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sorest Satyagraha was another important phase

of Civil Disobedience movement in which peasants played

a significant role. Those who could not take part in

Salt Satyagraha sufficiently due to lack of sea-coast

threwthemselves fully into Forest Satyagraha. So,

there were several instances of Forest Satyagraha in

Vidarbha and Khandesh region. As salt manufacture became

impracticable because of monsoon rains in Maharashtra,

IVSaharashtra Civil Disobedience Movement Committee turned

their attention towards Forest Satyagraha and violation

of forest law. Therefore, forest Satyagraha became

every day's programme of the peasants and common man,

especially in rural areas. Peasantry, which was holding

itself aloof from the Congress and national movement,

got the opportunity to raise the banner against the

imperialistic rule through Forest Satyagraha,

Forest vas the source of livelihood for the

people who lived around the forests and the hilly people

or shepherds and common man. They used to cut the grass

from the forest for the Ir cattle end bring fire-wood

from forest. The rural folk believed that forest wealth

is natural and god's gift. When British government

passed Forest Act, they denied grating

grass for their cattle. Peasants had many grievances

against forest regulations. The petty officials of

the forest administration harassed the people in several

ways. Therefore, the consciousness among these people

turned against the British government and they joined

in thousands to the Congress-led Forest Satyagrahas.

The rural peasant masses began to pass under

the growing influence of nationalist politics and

consequently, got attracted towards the freedom struggle

under Gandhiji1s leadership. Some leaders of the

non-Brahmin masses such as Maharshi V.R. Shinde, Keshawrao

Jedhe, Bhaurao Patil, Dinkarrao Javalkar etc. mobilized

the peasant masses in rural Maharashtra in the main-stream

of national life during the days of Civil Disobedience

movement. On account of peasants1 participation in

the struggle there occurred a series of Jungle Satyagraha

in the state. Vidarbhaj Khandesh, Satara, Raigad districts

were in the forefront in the forest Satyagraha. Thousands

of peasants and connress volunteers participated in

the Fores*. Satyagraha. Workers, women and students

were also active in this Satyagraha.

On 9 May 1 930 a meeting of Maharashtra Civil

Disobedience Committee was held at Vi lie Parle in which

programme of the Jungle Satyagraha was discussed. in

that meeting a committee of four persons, namely, Mr

Ramkrishna Maharaj, Mr S.S. Navare, Dr. Krishnarao

Ainrolikar and Mr Covindrao Deshpande was formed fo

look after the forest Satyagraha campaign. At the same

time It was decided that the main Satyagraha would

be at Sangamner in Ahmednagar district.1

Western Maharashtra

Forest Satyagraha campaign of Maharashtra

started in Sangamner and Akola taluka on 22 July 1 930.

Batches of Satyagrahis arrived at Sangamner from different

places. Peasants In large number removed grass from

forest in large quantity. Satyagraha Committee

were formed for the purpose and the masses had pledged

to observe strict non-violence*

Monster meetings were held at Sangvi, Rajur

and Kolul and were attended by the peasants from distant

villages. The peasants declared in the meeting that

they would adhere to> Satyagraha even at the cost of

their lives and would never retrace their steps till

the victory was won. The two peasant leaders exclaimed

with great emotion that all the peasants of their villages

were united to wage a non-violent war against their

common enemy.

A talathi of Sangamner on sudden outburst

of loyalty took to systematic propoganda to dissuade

the people from joining Satyagraha.

A series of forest Satyagrahas occurred in

Satara district during the Civil Disobedience campaign.

Forest Satyagraha took place at Kameri, Tambave,

Retharedharan, Kale, Peth, Shirala, Kavathe, Prachitgad,

Lohare, Belmachi, Mayani, Masur, Islampur, Vita, Bilash!

etc. places. Forest Satyagraha at Bilashi deserves

special mention.

Revolt of Bilashi:

The strongest Forest Satyagraha which attracted

attention of the public as well as governmental machinery

occurred at Bilashi in Satara district. Times of India

described it as the revolt of Bilashi. At Bilashi,

in the hilly region of Shirala Petha where the forest

was thick, people performed a Forest Satyagraha under

the guidance of local congress workers, Shri Baburao

Charankar, Bapusaheb Deshmukh, Ganpatra Patil etc..

Both Zenda Satyagraha and Forest Satyagraha occurred

at this place. In Jut/ 1930 a Satyagraha camp was held

at Bilashi. The villagers in the surrounding area had

boycotted the grazi ng fields and the auction sales

of grass from reserved forest. The government officials

including the po1 ice were subjected to social boycott.

On 18 Ju ly 1930, the people cut a teak wood rod of

34 feet and fixing it on the top of Mahadeo temple.

hoisted a tricolour national flag on i t. On receiving
comp 1 aints from Shri Laxman Pati1, the Police Pati1

of Bilashi village, the police force arrived there.

Hundreds of police including some women were protecting

the national flag. Among those people one woman - Raju

Kadam was prominent. The police had to return. As both

the sides made it a prestige issue, compromise became

impossible. Mr Bankatsingh, P.S.I. of Shirala, while

reporting this case to his superior authority in his

letter dated August 22, 1930 referred to this Zenda

Satyagraha as 'the Revolt of Bilashi'. On 28 August

1930, a series of Forest Satyagrahas were brought about

in Satara district at the instance of Maharashtra Civil

Disobedience Committee. This time under the guidance

of Shri Baba Lele a peaceful Jungle Satyagraha was

performed at Bilashi. Mr Aminoddin, District Collector

and Mr O'Carman, D.S.P. accompanied by the retinue

of 200 armed police came suppressing the peasants at

Islampur, Rethared arar , Peth, Nerle, Borgaon and Ashta.

The party reached Shirala on 5 September 1930. Next

day, the police reached Bilashi and started

indiscriminately beating the men and women protecting

the flag. The attack appeared to the people something

like the invasion of Nadirshaha. The police broke the

piece of teak wood rod and dishonoured the national

tricolour flag. When the police force was returning.
somebody provoked the police by throwing stones at

them and they fired two rounds which killed two boys

named Sitaram Chambhar and Dhondi Kumbhar. Soon Dr.

Kolhatkar of Satara along with 13 medical students

led medical mission to Bilashi to serve the injured

and ailing persons. On 27 September 1930 Shri Dadasaheb

Karandikar and Sardar Mutalik turned to the affected

area to console people. This forest Satyagraha and

consequent events produced wider repercussions.

On 26 July 1930 at Tambave in Karad Taluka

500 people 1 ed by Shr i Kash inath Deshmukh, a local

congress worker, cut grass in the forest and performed

Jungle Satyagraha. At Belmachi, the peasants performed

a Forest Satyagraha but Police Patil of the village

detained their catties .in cattle pound. The aggrieved

people met Kisan Veer of Kavathe, then the promising

leader of Wai Taluka. As he was a dare-devil, he attacked

the cattle pound and released the cattle of the farmers.

For this unlawful act Kisan Veer was sentenced to eleven

months of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 25. Soon a

large scale Jungle Satyagraha was brought about at

Kavate only. At Mayani in Khatav Taluka Forest Satyagraha

was brought about on 4 August 1930 in which 12 persons

including Shri C.D. Dashputre, Y.B. Kuber, P.H. Pore

were arrested and sentenced to six months imprisonment

and different amounts of fine.

After the Candhi-lrwin pact a notable Forest

Satyagraha in Satara district during the latter phase

of the movement took place at Prachitgad in Walwa taluka.

About one thousand people cut down timber and more

than 500 toddy trees under the leadership of Shri Barde.

Shri Barde, Vinayakrao Thorat, Pandurang Covind Patil,

popularly known as 'Pandu-Master1 etc. were convicted.

In January, Forest Satyagraha took place at Ambola

in Shirala Petha and in February 1932 at Nigdi.


On 16 August there was a breach of the Forest

Law at Tinvire (Alibag) when in the presence of about

200 villagers, a bullock was garlanded and let loose

in the forest. A branch of tree was broken off and

a national
flag was hoisted. P.T. Vihari and H.R. Patil
, 4
were arrested on the spot.

At Panvel apparently volunteers had been working
unobtrusively in the villages spreading forest propoganda.

Or. 8 September Forest Satyagraha took place at Kalhe,

Chirner and Chavne villages. The Kalhe Forest Satyagraha

was on a big scale. About 3,000 volunteers participated

in the Satyagraha and about 1,000 to 1,500 trees were

cut down. Twelve of the leaders were arrested.^

The most grim battle was fought at Chirner

on 25 September 1 930. The Mamlatdar with a huge police

force was sent to curb the Satyagraha. Nonviolent

Satyagrahis were handcuffed without any order of the

Mamlatdar. The police officer opened fire. The Mamlatdar

came forward to stop use of this brutal force.

Unfortunately he fell a victim to a chance shot. In

this firing five officials including the Mamlatdar

and six citizens died. The Poona Sarvajanik Sabha

appointed an unofficial Enquiry Committee in October

1930 under the presidentship of Jamanadas M. Mehata.

The government, however, banned the working of this

committee. The government instituted prosecution and

convicted 47 persons. Eminent advocates including K.M.

Munshi, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, B.C. Kher and Dadasaheb

Karandikar gave grand defence when the case was referred

to the High Court.6

Forest Satyagrahas were observed in Ambegaon

Petha of Poona district by causing damage to the young

teak and sandle trees in the forest. On 6 July Forest

Satyagraha took place at vi 1 1 age Gangapur and about

1,000 teak trees were damaged. In Shenoii, 500 sandle

wood trees and 1,000 teak trees; in Simbe Budruk on

July 8, 500 plants and1 at Choda, 500 teak trees were


Nasik District:

Forest Satyagrahas were also held at many

placed in Nasik district. Sitaramdas Shastri of Nasik

was taking the most prominent part in moving about

the northern and northeastern parts of the district

beating up recruits to join the Forest Satyagraha and

he was inciting people to break the Forest Law. He

was arrested at Nampur and sentenced to 6 months rigorous

imprisonmen t.

Satana taluka in Nasikdistrict was in the

forefront of Forest Satyagraha. At the meeting at Nampur

in Satayta taluka on 29 June 1 930, 1 0,000 persons were

present to hoist national flag there at the hands of

Hari Cadre of Nasik.

The Forest Satyagraha in Baglan taluka of

Nasik district was started on 23 June 1930, by opening

the forest camp of volunteers in Nampur village. Within

a short period 16 such camps were opened in the taluka

and volunteers of the camp refused to pay the grazing

fees to the government.

Actual Forest Satyagraha took place on the

5th of August 1930 on Mangi-Tungi hill at Bhilwad.

It was the biggest Satyagraha in which about 1,00,000

peasants including more than 2,000 women participated#

On that day thousands of people from various villages

gathered on the hill of Mangi-Tungi. Dadasaheb Cadre,

the Congress leader of Nasik opened the Satyagraha

by cutting grass. He was followed by thousands of people.


Though the Deputy Superintendent of Police wi th

po 1 ice force was present, due to the large number
participants he could not do anything against the
Sa tyagrahis. 9

Forest Satyagraha also occurred in Khandesh

and Pune Districts on August 27 at Laling in Dhutia

taluka about 3 miles from Dhulia. Jawadekar and Daulat

Patii of Kapadana were leaders. The second one was

at Jayanagar, taluka Shahada. About 6,090 persons had

gathered for Satyagraha.10


Vidarbha was in the forefront of^ Satyagraha.

Forest Satyagraha took place all over Vidarbha. The

Forest Satyagraha phase of Civil Disobedience movement

created considerable havoc in Vidarbha and challenged

the government's ability to maintain order in that
area. Forest Satyagrahas were launched In almost ail

the districts of Vidarbha. But that in YeotmaI, Vardha,

Chandrapur, Bhandara and Amaraoti was particularly
more widespread. Thousands of people joined the Satyagraha

and violence occurred at many places.


Many meetings were held at Yeotmal in the

context of Forest Satyagraha. On 17 May Wamanrao Joshi

of Amaraoti met Shri M.S. alias Bapuiaheb Ane at Yeotmal.

They discussed about the Forest Satyagraha at Singad.

A working committee was formed on 3 June 1 93 0,

to organise Satyagraha to defy the Forest Law. M.S.

Ane was president of the commit tee and Dr. Tembe its

Secretary. Propoganda meetings were arranged at

Pandarkauda and Darwha station houses. S.T. Dudhane,

a school master of village Sangamsaongi, station house

Babulgaon, and others held meetings at Pandharkauda

on 27 May, Palpal on the 29th, Parwa on the 31st and

Jarangaon on the 1st of June. Dudhane made anti-government

speeches and resolutions condemning government's

repressive policy and asking the people to break the

Forest Law etc. were passed.

The Forest Satyagraha campaign was organised

and the working committee was formed. Its constituents

were: President M.S. Ane, Vice-president Dr. B.M. Tembe,

Secretary Dattopant > Date, Rambhau Joshi, Treasurer

Bhimrao Hanmant Jatekar. Mrs Damie, wife of pleader

Damale trained women volunteers as nurses. Dr. B.M.

Tembe issued a notice asking men and women to join

the Congress Swastik Ambulance Association to attend

to the wounded.

On 11 June 1930 volunteers' meeting was held

in Yeotmal city and T.S. Bapat, Vi that Laxman Kitkule

and Shioram explained volunteers their duty.11

On 20 June 1930 a meeting was held in Yeotmal


city under the presidentship of Dr, Tembe. Megbraj

Marwari announced that, the Forest Sa tyagraha was to

be launched on 10 July 1 930 at a place five miles from

Pusad and M.S. Ane had personally undertaken to lead

the first batch of Satyagrahis. Each office bearer

of the district working committee would be asked to

supply 17 volunteers. Ramrao Joshi and Shankarsingh

Girolkar visited Hiwari Yeotmal Station house on 17

June 1930 and asked people to refuse grazing passes.

A meeting was held on the 1st of July 1930

at Yeotmal to condemn the arrest of Motiial Nehru.

On 2 July a meeting ofabout 600 people including 400

students was held when they were appealed to join the

Forest Satyagraha. On 4 July a meeting of 2,500 people

was held under the presidentship of Dr. Tembe when

public send off was given to 19 local volunteers leaving

for Pusad. Amraoti, Akola and Dharnangaon had each sent

10 volunteers direct to Pusad.

M.S. Ane's Forest Satyagraha campaign was

launched on the morning of 10 July. Daily batches of

10 to 30 volunteers had been led out into the Jungle

near Pusad, where they had proceeded to cut the grass

and small trees. Volunteers were arrested. M.S. Ane

who led the first batch of Satyagrahis was arrested

and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. Dr. Munje who

led the second batch was sentenced to imprisonment

till the rising of the court in default of payment

of a fine of Rs. 5, At the invitaticn of the local

Satyagraha Committee, Munje repeated the process the

following day and was awarded a week's simple Imprisonment

in default of payment of a fine of Rs. 10. K.V.

Sahasrabudhe, who led out the next batch on 13 July

was sentenced to two consecutive terms of six months

rigorous imprisonment. Jogalekar of Akola, who followed

on the 14th was sentenced to five weeks' rigorous

imprisonment in default of payment of a fine of Rs.

15. About 1,500 persons were present on the spot. In

addition to cutting grass, a number of volunteers cut

down a small tree and consequently they were all arrested.

On 14 July Govind Trimbak Pathak, an aged

Congress worker of Pusad headed a batch of 22 volunteers.

He first complimented the police on their forbearance

and warned the Satyagrahisnot to jeer or shout at

them. The whole batch was arrested. On 15 July, a batch

of 23 volunteers was led out by Parashram Chintaman

Joglekar of Akola. Some 400 persons were present at

the scene. Volunteers cut the grass andviolated the

forest law. But they wore arrested and Joglekar was

sentenced to five weeks' rigorous imprisonment in default

of payment of a fine of Rs. 15 and 14 volunteers for

one month. Meetings were held in Yeotmal city to

congratulate the arrested volunteers.
L.K. Oak presided over a meeting of about

4,000 persons held on 19 July 1 930, The speakers were

T.S. Bapat, Sadashiv Hanumant Baiiai and D.M. Damle

of Yeotmal and Wishwanath Baliram of Taiegaon and Jagdev

Prasad Pande of Digras. Speaking on behaif of the Yeotmal

District War Council, Bapat announced that no further

Satyagraha would be offered at Pusad and that operations

would begin instead at a place four miles from Yeotmal

on the Dhamangaon road from 21 July and would continue

for 21 days. He further informed that Dr. Hedgewar

of Nagpur would lead the first batch of volunteers.

On 21 July a batch of volunteers headed by

Dr. Hedgewar performed the Forest Satyagraha at Dhamangaon

road in Yeotmal district, but Dr. Hedgewar along with

the volunteers was arrested.

Batches of volunteers daily sent to the front

and violated the forest law. Meetings were held at

Wun in Yeotmal district on 14, 16, 17 and 21 July 1 930.

The main speakers were Rambhau Bhagwat, D.N. Elkunchwar

and Karandikar, especially attacked Indian government

servants and said that non-payment of taxes would be

the next step in the Civil Disobedience movement.

Forest Satyagraha at Wun was started on 4

August. Some 12 volunteers went to the forest and violated

the forest law by cutting grass
trees. and small
Volunteers were arrested and sentenced to imprisonment.
Forest Satyagraha was carried out daily in Yo^tmal

district. Volunteers violated the law everyday and

they were sentenced to imprisonment. Forest Satyagraha

was performed at Naisapur, Station-house Kaiamb, and

Sarul, Station-house Babulgaon, on 20 September. Thus

Forest Satyagraha was performed in a big way in Yeotmal



Forest Satyagraha was performed in Amraoti

district also. There were meetings and talks about

Forest Satyagraha and Civil Disobedience in Morsi taiuka.

A War Committee was formed much earlier by Rambhau

Deshmukh, ex-M.L.C. of Jarur. The Amraoti Taiuka

political conference was held at Thugaon, Station house

Takarkheda, on 30 March, Dr. Patwardhan and Soman,

N.R. Bamangaonkar, H.W. Deshpande, T.C. Joshi, Bedekar,

Dr. N.T. Paturkar, Durgatai Joshiof Akola and Baburao

Sawkar of Saur attended the conference and guided the


Forest Satyagraha was performed at Wadaii,

near Amraoti, since 17 July. Dr. Bhojraj, president

of theBerarWar Council, T.C, Joshi, Secretary of

District Congress Committee and Ratnlal Kale were arrested

on 17, 20 and 23 July 1930 respectively.

On 21 July, some 30 villagers went more distant

in jungle to cut grass but they were arrested and put

in jail. TheDeputy Superintendent Of Police took out

a party of 20 Special Armed Force to Morsi on 21 July

and arrested Farkade at the Congress office at Morsl

and N.C. Deshpande and B.A. MohriI at Warud. 1 9

Forest Satyagraha started at Eilichpur, Durgapur,

Takerkheda, Morsl, Chandurand other places on the

1st of August. Hundreds of volunteers and peasants

joined the Satyagraha and violated the forest law.

Important persons were arrested, Deshpande of Eliichpur

and important persons of Amraoti !so were arrested.

On 2 August a number of volunteers gathered at Mojrl

near Tewsa Station house to break the forest laws but,

were arrested by the police. Forest Satyagraha continued

to be a daily feature of public life in Amraoti district

for quite some time.


Strung Congress agitation was launched in

Wruha district in order to violate law. Wardha was

in those days an important centre of national movement,

because of Gandhiji's Ashram at Sevagram in the district.

Vinoba Bhave, a true follower of Gandhiji, appealed

to the volunteers there. A numberof meetings were

held in Wardha and Arvl tehsils. The Talegaon area

in Arvj tehsil, where the Privincial War Council had

decided to start an organised Forest Satyagraha, became

badly di ssaf fected. On the 2nd and 3rd of August 1930

the Satyagraha parties composed mainly of volunteers

who had broken the forest law with Canpatrao Tikekar,

But some of them were arrester: fore they could even

reach the forest.

On 4 August, when the first batch of Wardha

district volunteers entered the forest and broke the

law, a number of spectators were present. Many of the

volunteers were arrested. On 5 August, a small party

went out in heavy rain. On 7 August Satyagraha continued.

On 8 August, Forest Satyagraha was offerred

in each tehsii as ordered by the C.P. Marathi War Council.

The Arv i tehsii demonstration was staged three miles

from Arv i on the Arvi-Wardha road and was attended

by about 7,000 persons. Seth Copa 1 Das who led out

the party. was arrested. Forest Satyagraha was observed

* X . 20
at Talegaon.

In Wardha district Forest Satyagraha was held

at 13 centres in the month of August. Approximately

10,000 people participated in the Satyagraha and damage

estimated at Rs. 3,500 was caused. The situation in

the Arvi tensil of the district was very unsatisfactory.

On 25 August mass Forest Satyagrahas weu

held at 14 centres in Arvi and Wardha tehsils. Altogether

about 15,000 persons including women took part in the

Forest Satyagrahas. About 10,000 spectators were present.

Thousands of peasants participated In the Satyagrahas.

People were arrested at 4 centres and considerable

damage amounting to Rs. 3,500 was caused.


As Chandrapur district is a hilly area, it

was very much affected by Forest Satyagraha of 1 930.

Several meetings were held in Chandrapur district in

connection with Forest Satyagraha. On 8 August some
3,000 to 4,000 people trudged to Lohara four miies
from Chandrapur to watch the five volunteers cut six

pies worth grass from the government forest.

At Brahmapuri four volunteers from Umred and

four from Brahmapuri broke the forest law by cutting

grass at a spot about 10 miles from Brahmapuri. They

were sentenced to 5 months rigorous imprisonment and

fine of Rs. 100 each. On 9 August, a meeting was held

at Chandrapur to congratulate those who broke the forest

taws on the 8th of August 1930.23

In Chandrapur district, the Satyagraha took

the form of illicit gelling of timber. On 24 August,

a party of 24 youths arrived in Chandrapur town wi th

timber and bamboos they had cut in the forest. They

were forthw i th arrested. But the poi ice party was

immedia tely surrounded

truculent by a crowd and some
stones were throne at the police.

There was great interest and enthusiasm on

the part of people in Chandrapur district about Forest

Satyagraha. Meetings were held at various places and


the peopie were urged to go enmasse to the forest and

cut and remove as much produce as each needed. The

campaign was particularly intense at Chandrapur, Warora,

Bhandak, Brahmapuri and Mu l . Many leaders were arrested

for incitement.

On 24 August 25 youths of Chandrapur who had

done wilful damage to a young government plantation,

were arrested in Chandrapur. The small police party

which effected the arrests was almost overwhelmed and

it was with great difficulty that the Circle Inspector

and his force managed to withstand the onslaught of

the unruly mob, which attempted the release of the

arrested persons. On hearing of the seriousness of

the situation, the Deputy inspector General, who was

on a visit to Chandrapur, the District Magistrage and the

District Superintendent of Police proceeded to the

spot with more men a^d extricated the town police from

a most unpleasant situation. Stones and abuses were

hurled and'many off hers including the Circle Inspector

and the District Superintendent were hit. On 26 August

1 930 when the accused were tried, a large mob collected

outside the jail. No stones were thrown but the crowd

was very unruly and their slogans excited ail the accused

inside the jail to such an extent that serious trouble

within the jail was only narrowly averted. Twelve were

convicted and sentenced to various terms cf imprisonment

and fines. The mob had become so unruly that a batch
of S.A.F. had to be requisioned from Nagpur and it

arrived on 27 August 1930. This was the important instant

of breach of the forest law in Chandrapur area.

Nagri (Warora) and some villages of Bhandak

areaperhaps caused the utmost trouble. The leader

of this area, Jasaraj Marwadi, was prosecuted and

sentenced to nine months rigorous imprisonment and

Rs. 400 fine. Several persons from Nagri were also

prosecuted and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment

and fines. Simultaneously Mrs Thatte and BaI Munje

of Wardha (brother and sister) were arrested for a

similar offence. The former was sentenced to Rs. 50

fine and the latter to Rs. 50 or two months' imprisonment

Attempts were made to bring about Forest

Satyagraha at Sindewadi, Chamorsi, Brahmapuri, Naghbir

and Mul. Thus, the' Forest Satyagraha in Chandrapur

was one of the important events in Vidarbha.


Forest Satyagraha started at Khamgaon in Buldhana

district on 25 July. Dr. Parasnls led the first batch

of 10 volunteers. He was arrested and awarded one year

rigorous imprisonment. On 26 July, 10 more volunteers

led by Oak of Buldana were arrested, but as Oak made

no speech to the crowd they were all convicted to six

months' rigorous imprisonment. Oak being the leader.
was fined Rs, 250 in addition or six weeks* in default.

On the 26th morning Korde and Bhikam Singh spoke to

the crowd in the jungle and as a resu11, about 300

chiIdren rushed and cut grass after the 10 volunteers

had been arrested and taken away. Korde and Bhikam

Singh were arrested later and sentenced to one year's

. 28
rigorous imprisonment each.

The arrest of Korde and Bhikam Singh produced

wide repercussion throughout the district. Satyagraha

started at Buldhana iitse 1 f on the 1st of August. D.L.

Shas tri had announced the night before that it would

begin. On 7 August Forest Satyagraha commenced at

Pipalgaon Serai Station house Chikii, because Pipaigaon

Serai was the residence of Bhikam Singh. On 8 August

Satyagraha started at Rajura, five miles from Buldhana.


Tilak's death anniversary was celebrated in

Bhandara on the 1st of August and a meeting was held

to canvass the Forest Satyagraha which was to be launched

at Chichoii on the 8th of August.

On 8 August a batch of 10Satyagrahis led

by Damale breached the forest law at Chichoii. He removed

grass in the presence of about 2,000 persons. Chaturbhuj,

Pathak (Karmavir) and Copi Patel of Sihora were arrested.

Damle and other volunteers were sentenced to 4 to 6

months rigorous Imprisonment.

On 11 August, a second batch of 10 volunteers

led by Copal Pande, Patel of Risama (Amgaon), broke

the forest law at Chicholi and was arrested.

Many meetings were held in the district. A

meeting was held on 20 August at Gondia. Sukhdeo Agarwal

presided over the meeting, about 1,500 persons attended

it. Kali Charan, Mahar, declared that the depressed

classes might join the Congress if wells and temples

were opened to them. Sukhdeo declared that the forest

law would be broken at 18 places in the district on

25 August. Forest Satyagraha was offerred at seven

places in the district on 19 August. The leaders were

arrested and convicted

Patwardhan, promptly. ‘Field
Marshal1 of volunteers at Gondia was prosecuted.


Forest Satyag/aha began at Lon i, five miles

from Akola on 31 July. The first batch of 10 Satyagrahis

was led by Shriram Surajmal Marwadi. About 1,200 persons

collected at the scene. While Satyagrahis were coming

back they were arrestedand convicted to six months

* 31
rigorous imprisonment.

Forest Satyagraha also occurred in Paras.

Mrs Durgatai Joshi attended the opening ceremony at

which she said that no speeches should be made. Five

* -I 32
persons were arrested.

Forest Satyagraha was indeed an important

aspect of the Civil Disobedience movement. Due to Forest

Satyagraha peasant masses got an opportunity to take

part in Civil Disobedience movement and protest against

government policy. During this movement political

consciousness of the peasants was considerably developed.

There was wide nationalist awakening among the peasant

masses and they were mobilized towards the national

struggle. Rural people - especially the peasants

became the heroes of Forest Satyagraha campaign. Due

to peasant participation the dimensions of Civil

Disobedience movement further expanded. Peasant

participation made the Civil Disobedience Movement

much wide-spread and intense. However, Forest Satyagraha

took place mostly in the first phase of Civil Disobedience

movement. The instances of Forest Satyagraha were very

exceptional in the S'ater phase of Civil Disobedience



1 Dev, S.D. Maharashtrati1 Kayadebhancacha Itihas

(Marathi), p. 87.

2 Bombay Congress Bulletin, 11 August 1930,

included in Civil Disobedience Movement,

Apr-Sept. 1930, Vol. XI, edited by Chaudhari,

K.K., pp. 397-98. „ ^ ,,

3 Bhosale, Dr, A.R. Forest Satyagraha In Satara
District (1930-34), Journal of Shivaji University
(Humanities) Vol. XIII, No. 18 - 1979.
4 Bombay Presidency Police Abstract of
Intelligence, Poona No. 34, 23 August 1930,
included in C.D. Movement Apr-Sept. 1930,
Vol. XI, edited by Chaudhari, K.K., p. 805.
(Bombay Presidency Police Abstracts of
intelligence, hereinafter mentioned as BPPAI).
5 BPPAI No. 39, 27 Sept. 1 930, Ibid., p. 871

6 Editorial Note Ibid., p. 864 •

7 BPPAI No. 30, 26 July 1930, ibid., p. 753.
8 BPPAI No. 28, 12 July 1930, ibid., p. 727 .
9 Dev, S.D. Op.cit ., p. 105.
10 BPPAI No. 37, 13 Sept. 1 930, included in C.D.
Movement, Op.cit., p. 851.
11 Central Province Police Abstracts of Intelligence
(hereinafter mentioned as CPPAI) No. 22, 14
July, Ibid., pp. 950-51, 1955-56.
12 CPPAI No. 24, 28June 1930, and No. 2,12
July 1930, Ibid., pp. 963, 971.
13 CPPAI No. 27, 19 July 1930, Ibid., pp. 98Q,
14 CPPAI No. 28, 26 July 1930 and No. 29, 2 Aug.
1930, Ibid., pp. 998, 1004.
15 CPPAI No. 32, 23 Aug. 1930, Ibid., p. 1023.
16 CPPAI No. i?, 27 Sept . 1930, Ibid ,, p. 1044

17 CPPAI No. 14, 5 Apr. 1 930, Ibid., p. 879.

18 CPPAI No. 1 5, 12 Apr. 1930, Ibid. , p. 882.

19 CPPAI No. 28, 26 Apr, 1930, Ibid. , p. 991.

20 CPPAI No. 31 , 16 Aug. 1930, Ibid. , p. 1017.

21 CPPAI No. 32, 30 Aug. 1930, Ibid. , p. 1024.

22 CPPAI No. 34, 6 Sept. 1930, Ibid. , p. 1032.

23 CPPAI No. 31 , 16 Aug. 1930, Ibid. , p. 1014.

24 CPPAI No. 33, 30 Aug. 1930, ibid. , p. 1024.

25 CPPAI No. 34 , 6 Sept. 1930, jIbid., pp. 1028,

1 029- 30.

26 Ibid.

27 Ibid.

28 CPPAI No. 29, 2 Aug. 1930, Ibid., p. 1001.

29 CPPAI No. 31, 16 Aug. 1930, Ibid. , p. 1013.

30 CPPAI No. 32, 23 Aug. 1930 and No. 34, t Sept.

1 930, Ibid . , pp. 101 9 -20, 1028.

31 CPPAI No. 30, 9 Aug. 1930, Ibid., p. 1005.

32 CPPAI No. 34, Sept. 1930, Ibid., p. 1027.

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