998) in Anammox with the heterotrophic ones. On the other side, a high con-
chemostat experiments and is described by the Eq. (5). tent of biodegradable organic carbon concentration, like sucrose and/
or glucose, can promote the excessive growth of heterotrophic bacteria
NH4 þ þ 1:32 NO2 − þ 0:066 HCO3 − þ 0:13Hþ and in parallel, the decreased of AOB and Anammox bacteria activity (Li
! 1:02 N2 þ 0:26 NO3 − þ 0:066 CH2 O0:5 N0:15 þ 2:03 H2 O ð5Þ et al., 2018).
Liu et al. (2017) tested different C/N ratios (from 0.1 to 3.0), main-
taining the ammonia nitrogen concentration in 50 mg NH3-N L−1, to
According to the Anammox stoichiometry it is noted the inorganic evaluate the performance of the process and which group of bacteria
carbon relevance to the process. According to Liao et al. (2008), such would dominate the treatment process. The increase of C/N ratio from
bacteria shows active efficiency with bicarbonate increment from 1.0 0.1 to 0.6 lead to an increase in the heterotrophic bacteria in
to 1.5 g L−1, and suppressed when these quantities exceeds 2.0 g L−1. the deammonification reactor (from 7.5 to 16%). With C/N ratio > 1.0,

The concentration of inorganic carbon source, the ratios of NH+ 4 /NO2 the declined predominance of AOB and Anammox was observed, with
required to the process and ratios of NO− 3 produced can vary according the decrease of nitrogen removal efficiency and the bacteria granules
to the reactor configuration, operational conditions and wastewater become bigger. Simultaneously, the surface contact between the bacte-
type, which are also influencing factors for the Anammox community ria and the substrate get decreased.
diversity (Chini et al., 2020; Guo et al., 2020a). Wu et al. (2015) checked that C/N ratios of 1.30 and 1.36 (3000 mg
During the catabolism of these organisms, the NO− 2 is reduced to ni- L−1 COD and 2200–2300 mg L−1 NH+ 4 -N) in the treatment of effluents
tric oxide (NO), by the action of a nitrite oxidoreductase (NirS). In par- from UASB reactors. In this case, inhibitory effects were not developed

allel, by combining NH+ 4 with the NO2 , a hydrazine synthase (HZS) due to the low biodegradability of the organic matter and high
forms hydrazine (N2H4). Finally, by the action of hydrazine dehydroge- Anammox activity.
nase (HDH), the N2H4 is oxidized to N2. A residual amount of NO− 3 is also Miao et al. (2018) investigated the effect of C/N ratios from 1.1 to 2.5
produced during the ammonia oxidation, due to the anabolic cycle of or- in the removal nitrogen performance, evaluating also the Anammox
ganic source consumption. These steps can be noted merging the morphology. The nitrogen removal efficiency increased with the C/N

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

ratio increment, from 1.1 to 2.0 (30.8 to 77.3%), due to the Anammox ac- Some studies have shown that if it is possible to keep the concentra-
tivity improvement. However, with 2.5 of C/N ratio the bacteria activity tion of Anammox biomass high enough inside the reactor while increas-
decreased significantly, the granules form also changed and the sludge ing the influent C/N ratio, the Anammox microorganism may coexist
retention time became shorter. According to authors, this happened with some heterotrophic bacteria (Molinuevo et al., 2009; Ni et al.,
due to the development of heterotrophic bacteria, which even though 2012; Xie et al., 2017). On such mixed systems, the denitrification con-
contributes to the nitrogen removal efficiency, they also compete for sumes OC and nitrate produced during Anammox process (Eq. (5)).
substrate. However, it is extremely easy to inhibit the Anammox process, once
In the literature different C/N and COD/N ratios that the Anammox the fast growth of heterotrophic bacteria can suppress the other organ-
process shows distinguish ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency are de- isms. Therefore, process control is mandatory to a good reactor
scribed; nevertheless, it is directly related to the biodegradable organic performance.
carbon type and concentration. Referring to synthetic effluents, COD is Correlation among Anammox and other processes are summarized
almost entirely glucose that shows high biodegradability. On the other in Table 3 (i.e. partial nitritation (PN/A), simultaneous Anammox and
hand, effluents from real wastewater treatment plants do not have the denitrification (SAD), simultaneous partial nitritation and denitritation
predominance of only one carbon source, thus the effects on the in- (SPND) coupled with Anammox (SPND + A), partial nitritation,
volved bacteria are different in relation to the process efficiency and mi- Anammox, denitrification and COD oxidization (SNADCO), denitrifica-
crobial community (Li et al., 2017). tion) according to each kind of digestate type. Some information related
According to Terry and Summers (2018), to do not provide condi- to C/N ratio and/or organic matter content are also showed. Even
tions for the growth and abundance of NOB and promote AOB and though the partial nitritation has been one of the processes most allied
Anammox activity, COD concentrations should be lower than 0.5 g to the Anammox, this process can be combined with other routes ac-
g−1. However, there are few problems with higher concentrations of it cording to the wastewater properties, as showed in Table 3. Both bacte-
if the organic source shows high recalcitrance. Wang et al. (2019a,b) ria groups involved in deammonification process (AOB and Anammox)
also mentioned that the organic matter concentration and recalcitrance do not require any OC to growth or enhance activity. But in general, the
plays a much more significant role in the deammonification process nitrogen-rich wastewaters (i.e. landfill leachate, wastewater from
than the C/N ratio. The authors evaluated the synergetic effect between digested animal waste and monosodium glutamate wastewater) have
Anammox and denitrify bacteria in COD concentrations until 300 mg some amounts of it in their composition. Consequently, the denitrifica-
L−1, during the N-removal process. With COD concentrations lower tion can be a good approach to the biological nitrogen removal for such
than 55.7 mg L−1 the Anammox process contributed to more than cases (Jin et al., 2012).
80% of N-removal. On concentrations between 220 and 300 mg COD
L−1 they contributed to 50% of N-removal and with more than 300 mg 4.2.2. Anammox-based denitrification system
COD L−1 there was no Anammox activity. Despite the advantages that the Anammox process shows, the bio-
Arriagada et al. (2017) and Chini et al. (2019) showed that the degradable organic matter content of wastewaters can be an obstacle
deammonification process is able to nitrogen removal from wastewater to it applicability. On such way, the alternatives that are receiving in-
from anaerobic digestion containing OC. To it, the wastewater has to be creasing attention are the Anammox process coupled with the denitrifi-
previously acclimatized to the stabilization of biodegradable OC and the cation (SAD), denitrification/nitrification (SNAD) and/or partial
process has strict operational control in relation to sludge retention time denitrification (PN), by the heterotrophic, denitrifying anaerobic
and air supply. methane oxidation (DAMO) and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to

Table 3
Anammox-based processes application in different kinds of wastewater and OC concentrations.

Wastewater type Process Pretreatment COD/N COD BOD NH3-N NO−

3 -N Ref.
(mg L−1) (mg O2 L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1)

Domestic wastewater Anammox SPND 3.4 238.6 ± 53.5 71.4 ± 4.4 0.3 ± 0.1 (W. Zhang et al.,
Landfill leachate Anammox PN 0.4 2100 ± 75 5700 ± 100 (Li et al., 2018)
Mature landfill leachate DN/PN/A OM stabilization 0.98 2500 ± 250 1100 ± 150 2550 ± 200 (Li et al., 2021)
Municipal sewage PD/A 3.0 20–40 (Cao et al., 2019)
Organic fraction of PN/A + Ammonia stripping 0.40–5.70 299 ± 54– 731 ± (Pichel et al., 2019)
municipal solid waste denitrification 6433 ± 401 55–1290 ±
Pre-digested chicken SAD 1.8–2.0 400 ± 110– 190–330 (Pekyavas and
waste 595 ± 79 Yangin-Gomec,
Sewage wastewater PD/A PD 220 60 (Ji et al., 2018)
Sludge digestate PN/A Centrifugation 7000 ± 0.03 220 ± 8 2600 ± 0.01 (Chini et al., 2020)
Sludge from primary DN/A 727.0 103.6 (Cao et al., 2020)
sedimentation tank
Sludge supernatant DN/PN/A Anaerobic methanation 300–700 300–400 (Li et al., 2020)
Swine wastewater PN/A 0.3–0.4 101–352 191–387 (Jiuling Li et al.,
Swine wastewater PN/A OM stabilization 200 ± 0.10 266 ± 8.10 1200 ± 0.90 (Bonassa et al.,
Swine wastewater PN/A Primary and secondary anoxic and 0.85 467.79 549.98 <0.02 (Pan et al., 2020)
aerobic sedimentation tanks
Swine wastewater PN/A Hydrolysis acidification 0.96 131 ± 40 136 (Zuo et al., 2020)
Synthetic wastewater SAD 0.3–0.9 93.7–267.45 193.7–184.4 41.2–39.07 (Z. Wang et al.,
(sodium 2020d)
Synthetic wastewater SNADCO 0–1.6 50–400 250 (Guo et al., 2020b)
with biodegradable OM

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

ammonium (DNRA) bacteria, as showed by some works related on such and the fact that the heterotrophic bacteria also show fast growth
Table 3 and pathways on Fig. 2. Besides the possibility of work with when compared to the autotrophic organisms, an attractive alternative
organic-rich effluents, on these routes the NO− 2 production does not re- is the use of the denitrification process as a pretreatment and/or post-
quire complex control strategies and it is achieved with good stability. treatment approach to remove the organic matter from the wastewater
Simultaneously, the NO− 3 produced by the Anammox process (Eq. (5)) instead of allied in the same reactor (Kumar and Lin, 2010).
is removed by the heterotrophic bacteria. This represents a good poten-
tial approach to manage the organic-rich effluents (Du et al., 2019; Shi 4.2.3. Effect of OC on Anammox microbial community
et al., 2020). The increase of biodegradable organic carbon on Anammox-process
The process of denitrification comprehends the reduction of NO− 3 to reactors also brings alterations on the microbial community present in
N2, via NO− 2 , NO or N2O in the presence of biodegradable OC and ab- them. In a study conducted by Mojiri et al. (2019), the main Anammox
sence of free molecular oxygen. Simultaneously (in the same or sepa- bacteria inside the reactor sludge were Candidatus Brocadia (26.81%)
rated reactor), the Anammox bacteria remove the NH3 via NO− 2 , and Candidatus Jettenia (2.36%). Comparing these results with the previ-
producing little amounts of NO− 3 . In the subsistence of sulfur com- ously inoculated biomass, bacterial communities were altered after the
pounds (i.e. S− 2−
2 and S2O3 ), organic carbon and H2, the heterotrophic addition of COD. The percentage of Candidatus Brocadia increases in
bacteria can use these together with the NO− −
3 to produce NO2 , the elec- wastewaters with high OC content and Candidatus Jettenia get lower.
tron acceptor of the Anammox process (Han et al., 2021; Yan et al., On the other hand, in the research realized by Chini et al. (2019), chang-
2020). ing the synthetic effluent for the effluent with organic carbon,
The combined Anammox and denitrification process can be done in Candidatus Brocadia population decreased and Candidatus Jettenia per-
only one reactor or in two-stages. Independently, the stable operation of centage increased. Such contradictory results may indicate that popula-
the combined process depends on the synergism between the involved tion change depends not only on the concentration of organic matter,
bacteria. The denitrification is mediated by heterotrophic bacteria and but also on the type of carbon (biodegradability of the organic matter),
the enzymes nitrate reductase (Nar), nitrite reductase (NirS or NirK), ni- which is consequence of the effluent characteristics. The effluent treated
tric oxide reductase (Nor) and nitrous oxide reductase (Nos). Exploring by Chini et al. (2019) was from an anaerobic digestion of sludge and
this microbiology and the key organisms and functions of the combined swine wastewater, and Mojiri et al. (2019) evaluated changes in micro-
nitrogen removal processes is a promising strategy for understanding bial community using synthetic effluent, where the present COD came
and improving the waste management (D. Wang et al., 2020; Yan from sources such as milk powder, yeast extract and peptone, enabling
et al., 2020). to conclude that organic matter sources presented different
According to Z.-B. Wang et al. (2020) the PD-Anammox process biodegradability.
stands out in relation to the deammonification (PN-Anammox) in In systems that operate as SNAD, having organic matter, aerobic and
terms of operational conditions, greenhouse gases emission and nitro- microaerophilic conditions to promote the AOB growth and activity,
gen removal efficiency, since no nitrate is accumulated at the final some Pseudomonas, Nitrosomonas-like organisms and denitrifies/
effluent. nitrifies are also detected (Kumar and Samadder, 2020).
Cao et al. (2020) evaluated the feasibility of use primary sludge with
high biodegradable organic matter concentration and ammoniacal ni- 5. Differences among N-removal processes
trogen as an alternative source to the denitrification coupled with the
Anammox. The organic matter and ammonia removal were successfully The conventional nitrification/denitrification biological N-removal
achieved, being the detected organisms related to carbon degradation process is widely used to treat wastewaters and present some advan-
besides Candidatus Brocadia (Anammox). tages when compared to physicochemical processes. However, com-
Guo et al. (2020b) demonstrated the efficiency of a single-phase re- pared to other biological N-processes, the nitrification step requires
actor for simultaneous SNAD and COD oxidation (SNADCO) to treat high amount of energy; the denitrification needs a considerable amount
ammonium-rich wastewater with high content of biodegradable OC. of organic carbon source; and the overall process release nitrous oxide
However, it was favorable when the C/N ratio do not exceed 0.8 (N2O), which shows an environmental impact over 300 times higher
(200 mg COD L−1), due to the suppressed bacteria activity at higher than CO2; producing also high amounts of sludge. It is worth mentioning
concentrations. that PN-based process reduces the oxygen and organic carbon require-
The wastewater treatment of raw leachate (COD = 8258.7 ± ment around 25–60% and 40–100%, respectively (Giongo et al., 2018;
175.5 mg L−1, BOD5 = 511.9 ± 14.1 mg L−1, ammonium = 3596.3 ± Griggs and Noguer, 2002; X. Liu et al., 2020; Z. Zhang et al., 2020).
99.5 mg L−1) by nitrification/denitrification was studied by Huang and Accordingly with the wastewater, biodegradable organic matter and
Lee (2021). By biomolecular analysis, they detected the presence of nitrogen concentration, the PN/A process can be a good alternative to
Anammox bacteria, which played a significant role in the nitrogen re- the wastewater treatment. Compared to the conventional route, this
moval process achieved by the authors, proving the possibility of the co- concept of treatment can promote 60% reduction in aeration consump-
existence of such microorganisms, when controlled conditions are tion, 100% of carbon consumption and reduce 90% of sludge production.
imposed to the wastewater treatment. These achievements were also Moreover, economic and environmental advantages are also obtained.
found by Pan et al. (2020) in the treatment of swine wastewater However, the process shows peculiarities in relation to competition be-
(COD < 300 mg L−1, C/N = 0.60), which detected Candidatus Brocadia tween Anammox bacteria and NOB, and can be reversibly inhibited by
as the dominant Anammox bacteria. temperature, pH, salt, heavy metals, free ammonia and free nitrous
It is possible to achieve until 80 and 76% of nitrogen and OC removal, acid and dissolved oxygen (Chini et al., 2019; Z. Zhang et al., 2020). If
respectively, in SBR reactors with SNAD process treating digester liquor the wastewater in question shows some amount of biodegradable or-
of swine wastewater with COD/N ratio of 0.75 (387 ± 145 mg COD L−1). ganic carbon concentration (but not enough to the traditional nitrifica-
However, the stable operation and efficiency of this is totally dependent tion/denitrification), the denitrification can be successfully combined
of controlled operational conditions, like the temperature (Daverey with the PN/A to use this substrate together with the nitrate from the
et al., 2013). Anammox reaction (SNAD process). The SNAD process promotes better
In a single reactor, the Anammox coupled with the denitrification total nitrogen removal efficiency, since there is the concomitantly re-
could induce the competition between the autotrophic and heterotro- moval of ammonia (by AOB) nitrate (by heterotrophic) and nitrite (by
phic organisms by the nitrogen compounds. The free energy (ΔG0) nec- Anammox) (Y. Wang et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2021).
essary to the denitrification process (Eqs. (3) and (4)) is higher than the However, it is not clear the effect of some operational parameters in-
Anammox (Eq. (5)), being consequently more favorable. Considering volved in the SNAD process for the involved microbial groups. The SNAD

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390


Operating costs (US$ kg Nrem-1)






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
CODb/N (g g-1)

Fig. 4. Operating costs for effluents with different CODb/N ratios (— PN/A; - - - PN/D + A).

process requires an aerated environment, to provide the ammonia oxi- promote cell decay and, therefore, the availability of organic matter to
dation to nitrite by the AOB. Consequently, as the system encompasses carry out the denitrification process. However, calculations showed
two other anoxic groups (Anammox and heterotrophic), this condition that the increase of the SRT has practically no effect on the N removal ef-
requires greater attention in relation to OD inhibition than the PN/A. Be- ficiency since the release of organic matter by biomass decay occurs
sides, higher ammonia and COD can inhibit the AOB and Anammox ac- mainly in the nitrifying tank and it is aerobically consumed. This is
tivity (X. Li et al., 2019; Sheng et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2018). due to both the larger size of the nitrifying tank with respect to the
At the subsequent topic, some scenarios and implications of the bio- denitrifying one and the higher decay rate of bacteria under aerobic
degradable organic matter together with ammonia concentration pres- conditions compared to anoxic ones.
ent in wastewaters will be put into practice. Then, the decision of which When the CODb/N ratio of the anaerobic digester effluent is lower
is the best biological N-removal process can be optimally chosen. The than 3.5 g CODb/g N (Table 3), organic matter availability would limit
disadvantages of each process related to costs and substrate (organic the denitrification process efficiency and, therefore, the application of
matter and nitrogen) are also taken into account. the Anammox process would be necessary to maintain a high N removal
efficiency. Nevertheless, if an Anammox-based N removal process is ap-
6. Practical implications of the organic matter presence in the plied, it is desirable that the organic matter present is as low as possible
anaerobic digester effluents since its presence in one-unit PN/A systems, mostly used nowadays,
causes operational problems, requiring advanced control systems to
The choice of the most suitable process to remove nitrogen from an maintain operational stability (Ochs et al., 2021). Furthermore, the pres-
anaerobic digester effluent will depend on its biodegradable COD/N ence of organic matter would also increase operating costs because its
ratio (CODb/N). When enough biodegradable organic matter is available removal would be carried out aerobically, which would increase oxygen
to fulfill the denitrification requirements, nitrogen removal can be car- consumption and sludge production (Giustinianovich et al., 2016). In
ried out by the combination of nitrification or nitritation and denitrifica- this sense, it is worth mentioning that the first PN/A system operated
tion processes. In the case of applying nitrification, the minimum CODb/ at full scale was a two-units system (Rotterdam WWTP, The
N ratio required to achieve a full N removal efficiency is 5.8 g CODb/g N Netherlands) since it took advantage of an already installed SHARON re-
while, if nitritation is used, this ratio would decrease to 3.5 g CODb/g N. actor to carry out the partial nitrification process (Mulder et al., 2001).
These ratios were calculated taking into account both the remaining Prior to the implementation of the Anammox reactor in this WWTP,
COD fraction from the denitrifying biomass growth and that released the SHARON reactor was operated as a partial nitrification/denitrifica-
during the decay of denitrifying and nitrifying bacteria in the anoxic tion (PN/D) system and, for this, an external source of organic matter
tank. For this, a typical anoxic tank volume fraction of 1/3 and an overall was added. Therefore, in the case that there is a significant concentra-
solids retention time (SRT) of 2 d were considered (Mulder et al., 2001). tion of biodegradable organic matter in the effluent of an anaerobic di-
It would be expected that operate the system at higher SRTs would gester, perhaps it is worth considering taking advantage of it to carry

a) 3000000 b) 600
Inlet nitrogen load (kg N d-1)

2200000 450

1400000 300
600000 150
-200000 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Nitrogen load (kg N d-1) CODb/N (g g-1)

Fig. 5. a) Economic analysis (CODb/N: — 0.25; –··– 0,5; - - - 1; –·– 2); b) minimum inlet nitrogen load that makes favorable the application of the two-units system.

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

out a partial removal of nitrogen in a PN/D unit and the effluent from Therefore, in the case of an inlet CODb/N ratio of 2, a control of the PN/
this system is treated by an Anammox reactor (A). Logically, this D unit operation could be advisable to maintain its outlet nitrite/ammo-
would mean using two units to remove nitrogen, which would increase nia ratio lower than the stoichiometric one (1.32).
capital costs, but would allow decreasing operating costs and improving
the operational stability. Therefore, from an economic point of view, the 7. Conclusion
application of a two-units system (PN/D + A) compared to that of a
one-unit system (PN/A) would be conditioned by the fact that the sav- The Anammox bacteria are effectively suppressed by the wastewa-
ings in operating costs could offset the increase of capital costs. ters with high biodegradable organic carbon concentration and hetero-
In this sense, an economic analysis was done in order to determine trophic bacteria. However, these microorganisms can opportunely be
the application niche of both one-unit and two-units systems in terms combined with some routes due to its mixotrophic characteristics. Be-
of the inlet CODb/N ratio (0.25–2 g CDOb/g N) and the N load treated sides, this review paper provided an overview of the current state of re-
(25–2500 kg N/d) (shown in Supplementary Material). As can be seen searches and developments on nitrogen removal process (conventional
in Fig. 4, the higher CODb/N ratio the higher difference between the op- – nitrification/denitrification or Anammox-based process) based on ef-
erating costs of both units, would indicate that the economic feasibility fluents with different organic matter concentration, biodegradability
of applying the two-reactor system would be favored as the inlet CODb/ and bioavailability. The main progress of this review is the comprehen-
N ratio increases. It should be noted that the savings in operating costs sive analysis of Anammox-based process treating effluents from differ-
vary practically in a linear way between 3.5 and 13.9% for the CODb/N ent sources. Based on the organic matter concentration remained on
ratios studied. The economic analysis shows that for an inlet CODb/N it, pretreatment steps are required to be coupled to the partial
ratio of 0.25, the net present value (NPV) of the investment is always nitritation/Anammox to realize the nitrogen removal with high stability
negative (Fig. 5a) while, in the case of an anaerobic digester effluent and efficiency.
with an inlet CODb/N ratio of 0.5, the NPV turns positive when inlet ni- According with some scenarios created based on different CODb/g
trogen load is higher than 590 kg N/d. When this ratio increased up to 1 N ratios, we concluded, from the point of view of N-removal effi-
and 2, the application of a two-units system would be economically vi- ciency and economic viability, that: the minimum CODb/g N neces-
able for treating nitrogen loads higher than 170 and 50 kg N/d, respec- sary to successfully apply the nitrification/denitrification process is
tively (Fig. 5b). 5.8 g; for nitration the minimum ratio is 3.5 g, and for values below
The nitrogen removal efficiency of anaerobic digester effluents is this ratio the Anammox-based processes is recommended, of one
generally limited by the availability of alkalinity to carry out the partial or two phases (i.e. PN/A). It depends on the concentration of nitrogen
nitrification process. In this sense, the application of a (PN/D + and organic carbon in the effluent. Thus, for satisfactory nitrogen re-
A) system would be favored by the partial recovery of alkalinity during moval, it is recommended that the choice of the N-removal process
the denitrification process (50% of the alkalinity consumed during am- should be based on some parameters of the effluent, mainly the am-
monia oxidation). As the inlet CODb/N ratio increases, an increase of moniacal nitrogen and biodegradable organic carbon concentration
the extent of the partial nitrification process is expected and, therefore, (CODb/g N).
the nitrogen removal efficiency would improve (Fig. 6). The N removal
efficiency increases by increasing the inlet CODb/N ratio whether a two- CRediT authorship contribution statement
units or a one-unit system is used, but this increase is greater in the case
of the two-units system. This is due to the fact that, in the one-unit sys- Gabriela Bonassa. Conceptualization, Investigation, Resources, Data
tem, the increase of the N removal is caused by the ammonia assimila- Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization.
tion by the heterotrophic biomass generated, while in the case of the Alice Chiapetti Bolsan. Conceptualization, Investigation, Data
two-units system this increase is due both to the ammonia assimilation Curation, Visualization.
by denitrifying biomass as well as the denitrification process. For an Camila Ester Hollas. Conceptualization, Investigation, Resources,
inlet CODb/N ratio of 2, the N removal efficiency of the two-units system Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization.
would be 4.6% higher than that of the one-unit system. It must be Bruno Venturin. Conceptualization, Investigation, Data Curation,
remarked that the outlet nitrite/ammonia ratio of the PN/D unit is Visualization, Validation, Formal analysis.
around 1 (1.03–1.13) for the inlet CODb/N ratios between 0.25 and 1 Daniela Candido. Conceptualization, Investigation, Data Curation,
but this ratio increases up to 1.54 in the case of an inlet CODb/N ratio Visualization.
of 2. This supposes that ammonia would be the limiting substrate of Angélica Chini. Conceptualization, Visualization.
the Anammox process for this latter inlet CODb/N ratio and nitrite pres- Marina C. De Prá. Conceptualization, Visualization, Writing - Review
ence is expected which could cause Anammox biomass inhibition & Editing.
(Dapena-Mora et al., 2007) or its floatation (Campos et al., 2017). Fabiane Goldschmidt Antes. Conceptualization, Visualization, Writ-
ing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Funding acquisition.
José Luis Campos. Formal analysis, Data Curation, Writing - Original
Airton Kunz. Writing - Review & Editing, Project administration,
95 Funding acquisition.
N removal efficiency (%)

90 Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
80 interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work reported in this paper.
70 Acknowledgements
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
CODb/N (g g-1) Authors thanks financial support from CAPES, CNPq, SISTRATES
FUNTEC-BNDES (grant number 15.2.0837.1) and ANID/FONDAP/
Fig. 6. N removal efficiency achieved at different inlet CODb/N ratios (— PN/A; - - · PN/D + A). 15130015.

G. Bonassa, A.C. Bolsan, C.E. Hollas et al. Science of the Total Environment 786 (2021) 147390

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